
## 句末降调句子 (71句)

1. 今天天气真好!

2. 你去哪里了?

3. 我们该走了。

4. 他喜欢吃苹果。

5. 这本书很精彩。

6. 她很漂亮。

7. 那只猫很可爱。

8. 他很聪明。

9. 你会开车吗?

10. 我们去吃饭吧。

11. 你喜欢什么颜色?

12. 我想喝杯咖啡。

13. 这件衣服很贵。

14. 他很努力学习。

15. 你能帮我一下吗?

16. 这道菜很好吃。

17. 这件衣服真漂亮!

18. 他今天没来。

19. 你昨天去哪里了?

20. 你明天要做什么?

21. 我很喜欢你的新发型。

22. 这部电影太棒了!

23. 他正在睡觉。

24. 你在做什么?

25. 我正在读书。

26. 他已经走了。

27. 我还没吃午饭。

28. 他会来参加派对。

29. 我可能要迟到了。

30. 他应该来帮忙的。

31. 你能告诉我时间吗?

32. 我想去旅行。

33. 他很想去学习英语。

34. 我们应该去看看电影。

35. 我想买一辆新车。

36. 你能帮我拿一下那个吗?

37. 我想吃点东西。

38. 你喜欢这个吗?

39. 他会来接我的。

40. 我已经做完作业了。

41. 他正在看电视。

42. 我们去散步吧。

43. 你要去哪里?

44. 我要去买菜。

45. 他喜欢听音乐。

46. 你会弹钢琴吗?

47. 他很会游泳。

48. 我们去打篮球吧。

49. 你喜欢看什么电影?

50. 我喜欢看喜剧片。

51. 他很擅长画画。

52. 你能帮我拍照吗?

53. 我想学一门新技能。

54. 他很想去旅行。

55. 我们应该去尝试一下新的餐厅。

56. 我想买一件新衣服。

57. 你能帮我翻译一下吗?

58. 我想学习一门外语。

59. 他很想去参加比赛。

60. 我们应该去参加派对。

61. 我想写一本书。

62. 你能帮我修一下电脑吗?

63. 我想做一道新菜。

64. 他很想去学弹吉他。

65. 我们应该去参加演唱会。

66. 我想去看一场足球比赛。

67. 你能帮我找一下我的手机吗?

68. 我想和朋友一起出去玩。

69. 他很想去尝试一下新的运动。

70. 我们应该去参观一下博物馆。

71. 我想学习一些新的知识。

## 英文翻译

1. The weather is so nice today!

2. Where did you go?

3. We should leave.

4. He likes to eat apples.

5. This book is very interesting.

6. She is very beautiful.

7. That cat is so cute.

8. He is very smart.

9. Can you drive?

10. Let's go eat.

11. What color do you like?

12. I want a cup of coffee.

13. This dress is very expensive.

14. He studies very hard.

15. Can you help me?

16. This dish is delicious.

17. This dress is so beautiful!

18. He didn't come today.

19. Where did you go yesterday?

20. What are you going to do tomorrow?

21. I really like your new hairstyle.

22. This movie is amazing!

23. He is sleeping.

24. What are you doing?

25. I am reading.

26. He has already left.

27. I haven't eaten lunch yet.

28. He will come to the party.

29. I might be late.

30. He should come and help.

31. Can you tell me the time?

32. I want to travel.

33. He really wants to learn English.

34. We should go watch a movie.

35. I want to buy a new car.

36. Can you get that for me?

37. I want to eat something.

38. Do you like this?

39. He will pick me up.

40. I have already finished my homework.

41. He is watching TV.

42. Let's go for a walk.

43. Where are you going?

44. I'm going to buy groceries.

45. He likes to listen to music.

46. Can you play the piano?

47. He is a good swimmer.

48. Let's go play basketball.

49. What kind of movies do you like to watch?

50. I like to watch comedies.

51. He is good at drawing.

52. Can you take a picture of me?

53. I want to learn a new skill.

54. He really wants to travel.

55. We should try a new restaurant.

56. I want to buy a new dress.

57. Can you translate this for me?

58. I want to learn a foreign language.

59. He really wants to join the competition.

60. We should go to the party.

61. I want to write a book.

62. Can you fix my computer?

63. I want to cook a new dish.

64. He really wants to learn to play the guitar.

65. We should go to the concert.

66. I want to watch a football game.

67. Can you help me find my phone?

68. I want to hang out with my friends.

69. He really wants to try a new sport.

70. We should visit the museum.

71. I want to learn some new knowledge.

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