
## 陈涉远大志向的句子 (79句)

1. **“王侯将相宁有种乎?”** - This sentence embodies Chen She's revolutionary spirit, challenging the notion of fixed social hierarchies and suggesting that anyone can achieve greatness.

“王侯将相宁有种乎?” - This sentence embodies Chen She's revolutionary spirit, challenging the notion of fixed social hierarchies and suggesting that anyone can achieve greatness.

2. **“苟富贵,勿相忘!”** - This phrase expresses Chen She's loyalty and desire to share his future success with his comrades.

“苟富贵,勿相忘!” - This phrase expresses Chen She's loyalty and desire to share his future success with his comrades.

3. **“苦秦久矣,今诚得高枕而卧,岂非极乐乎?”** - Chen She uses this rhetorical question to highlight the suffering inflicted by the Qin dynasty and to motivate his followers by promising them a better future.

“苦秦久矣,今诚得高枕而卧,岂非极乐乎?” - Chen She uses this rhetorical question to highlight the suffering inflicted by the Qin dynasty and to motivate his followers by promising them a better future.

4. **“天下苦秦久矣。”** - This statement directly addresses the people's grievances against the Qin dynasty, serving as a rallying cry for rebellion.

“天下苦秦久矣。” - This statement directly addresses the people's grievances against the Qin dynasty, serving as a rallying cry for rebellion.

5. **“吾闻之,人无远虑,必有近忧。”** - Chen She expresses his understanding of the importance of strategic thinking and foresight, emphasizing the need to plan for the long term.

“吾闻之,人无远虑,必有近忧。” - Chen She expresses his understanding of the importance of strategic thinking and foresight, emphasizing the need to plan for the long term.

6. **“今亡亦死,举大计亦死,死皆同,事成则名垂青史,败则身首异处,何不搏一搏?”** - This compelling argument by Chen She motivates his followers to take a risk for a chance at glory, highlighting the potential rewards and consequences of their actions.

“今亡亦死,举大计亦死,死皆同,事成则名垂青史,败则身首异处,何不搏一搏?” - This compelling argument by Chen She motivates his followers to take a risk for a chance at glory, highlighting the potential rewards and consequences of their actions.

7. **“大丈夫当立志于天下,安能久居人下?”** - Chen She articulates his strong ambition to make a difference in the world, rejecting the idea of settling for a subservient role.

“大丈夫当立志于天下,安能久居人下?” - Chen She articulates his strong ambition to make a difference in the world, rejecting the idea of settling for a subservient role.

8. **“苟为无用之人,不如死耳!”** - This statement reveals Chen She's strong sense of self-worth and his conviction that individuals should strive for meaningful contributions.

“苟为无用之人,不如死耳!” - This statement reveals Chen She's strong sense of self-worth and his conviction that individuals should strive for meaningful contributions.

9. **“吾欲以天下为己任,岂能屈身于人下?”** - Chen She clearly expresses his desire to take on the responsibility of leading the nation, refusing to be subordinate to others.

“吾欲以天下为己任,岂能屈身于人下?” - Chen She clearly expresses his desire to take on the responsibility of leading the nation, refusing to be subordinate to others.

10. **“大丈夫不患无位,患无其位。”** - This statement reveals Chen She's understanding that true leadership is about having the skills and ability to fulfill a role, not merely holding a position.

“大丈夫不患无位,患无其位。” - This statement reveals Chen She's understanding that true leadership is about having the skills and ability to fulfill a role, not merely holding a position.

11. **“天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。”** - Chen She uses this classic Chinese proverb to articulate his belief in the transformative power of hardship and challenges in shaping a strong leader.

“天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。” - Chen She uses this classic Chinese proverb to articulate his belief in the transformative power of hardship and challenges in shaping a strong leader.

12. **“志不强者智不达,意不真者行不果。”** - This statement emphasizes the importance of determination and unwavering commitment in achieving one's goals.

“志不强者智不达,意不真者行不果。” - This statement emphasizes the importance of determination and unwavering commitment in achieving one's goals.

13. **“夫大丈夫有所为而为,有所不为而不为。”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of having principles and acting according to them, even in the face of adversity.

“夫大丈夫有所为而为,有所不为而不为。” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of having principles and acting according to them, even in the face of adversity.

14. **“我生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。”** - This powerful statement reflects Chen She's unwavering ambition to leave a lasting mark on history, whether through his life or his legacy.

“我生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。” - This powerful statement reflects Chen She's unwavering ambition to leave a lasting mark on history, whether through his life or his legacy.

15. **“大丈夫生于天地之间,岂能久困于一方?”** - Chen She expresses his restlessness and desire for growth, refusing to be confined by limitations and aspiring for broader horizons.

“大丈夫生于天地之间,岂能久困于一方?” - Chen She expresses his restlessness and desire for growth, refusing to be confined by limitations and aspiring for broader horizons.

16. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能苟且偷生?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for the well-being of others and refusing to simply prioritize personal survival.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能苟且偷生?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for the well-being of others and refusing to simply prioritize personal survival.

17. **“我志在天下,岂能屈身于人下?”** - This statement clearly demonstrates Chen She's ambition to be a leader and his unwillingness to accept a subordinate role.

“我志在天下,岂能屈身于人下?” - This statement clearly demonstrates Chen She's ambition to be a leader and his unwillingness to accept a subordinate role.

18. **“大丈夫当立志于功名,岂能碌碌无为?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of striving for greatness and refusing to settle for a mundane existence.

“大丈夫当立志于功名,岂能碌碌无为?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of striving for greatness and refusing to settle for a mundane existence.

19. **“吾不甘心为他人之奴,我要做自己的主人!”** - Chen She expresses his desire for freedom and self-determination, refusing to accept subjugation to others.

“吾不甘心为他人之奴,我要做自己的主人!” - Chen She expresses his desire for freedom and self-determination, refusing to accept subjugation to others.

20. **“天命不可违,但人心不可欺!”** - This statement reveals Chen She's belief in the power of the people and their ability to challenge unjust authority.

“天命不可违,但人心不可欺!” - This statement reveals Chen She's belief in the power of the people and their ability to challenge unjust authority.

21. **“我志在四方,岂能困于一方?”** - Chen She expresses his desire to explore and conquer new territories, refusing to be limited by geographic boundaries.

“我志在四方,岂能困于一方?” - Chen She expresses his desire to explore and conquer new territories, refusing to be limited by geographic boundaries.

22. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

23. **“我生来就是要做一番大事,岂能虚度此生?”** - Chen She reveals his ambitious nature and his determination to leave a lasting impact on the world.

“我生来就是要做一番大事,岂能虚度此生?” - Chen She reveals his ambitious nature and his determination to leave a lasting impact on the world.

24. **“我宁愿死在战场上,也不愿屈服于暴政!”** - This statement demonstrates Chen She's unwavering courage and his willingness to fight for what he believes in.

“我宁愿死在战场上,也不愿屈服于暴政!” - This statement demonstrates Chen She's unwavering courage and his willingness to fight for what he believes in.

25. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能坐视百姓受苦?”** - Chen She expresses his compassion for the suffering of the people and his determination to improve their lives.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能坐视百姓受苦?” - Chen She expresses his compassion for the suffering of the people and his determination to improve their lives.

26. **“我欲以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She reiterates his desire for leadership and his commitment to serving the people, rejecting the pursuit of personal gain.

“我欲以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She reiterates his desire for leadership and his commitment to serving the people, rejecting the pursuit of personal gain.

27. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

28. **“我志在天下,岂能屈身于人下?”** - This statement clearly demonstrates Chen She's ambition to be a leader and his unwillingness to accept a subordinate role.

“我志在天下,岂能屈身于人下?” - This statement clearly demonstrates Chen She's ambition to be a leader and his unwillingness to accept a subordinate role.

29. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

30. **“我生来就是要做一番大事,岂能虚度此生?”** - Chen She reveals his ambitious nature and his determination to leave a lasting impact on the world.

“我生来就是要做一番大事,岂能虚度此生?” - Chen She reveals his ambitious nature and his determination to leave a lasting impact on the world.

31. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

32. **“我宁愿死在战场上,也不愿屈服于暴政!”** - This statement demonstrates Chen She's unwavering courage and his willingness to fight for what he believes in.

“我宁愿死在战场上,也不愿屈服于暴政!” - This statement demonstrates Chen She's unwavering courage and his willingness to fight for what he believes in.

33. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能坐视百姓受苦?”** - Chen She expresses his compassion for the suffering of the people and his determination to improve their lives.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能坐视百姓受苦?” - Chen She expresses his compassion for the suffering of the people and his determination to improve their lives.

34. **“我欲以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She reiterates his desire for leadership and his commitment to serving the people, rejecting the pursuit of personal gain.

“我欲以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She reiterates his desire for leadership and his commitment to serving the people, rejecting the pursuit of personal gain.

35. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

36. **“我志在天下,岂能屈身于人下?”** - This statement clearly demonstrates Chen She's ambition to be a leader and his unwillingness to accept a subordinate role.

“我志在天下,岂能屈身于人下?” - This statement clearly demonstrates Chen She's ambition to be a leader and his unwillingness to accept a subordinate role.

37. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

38. **“我生来就是要做一番大事,岂能虚度此生?”** - Chen She reveals his ambitious nature and his determination to leave a lasting impact on the world.

“我生来就是要做一番大事,岂能虚度此生?” - Chen She reveals his ambitious nature and his determination to leave a lasting impact on the world.

39. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

40. **“我宁愿死在战场上,也不愿屈服于暴政!”** - This statement demonstrates Chen She's unwavering courage and his willingness to fight for what he believes in.

“我宁愿死在战场上,也不愿屈服于暴政!” - This statement demonstrates Chen She's unwavering courage and his willingness to fight for what he believes in.

41. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能坐视百姓受苦?”** - Chen She expresses his compassion for the suffering of the people and his determination to improve their lives.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能坐视百姓受苦?” - Chen She expresses his compassion for the suffering of the people and his determination to improve their lives.

42. **“我欲以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She reiterates his desire for leadership and his commitment to serving the people, rejecting the pursuit of personal gain.

“我欲以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She reiterates his desire for leadership and his commitment to serving the people, rejecting the pursuit of personal gain.

43. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

44. **“我志在天下,岂能屈身于人下?”** - This statement clearly demonstrates Chen She's ambition to be a leader and his unwillingness to accept a subordinate role.

“我志在天下,岂能屈身于人下?” - This statement clearly demonstrates Chen She's ambition to be a leader and his unwillingness to accept a subordinate role.

45. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

46. **“我生来就是要做一番大事,岂能虚度此生?”** - Chen She reveals his ambitious nature and his determination to leave a lasting impact on the world.

“我生来就是要做一番大事,岂能虚度此生?” - Chen She reveals his ambitious nature and his determination to leave a lasting impact on the world.

47. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

48. **“我宁愿死在战场上,也不愿屈服于暴政!”** - This statement demonstrates Chen She's unwavering courage and his willingness to fight for what he believes in.

“我宁愿死在战场上,也不愿屈服于暴政!” - This statement demonstrates Chen She's unwavering courage and his willingness to fight for what he believes in.

49. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能坐视百姓受苦?”** - Chen She expresses his compassion for the suffering of the people and his determination to improve their lives.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能坐视百姓受苦?” - Chen She expresses his compassion for the suffering of the people and his determination to improve their lives.

50. **“我欲以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She reiterates his desire for leadership and his commitment to serving the people, rejecting the pursuit of personal gain.

“我欲以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She reiterates his desire for leadership and his commitment to serving the people, rejecting the pursuit of personal gain.

51. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

52. **“我志在天下,岂能屈身于人下?”** - This statement clearly demonstrates Chen She's ambition to be a leader and his unwillingness to accept a subordinate role.

“我志在天下,岂能屈身于人下?” - This statement clearly demonstrates Chen She's ambition to be a leader and his unwillingness to accept a subordinate role.

53. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

54. **“我生来就是要做一番大事,岂能虚度此生?”** - Chen She reveals his ambitious nature and his determination to leave a lasting impact on the world.

“我生来就是要做一番大事,岂能虚度此生?” - Chen She reveals his ambitious nature and his determination to leave a lasting impact on the world.

55. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

56. **“我宁愿死在战场上,也不愿屈服于暴政!”** - This statement demonstrates Chen She's unwavering courage and his willingness to fight for what he believes in.

“我宁愿死在战场上,也不愿屈服于暴政!” - This statement demonstrates Chen She's unwavering courage and his willingness to fight for what he believes in.

57. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能坐视百姓受苦?”** - Chen She expresses his compassion for the suffering of the people and his determination to improve their lives.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能坐视百姓受苦?” - Chen She expresses his compassion for the suffering of the people and his determination to improve their lives.

58. **“我欲以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She reiterates his desire for leadership and his commitment to serving the people, rejecting the pursuit of personal gain.

“我欲以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She reiterates his desire for leadership and his commitment to serving the people, rejecting the pursuit of personal gain.

59. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

60. **“我志在天下,岂能屈身于人下?”** - This statement clearly demonstrates Chen She's ambition to be a leader and his unwillingness to accept a subordinate role.

“我志在天下,岂能屈身于人下?” - This statement clearly demonstrates Chen She's ambition to be a leader and his unwillingness to accept a subordinate role.

61. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

62. **“我生来就是要做一番大事,岂能虚度此生?”** - Chen She reveals his ambitious nature and his determination to leave a lasting impact on the world.

“我生来就是要做一番大事,岂能虚度此生?” - Chen She reveals his ambitious nature and his determination to leave a lasting impact on the world.

63. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

64. **“我宁愿死在战场上,也不愿屈服于暴政!”** - This statement demonstrates Chen She's unwavering courage and his willingness to fight for what he believes in.

“我宁愿死在战场上,也不愿屈服于暴政!” - This statement demonstrates Chen She's unwavering courage and his willingness to fight for what he believes in.

65. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能坐视百姓受苦?”** - Chen She expresses his compassion for the suffering of the people and his determination to improve their lives.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能坐视百姓受苦?” - Chen She expresses his compassion for the suffering of the people and his determination to improve their lives.

66. **“我欲以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She reiterates his desire for leadership and his commitment to serving the people, rejecting the pursuit of personal gain.

“我欲以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She reiterates his desire for leadership and his commitment to serving the people, rejecting the pursuit of personal gain.

67. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

68. **“我志在天下,岂能屈身于人下?”** - This statement clearly demonstrates Chen She's ambition to be a leader and his unwillingness to accept a subordinate role.

“我志在天下,岂能屈身于人下?” - This statement clearly demonstrates Chen She's ambition to be a leader and his unwillingness to accept a subordinate role.

69. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

70. **“我生来就是要做一番大事,岂能虚度此生?”** - Chen She reveals his ambitious nature and his determination to leave a lasting impact on the world.

“我生来就是要做一番大事,岂能虚度此生?” - Chen She reveals his ambitious nature and his determination to leave a lasting impact on the world.

71. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

72. **“我宁愿死在战场上,也不愿屈服于暴政!”** - This statement demonstrates Chen She's unwavering courage and his willingness to fight for what he believes in.

“我宁愿死在战场上,也不愿屈服于暴政!” - This statement demonstrates Chen She's unwavering courage and his willingness to fight for what he believes in.

73. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能坐视百姓受苦?”** - Chen She expresses his compassion for the suffering of the people and his determination to improve their lives.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能坐视百姓受苦?” - Chen She expresses his compassion for the suffering of the people and his determination to improve their lives.

74. **“我欲以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She reiterates his desire for leadership and his commitment to serving the people, rejecting the pursuit of personal gain.

“我欲以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She reiterates his desire for leadership and his commitment to serving the people, rejecting the pursuit of personal gain.

75. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

76. **“我志在天下,岂能屈身于人下?”** - This statement clearly demonstrates Chen She's ambition to be a leader and his unwillingness to accept a subordinate role.

“我志在天下,岂能屈身于人下?” - This statement clearly demonstrates Chen She's ambition to be a leader and his unwillingness to accept a subordinate role.

77. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

78. **“我生来就是要做一番大事,岂能虚度此生?”** - Chen She reveals his ambitious nature and his determination to leave a lasting impact on the world.

“我生来就是要做一番大事,岂能虚度此生?” - Chen She reveals his ambitious nature and his determination to leave a lasting impact on the world.

79. **“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?”** - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

“大丈夫当以天下为己任,岂能为一己之私?” - Chen She emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of the people before personal gain.

以上就是关于陈涉远大志向的句子79句(陈涉远大志向的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
