
## 降温关心下属句子(70句)


1. 天气炎热,注意防暑降温,多喝水,多吃水果,不要暴晒。

The weather is hot, pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling down, drink plenty of water, eat more fruits, and avoid sun exposure.

2. 最近天气很热,大家一定要注意防暑降温,身体健康最重要!

The weather has been very hot recently. Everyone must pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling down. Your health is the most important!

3. 天气炎热,大家工作辛苦了,记得多喝水,注意休息,不要过于劳累。

The weather is hot, everyone is working hard. Remember to drink plenty of water, take breaks, and don't work too hard.

4. 骄阳似火,酷暑难耐,提醒大家注意防暑降温,保重身体!

The sun is scorching, and the heat is unbearable. Remind everyone to pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling down, take care of your health!

5. 夏日炎炎,大家要注意防暑降温,身体健康是革命的本钱!

The summer is scorching hot. Everyone should pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling down. Health is the foundation of revolution!


6. 最近天气太热了,大家还好吗?有没有什么需要我帮忙的?

The weather has been too hot recently. How are you all doing? Is there anything I can help with?

7. 天气这么热,工作起来一定很辛苦吧,辛苦了!

The weather is so hot, it must be hard to work. Thank you for your hard work!

8. 天气炎热,大家要注意休息,不要太累,身体健康最重要!

The weather is hot, everyone should pay attention to rest, don't be too tired, your health is the most important!

9. 最近天气闷热,大家有没有感觉不舒服?要及时补充水分,注意防暑降温!

The weather has been humid and hot lately. Is anyone feeling unwell? Remember to hydrate and stay cool!

10. 天气热了,多吃点水果,补充维生素,增强抵抗力!

It's hot now. Eat more fruits to get vitamins and boost your immunity!


11. 天气再热,也要保持积极乐观的心态,一起努力克服困难!

No matter how hot the weather is, keep a positive and optimistic attitude and work together to overcome difficulties!

12. 炎炎烈日下,依然看到大家忙碌的身影,辛苦了,大家都是最棒的!

Under the scorching sun, we still see everyone working hard. Thank you for your hard work, you are all the best!

13. 天气热,工作更要努力,相信大家都能顺利完成任务!

The weather is hot, but we need to work even harder. I believe everyone will be able to complete the task successfully!

14. 再热的夏天也挡不住我们前进的步伐,让我们一起加油!

Even the hottest summer can't stop us from moving forward. Let's keep working together!

15. 天气再热,也不要忘记保持微笑,让快乐的心情陪伴我们度过炎炎夏日!

Even though it's hot, don't forget to keep smiling. Let happiness accompany us through the summer heat!


16. 办公室空调温度适宜,请大家注意调节,不要过度使用空调。

The office air conditioning temperature is comfortable. Please adjust it properly and avoid excessive use of air conditioning.

17. 下班后,尽量避免长时间在户外活动,尽量选择室内活动。

After work, try to avoid staying outdoors for long periods of time. Choose indoor activities as much as possible.

18. 外出时,记得带上遮阳伞、帽子、防晒霜等防暑用品。

When going out, remember to bring an umbrella, hat, sunscreen, and other heatstroke prevention items.

19. 夏季容易中暑,请大家注意防暑降温,如出现头晕、恶心等症状,要及时休息,必要时就医。

It is easy to suffer heatstroke in the summer. Please pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling down. If you experience dizziness, nausea, or other symptoms, take a rest immediately and seek medical attention if necessary.

20. 公司已准备了防暑降温物品,如有需要,请及时向部门负责人申请。

The company has prepared heatstroke prevention and cooling items. If you need them, please apply to the department head in a timely manner.


21. 注意多喝水,不要等到口渴了才喝水。

Make sure to drink plenty of water. Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink.

22. 多吃些清凉解暑的水果,比如西瓜、黄瓜、番茄等。

Eat more cooling and refreshing fruits, such as watermelon, cucumber, and tomatoes.

23. 尽量少吃辛辣、油腻的食物,避免加重身体负担。

Try to eat less spicy and greasy food to avoid putting extra burden on your body.

24. 中午休息时间可以适当午睡,可以缓解疲劳,提高工作效率。

Take a short nap during the lunch break to relieve fatigue and improve work efficiency.

25. 天气热了,大家要注意个人卫生,勤洗澡、换衣服,保持身体清爽。

It's hot now, everyone should pay attention to personal hygiene, take showers frequently, change clothes, and keep your body clean and fresh.


26. 天气这么热,感觉就像在蒸桑拿一样,大家一定要注意防暑降温!

The weather is so hot, it feels like we're in a sauna. Everyone must pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling down!

27. 夏天真是个考验人的季节,不过我相信大家都能战胜酷暑,取得好成绩!

Summer is a test of one's willpower, but I believe everyone can conquer the heat and achieve good results!

28. 感觉现在出门五分钟,流汗两小时,大家一定要注意补充水分!

It feels like we sweat for two hours after being outside for five minutes. Everyone must remember to hydrate!

29. 最近天气太热,感觉连空气都是热的,大家一定要注意防暑降温!

The weather is too hot recently, even the air feels hot. Everyone must pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling down!

30. 出门前记得涂好防晒霜,不然就变成“黑炭”了!

Remember to apply sunscreen before going out, otherwise you'll turn into"charcoal"!


31. 如果感觉身体不舒服,一定要及时休息,不要硬撑。

If you feel unwell, make sure to rest immediately, don't force yourself.

32. 如果工作压力太大,可以找同事或朋友聊聊天,缓解压力。

If you feel stressed at work, you can chat with your colleagues or friends to relieve stress.

33. 可以尝试一些清凉解暑的饮品,比如绿豆汤、凉茶等。

You can try some cooling and refreshing drinks, such as green bean soup, herbal tea, etc.

34. 下班后可以去公园散散步,呼吸新鲜空气,放松身心。

You can go for a walk in the park after work, breathe in fresh air, and relax.

35. 可以适当进行一些运动,比如游泳、瑜伽等,增强体质,提高抵抗力。

You can engage in some exercise, such as swimming, yoga, etc., to strengthen your physique and improve your immunity.


36. 天气热,心情也要好,让我们一起迎接美好的夏天!

The weather is hot, but let's keep our spirits high and embrace a wonderful summer together!

37. 相信大家都能克服炎热,展现最好的自己!

I believe everyone can overcome the heat and showcase their best selves!

38. 让我们一起努力,用积极乐观的心态战胜酷暑!

Let's work together and defeat the heat with a positive and optimistic attitude!

39. 相信夏天会带给我们更多的惊喜,让我们一起期待吧!

I believe summer will bring us more surprises, let's look forward to them together!

40. 愿大家在炎炎夏日里,都能保持健康快乐!

May everyone stay healthy and happy throughout the summer heat!


41. 谢谢领导的关心,我们会注意防暑降温,保持健康!

Thank you for your concern, leader. We will pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling down, and stay healthy!

42. 领导的关心让我们很暖心,我们会注意休息,保重身体!

We are touched by your concern, leader. We will pay attention to rest and take care of ourselves!

43. 谢谢领导的提醒,我们会注意防暑,做好防护措施!

Thank you for reminding us, leader. We will pay attention to heatstroke prevention and take necessary precautions!

44. 领导的关心让我们倍感温暖,我们会努力克服困难,取得好成绩!

Your concern warms our hearts, leader. We will work hard to overcome difficulties and achieve good results!

45. 领导的关怀,让我们在炎炎夏日里感受到了温暖,我们会更加努力工作!

Your concern warms us in the summer heat, leader. We will work even harder!


46. 办公室准备了冰块和绿豆汤,大家可以随时取用。

The office has prepared ice cubes and green bean soup, feel free to take them whenever you want.

47. 公司已安排专车接送员工上下班,大家可以安心上下班。

The company has arranged special cars to pick up and drop off employees, so you can commute safely and comfortably.

48. 公司已开通了夏季高温补贴,大家可以查收。

The company has opened summer high-temperature subsidies. You can check them.

49. 公司已制定了高温天气下的工作安排,请大家按照安排进行工作。

The company has developed work arrangements for high-temperature weather. Please follow the arrangements when working.

50. 公司已准备了防暑降温物品,大家可以到办公室领取。

The company has prepared heatstroke prevention and cooling items. You can pick them up at the office.


51. 虽然天气热,但我们的工作热情不能减退,一起加油!

Although the weather is hot, our work enthusiasm can't fade, let's work hard together!

52. 天气这么热,只能靠空调和西瓜来续命了!

The weather is so hot, we can only survive on air conditioning and watermelon!

53. 夏天到了,让我们一起“热烈”地工作吧!

Summer is here, let's work together with"passion"!

54. 再热的天气,也阻止不了我们前进的步伐!

Even the hottest weather can't stop us from moving forward!

55. 相信大家都能在酷暑中保持“冰雪聪明”!

I believe everyone can maintain"ice-smartness" in the summer heat!


56. **小王,最近天气太热,你要多喝水,别忘了休息一下!**

Xiao Wang, the weather has been too hot recently. Make sure to drink plenty of water and take a break!

57. **小李,你皮肤比较敏感,要注意防晒,出门记得涂防晒霜!**

Xiao Li, you have sensitive skin, so pay attention to sun protection. Remember to apply sunscreen when going out!

58. **小张,你最近工作太累了,要注意休息,不要熬夜!**

Xiao Zhang, you've been working too hard lately. Make sure to rest and don't stay up late!

59. **小陈,你身体比较虚弱,要多注意休息,多吃点营养丰富的食物!**

Xiao Chen, you're a bit weak, so make sure to rest more and eat nutritious food!

60. **小赵,你平时就喜欢喝冷饮,现在天气热了,记得不要喝太多冷饮,小心肠胃不舒服!**

Xiao Zhao, you usually like to drink cold drinks. Now that it's hot, remember not to drink too many cold drinks, be careful of your stomach!


61. 夏季天气变化无常,要注意及时添减衣物。

The summer weather is unpredictable, so pay attention to adding or removing clothes in a timely manner.

62. 天气热了,容易发生食物中毒,要格外注意饮食安全。

It's easy to have food poisoning in hot weather, so pay extra attention to food safety.

63. 夏季蚊虫较多,要注意做好防蚊虫措施,避免蚊虫叮咬。

There are many mosquitoes and insects in the summer, so take precautions to avoid mosquito bites.

64. 天气热了,容易感到疲倦,要注意休息,不要过度劳累。

It's easy to feel tired in hot weather. Pay attention to rest and avoid overworking yourself.

65. 夏季是皮肤病的高发季节,要注意保持皮肤清洁,避免感染。

Summer is the peak season for skin diseases. Pay attention to keeping your skin clean and avoid infection.


66. 相信大家都能战胜酷暑,完成工作任务!

I believe everyone can overcome the heat and complete their work tasks!

67. 让我们一起努力,用汗水浇灌梦想,迎接更加美好的明天!

Let's work hard together, water our dreams with sweat, and welcome a brighter tomorrow!

68. 再热的天气,也挡不住我们前进的步伐,让我们一起努力,创造辉煌!

Even the hottest weather can't stop us from moving forward. Let's work hard together and create glory!

69. 愿大家在炎炎夏日里,都能保持健康快乐,充满活力!

May everyone stay healthy, happy, and energetic throughout the summer heat!

70. 让我们一起加油,用积极乐观的心态迎接挑战,度过一个充实而难忘的夏天!

Let's work hard together and meet challenges with a positive and optimistic attitude. Let's have a fulfilling and unforgettable summer!

以上就是关于降温关心下属句子70句(降温关心下属句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
