
## 度日如年的句子,73句,并翻译成英文

1. 日子过得真慢,就像蜗牛在爬行。

The days are passing by so slowly, like a snail crawling.

2. 时间仿佛静止了,每一分钟都像一个世纪那么漫长。

Time seems to have stood still, each minute feels like an eternity.

3. 每一刻都充满了煎熬,我渴望时间快点过去。

Every moment is filled with torment, I long for time to pass quickly.

4. 我迫切地想要逃离这漫长的等待,却无能为力。

I desperately want to escape this long wait, but I am powerless.

5. 时间如同沙漏般缓缓流逝,我却只能眼睁睁地看着它流失。

Time slips away like sand through an hourglass, and I can only watch helplessly.

6. 每一秒都像一个世纪,我无法忍受这种煎熬。

Every second feels like a century, I cannot endure this torment.

7. 我渴望时间快点过去,但它却像蜗牛一样爬行。

I yearn for time to pass quickly, but it crawls like a snail.

8. 我的心仿佛被悬挂在空中,每分每秒都充满了焦虑。

My heart feels like it's hanging in the air, every minute and second is filled with anxiety.

9. 我渴望得到解脱,但时间却无情地折磨着我。

I yearn for liberation, but time relentlessly torments me.

10. 时间仿佛是一条永无止境的河流,我却只能在其中漂泊。

Time is like an endless river, and I can only drift in it.

11. 我被困在时间的牢笼里,无法挣脱。

I am trapped in the cage of time, unable to break free.

12. 我渴望时间快点过去,但它却像一个顽皮的孩子,故意拖延时间。

I yearn for time to pass quickly, but it's like a mischievous child, deliberately delaying time.

13. 我被时间的洪流所吞噬,无法掌控自己的命运。

I am swallowed by the torrent of time, unable to control my own destiny.

14. 时间仿佛是一把无情的利刃,无情地切割着我的希望。

Time is like a merciless blade, ruthlessly cutting away my hope.

15. 我被时间的枷锁所束缚,无法自由行动。

I am bound by the shackles of time, unable to act freely.

16. 时间仿佛是一场永无止境的梦魇,我无法从中醒来。

Time is like an endless nightmare, from which I cannot awaken.

17. 我渴望时间快点过去,但它却像一个调皮的孩子,故意逗弄着我。

I yearn for time to pass quickly, but it's like a mischievous child, teasing me on purpose.

18. 时间仿佛是一条无情的河流,将我带向未知的未来。

Time is like a relentless river, carrying me toward an unknown future.

19. 我被时间的洪流所裹挟,无法逆流而上。

I am swept away by the torrent of time, unable to swim upstream.

20. 我渴望时间快点过去,但它却像一个顽皮的小精灵,故意躲避着我。

I yearn for time to pass quickly, but it's like a mischievous sprite, deliberately avoiding me.

21. 时间仿佛是一把刻刀,无情地刻下岁月的痕迹。

Time is like a carving knife, mercilessly etching the marks of time.

22. 我被时间的洪流所吞噬,无法逃脱它的魔爪。

I am swallowed by the torrent of time, unable to escape its clutches.

23. 我渴望时间快点过去,但它却像一个顽皮的孩子,故意嘲弄着我。

I yearn for time to pass quickly, but it's like a mischievous child, mocking me on purpose.

24. 时间仿佛是一场无尽的梦,我无法从中醒来。

Time is like an endless dream, from which I cannot awaken.

25. 我被时间的洪流所裹挟,无法掌控自己的命运。

I am swept away by the torrent of time, unable to control my own destiny.

26. 我渴望时间快点过去,但它却像一个无情的魔鬼,折磨着我。

I yearn for time to pass quickly, but it's like a relentless devil, tormenting me.

27. 时间仿佛是一场永无止境的煎熬,我无法从中解脱。

Time is like an endless torment, from which I cannot escape.

28. 我被时间的洪流所吞噬,无法找到回家的路。

I am swallowed by the torrent of time, unable to find my way home.

29. 我渴望时间快点过去,但它却像一个顽皮的孩子,故意欺骗着我。

I yearn for time to pass quickly, but it's like a mischievous child, deliberately deceiving me.

30. 时间仿佛是一把无情的利刃,无情地切割着我的梦想。

Time is like a merciless blade, ruthlessly cutting away my dreams.

31. 我被时间的洪流所裹挟,无法逆流而上。

I am swept away by the torrent of time, unable to swim upstream.

32. 我渴望时间快点过去,但它却像一个顽皮的小精灵,故意躲避着我。

I yearn for time to pass quickly, but it's like a mischievous sprite, deliberately avoiding me.

33. 时间仿佛是一场永无止境的轮回,我无法从中解脱。

Time is like an endless cycle, from which I cannot escape.

34. 我被时间的洪流所吞噬,无法找回失去的青春。

I am swallowed by the torrent of time, unable to regain my lost youth.

35. 我渴望时间快点过去,但它却像一个无情的魔鬼,折磨着我。

I yearn for time to pass quickly, but it's like a relentless devil, tormenting me.

36. 时间仿佛是一场无尽的梦魇,我无法从中醒来。

Time is like an endless nightmare, from which I cannot awaken.

37. 我被时间的洪流所裹挟,无法掌控自己的命运。

I am swept away by the torrent of time, unable to control my own destiny.

38. 我渴望时间快点过去,但它却像一个顽皮的孩子,故意逗弄着我。

I yearn for time to pass quickly, but it's like a mischievous child, teasing me on purpose.

39. 时间仿佛是一条无情的河流,将我带向未知的未来。

Time is like a relentless river, carrying me toward an unknown future.

40. 我被时间的洪流所吞噬,无法逃脱它的魔爪。

I am swallowed by the torrent of time, unable to escape its clutches.

41. 我渴望时间快点过去,但它却像一个顽皮的孩子,故意嘲弄着我。

I yearn for time to pass quickly, but it's like a mischievous child, mocking me on purpose.

42. 时间仿佛是一场无尽的梦,我无法从中醒来。

Time is like an endless dream, from which I cannot awaken.

43. 我被时间的洪流所裹挟,无法掌控自己的命运。

I am swept away by the torrent of time, unable to control my own destiny.

44. 我渴望时间快点过去,但它却像一个无情的魔鬼,折磨着我。

I yearn for time to pass quickly, but it's like a relentless devil, tormenting me.

45. 时间仿佛是一场永无止境的煎熬,我无法从中解脱。

Time is like an endless torment, from which I cannot escape.

46. 我被时间的洪流所吞噬,无法找到回家的路。

I am swallowed by the torrent of time, unable to find my way home.

47. 我渴望时间快点过去,但它却像一个顽皮的孩子,故意欺骗着我。

I yearn for time to pass quickly, but it's like a mischievous child, deliberately deceiving me.

48. 时间仿佛是一把无情的利刃,无情地切割着我的梦想。

Time is like a merciless blade, ruthlessly cutting away my dreams.

49. 我被时间的洪流所裹挟,无法逆流而上。

I am swept away by the torrent of time, unable to swim upstream.

50. 我渴望时间快点过去,但它却像一个顽皮的小精灵,故意躲避着我。

I yearn for time to pass quickly, but it's like a mischievous sprite, deliberately avoiding me.

51. 时间仿佛是一场永无止境的轮回,我无法从中解脱。

Time is like an endless cycle, from which I cannot escape.

52. 我被时间的洪流所吞噬,无法找回失去的青春。

I am swallowed by the torrent of time, unable to regain my lost youth.

53. 我渴望时间快点过去,但它却像一个无情的魔鬼,折磨着我。

I yearn for time to pass quickly, but it's like a relentless devil, tormenting me.

54. 时间仿佛是一场无尽的梦魇,我无法从中醒来。

Time is like an endless nightmare, from which I cannot awaken.

55. 我被时间的洪流所裹挟,无法掌控自己的命运。

I am swept away by the torrent of time, unable to control my own destiny.

56. 我渴望时间快点过去,但它却像一个顽皮的孩子,故意逗弄着我。

I yearn for time to pass quickly, but it's like a mischievous child, teasing me on purpose.

57. 时间仿佛是一条无情的河流,将我带向未知的未来。

Time is like a relentless river, carrying me toward an unknown future.

58. 我被时间的洪流所吞噬,无法逃脱它的魔爪。

I am swallowed by the torrent of time, unable to escape its clutches.

59. 我渴望时间快点过去,但它却像一个顽皮的孩子,故意嘲弄着我。

I yearn for time to pass quickly, but it's like a mischievous child, mocking me on purpose.

60. 时间仿佛是一场无尽的梦,我无法从中醒来。

Time is like an endless dream, from which I cannot awaken.

61. 我被时间的洪流所裹挟,无法掌控自己的命运。

I am swept away by the torrent of time, unable to control my own destiny.

62. 我渴望时间快点过去,但它却像一个无情的魔鬼,折磨着我。

I yearn for time to pass quickly, but it's like a relentless devil, tormenting me.

63. 时间仿佛是一场永无止境的煎熬,我无法从中解脱。

Time is like an endless torment, from which I cannot escape.

64. 我被时间的洪流所吞噬,无法找到回家的路。

I am swallowed by the torrent of time, unable to find my way home.

65. 我渴望时间快点过去,但它却像一个顽皮的孩子,故意欺骗着我。

I yearn for time to pass quickly, but it's like a mischievous child, deliberately deceiving me.

66. 时间仿佛是一把无情的利刃,无情地切割着我的梦想。

Time is like a merciless blade, ruthlessly cutting away my dreams.

67. 我被时间的洪流所裹挟,无法逆流而上。

I am swept away by the torrent of time, unable to swim upstream.

68. 我渴望时间快点过去,但它却像一个顽皮的小精灵,故意躲避着我。

I yearn for time to pass quickly, but it's like a mischievous sprite, deliberately avoiding me.

69. 时间仿佛是一场永无止境的轮回,我无法从中解脱。

Time is like an endless cycle, from which I cannot escape.

70. 我被时间的洪流所吞噬,无法找回失去的青春。

I am swallowed by the torrent of time, unable to regain my lost youth.

71. 我渴望时间快点过去,但它却像一个无情的魔鬼,折磨着我。

I yearn for time to pass quickly, but it's like a relentless devil, tormenting me.

72. 时间仿佛是一场无尽的梦魇,我无法从中醒来。

Time is like an endless nightmare, from which I cannot awaken.

73. 我被时间的洪流所裹挟,无法掌控自己的命运。

I am swept away by the torrent of time, unable to control my own destiny.

以上就是关于度日如年的句子73句(度日如年的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
