
## 院子里 55 句句子,并翻译成英文

1. 院子里有一棵高大的树,树枝上栖息着许多小鸟。

There is a tall tree in the courtyard, with many birds perched on its branches.

2. 院子里种满了鲜花,五颜六色的花朵争奇斗艳。

The courtyard is full of flowers, with colorful blooms vying for attention.

3. 院子里有一条小路,通往后花园。

There is a small path in the courtyard leading to the back garden.

4. 院子里有一口井,井水清澈甘甜。

There is a well in the courtyard, with clear and sweet water.

5. 院子里有一座凉亭,是纳凉休息的好地方。

There is a gazebo in the courtyard, a perfect place to cool off and relax.

6. 院子里有一片草坪,是孩子们的乐园。

There is a lawn in the courtyard, a playground for children.

7. 院子里有一条小溪,溪水潺潺流淌。

There is a small stream in the courtyard, with water flowing gently.

8. 院子里有一座假山,假山上布满了奇形怪状的石头。

There is a rockery in the courtyard, with stones of strange shapes and sizes.

9. 院子里有一片竹林,竹子摇曳生姿。

There is a bamboo forest in the courtyard, with bamboo swaying gracefully.

10. 院子里有一只小猫,它在院子里悠闲地散步。

There is a small cat in the courtyard, strolling leisurely.

11. 院子里有一条狗,它在院子里欢快地奔跑。

There is a dog in the courtyard, running joyfully.

12. 院子里有一只兔子,它在院子里蹦蹦跳跳。

There is a rabbit in the courtyard, hopping around.

13. 院子里有一只小鸟,它在树枝上唱歌。

There is a small bird in the courtyard, singing on the branches.

14. 院子里有一只蝴蝶,它在花丛中翩翩起舞。

There is a butterfly in the courtyard, dancing among the flowers.

15. 院子里有一只蜜蜂,它在花朵上采蜜。

There is a bee in the courtyard, collecting nectar from the flowers.

16. 院子里有一只蚂蚁,它在搬运食物。

There is an ant in the courtyard, carrying food.

17. 院子里有一只蜗牛,它在慢慢地爬行。

There is a snail in the courtyard, crawling slowly.

18. 院子里有一只蜘蛛,它在织网。

There is a spider in the courtyard, weaving a web.

19. 院子里有一只青蛙,它在池塘里跳跃。

There is a frog in the courtyard, jumping in the pond.

20. 院子里有一条鱼,它在水里游来游去。

There is a fish in the courtyard, swimming around.

21. 院子里有一株藤蔓,它爬满了墙。

There is a vine in the courtyard, climbing up the wall.

22. 院子里有一片菜地,种满了各种蔬菜。

There is a vegetable patch in the courtyard, planted with various vegetables.

23. 院子里有一棵果树,树上结满了果实。

There is a fruit tree in the courtyard, laden with fruit.

24. 院子里有一把椅子,可以用来休息。

There is a chair in the courtyard, where you can rest.

25. 院子里有一张桌子,可以用来吃饭。

There is a table in the courtyard, where you can eat.

26. 院子里有一把伞,可以用来遮阳。

There is an umbrella in the courtyard, for shade.

27. 院子里有一盆花,它开满了鲜艳的花朵。

There is a pot of flowers in the courtyard, blooming with colorful blossoms.

28. 院子里有一只风筝,它在天空飞翔。

There is a kite in the courtyard, flying in the sky.

29. 院子里有一只球,可以用来玩耍。

There is a ball in the courtyard, for playing.

30. 院子里有一只玩具,可以用来娱乐。

There is a toy in the courtyard, for amusement.

31. 院子里有一块石头,可以用来坐。

There is a stone in the courtyard, for sitting on.

32. 院子里有一条绳子,可以用来晾衣服。

There is a rope in the courtyard, for hanging clothes.

33. 院子里有一只桶,可以用来浇水。

There is a bucket in the courtyard, for watering.

34. 院子里有一把扫帚,可以用来打扫卫生。

There is a broom in the courtyard, for cleaning.

35. 院子里有一把铲子,可以用来挖土。

There is a shovel in the courtyard, for digging.

36. 院子里有一把锄头,可以用来除草。

There is a hoe in the courtyard, for weeding.

37. 院子里有一只水壶,可以用来灌溉。

There is a watering can in the courtyard, for irrigation.

38. 院子里有一只鸟笼,里面关着一只小鸟。

There is a birdcage in the courtyard, with a small bird inside.

39. 院子里有一只花盆,里面种着一株花。

There is a flower pot in the courtyard, with a flower growing inside.

40. 院子里有一只宠物,它在院子里玩耍。

There is a pet in the courtyard, playing around.

41. 院子里有一只宠物狗,它在院子里奔跑。

There is a pet dog in the courtyard, running around.

42. 院子里有一只宠物猫,它在院子里睡觉。

There is a pet cat in the courtyard, sleeping.

43. 院子里有一只宠物兔,它在院子里吃草。

There is a pet rabbit in the courtyard, eating grass.

44. 院子里有一只宠物鸟,它在院子里唱歌。

There is a pet bird in the courtyard, singing.

45. 院子里有一只宠物鱼,它在院子里游动。

There is a pet fish in the courtyard, swimming.

46. 院子里有一只宠物龟,它在院子里晒太阳。

There is a pet turtle in the courtyard, basking in the sun.

47. 院子里有一只宠物蛇,它在院子里爬行。

There is a pet snake in the courtyard, crawling.

48. 院子里有一只宠物蜥蜴,它在院子里躲藏。

There is a pet lizard in the courtyard, hiding.

49. 院子里有一只宠物蜘蛛,它在院子里织网。

There is a pet spider in the courtyard, weaving a web.

50. 院子里有一只宠物蜗牛,它在院子里爬行。

There is a pet snail in the courtyard, crawling.

51. 院子里有一只宠物青蛙,它在院子里跳跃。

There is a pet frog in the courtyard, jumping.

52. 院子里有一只宠物老鼠,它在院子里偷东西。

There is a pet mouse in the courtyard, stealing things.

53. 院子里有一只宠物松鼠,它在院子里觅食。

There is a pet squirrel in the courtyard, foraging.

54. 院子里有一只宠物兔子,它在院子里玩耍。

There is a pet rabbit in the courtyard, playing.

55. 院子里有一只宠物小鸟,它在院子里飞翔。

There is a pet bird in the courtyard, flying.

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