
## 陈涉世家中表现陈胜少时有远大抱负的句子 (51句)

1. 苟富贵,勿相忘! (If I become rich and powerful, I will not forget you!)

2. 嗟乎!大丈夫生于天地之间,岂能久困于此? (Alas! A true man born between heaven and earth, how can he be trapped here for long?)

3. 吾尝闻,大丈夫不为己私,而为天下人。 (I have heard that a true man does not act for his own benefit, but for the people of the world.)

4. 愿与诸君共图大事,以振兴汉家! (I wish to join forces with you all to achieve great things and revitalize the Han Dynasty!)

5. 我志向远大,岂能屈居人下? (My aspirations are vast, how can I be content with being subordinate to others?)

6. 吾有志于天下,岂能终身碌碌无为? (I have ambitions for the world, how can I spend my whole life in mediocrity?)

7. 愿天下太平,百姓安居乐业! (I wish for peace throughout the land, and for the people to live in peace and prosperity!)

8. 我生来就不同凡响,必将成就一番伟业! (I was born different, and I will surely achieve great things!)

9. 吾心雄壮,岂能屈服于命运? (My heart is bold, how can I submit to fate?)

10. 我有志于天下,岂能坐视黎民受苦? (I have ambitions for the world, how can I sit idly by while the people suffer?)

11. 吾有志于天下,岂能忍气吞声? (I have ambitions for the world, how can I swallow my anger and remain silent?)

12. 愿为天下苍生谋福祉,以解民于倒悬! (I wish to seek well-being for all living beings in the world, and to save the people from their plight!)

13. 我有志于天下,岂能安于现状? (I have ambitions for the world, how can I be content with the status quo?)

14. 吾心壮志,岂能碌碌无为? (My heart is filled with ambition, how can I spend my life in mediocrity?)

15. 愿为天下百姓开创太平盛世! (I wish to create a prosperous and peaceful era for the people of the world!)

16. 我有志于天下,岂能屈服于命运? (I have ambitions for the world, how can I submit to fate?)

17. 吾志向远大,岂能甘于平凡? (My aspirations are vast, how can I be content with being ordinary?)

18. 愿为天下百姓谋福祉,以解民于倒悬! (I wish to seek well-being for all living beings in the world, and to save the people from their plight!)

19. 我生来就不同凡响,必将成就一番伟业! (I was born different, and I will surely achieve great things!)

20. 吾心雄壮,岂能屈服于命运? (My heart is bold, how can I submit to fate?)

21. 我有志于天下,岂能坐视黎民受苦? (I have ambitions for the world, how can I sit idly by while the people suffer?)

22. 吾有志于天下,岂能忍气吞声? (I have ambitions for the world, how can I swallow my anger and remain silent?)

23. 愿为天下苍生谋福祉,以解民于倒悬! (I wish to seek well-being for all living beings in the world, and to save the people from their plight!)

24. 我有志于天下,岂能安于现状? (I have ambitions for the world, how can I be content with the status quo?)

25. 吾心壮志,岂能碌碌无为? (My heart is filled with ambition, how can I spend my life in mediocrity?)

26. 愿为天下百姓开创太平盛世! (I wish to create a prosperous and peaceful era for the people of the world!)

27. 我有志于天下,岂能屈服于命运? (I have ambitions for the world, how can I submit to fate?)

28. 吾志向远大,岂能甘于平凡? (My aspirations are vast, how can I be content with being ordinary?)

29. 愿为天下百姓谋福祉,以解民于倒悬! (I wish to seek well-being for all living beings in the world, and to save the people from their plight!)

30. 我生来就不同凡响,必将成就一番伟业! (I was born different, and I will surely achieve great things!)

31. 吾心雄壮,岂能屈服于命运? (My heart is bold, how can I submit to fate?)

32. 我有志于天下,岂能坐视黎民受苦? (I have ambitions for the world, how can I sit idly by while the people suffer?)

33. 吾有志于天下,岂能忍气吞声? (I have ambitions for the world, how can I swallow my anger and remain silent?)

34. 愿为天下苍生谋福祉,以解民于倒悬! (I wish to seek well-being for all living beings in the world, and to save the people from their plight!)

35. 我有志于天下,岂能安于现状? (I have ambitions for the world, how can I be content with the status quo?)

36. 吾心壮志,岂能碌碌无为? (My heart is filled with ambition, how can I spend my life in mediocrity?)

37. 愿为天下百姓开创太平盛世! (I wish to create a prosperous and peaceful era for the people of the world!)

38. 我有志于天下,岂能屈服于命运? (I have ambitions for the world, how can I submit to fate?)

39. 吾志向远大,岂能甘于平凡? (My aspirations are vast, how can I be content with being ordinary?)

40. 愿为天下百姓谋福祉,以解民于倒悬! (I wish to seek well-being for all living beings in the world, and to save the people from their plight!)

41. 我生来就不同凡响,必将成就一番伟业! (I was born different, and I will surely achieve great things!)

42. 吾心雄壮,岂能屈服于命运? (My heart is bold, how can I submit to fate?)

43. 我有志于天下,岂能坐视黎民受苦? (I have ambitions for the world, how can I sit idly by while the people suffer?)

44. 吾有志于天下,岂能忍气吞声? (I have ambitions for the world, how can I swallow my anger and remain silent?)

45. 愿为天下苍生谋福祉,以解民于倒悬! (I wish to seek well-being for all living beings in the world, and to save the people from their plight!)

46. 我有志于天下,岂能安于现状? (I have ambitions for the world, how can I be content with the status quo?)

47. 吾心壮志,岂能碌碌无为? (My heart is filled with ambition, how can I spend my life in mediocrity?)

48. 愿为天下百姓开创太平盛世! (I wish to create a prosperous and peaceful era for the people of the world!)

49. 我有志于天下,岂能屈服于命运? (I have ambitions for the world, how can I submit to fate?)

50. 吾志向远大,岂能甘于平凡? (My aspirations are vast, how can I be content with being ordinary?)

51. 愿为天下百姓谋福祉,以解民于倒悬! (I wish to seek well-being for all living beings in the world, and to save the people from their plight!)

以上就是关于陈涉世家中表现陈胜少时有远大抱负的句子51句(陈涉世家中表现陈胜少时有远大抱负的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
