
## 廉价付出句子 (70句)

**P1.** 廉价的付出,只会换来廉价的回报。
**P2.** 不要把你的付出当成理所当然,要懂得珍惜。
**P3.** 付出得越多,并不意味着得到的越多。
**P4.** 真正的付出,是用心,而不是用钱。
**P5.** 不要为了得到回报而付出,那样的付出是功利的。
**P6.** 付出得太多,可能会失去自我。
**P7.** 廉价的付出,只会让对方觉得你没有价值。
**P8.** 懂得珍惜,才能得到真正的回报。
**P9.** 付出要适度,不要过度。
**P10.** 不要把你的付出当成一种负担。
**P11.** 付出是一种美德,但也要懂得保护自己。
**P12.** 真正的付出,是发自内心的。
**P13.** 不要把你的付出当作一种交易。
**P14.** 付出要真诚,不要虚伪。
**P15.** 付出要理性,不要冲动。
**P16.** 付出要适时,不要盲目。
**P17.** 付出要懂得回报,不要一味付出。
**P18.** 付出要有所选择,不要随便付出。
**P19.** 付出要适度,不要太过分。
**P20.** 不要为了得到别人的赞赏而付出。
**P21.** 付出要坦荡,不要藏着掖着。
**P22.** 不要把你的付出当成一种炫耀。
**P23.** 付出要懂得感恩,不要理所当然。
**P24.** 付出要懂得回报,不要一味索取。
**P25.** 付出要懂得适可而止,不要无止境地付出。
**P26.** 不要把你的付出当成一种工具。
**P27.** 付出要懂得回报,不要白白付出。
**P28.** 不要为了得到回报而付出。
**P29.** 付出要懂得尊重,不要轻视。
**P30.** 付出要懂得节制,不要过度。
**P31.** 付出要懂得回报,不要一味付出。
**P32.** 付出要懂得拒绝,不要一味答应。
**P33.** 付出要懂得适可而止,不要一味地付出。
**P34.** 不要把你的付出当成一种施舍。
**P35.** 付出要懂得回报,不要白白付出。
**P36.** 不要为了得到别人的认可而付出。
**P37.** 付出要懂得回报,不要一味地付出。
**P38.** 不要把你的付出当成一种负担。
**P39.** 付出要懂得回报,不要一味地付出。
**P40.** 不要为了得到别人的同情而付出。
**P41.** 付出要懂得回报,不要白白付出。
**P42.** 不要把你的付出当成一种交易。
**P43.** 付出要懂得回报,不要一味地付出。
**P44.** 不要为了得到别人的爱而付出。
**P45.** 付出要懂得回报,不要白白付出。
**P46.** 不要把你的付出当成一种炫耀。
**P47.** 付出要懂得回报,不要一味地付出。
**P48.** 不要为了得到别人的赞赏而付出。
**P49.** 付出要懂得回报,不要白白付出。
**P50.** 不要把你的付出当成一种施舍。
**P51.** 付出要懂得回报,不要一味地付出。
**P52.** 不要为了得到别人的认可而付出。
**P53.** 付出要懂得回报,不要白白付出。
**P54.** 不要为了得到别人的同情而付出。
**P55.** 付出要懂得回报,不要白白付出。
**P56.** 不要把你的付出当成一种交易。
**P57.** 付出要懂得回报,不要一味地付出。
**P58.** 不要为了得到别人的爱而付出。
**P59.** 付出要懂得回报,不要白白付出。
**P60.** 不要把你的付出当成一种炫耀。
**P61.** 付出要懂得回报,不要白白付出。
**P62.** 不要为了得到别人的赞赏而付出。
**P63.** 付出要懂得回报,不要白白付出。
**P64.** 不要把你的付出当成一种施舍。
**P65.** 付出要懂得回报,不要一味地付出。
**P66.** 不要为了得到别人的认可而付出。
**P67.** 付出要懂得回报,不要白白付出。
**P68.** 不要为了得到别人的同情而付出。
**P69.** 付出要懂得回报,不要白白付出。
**P70.** 不要把你的付出当成一种交易。

## 英文翻译

**P1.** Cheap giving only brings cheap returns.
**P2.** Don't take your giving for granted, learn to cherish it.
**P3.** Giving more doesn't mean getting more.
**P4.** True giving is with heart, not with money.
**P5.** Don't give to get something in return, that kind of giving is utilitarian.
**P6.** Giving too much can lead to losing yourself.
**P7.** Cheap giving only makes the other person feel you are worthless.
**P8.** Knowing how to cherish is the key to getting true returns.
**P9.** Giving should be moderate, not excessive.
**P10.** Don't treat your giving as a burden.
**P11.** Giving is a virtue, but you also need to know how to protect yourself.
**P12.** True giving comes from the heart.
**P13.** Don't treat your giving as a transaction.
**P14.** Giving should be sincere, not hypocritical.
**P15.** Giving should be rational, not impulsive.
**P16.** Giving should be timely, not blind.
**P17.** Giving should know how to return, not just give.
**P18.** Giving should be selective, don't give randomly.
**P19.** Giving should be moderate, not too much.
**P20.** Don't give to get praise from others.
**P21.** Giving should be open, not hidden.
**P22.** Don't treat your giving as a show off.
**P23.** Giving should know how to be grateful, not take it for granted.
**P24.** Giving should know how to return, not just take.
**P25.** Giving should know when to stop, don't give endlessly.
**P26.** Don't treat your giving as a tool.
**P27.** Giving should know how to return, don't give in vain.
**P28.** Don't give to get something in return.
**P29.** Giving should know how to respect, don't look down on.
**P30.** Giving should know how to control, don't overdo it.
**P31.** Giving should know how to return, not just give.
**P32.** Giving should know how to refuse, don't just agree.
**P33.** Giving should know when to stop, don't just keep giving.
**P34.** Don't treat your giving as a charity.
**P35.** Giving should know how to return, don't give in vain.
**P36.** Don't give to get recognition from others.
**P37.** Giving should know how to return, not just keep giving.
**P38.** Don't treat your giving as a burden.
**P39.** Giving should know how to return, not just keep giving.
**P40.** Don't give to get sympathy from others.
**P41.** Giving should know how to return, don't give in vain.
**P42.** Don't treat your giving as a transaction.
**P43.** Giving should know how to return, not just keep giving.
**P44.** Don't give to get love from others.
**P45.** Giving should know how to return, don't give in vain.
**P46.** Don't treat your giving as a show off.
**P47.** Giving should know how to return, not just keep giving.
**P48.** Don't give to get praise from others.
**P49.** Giving should know how to return, don't give in vain.
**P50.** Don't treat your giving as a charity.
**P51.** Giving should know how to return, not just keep giving.
**P52.** Don't give to get recognition from others.
**P53.** Giving should know how to return, don't give in vain.
**P54.** Don't give to get sympathy from others.
**P55.** Giving should know how to return, don't give in vain.
**P56.** Don't treat your giving as a transaction.
**P57.** Giving should know how to return, not just keep giving.
**P58.** Don't give to get love from others.
**P59.** Giving should know how to return, don't give in vain.
**P60.** Don't treat your giving as a show off.
**P61.** Giving should know how to return, don't give in vain.
**P62.** Don't give to get praise from others.
**P63.** Giving should know how to return, don't give in vain.
**P64.** Don't treat your giving as a charity.
**P65.** Giving should know how to return, not just keep giving.
**P66.** Don't give to get recognition from others.
**P67.** Giving should know how to return, don't give in vain.
**P68.** Don't give to get sympathy from others.
**P69.** Giving should know how to return, don't give in vain.
**P70.** Don't treat your giving as a transaction.

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