
## 廉洁文化进校园句子 (57句)


1. 从小树立廉洁意识,做诚实守信的好学生。

Cultivate integrity awareness from an early age and be an honest and trustworthy student.

2. 廉洁自律,从我做起,从现在做起。

Be self-disciplined and incorruptible, starting with myself and now.

3. 廉洁是美德,也是力量,让我们一起传承廉洁文化。

Integrity is a virtue and a strength. Let's work together to pass on the culture of integrity.

4. 从小事做起,杜绝贪小便宜,培养廉洁品格。

Start with small things, avoid taking advantage of small gains, and cultivate integrity.

5. 廉洁是人生的底线,是社会和谐的基石。

Integrity is the bottom line of life and the cornerstone of social harmony.


6. 抵制诱惑,不为私利所动,做一个正直的人。

Resist temptation, don't be swayed by personal gain, and be an upright person.

7. 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为,从小事做起,抵制腐败。

Do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small. Start with small things and resist corruption.

8. 廉洁文化进校园,拒绝腐败,从我做起。

The culture of integrity enters the campus, rejecting corruption, starting with myself.

9. 抵制诱惑,守住底线,做一个清清白白的学生。

Resist temptation, hold the line, and be a clean and honest student.

10. 正气浩然,廉洁自律,共同维护校园风气。

With righteous spirit and self-discipline, we jointly maintain the campus atmosphere.


11. 学习廉洁楷模,传承中华美德。

Learn from role models of integrity and inherit Chinese virtues.

12. 学习先贤廉洁故事,汲取廉洁智慧。

Learn from the stories of integrity of our ancestors and gain wisdom on integrity.

13. 以廉洁楷模为榜样,做一名道德高尚的学生。

Take role models of integrity as examples and be a student with high moral standards.

14. 学习廉洁文化,传承优秀传统,树立正确价值观。

Learn about the culture of integrity, inherit excellent traditions, and establish correct values.

15. 廉洁文化进校园,让廉洁精神代代相传。

The culture of integrity enters the campus, ensuring that the spirit of integrity is passed down from generation to generation.


16. 诚信做人,廉洁做事,做一个有责任感的人。

Be honest in life, be incorruptible in actions, and be a responsible person.

17. 廉洁自律,勤俭节约,养成良好的生活习惯。

Be self-disciplined and incorruptible, be thrifty and economical, and develop good living habits.

18. 从小培养廉洁品格,为社会发展贡献力量。

Cultivate integrity from a young age and contribute to social development.

19. 做一个有担当,有原则,有廉洁意识的合格公民。

Be a qualified citizen with responsibility, principles, and integrity awareness.

20. 廉洁自律,是我们立身之本,也是我们成才之基。

Integrity and self-discipline are the foundation of our life and the basis of our success.


21. 廉洁文化进校园,打造风清气正的学习环境。

The culture of integrity enters the campus, creating a clean and honest learning environment.

22. 廉洁是校园文化的重要组成部分,让我们共同维护。

Integrity is an important part of campus culture, and let's work together to maintain it.

23. 校园是廉洁文化的重要阵地,让我们共同建设。

The campus is an important battleground for the culture of integrity, and let's build it together.

24. 让廉洁成为校园的文化底蕴,成为我们共同的追求。

Let integrity become the cultural foundation of the campus and our shared pursuit.

25. 廉洁文化,校园风尚,让校园充满正能量。

The culture of integrity, campus style, let the campus be full of positive energy.


26. 廉洁教育,从娃娃抓起,从小培养廉洁意识。

Integrity education starts with children, cultivating integrity awareness from a young age.

27. 让廉洁文化进校园,为祖国培养廉洁人才。

Let the culture of integrity enter the campus and cultivate integrity talents for the country.

28. 从小接受廉洁教育,长大成为社会栋梁。

Receive integrity education from a young age and grow up to become pillars of society.

29. 廉洁教育是人生的宝贵财富,让我们珍惜它,传承它。

Integrity education is a valuable treasure in life, let's cherish it and pass it on.

30. 廉洁文化进校园,为未来培养廉洁的接班人。

The culture of integrity enters the campus, cultivating clean successors for the future.


31. 廉洁是社会发展的基石,是国家富强之本。

Integrity is the cornerstone of social development and the foundation of national prosperity.

32. 廉洁文化是社会进步的催化剂,是时代发展的呼唤。

The culture of integrity is a catalyst for social progress and a call of the times.

33. 廉洁社会,和谐社会,是我们共同的追求。

A clean society and a harmonious society are our shared pursuit.

34. 廉洁是社会主义核心价值观的重要内容,让我们共同践行。

Integrity is an important part of socialist core values, let's work together to practice it.

35. 建设廉洁社会,需要我们每一个人的努力。

Building a clean society requires the efforts of each of us.


36. 廉洁不仅是政治问题,也是生活问题。

Integrity is not only a political issue but also a life issue.

37. 从日常生活做起,从小事做起,让廉洁成为生活习惯。

Start with daily life, start with small things, and make integrity a habit.

38. 廉洁与我们每个人息息相关,让我们共同维护廉洁社会。

Integrity is closely related to each of us, let's work together to maintain a clean society.

39. 做一个廉洁的人,做一个对社会有用的人。

Be an incorruptible person, be a useful person to society.

40. 廉洁是美德,是社会进步的动力,让我们共同创造廉洁社会。

Integrity is a virtue, the driving force of social progress, let's work together to create a clean society.


41. 廉洁是新时代精神文明建设的重要内容。

Integrity is an important part of the spiritual civilization construction in the new era.

42. 廉洁是时代精神的体现,是我们时代的主旋律。

Integrity is the embodiment of the spirit of the times and the main theme of our times.

43. 廉洁是中华民族的优良传统,我们要传承发扬。

Integrity is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation, and we must carry it forward.

44. 廉洁是社会进步的必然趋势,是历史发展的必然结果。

Integrity is the inevitable trend of social progress and the inevitable result of historical development.

45. 廉洁是人类社会共同的追求,是世界和平发展的重要基石。

Integrity is a common pursuit of human society and an important cornerstone of world peace and development.


46. 廉洁文化建设任重道远,我们要持之以恒。

The construction of the culture of integrity is a long-term task, and we must persevere.

47. 廉洁文化需要我们每个人共同参与,共同维护。

The culture of integrity requires the participation and maintenance of each of us.

48. 廉洁文化建设是一个系统工程,需要全社会的共同努力。

The construction of the culture of integrity is a systematic project that requires the joint efforts of the whole society.

49. 让廉洁文化深入人心,成为一种社会风尚。

Let the culture of integrity be deeply rooted in people's hearts and become a social fashion.

50. 廉洁文化建设,任重而道远,让我们一起努力,共同创造美好未来。

The construction of the culture of integrity is a long and arduous task, let's work together and create a better future.


51. 一念之差,毁掉一生。

One wrong thought can ruin a lifetime.

52. 贪欲无底洞,廉洁是正道。

Greed is a bottomless pit, integrity is the right path.

53. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。

Do not do good because it is small, and do not do evil because it is small.

54. 君子爱财,取之有道。

A gentleman loves wealth but acquires it by righteous means.

55. 廉洁是金,是精神的支柱,是灵魂的灯塔。

Integrity is gold, the pillar of spirit, and the beacon of the soul.

56. 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。

Do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small.

57. 廉洁是中华民族的优良传统,我们要代代相传。

Integrity is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation, and we must pass it down from generation to generation.

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