
## 庸俗世界句子 (76句)

**1.** 我们在庸俗世界里,活得像个笑话。

We live like a joke in this vulgar world.

**2.** 庸俗世界,充满着虚伪和欺骗。

The vulgar world is full of hypocrisy and deception.

**3.** 庸俗世界,让人迷失自我,沉迷于虚荣。

The vulgar world makes people lose themselves and indulge in vanity.

**4.** 庸俗世界,充满了欲望和贪婪。

The vulgar world is full of desire and greed.

**5.** 我们应该远离庸俗世界,追求内心的平静。

We should stay away from the vulgar world and seek inner peace.

**6.** 庸俗世界,让人变得麻木不仁。

The vulgar world makes people numb and insensitive.

**7.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了真情实感。

The vulgar world makes people lose their true feelings.

**8.** 庸俗世界,让人变得虚情假意。

The vulgar world makes people become hypocritical.

**9.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了梦想和追求。

The vulgar world makes people lose their dreams and aspirations.

**10.** 我们应该努力摆脱庸俗世界的束缚。

We should strive to break free from the shackles of the vulgar world.

**11.** 庸俗世界,让人变得自私自利。

The vulgar world makes people become selfish.

**12.** 庸俗世界,充满了尔虞我诈。

The vulgar world is full of intrigue and deception.

**13.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了善良和同情心。

The vulgar world makes people lose their kindness and empathy.

**14.** 庸俗世界,让人变得冷漠无情。

The vulgar world makes people become cold and heartless.

**15.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了独立思考的能力。

The vulgar world makes people lose their ability to think independently.

**16.** 我们应该保持独立思考,不被庸俗世界所左右。

We should maintain independent thinking and not be swayed by the vulgar world.

**17.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对美的追求。

The vulgar world makes people lose their pursuit of beauty.

**18.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对真善美的感知。

The vulgar world makes people lose their perception of truth, goodness, and beauty.

**19.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对生命的敬畏。

The vulgar world makes people lose their reverence for life.

**20.** 我们应该努力活出生命的意义,不要被庸俗世界所吞噬。

We should strive to live a meaningful life and not be swallowed up by the vulgar world.

**21.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对爱情的向往。

The vulgar world makes people lose their longing for love.

**22.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对友谊的珍惜。

The vulgar world makes people lose their appreciation for friendship.

**23.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对亲情的眷恋。

The vulgar world makes people lose their attachment to family.

**24.** 我们应该珍惜真情,不要被庸俗世界所蒙蔽。

We should cherish true love and not be blinded by the vulgar world.

**25.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对自由的渴望。

The vulgar world makes people lose their desire for freedom.

**26.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对真理的追求。

The vulgar world makes people lose their pursuit of truth.

**27.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对正义的信仰。

The vulgar world makes people lose their faith in justice.

**28.** 我们应该追求真理和正义,不要被庸俗世界所腐蚀。

We should pursue truth and justice and not be corrupted by the vulgar world.

**29.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对理想的坚持。

The vulgar world makes people lose their persistence in ideals.

**30.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对未来的憧憬。

The vulgar world makes people lose their vision of the future.

**31.** 我们应该保持乐观积极的心态,不要被庸俗世界所打倒。

We should maintain an optimistic and positive attitude and not be defeated by the vulgar world.

**32.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对人生的意义的思考。

The vulgar world makes people lose their reflection on the meaning of life.

**33.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对生命的热爱。

The vulgar world makes people lose their love for life.

**34.** 我们应该珍惜生命,活出精彩,不要被庸俗世界所浪费。

We should cherish life, live it to the fullest, and not be wasted by the vulgar world.

**35.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对艺术的欣赏。

The vulgar world makes people lose their appreciation for art.

**36.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对文化的传承。

The vulgar world makes people lose their inheritance of culture.

**37.** 我们应该传承文化,弘扬艺术,不要让庸俗世界所摧毁。

We should inherit culture, promote art, and not let the vulgar world destroy them.

**38.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对自然的敬畏。

The vulgar world makes people lose their awe of nature.

**39.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对生命的尊重。

The vulgar world makes people lose their respect for life.

**40.** 我们应该保护环境,爱护生命,不要让庸俗世界所破坏。

We should protect the environment, cherish life, and not let the vulgar world destroy them.

**41.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对未来的希望。

The vulgar world makes people lose their hope for the future.

**42.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对社会正义的追求。

The vulgar world makes people lose their pursuit of social justice.

**43.** 我们应该追求社会公平,维护正义,不要让庸俗世界所吞噬。

We should pursue social equality, uphold justice, and not be swallowed up by the vulgar world.

**44.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对知识的渴求。

The vulgar world makes people lose their thirst for knowledge.

**45.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对智慧的追求。

The vulgar world makes people lose their pursuit of wisdom.

**46.** 我们应该努力学习,不断提升自我,不要让庸俗世界所蒙蔽。

We should strive to learn, constantly improve ourselves, and not be blinded by the vulgar world.

**47.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对真理的探求。

The vulgar world makes people lose their quest for truth.

**48.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对理性的思考。

The vulgar world makes people lose their rational thinking.

**49.** 我们应该坚持理性思考,追求真理,不要被庸俗世界所迷惑。

We should stick to rational thinking, pursue truth, and not be confused by the vulgar world.

**50.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对生命的珍视。

The vulgar world makes people lose their appreciation for life.

**51.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对生命的敬畏。

The vulgar world makes people lose their reverence for life.

**52.** 我们应该珍惜生命,活出生命的价值,不要被庸俗世界所浪费。

We should cherish life, live out the value of life, and not be wasted by the vulgar world.

**53.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对幸福的追求。

The vulgar world makes people lose their pursuit of happiness.

**54.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对快乐的感知。

The vulgar world makes people lose their perception of happiness.

**55.** 我们应该追求真正的幸福,体验快乐的滋味,不要被庸俗世界所左右。

We should pursue true happiness, experience the taste of joy, and not be swayed by the vulgar world.

**56.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对成功的定义。

The vulgar world makes people lose their definition of success.

**57.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对人生的意义的理解。

The vulgar world makes people lose their understanding of the meaning of life.

**58.** 我们应该找到自己的人生目标,追求成功的真谛,不要被庸俗世界所迷惑。

We should find our life goals, pursue the true meaning of success, and not be confused by the vulgar world.

**59.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对真爱的渴望。

The vulgar world makes people lose their desire for true love.

**60.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对爱情的信仰。

The vulgar world makes people lose their faith in love.

**61.** 我们应该相信爱情,追求真爱,不要被庸俗世界所摧毁。

We should believe in love, pursue true love, and not be destroyed by the vulgar world.

**62.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对友谊的珍惜。

The vulgar world makes people lose their appreciation for friendship.

**63.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对朋友的信任。

The vulgar world makes people lose their trust in friends.

**64.** 我们应该珍惜友谊,信任朋友,不要被庸俗世界所蒙蔽。

We should cherish friendship, trust friends, and not be blinded by the vulgar world.

**65.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对亲情的眷恋。

The vulgar world makes people lose their attachment to family.

**66.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对家人的关爱。

The vulgar world makes people lose their love for their family.

**67.** 我们应该爱护家人,珍惜亲情,不要让庸俗世界所吞噬。

We should love our family, cherish family ties, and not be swallowed up by the vulgar world.

**68.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对自然的敬畏。

The vulgar world makes people lose their awe of nature.

**69.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对生命的尊重。

The vulgar world makes people lose their respect for life.

**70.** 我们应该保护环境,爱护生命,不要让庸俗世界所破坏。

We should protect the environment, cherish life, and not let the vulgar world destroy them.

**71.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对真善美的感知。

The vulgar world makes people lose their perception of truth, goodness, and beauty.

**72.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对美的追求。

The vulgar world makes people lose their pursuit of beauty.

**73.** 我们应该追求真善美,感受生命的美丽,不要让庸俗世界所蒙蔽。

We should pursue truth, goodness, and beauty, feel the beauty of life, and not be blinded by the vulgar world.

**74.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对未来的憧憬。

The vulgar world makes people lose their vision of the future.

**75.** 庸俗世界,让人失去了对理想的坚持。

The vulgar world makes people lose their persistence in ideals.

**76.** 我们应该坚持梦想,追求理想,不要让庸俗世界所吞噬。

We should stick to our dreams, pursue our ideals, and not be swallowed up by the vulgar world.

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