
## 陋室铭 (陋室铭)




1. **山不在高,有仙则名。** Mountains need not be high, they are famous if they have immortals.
2. **水不在深,有龙则灵。** Water need not be deep, it is sacred if it has dragons.
3. **斯是陋室,惟吾德馨。** This is a humble dwelling, but only my virtue is fragrant.
4. **苔痕上阶绿,草色入帘青。** Moss stains the steps green, and the color of grass enters the curtains blue.
5. **谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁。** I converse and laugh with learned scholars, and ordinary people never visit.
6. **可以调素琴,阅金经。** I can play my plain zither and read the golden scriptures.
7. **无丝竹之乱耳,无案牍之劳形。** No music disturbs my ears, no paperwork burdens my body.
8. **南阳诸葛庐,西蜀子云亭。** The dwelling of Zhuge Liang in Nanyang, the pavilion of Ziyun in Western Shu.
9. **孔子云:“何陋之有?”** Confucius said:"How can this be called humble?"


Mountains need not be high, they are famous if they have immortals. Water need not be deep, it is sacred if it has dragons. This is a humble dwelling, but only my virtue is fragrant. Moss stains the steps green, and the color of grass enters the curtains blue. I converse and laugh with learned scholars, and ordinary people never visit. I can play my plain zither and read the golden scriptures. No music disturbs my ears, no paperwork burdens my body. The dwelling of Zhuge Liang in Nanyang, the pavilion of Ziyun in Western Shu. Confucius said:"How can this be called humble?"

The elegance of the humble abode lies not in its physical appearance, but in the presence of virtue and the company of learned individuals. The simplicity of the environment allows for tranquility and focus, enabling one to cultivate their mind and engage in intellectual pursuits. The passage draws inspiration from the historical figures of Zhuge Liang and Ziyun, showcasing the importance of virtue and learning in achieving a fulfilling life, regardless of external circumstances.

The imagery used in the passage evokes a sense of serenity and peace. The green moss and blue grass create a tranquil atmosphere, while the absence of music and paperwork suggests a life free from distractions and unnecessary burdens. The presence of learned scholars signifies the intellectual enrichment that the humble dwelling provides. Ultimately, the passage emphasizes the value of inner peace, virtue, and intellectual pursuit, even in the face of external limitations.


10. **陋室并非陋,德馨乃其名。** A humble dwelling is not truly humble, its true name is virtue's fragrance.
11. **苔痕阶上绿,映照心田清。** Moss stains the steps green, reflecting the purity of one's heart.
12. **草色入帘青,清风送爽迎。** The color of grass enters the curtains blue, as the cool breeze welcomes.
13. **鸿儒谈笑间,智慧如泉涌。** Learned scholars converse and laugh, wisdom flows like a spring.
14. **白丁无来往,清净自心生。** Ordinary people do not visit, serenity arises from within.
15. **素琴调幽韵,金经启心智。** The plain zither plays a quiet melody, the golden scriptures open one's mind.
16. **无丝竹之乱耳,心境自宁静。** No music disturbs my ears, my heart finds its own peace.
17. **无案牍之劳形,精神自超脱。** No paperwork burdens my body, my spirit finds freedom.
18. **南阳诸葛庐,隐逸之高尚。** The dwelling of Zhuge Liang in Nanyang, a place of noble seclusion.
19. **西蜀子云亭,文采之辉煌。** The pavilion of Ziyun in Western Shu, a testament to literary brilliance.
20. **孔子云何陋,心境乃其宽。** Confucius asks"How can this be humble?", it is the mind's spaciousness that matters.

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