
## 陌上人如玉 类似句子 57句

**1. 陌上人如玉,公子世无双。**

A gentleman of extraordinary grace, like a jade among mortals.

**2. 顾盼生辉,清风朗月。**

His gaze radiates brilliance, like a gentle breeze beneath a bright moon.

**3. 风流倜傥,玉树临风。**

He is elegant and carefree, standing tall like a jade tree in the wind.

**4. 仪容俊美,气宇轩昂。**

His appearance is handsome, his bearing noble and imposing.

**5. 眉目如画,风姿绰约。**

His features are like a painting, his bearing graceful and charming.

**6. 眉眼含春,温文尔雅。**

His eyes sparkle with kindness, his demeanor gentle and refined.

**7. 唇红齿白,笑靥如花。**

He has rosy lips, pearly white teeth, and a smile like a blossoming flower.

**8. 天生丽质,风华绝代。**

He is naturally beautiful, a person of unparalleled elegance and charm.

**9. 宛如天人,美不胜收。**

He is like a celestial being, his beauty overwhelming.

**10. 眉目清秀,神采奕奕。**

He has delicate features and a radiant spirit.

**11. 俊逸非凡,英气逼人。**

He is exceptionally handsome, his spirit radiating heroism.

**12. 气质非凡,举止优雅。**

He has an extraordinary aura and graceful manners.

**13. 风度翩翩,神采飞扬。**

He is elegant and charming, with a spirited and radiant demeanor.

**14. 俊朗不凡,风流倜傥。**

He is exceptionally handsome and carefree, with a charming air.

**15. 眉清目秀,温润如玉。**

He has clear eyebrows, bright eyes, and a gentle nature like jade.

**16. 仪表堂堂,气度非凡。**

He is dignified and noble, with an extraordinary presence.

**17. 眉宇之间,尽显风华。**

His brow reveals his elegance and charm.

**18. 清俊脱俗,超凡脱俗。**

He is handsome and refined, surpassing the ordinary.

**19. 如沐春风,令人心醉。**

He is as refreshing as a spring breeze, captivating the heart.

**20. 举手投足,尽显风流。**

Every gesture and movement reveals his elegance and charm.

**21. 俊美非凡,风采迷人。**

He is exceptionally handsome and his charm is captivating.

**22. 眉目传情,一顾倾城。**

His eyes speak volumes, captivating the city with a single glance.

**23. 丰神俊朗,仪表非凡。**

He is handsome and dignified, with an extraordinary appearance.

**24. 神采奕奕,英姿勃勃。**

He is radiant and energetic, with a bold and heroic spirit.

**25. 眉宇间藏着故事,眼神里透着温柔。**

His brow hides stories, while his eyes reflect tenderness.

**26. 如诗如画,令人沉醉。**

He is like a beautiful poem or painting, captivating and mesmerizing.

**27. 眉眼如星,嘴角含笑。**

His eyes sparkle like stars, and a smile graces his lips.

**28. 俊美非凡,气宇轩昂。**

He is exceptionally handsome, with a noble and imposing presence.

**29. 仪表不凡,举止优雅。**

He has an extraordinary appearance and graceful manners.

**30. 眉目清秀,风度翩翩。**

He has delicate features and an elegant and charming demeanor.

**31. 俊朗非凡,气度不凡。**

He is exceptionally handsome and has a distinguished presence.

**32. 眉清目秀,温文尔雅。**

He has clear eyebrows, bright eyes, and a gentle and refined nature.

**33. 气质非凡,神采飞扬。**

He has an extraordinary aura and a spirited and radiant demeanor.

**34. 眉宇间透着自信,眼神里充满希望。**

His brow radiates confidence, while his eyes are filled with hope.

**35. 俊逸潇洒,风流倜傥。**

He is handsome and carefree, with a charming air.

**36. 风姿卓越,气宇轩昂。**

He is outstanding in his bearing, with a noble and imposing presence.

**37. 眉目如画,宛如天人。**

His features are like a painting, making him appear like a celestial being.

**38. 俊美绝伦,风采迷人。**

He is unparalleled in his beauty, with a captivating charm.

**39. 神采奕奕,英气逼人。**

He is radiant and energetic, his spirit radiating heroism.

**40. 眉眼含笑,嘴角上扬。**

His eyes sparkle with a smile, and the corners of his lips curve upwards.

**41. 俊美非凡,风度翩翩。**

He is exceptionally handsome and elegant and charming.

**42. 仪容俊美,气质非凡。**

He has a handsome appearance and an extraordinary aura.

**43. 眉目如星,神采飞扬。**

His eyes sparkle like stars, and his demeanor is spirited and radiant.

**44. 俊朗不凡,气宇轩昂。**

He is exceptionally handsome and has a noble and imposing presence.

**45. 眉宇之间,尽显风流。**

His brow reveals his elegance and charm.

**46. 俊逸清朗,神采奕奕。**

He is handsome and bright, with a radiant spirit.

**47. 风度翩翩,仪表堂堂。**

He is elegant and charming, with a dignified appearance.

**48. 眉目传情,一见倾心。**

His eyes speak volumes, captivating the heart at first sight.

**49. 俊美非凡,风姿绰约。**

He is exceptionally handsome and graceful and charming.

**50. 神采奕奕,英姿焕发。**

He is radiant and energetic, with a heroic and youthful spirit.

**51. 眉目清秀,温润如玉。**

He has delicate features and a gentle nature like jade.

**52. 俊逸不凡,风流倜傥。**

He is exceptionally handsome and carefree, with a charming air.

**53. 气质非凡,举止优雅。**

He has an extraordinary aura and graceful manners.

**54. 眉宇间透着智慧,眼神里充满坚定。**

His brow reflects intelligence, while his eyes are filled with determination.

**55. 俊朗非凡,英气逼人。**

He is exceptionally handsome, his spirit radiating heroism.

**56. 风度翩翩,神采飞扬。**

He is elegant and charming, with a spirited and radiant demeanor.

**57. 眉清目秀,风姿卓越。**

He has clear eyebrows, bright eyes, and an outstanding bearing.

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