
## 庸人自扰的句子 (52句)

**1. 庸人自扰,杞人忧天。**

Worried about nothing, like a person from the state of Qi who worried about the sky falling.

**2. 庸人自扰,无病呻吟。**

Worried about nothing, like a person moaning without being ill.

**3. 庸人自扰,小题大做。**

Worried about nothing, making a mountain out of a molehill.

**4. 庸人自扰,坐立不安。**

Worried about nothing, unable to sit still.

**5. 庸人自扰,寝食不安。**

Worried about nothing, unable to eat or sleep.

**6. 庸人自扰,心烦意乱。**

Worried about nothing, feeling agitated and confused.

**7. 庸人自扰,愁眉苦脸。**

Worried about nothing, with a troubled look on their face.

**8. 庸人自扰,胡思乱想。**

Worried about nothing, thinking haphazardly.

**9. 庸人自扰,疑神疑鬼。**

Worried about nothing, suspicious of everything.

**10. 庸人自扰,多虑善感。**

Worried about nothing, overthinking and sensitive.

**11. 庸人自扰,患得患失。**

Worried about nothing, fearing both gain and loss.

**12. 庸人自扰,事事担忧。**

Worried about nothing, worrying about everything.

**13. 庸人自扰,忧心忡忡。**

Worried about nothing, filled with anxiety.

**14. 庸人自扰,心神不宁。**

Worried about nothing, restless and uneasy.

**15. 庸人自扰,忐忑不安。**

Worried about nothing, feeling apprehensive and nervous.

**16. 庸人自扰,坐卧难安。**

Worried about nothing, unable to sit or lie comfortably.

**17. 庸人自扰,茶饭不思。**

Worried about nothing, losing appetite.

**18. 庸人自扰,夜不能寐。**

Worried about nothing, unable to sleep at night.

**19. 庸人自扰,心事重重。**

Worried about nothing, burdened with worries.

**20. 庸人自扰,精神恍惚。**

Worried about nothing, feeling dazed and confused.

**21. 庸人自扰,魂不守舍。**

Worried about nothing, absent-minded and distracted.

**22. 庸人自扰,心神不定。**

Worried about nothing, with a restless mind.

**23. 庸人自扰,心烦意躁。**

Worried about nothing, feeling irritable and agitated.

**24. 庸人自扰,情绪低落。**

Worried about nothing, feeling depressed and down.

**25. 庸人自扰,垂头丧气。**

Worried about nothing, feeling dejected and discouraged.

**26. 庸人自扰,自寻烦恼。**

Worried about nothing, creating trouble for oneself.

**27. 庸人自扰,自怨自艾。**

Worried about nothing, blaming and pitying oneself.

**28. 庸人自扰,自暴自弃。**

Worried about nothing, giving up on oneself.

**29. 庸人自扰,无事生非。**

Worried about nothing, making trouble out of nothing.

**30. 庸人自扰,无中生有。**

Worried about nothing, inventing problems that don't exist.

**31. 庸人自扰,无理取闹。**

Worried about nothing, being unreasonable and making a fuss.

**32. 庸人自扰,无端猜疑。**

Worried about nothing, being suspicious without reason.

**33. 庸人自扰,无病呻吟。**

Worried about nothing, complaining without being ill.

**34. 庸人自扰,无事可做。**

Worried about nothing, having nothing to do.

**35. 庸人自扰,无心工作。**

Worried about nothing, not focusing on work.

**36. 庸人自扰,无精打采。**

Worried about nothing, feeling listless and unenthusiastic.

**37. 庸人自扰,无欲无求。**

Worried about nothing, having no desires or aspirations.

**38. 庸人自扰,无动于衷。**

Worried about nothing, remaining indifferent.

**39. 庸人自扰,无知无畏。**

Worried about nothing, being ignorant and fearless.

**40. 庸人自扰,无稽之谈。**

Worried about nothing, talking nonsense.

**41. 庸人自扰,无病呻吟。**

Worried about nothing, complaining without being ill.

**42. 庸人自扰,无理取闹。**

Worried about nothing, being unreasonable and making a fuss.

**43. 庸人自扰,无端猜疑。**

Worried about nothing, being suspicious without reason.

**44. 庸人自扰,无事生非。**

Worried about nothing, making trouble out of nothing.

**45. 庸人自扰,无中生有。**

Worried about nothing, inventing problems that don't exist.

**46. 庸人自扰,无稽之谈。**

Worried about nothing, talking nonsense.

**47. 庸人自扰,无事一身轻。**

Worried about nothing, being free from worries.

**48. 庸人自扰,无忧无虑。**

Worried about nothing, being carefree.

**49. 庸人自扰,无拘无束。**

Worried about nothing, being unrestrained.

**50. 庸人自扰,无牵无挂。**

Worried about nothing, being without worries or attachments.

**51. 庸人自扰,无欲无求。**

Worried about nothing, having no desires or aspirations.

**52. 庸人自扰,无忧无虑。**

Worried about nothing, being carefree.

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