
## 事与愿违的句子 (77句)

1. 期待越高,失望越大。

The higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

2. 一厢情愿,注定徒劳。

Unilateral wishes are destined to be in vain.

3. 梦想总是很丰满,现实总是很骨感。

Dreams are always full, but reality is always skinny.

4. 努力不一定成功,但放弃就一定失败。

Effort does not guarantee success, but giving up guarantees failure.

5. 好事总是姗姗来迟,坏事总是接踵而至。

Good things always come late, bad things always come in succession.

6. 计划赶不上变化,人心隔着肚皮。

Plans can't keep up with changes, and people's hearts are separated by their bellies.

7. 有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫。

Those who plant flowers with intent may see them fail to bloom, while those who plant willows without intent may see them flourish.

8. 费尽心思,事与愿违。

After much effort, things go against your wishes.

9. 往往事与愿违,让人心灰意冷。

Often things go against our wishes, leaving us disheartened and discouraged.

10. 现实总是残酷的,梦想总是美好的。

Reality is always cruel, dreams are always beautiful.

11. 希望越大,失望越大。

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

12. 理想很丰满,现实很骨感。

Ideals are full, reality is skinny.

13. 一心想要得到的东西,往往得不到。

The things we desperately want are often the things we cannot have.

14. 追求完美,往往得不偿失。

The pursuit of perfection often leads to a loss greater than the gain.

15. 越是渴望,越是得不到。

The more you crave, the less you receive.

16. 命运弄人,事与愿违。

Fate plays tricks, things go against our wishes.

17. 心有余而力不足,往往是事与愿违的悲哀。

The sorrow of things going against our wishes lies in having the will but lacking the power.

18. 人算不如天算,事与愿违。

Human calculations are inferior to Heaven's calculations, things go against our wishes.

19. 愿望总是美好的,现实总是残酷的。

Wishes are always beautiful, reality is always cruel.

20. 费了九牛二虎之力,却事与愿违。

After much effort and struggle, things still go against our wishes.

21. 以为可以掌控一切,却发现事与愿违。

We think we can control everything, but then find that things go against our wishes.

22. 现实总是与梦想背道而驰。

Reality always runs counter to our dreams.

23. 努力了不一定成功,不努力就一定失败。

Effort does not guarantee success, but lack of effort guarantees failure.

24. 期待的越高,失望的越大。

The higher our expectations, the greater our disappointment.

25. 命运总是捉弄人,事与愿违。

Fate always plays tricks on people, things go against our wishes.

26. 人心隔肚皮,事与愿违。

People's hearts are separated by their bellies, things go against our wishes.

27. 越是努力,越是事与愿违。

The harder we try, the more things go against our wishes.

28. 命运之神总是喜欢开玩笑,事与愿违。

The God of Destiny always likes to play jokes, things go against our wishes.

29. 以为可以得到,却发现事与愿违。

We think we can get it, but then find that things go against our wishes.

30. 想要得到的东西,往往难以得到。

The things we want are often the hardest to get.

31. 愿望很美好,现实很残酷。

Wishes are beautiful, reality is cruel.

32. 计划赶不上变化,事与愿违。

Plans can't keep up with changes, things go against our wishes.

33. 越是想得到的,越是得不到。

The more we want something, the less likely we are to get it.

34. 努力不一定有结果,但放弃就一定没有结果。

Effort does not guarantee results, but giving up guarantees no results.

35. 生活总是充满意外,事与愿违。

Life is always full of surprises, things go against our wishes.

36. 理想很美好,现实很骨感,往往事与愿违。

Ideals are beautiful, reality is skinny, often things go against our wishes.

37. 命运总是喜欢捉弄人,事与愿违,让人心灰意冷。

Fate always likes to play tricks on people, things go against our wishes, leaving us disheartened and discouraged.

38. 以为可以控制一切,却发现事与愿违,让人感叹命运的无常。

We think we can control everything, but then find that things go against our wishes, making us lament the fickleness of fate.

39. 梦想总是很美好,现实总是很残酷,往往事与愿违,让人感到失望。

Dreams are always beautiful, reality is always cruel, often things go against our wishes, leaving us disappointed.

40. 努力了不一定成功,不努力就一定失败,事与愿违,让人感到沮丧。

Effort does not guarantee success, but lack of effort guarantees failure, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling discouraged.

41. 期待越高,失望越大,事与愿违,让人感到心寒。

The higher our expectations, the greater our disappointment, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling cold.

42. 费尽心思,却事与愿违,让人感到无力。

After much effort, things still go against our wishes, leaving us feeling powerless.

43. 心有余而力不足,事与愿违,让人感到惋惜。

Having the will but lacking the power, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling regretful.

44. 人算不如天算,事与愿违,让人感到无奈。

Human calculations are inferior to Heaven's calculations, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling helpless.

45. 命运弄人,事与愿违,让人感到心酸。

Fate plays tricks, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling heartbroken.

46. 越是想得到,越是得不到,事与愿违,让人感到痛苦。

The more we want something, the less likely we are to get it, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling pained.

47. 现实总是残酷的,梦想总是美好的,事与愿违,让人感到失落。

Reality is always cruel, dreams are always beautiful, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling lost.

48. 以为可以掌控一切,却发现事与愿违,让人感到迷茫。

We think we can control everything, but then find that things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling confused.

49. 命运总是喜欢开玩笑,事与愿违,让人感到悲哀。

The God of Destiny always likes to play jokes, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling sad.

50. 以为可以得到,却发现事与愿违,让人感到沮丧。

We think we can get it, but then find that things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling discouraged.

51. 想要得到的东西,往往难以得到,事与愿违,让人感到绝望。

The things we want are often the hardest to get, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling hopeless.

52. 愿望很美好,现实很残酷,事与愿违,让人感到痛苦。

Wishes are beautiful, reality is cruel, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling pained.

53. 计划赶不上变化,事与愿违,让人感到无奈。

Plans can't keep up with changes, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling helpless.

54. 越是想得到的,越是得不到,事与愿违,让人感到愤怒。

The more we want something, the less likely we are to get it, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling angry.

55. 努力不一定有结果,但放弃就一定没有结果,事与愿违,让人感到困惑。

Effort does not guarantee results, but giving up guarantees no results, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling confused.

56. 生活总是充满意外,事与愿违,让人感到不安。

Life is always full of surprises, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling uneasy.

57. 理想很美好,现实很骨感,往往事与愿违,让人感到失落。

Ideals are beautiful, reality is skinny, often things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling lost.

58. 命运总是喜欢捉弄人,事与愿违,让人感到愤怒。

Fate always likes to play tricks on people, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling angry.

59. 以为可以控制一切,却发现事与愿违,让人感到绝望。

We think we can control everything, but then find that things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling hopeless.

60. 梦想总是很美好,现实总是很残酷,往往事与愿违,让人感到心碎。

Dreams are always beautiful, reality is always cruel, often things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling heartbroken.

61. 努力了不一定成功,不努力就一定失败,事与愿违,让人感到迷茫。

Effort does not guarantee success, but lack of effort guarantees failure, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling confused.

62. 期待越高,失望越大,事与愿违,让人感到心痛。

The higher our expectations, the greater our disappointment, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling heartbroken.

63. 费尽心思,却事与愿违,让人感到痛苦。

After much effort, things still go against our wishes, leaving us feeling pained.

64. 心有余而力不足,事与愿违,让人感到无力。

Having the will but lacking the power, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling powerless.

65. 人算不如天算,事与愿违,让人感到沮丧。

Human calculations are inferior to Heaven's calculations, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling discouraged.

66. 命运弄人,事与愿违,让人感到无奈。

Fate plays tricks, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling helpless.

67. 越是想得到的,越是得不到,事与愿违,让人感到心寒。

The more we want something, the less likely we are to get it, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling cold.

68. 努力不一定有结果,但放弃就一定没有结果,事与愿违,让人感到迷茫。

Effort does not guarantee results, but giving up guarantees no results, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling confused.

69. 生活总是充满意外,事与愿违,让人感到不安。

Life is always full of surprises, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling uneasy.

70. 理想很美好,现实很骨感,往往事与愿违,让人感到失落。

Ideals are beautiful, reality is skinny, often things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling lost.

71. 命运总是喜欢捉弄人,事与愿违,让人感到心碎。

Fate always likes to play tricks on people, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling heartbroken.

72. 以为可以控制一切,却发现事与愿违,让人感到迷茫。

We think we can control everything, but then find that things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling confused.

73. 梦想总是很美好,现实总是很残酷,往往事与愿违,让人感到心碎。

Dreams are always beautiful, reality is always cruel, often things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling heartbroken.

74. 努力了不一定成功,不努力就一定失败,事与愿违,让人感到迷茫。

Effort does not guarantee success, but lack of effort guarantees failure, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling confused.

75. 期待越高,失望越大,事与愿违,让人感到心痛。

The higher our expectations, the greater our disappointment, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling heartbroken.

76. 费尽心思,却事与愿违,让人感到痛苦。

After much effort, things still go against our wishes, leaving us feeling pained.

77. 心有余而力不足,事与愿违,让人感到无力。

Having the will but lacking the power, things go against our wishes, leaving us feeling powerless.

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