
## 只拜关公不拜神的句子 (65句)

**1. 只拜关公,不拜天地,只求忠义,不求富贵。**

I only worship Guan Yu, not heaven and earth. I only seek loyalty and righteousness, not wealth and honor.

**2. 关公面前,谁敢不敬?**

Before Guan Yu, who dares to be disrespectful?

**3. 心向关公,忠义永存。**

My heart is towards Guan Yu, loyalty and righteousness will forever exist.

**4. 忠义之士,皆拜关公。**

Those who are loyal and righteous all worship Guan Yu.

**5. 关公精神,永垂不朽。**

The spirit of Guan Yu will last forever.

**6. 关公之威,震慑四方。**

Guan Yu's power intimidates all directions.

**7. 敬拜关公,心存正气。**

Worshiping Guan Yu, my heart is filled with righteousness.

**8. 关公保佑,平安一生。**

Guan Yu blesses me, for a peaceful life.

**9. 关公忠义,为我榜样。**

Guan Yu's loyalty and righteousness are my role model.

**10. 宁愿拜关公,不愿拜神佛。**

I would rather worship Guan Yu than deities.

**11. 关公威武,无人能敌。**

Guan Yu is mighty, no one can defeat him.

**12. 关公精神,世代相传。**

The spirit of Guan Yu is passed down through generations.

**13. 关公之义,天地可鉴。**

Guan Yu's righteousness is witnessed by heaven and earth.

**14. 关公之忠,日月可昭。**

Guan Yu's loyalty is illuminated by the sun and moon.

**15. 关公之勇,古今无双。**

Guan Yu's bravery is unmatched throughout history.

**16. 关公之仁,泽被后世。**

Guan Yu's kindness benefits future generations.

**17. 关公之信,坚如磐石。**

Guan Yu's trustworthiness is as solid as a rock.

**18. 关公之智,足智多谋。**

Guan Yu's intelligence is resourceful and strategic.

**19. 关公之德,世人敬仰。**

Guan Yu's virtue is admired by all.

**20. 关公之名,响彻寰宇。**

Guan Yu's name echoes throughout the world.

**21. 关公之义,无私无畏。**

Guan Yu's righteousness is selfless and fearless.

**22. 关公之忠,至死不渝。**

Guan Yu's loyalty is unwavering until death.

**23. 关公之勇,舍我其谁。**

Guan Yu's bravery is unrivaled, who else but me?

**24. 关公之仁,普度众生。**

Guan Yu's kindness saves all beings.

**25. 关公之信,一言九鼎。**

Guan Yu's word is as good as his bond.

**26. 关公之智,运筹帷幄。**

Guan Yu's intelligence is a master strategist.

**27. 关公之德,高风亮节。**

Guan Yu's virtue is noble and exemplary.

**28. 关公之名,万古流芳。**

Guan Yu's name will be remembered for eternity.

**29. 关公之义,照耀千秋。**

Guan Yu's righteousness shines through the ages.

**30. 关公之忠,泽被后世。**

Guan Yu's loyalty benefits future generations.

**31. 关公之勇,战无不胜。**

Guan Yu's bravery leads to victory in every battle.

**32. 关公之仁,爱护百姓。**

Guan Yu's kindness protects the people.

**33. 关公之信,一言既出驷马难追。**

Guan Yu's word is unbreakable, even four horses cannot catch it.

**34. 关公之智,运筹帷幄决胜千里。**

Guan Yu's intelligence plans strategies and wins battles from afar.

**35. 关公之德,高尚无私。**

Guan Yu's virtue is noble and selfless.

**36. 关公之名,威震天下。**

Guan Yu's name shakes the entire world.

**37. 关公之义,名垂青史。**

Guan Yu's righteousness is recorded in history.

**38. 关公之忠,世代颂扬。**

Guan Yu's loyalty is praised by generations.

**39. 关公之勇,无人能敌。**

Guan Yu's bravery is unmatched.

**40. 关公之仁,博爱天下。**

Guan Yu's kindness loves the world.

**41. 关公之信,言出必行。**

Guan Yu's word is his bond, he always follows through.

**42. 关公之智,运筹帷幄,决胜千里。**

Guan Yu's intelligence plans strategies and wins battles from afar.

**43. 关公之德,高风亮节,世人敬仰。**

Guan Yu's virtue is noble and exemplary, admired by all.

**44. 关公之名,响彻古今。**

Guan Yu's name echoes throughout history.

**45. 关公之义,天地可鉴。**

Guan Yu's righteousness is witnessed by heaven and earth.

**46. 关公之忠,日月可昭。**

Guan Yu's loyalty is illuminated by the sun and moon.

**47. 关公之勇,古今无双。**

Guan Yu's bravery is unmatched throughout history.

**48. 关公之仁,泽被后世。**

Guan Yu's kindness benefits future generations.

**49. 关公之信,坚如磐石。**

Guan Yu's trustworthiness is as solid as a rock.

**50. 关公之智,足智多谋。**

Guan Yu's intelligence is resourceful and strategic.

**51. 关公之德,世人敬仰。**

Guan Yu's virtue is admired by all.

**52. 关公之名,响彻寰宇。**

Guan Yu's name echoes throughout the world.

**53. 关公之义,无私无畏。**

Guan Yu's righteousness is selfless and fearless.

**54. 关公之忠,至死不渝。**

Guan Yu's loyalty is unwavering until death.

**55. 关公之勇,舍我其谁。**

Guan Yu's bravery is unrivaled, who else but me?

**56. 关公之仁,普度众生。**

Guan Yu's kindness saves all beings.

**57. 关公之信,一言九鼎。**

Guan Yu's word is as good as his bond.

**58. 关公之智,运筹帷幄。**

Guan Yu's intelligence is a master strategist.

**59. 关公之德,高风亮节。**

Guan Yu's virtue is noble and exemplary.

**60. 关公之名,万古流芳。**

Guan Yu's name will be remembered for eternity.

**61. 关公之义,照耀千秋。**

Guan Yu's righteousness shines through the ages.

**62. 关公之忠,泽被后世。**

Guan Yu's loyalty benefits future generations.

**63. 关公之勇,战无不胜。**

Guan Yu's bravery leads to victory in every battle.

**64. 关公之仁,爱护百姓。**

Guan Yu's kindness protects the people.

**65. 关公之信,一言既出驷马难追。**

Guan Yu's word is unbreakable, even four horses cannot catch it.

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