
## 只争旦夕 78句

**1. 只争旦夕,不负韶华。**

Seize the day, don't waste your youth.

**2. 时不我待,只争旦夕。**

Time waits for no man, make the most of every moment.

**3. 机不可失,失不再来,只争旦夕。**

Opportunity knocks but once, seize the day.

**4. 功不唐捐,只争旦夕。**

Effort will not be in vain, make the most of every moment.

**5. 人生苦短,只争旦夕。**

Life is short, make the most of every moment.

**6. 明日复明日,明日何其多,我生待明日,万事成蹉跎。只争旦夕。**

Tomorrow and tomorrow, how many tomorrows will there be? If I wait for tomorrow, everything will be lost. Seize the day.

**7. 把握今天,只争旦夕,创造未来。**

Seize today, make the most of every moment, and create the future.

**8. 时间就是生命,只争旦夕,奋斗不息。**

Time is life, make the most of every moment, strive without ceasing.

**9. 勿将今日事,留待明日做。只争旦夕。**

Don't leave today's work for tomorrow. Seize the day.

**10. 珍惜时间,只争旦夕,成就梦想。**

Cherish time, make the most of every moment, achieve your dreams.

**11. 只争旦夕,奋发图强,成就伟业。**

Seize the day, strive for excellence, and achieve great things.

**12. 只争旦夕,不负韶华,创造辉煌。**

Seize the day, don't waste your youth, and create brilliance.

**13. 时光飞逝,只争旦夕,留下精彩。**

Time flies, make the most of every moment, and leave a mark on the world.

**14. 今日事今日毕,只争旦夕,莫待明日愁。**

Finish today's work today, seize the day, don't wait until tomorrow to worry.

**15. 人生短暂,只争旦夕,留下足迹。**

Life is fleeting, make the most of every moment, and leave your mark.

**16. 不负青春,只争旦夕,成就梦想。**

Don't waste your youth, seize the day, and achieve your dreams.

**17. 脚踏实地,只争旦夕,勇攀高峰。**

Be grounded, seize the day, and reach new heights.

**18. 乘风破浪,只争旦夕,扬帆远航。**

Ride the waves, seize the day, and sail to distant shores.

**19. 勤奋刻苦,只争旦夕,取得成功。**

Work hard and diligently, seize the day, and achieve success.

**20. 奋发有为,只争旦夕,创造奇迹。**

Be ambitious and make a difference, seize the day, and create miracles.

**21. 积极向上,只争旦夕,实现价值。**

Be positive and optimistic, seize the day, and realize your potential.

**22. 志存高远,只争旦夕,成就非凡。**

Aim high, seize the day, and achieve greatness.

**23. 锲而不舍,只争旦夕,终有所成。**

Persevere, seize the day, and eventually succeed.

**24. 勇于拼搏,只争旦夕,创造未来。**

Be brave and fight hard, seize the day, and create the future.

**25. 把握机遇,只争旦夕,成就梦想。**

Seize opportunities, make the most of every moment, and achieve your dreams.

**26. 锐意进取,只争旦夕,开拓创新。**

Be ambitious and proactive, seize the day, and be innovative.

**27. 勤劳务实,只争旦夕,奉献社会。**

Work hard and be practical, seize the day, and contribute to society.

**28. 艰苦奋斗,只争旦夕,战胜困难。**

Work hard and struggle, seize the day, and overcome challenges.

**29. 迎难而上,只争旦夕,实现目标。**

Face challenges head-on, seize the day, and achieve your goals.

**30. 珍惜光阴,只争旦夕,不负韶华。**

Cherish time, make the most of every moment, and don't waste your youth.

**31. 行胜于言,只争旦夕,成就事业。**

Actions speak louder than words, seize the day, and build a successful career.

**32. 追求卓越,只争旦夕,创造辉煌。**

Strive for excellence, seize the day, and create brilliance.

**33. 脚踏实地,只争旦夕,攀登高峰。**

Be grounded, seize the day, and climb to the top.

**34. 奋发向上,只争旦夕,成就人生。**

Be ambitious and make a difference, seize the day, and achieve your full potential.

**35. 精益求精,只争旦夕,追求完美。**

Strive for perfection, seize the day, and pursue excellence.

**36. 把握机遇,只争旦夕,创造未来。**

Seize opportunities, make the most of every moment, and create the future.

**37. 积极进取,只争旦夕,实现梦想。**

Be proactive and optimistic, seize the day, and achieve your dreams.

**38. 锲而不舍,只争旦夕,终有所成。**

Persevere, seize the day, and eventually succeed.

**39. 勇于拼搏,只争旦夕,成就事业。**

Be brave and fight hard, seize the day, and build a successful career.

**40. 勤劳务实,只争旦夕,奉献社会。**

Work hard and be practical, seize the day, and contribute to society.

**41. 艰苦奋斗,只争旦夕,战胜困难。**

Work hard and struggle, seize the day, and overcome challenges.

**42. 迎难而上,只争旦夕,实现目标。**

Face challenges head-on, seize the day, and achieve your goals.

**43. 珍惜光阴,只争旦夕,不负韶华。**

Cherish time, make the most of every moment, and don't waste your youth.

**44. 行胜于言,只争旦夕,成就事业。**

Actions speak louder than words, seize the day, and build a successful career.

**45. 追求卓越,只争旦夕,创造辉煌。**

Strive for excellence, seize the day, and create brilliance.

**46. 脚踏实地,只争旦夕,攀登高峰。**

Be grounded, seize the day, and climb to the top.

**47. 奋发向上,只争旦夕,成就人生。**

Be ambitious and make a difference, seize the day, and achieve your full potential.

**48. 精益求精,只争旦夕,追求完美。**

Strive for perfection, seize the day, and pursue excellence.

**49. 把握机遇,只争旦夕,创造未来。**

Seize opportunities, make the most of every moment, and create the future.

**50. 积极进取,只争旦夕,实现梦想。**

Be proactive and optimistic, seize the day, and achieve your dreams.

**51. 锲而不舍,只争旦夕,终有所成。**

Persevere, seize the day, and eventually succeed.

**52. 勇于拼搏,只争旦夕,成就事业。**

Be brave and fight hard, seize the day, and build a successful career.

**53. 勤劳务实,只争旦夕,奉献社会。**

Work hard and be practical, seize the day, and contribute to society.

**54. 艰苦奋斗,只争旦夕,战胜困难。**

Work hard and struggle, seize the day, and overcome challenges.

**55. 迎难而上,只争旦夕,实现目标。**

Face challenges head-on, seize the day, and achieve your goals.

**56. 珍惜光阴,只争旦夕,不负韶华。**

Cherish time, make the most of every moment, and don't waste your youth.

**57. 行胜于言,只争旦夕,成就事业。**

Actions speak louder than words, seize the day, and build a successful career.

**58. 追求卓越,只争旦夕,创造辉煌。**

Strive for excellence, seize the day, and create brilliance.

**59. 脚踏实地,只争旦夕,攀登高峰。**

Be grounded, seize the day, and climb to the top.

**60. 奋发向上,只争旦夕,成就人生。**

Be ambitious and make a difference, seize the day, and achieve your full potential.

**61. 精益求精,只争旦夕,追求完美。**

Strive for perfection, seize the day, and pursue excellence.

**62. 把握机遇,只争旦夕,创造未来。**

Seize opportunities, make the most of every moment, and create the future.

**63. 积极进取,只争旦夕,实现梦想。**

Be proactive and optimistic, seize the day, and achieve your dreams.

**64. 锲而不舍,只争旦夕,终有所成。**

Persevere, seize the day, and eventually succeed.

**65. 勇于拼搏,只争旦夕,成就事业。**

Be brave and fight hard, seize the day, and build a successful career.

**66. 勤劳务实,只争旦夕,奉献社会。**

Work hard and be practical, seize the day, and contribute to society.

**67. 艰苦奋斗,只争旦夕,战胜困难。**

Work hard and struggle, seize the day, and overcome challenges.

**68. 迎难而上,只争旦夕,实现目标。**

Face challenges head-on, seize the day, and achieve your goals.

**69. 珍惜光阴,只争旦夕,不负韶华。**

Cherish time, make the most of every moment, and don't waste your youth.

**70. 行胜于言,只争旦夕,成就事业。**

Actions speak louder than words, seize the day, and build a successful career.

**71. 追求卓越,只争旦夕,创造辉煌。**

Strive for excellence, seize the day, and create brilliance.

**72. 脚踏实地,只争旦夕,攀登高峰。**

Be grounded, seize the day, and climb to the top.

**73. 奋发向上,只争旦夕,成就人生。**

Be ambitious and make a difference, seize the day, and achieve your full potential.

**74. 精益求精,只争旦夕,追求完美。**

Strive for perfection, seize the day, and pursue excellence.

**75. 把握机遇,只争旦夕,创造未来。**

Seize opportunities, make the most of every moment, and create the future.

**76. 积极进取,只争旦夕,实现梦想。**

Be proactive and optimistic, seize the day, and achieve your dreams.

**77. 锲而不舍,只争旦夕,终有所成。**

Persevere, seize the day, and eventually succeed.

**78. 勇于拼搏,只争旦夕,成就事业。**

Be brave and fight hard, seize the day, and build a successful career.

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