
## 72 句关于陈旧事物的句子及其英文翻译

1. 那个老旧的时钟滴答作响,仿佛在提醒着时间的流逝。

The old clock ticked away, as if reminding us of the passing of time.

2. 这座古老的城堡,在岁月的洗礼下,显得更加沧桑。

This ancient castle, weathered by time, appears even more aged.

3. 那些泛黄的照片,记录着逝去的青春和美好的回忆。

These yellowed photographs capture the passing youth and beautiful memories.

4. 老旧的书页散发着淡淡的墨香,仿佛诉说着过往的故事。

The old pages of the book emit a faint ink fragrance, as if telling stories of the past.

5. 爷爷的拐杖,是岁月的见证,也是他坚强意志的象征。

Grandpa's cane is a testament to time and a symbol of his strong will.

6. 老旧的唱片机,奏响的是一段段难忘的旋律。

The old gramophone plays unforgettable melodies.

7. 那件陈旧的旗袍,曾经是奶奶的嫁衣,如今已成为珍贵的传家宝。

That old cheongsam, once Grandma's wedding dress, is now a precious heirloom.

8. 老旧的木门吱呀作响,仿佛在诉说着岁月的沧桑。

The old wooden door creaks, as if telling the story of time's vicissitudes.

9. 那座破败的古庙,见证了王朝的兴衰和历史的变迁。

That dilapidated ancient temple witnessed the rise and fall of dynasties and the changes of history.

10. 那些陈旧的书籍,散发着历史的气息,蕴藏着丰富的知识。

Those old books exude the scent of history and contain a wealth of knowledge.

11. 陈旧的家具,经过岁月的打磨,更显古朴典雅。

Old furniture, polished by time, appears more simple and elegant.

12. 老旧的街道,见证了城市的繁华和落寞。

The old streets have witnessed the city's prosperity and decline.

13. 那些陈旧的信件,记录着曾经的思念和牵挂。

Those old letters record past thoughts and concerns.

14. 老旧的电影院,曾经是人们娱乐消遣的地方,如今已成为历史的记忆。

The old cinema, once a place for people to entertain themselves, is now a memory of history.

15. 那台陈旧的收音机,曾经播放着时代的旋律,如今已成为时代的印记。

That old radio, which once played the melodies of the times, is now a mark of the times.

16. 老旧的船坞,曾经是繁忙的港口,如今已成为静谧的港湾。

The old docks, once a bustling port, are now a quiet harbor.

17. 那些陈旧的工具,见证了人类的智慧和创造力。

Those old tools are a testament to human ingenuity and creativity.

18. 老旧的茶壶,散发着淡淡的茶香,仿佛诉说着悠久的历史。

The old teapot emits a faint tea fragrance, as if telling stories of a long history.

19. 那些陈旧的文物,是历史的缩影,也是文化的传承。

Those old relics are a microcosm of history and a legacy of culture.

20. 老旧的钟楼,钟声依旧响彻云霄,仿佛在诉说着时间的流逝。

The old bell tower, the bell still ringing through the clouds, as if telling the story of time's passing.

21. 陈旧的日记,记录着岁月的点滴,也记录着人生的酸甜苦辣。

The old diary records the bits and pieces of time, as well as the ups and downs of life.

22. 老旧的灯笼,散发着温暖的光芒,照亮了前行的道路。

The old lantern emits a warm light, illuminating the path ahead.

23. 那座老旧的桥梁,见证了历史的变迁,也见证了人们的辛勤劳作。

That old bridge has witnessed the changes of history and the hard work of people.

24. 老旧的木板,曾经是人们的栖息之地,如今已成为岁月的印记。

The old wooden planks, once a place for people to rest, are now a mark of time.

25. 陈旧的石碑,记录着历史的功绩,也记录着人们的记忆。

The old stone tablet records historical achievements and memories of people.

26. 老旧的木桶,曾经是人们盛水的地方,如今已成为岁月的见证。

The old wooden bucket, once a place for people to hold water, is now a testament to time.

27. 那些陈旧的书籍,散发着岁月的芬芳,也散发着智慧的光芒。

Those old books emit the fragrance of time and the glow of wisdom.

28. 老旧的瓦片,记录着岁月的风雨,也记录着人们的生活。

The old tiles record the wind and rain of time and the lives of people.

29. 陈旧的铁轨,曾经是火车飞驰的地方,如今已成为岁月的留痕。

The old rails, once a place for trains to fly, are now a trace of time.

30. 老旧的邮箱,曾经是人们传递信息的地方,如今已成为历史的见证。

The old mailbox, once a place for people to transmit information, is now a testament to history.

31. 陈旧的钟表,滴答作响,仿佛在诉说着时光的流逝。

The old clock ticks, as if telling the story of time's passing.

32. 老旧的钢琴,琴键依旧灵动,仿佛在演奏着过去的旋律。

The old piano, the keys still agile, as if playing the melodies of the past.

33. 那些陈旧的瓷器,散发着岁月的光泽,也散发着文化的魅力。

Those old porcelain pieces emit the luster of time and the charm of culture.

34. 老旧的木桌,经过岁月的打磨,更显古朴典雅。

The old wooden table, polished by time, appears more simple and elegant.

35. 陈旧的画卷,记录着时代的变迁,也记录着艺术的传承。

The old scrolls record the changes of the times and the inheritance of art.

36. 老旧的酒坛,散发着陈年的酒香,仿佛诉说着岁月的沉淀。

The old wine jar emits the fragrance of aged wine, as if telling the story of time's sedimentation.

37. 那座老旧的图书馆,藏着无数的书籍,也藏着无数的知识。

That old library holds countless books and countless knowledge.

38. 陈旧的石磨,曾经是人们磨面粉的地方,如今已成为历史的记忆。

The old millstone, once a place for people to grind flour, is now a memory of history.

39. 老旧的戏台,曾经是人们表演的地方,如今已成为岁月的舞台。

The old stage, once a place for people to perform, is now a stage of time.

40. 那些陈旧的玩具,记录着童年的欢乐,也记录着岁月的流逝。

Those old toys record childhood joys and the passage of time.

41. 老旧的木床,曾经是人们休息的地方,如今已成为岁月的见证。

The old wooden bed, once a place for people to rest, is now a testament to time.

42. 陈旧的灯笼,散发着温暖的光芒,照亮了人们的夜路。

The old lantern emits a warm light, illuminating people's night road.

43. 老旧的木箱,曾经是人们存放物品的地方,如今已成为岁月的仓库。

The old wooden box, once a place for people to store items, is now a warehouse of time.

44. 那些陈旧的信件,记录着曾经的爱情和思念。

Those old letters record past love and longing.

45. 老旧的照相机,曾经是人们记录生活的地方,如今已成为历史的见证。

The old camera, once a place for people to record life, is now a testament to history.

46. 陈旧的石板路,记录着岁月的脚步,也记录着人们的步伐。

The old cobblestone road records the footsteps of time and the pace of people.

47. 老旧的马车的车辙,曾经是人们出行的地方,如今已成为岁月的印记。

The ruts of the old carriage, once a place for people to travel, are now a mark of time.

48. 那些陈旧的书籍,散发着岁月的芬芳,也散发着知识的光芒。

Those old books emit the fragrance of time and the glow of knowledge.

49. 老旧的灯塔,曾经是人们指引方向的地方,如今已成为历史的灯塔。

The old lighthouse, once a place for people to guide their way, is now a lighthouse of history.

50. 陈旧的石桥,记录着岁月的沧桑,也记录着人们的坚韧。

The old stone bridge records the vicissitudes of time and the tenacity of people.

51. 老旧的木梯,曾经是人们上楼的地方,如今已成为岁月的阶梯。

The old wooden ladder, once a place for people to go upstairs, is now a ladder of time.

52. 那些陈旧的唱片,记录着曾经的音乐,也记录着时代的旋律。

Those old records capture the music of the past and the melodies of the times.

53. 老旧的铜镜,曾经是人们照镜子的地方,如今已成为岁月的镜子。

The old copper mirror, once a place for people to look in the mirror, is now a mirror of time.

54. 陈旧的油灯,曾经是人们照亮夜路的地方,如今已成为历史的灯火。

The old oil lamp, once a place for people to light their way at night, is now a light of history.

55. 老旧的木桶,曾经是人们盛水的地方,如今已成为岁月的容器。

The old wooden bucket, once a place for people to hold water, is now a container of time.

56. 那些陈旧的工具,记录着曾经的劳作,也记录着人类的智慧。

Those old tools record past labor and human ingenuity.

57. 老旧的木箱,曾经是人们存放物品的地方,如今已成为岁月的宝箱。

The old wooden box, once a place for people to store items, is now a treasure chest of time.

58. 陈旧的石磨,曾经是人们磨面粉的地方,如今已成为历史的磨盘。

The old millstone, once a place for people to grind flour, is now a millstone of history.

59. 老旧的木船,曾经是人们航行的地方,如今已成为岁月的船只。

The old wooden boat, once a place for people to sail, is now a ship of time.

60. 那些陈旧的衣服,记录着曾经的时尚,也记录着时代的变迁。

Those old clothes record past fashion and the changes of the times.

61. 老旧的木门,吱呀作响,仿佛在诉说着岁月的痕迹。

The old wooden door creaks, as if telling the story of time's traces.

62. 陈旧的石碑,记录着历史的功绩,也记录着人们的记忆。

The old stone tablet records historical achievements and memories of people.

63. 老旧的木桥,曾经是人们连接两岸的地方,如今已成为岁月的桥梁。

The old wooden bridge, once a place for people to connect the two sides, is now a bridge of time.

64. 那些陈旧的家具,记录着曾经的生活,也记录着时代的印记。

Those old pieces of furniture record past lives and the mark of the times.

65. 老旧的钟表,滴答作响,仿佛在诉说着时间的流逝。

The old clock ticks, as if telling the story of time's passing.

66. 陈旧的纸张,记录着曾经的文字,也记录着时代的思想。

The old paper records the words of the past and the thoughts of the times.

67. 老旧的木屋,曾经是人们的住所,如今已成为岁月的住所。

The old wooden house, once a place for people to live, is now a dwelling of time.

68. 那些陈旧的工具,记录着曾经的劳动,也记录着人类的智慧。

Those old tools record past labor and human ingenuity.

69. 老旧的木床,曾经是人们休息的地方,如今已成为岁月的床榻。

The old wooden bed, once a place for people to rest, is now a bed of time.

70. 陈旧的石路,记录着岁月的步伐,也记录着人们的脚步。

The old stone road records the footsteps of time and the pace of people.

71. 老旧的木箱,曾经是人们存放物品的地方,如今已成为岁月的宝箱。

The old wooden box, once a place for people to store items, is now a treasure chest of time.

72. 那些陈旧的书籍,记录着曾经的知识,也记录着时代的文明。

Those old books record past knowledge and the civilization of the times.

以上就是关于陈旧的东西句子72句(陈旧的东西句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
