
## 五十步笑百步的道理句子,55句,并翻译成英文,加上

标签1. **五十步笑百步,不过是自欺欺人罢了。**

It's just self-deception to laugh at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away.

2. **五十步笑百步,并不能掩盖自身的错误。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away cannot cover up your own mistakes.

3. **五十步笑百步,只会让人觉得你虚伪和可笑。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away will only make people think you are hypocritical and ridiculous.

4. **五十步笑百步,是典型的双重标准。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of double standards.

5. **五十步笑百步,只会让自己的错误更加明显。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away will only make your own mistakes more obvious.

6. **五十步笑百步,是逃避责任的表现。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a sign of shirking responsibility.

7. **五十步笑百步,是缺乏自知之明的表现。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a sign of a lack of self-awareness.

8. **五十步笑百步,是一种不道德的行为。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is an unethical behavior.

9. **五十步笑百步,只会让你的形象更加糟糕。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away will only make your image worse.

10. **五十步笑百步,是掩耳盗铃的行为。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is like trying to cover your ears to stop the sound of a bell. It is futile.

11. **五十步笑百步,是典型的以己度人的错误。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical mistake of judging others by yourself.

12. **五十步笑百步,是缺乏反省能力的表现。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a sign of a lack of reflection.

13. **五十步笑百步,只会让人觉得你没有教养。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away will only make people think you are uncouth.

14. **五十步笑百步,是典型的自以为是的表现。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical manifestation of arrogance.

15. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“墙里开花墙外香”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"the flower blooming inside the wall is fragrant outside the wall." It means that people often fail to recognize their own shortcomings while being quick to criticize others.

16. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“当局者迷,旁观者清”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"the person involved is confused, but the observer is clear." It means that people often fail to see their own mistakes because they are too close to the situation.

17. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“井底之蛙”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"the frog at the bottom of the well." It means that people with limited experience or knowledge often have a narrow perspective.

18. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“夜郎自大”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"Nightingale's arrogance." It means that people with inflated egos often fail to recognize their own limitations.

19. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“一叶障目不见泰山”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"a leaf obscuring the mountain." It means that people often fail to see the bigger picture because they are fixated on small details.

20. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“坐井观天”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"looking at the sky from the bottom of a well." It means that people with limited experiences have a narrow perspective.

21. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“鼠目寸光”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"having the vision of a rat." It means that people with a short-sighted perspective fail to see the long-term consequences of their actions.

22. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“目光短浅”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"having shortsightedness." It means that people with a limited perspective fail to see the bigger picture.

23. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“舍本逐末”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"abandoning the root and chasing the branches." It means that people often focus on trivial matters while neglecting the important issues.

24. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“只见树木不见森林”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"only seeing the trees but not the forest." It means that people often fail to see the bigger picture because they are too focused on the details.

25. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“画蛇添足”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"adding feet to a snake." It means that people often overdo things and end up making things worse.

26. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“欲盖弥彰”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"trying to cover up something but making it more obvious." It means that people often try to hide their mistakes but end up making them more apparent.

27. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“掩耳盗铃”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"covering your ears to steal a bell." It means that people often try to fool themselves into believing that they have avoided a problem, but in reality, they have not.

28. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“自欺欺人”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"deceiving oneself." It means that people often try to convince themselves that they are better than they really are.

29. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“自命不凡”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"thinking highly of oneself." It means that people often have an inflated sense of their own importance.

30. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“自以为是”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"thinking one is right." It means that people often fail to see their own mistakes and are too quick to criticize others.

31. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“不知天高地厚”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"not knowing how high the sky is or how deep the earth is." It means that people often fail to recognize their own limitations.

32. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“妄自菲薄”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"unduly belittling oneself." It means that people often have a low opinion of themselves and fail to see their own strengths.

33. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“不知好歹”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"not knowing what is good and what is bad." It means that people often fail to recognize the kindness and generosity of others.

34. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“不知廉耻”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"not knowing what is shameful." It means that people often lack a sense of morality and are willing to do anything to get ahead.

35. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“欺软怕硬”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"bullying the weak and fearing the strong." It means that people often take advantage of those who are weaker than them.

36. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“见利忘义”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"forgetting about righteousness for the sake of profit." It means that people often put their own interests above the needs of others.

37. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“唯利是图”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"being motivated only by profit." It means that people often make decisions based solely on what will benefit them financially.

38. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“忘恩负义”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"forgetting about the kindness of others." It means that people often fail to show gratitude for the help they have received.

39. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“恩将仇报”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"returning kindness with hatred." It means that people often fail to show appreciation for those who have helped them and instead become hostile towards them.

40. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“落井下石”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"kicking someone when they are down." It means that people often take pleasure in the misfortune of others.

41. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“幸灾乐祸”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"taking pleasure in the misfortune of others." It means that people often derive enjoyment from the suffering of others.

42. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“冷酷无情”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"being cold-hearted and merciless." It means that people often lack empathy and compassion for others.

43. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“心狠手辣”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"being cruel and ruthless." It means that people often resort to violence and intimidation to get what they want.

44. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“毫无人性”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"lacking any humanity." It means that people often act in ways that are inhumane and cruel.

45. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“不择手段”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"being unscrupulous." It means that people often resort to any means necessary to achieve their goals.

46. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“唯我独尊”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"thinking one is the only important person." It means that people often have an inflated sense of their own importance and believe that they are better than others.

47. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“目中无人”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"having no respect for others." It means that people often treat others with disrespect and disregard their feelings.

48. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“傲慢无礼”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"being arrogant and rude." It means that people often act in a condescending and dismissive manner towards others.

49. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“自以为是,目空一切”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"thinking one is right and despising everything else." It means that people often have a narrow perspective and fail to see the value in the opinions of others.

50. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“鼠目寸光,不知轻重”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"having the vision of a rat and not understanding the importance of things." It means that people often fail to see the long-term consequences of their actions and make decisions based on short-term gains.

51. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“一叶障目不见泰山,坐井观天不知天高地厚”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"a leaf obscuring the mountain and looking at the sky from the bottom of a well, not knowing how high the sky is or how deep the earth is." It means that people often fail to see the bigger picture and are limited in their understanding of the world.

52. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“不知廉耻,忘恩负义,恩将仇报”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"not knowing what is shameful, forgetting about the kindness of others, and returning kindness with hatred." It means that people often lack a sense of morality and are willing to act in ways that are unethical and harmful to others.

53. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“自欺欺人,掩耳盗铃,欲盖弥彰”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"deceiving oneself, covering one's ears to steal a bell, and trying to cover up something but making it more obvious." It means that people often try to avoid facing the truth and end up making their mistakes more apparent.

54. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“自命不凡,目中无人,傲慢无礼”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"thinking highly of oneself, having no respect for others, and being arrogant and rude." It means that people often have an inflated sense of their own importance and treat others with disrespect.

55. **五十步笑百步,是典型的“鼠目寸光,不知轻重,不择手段”。**

Laughing at someone who is a hundred steps away while you are only fifty steps away is a typical example of"having the vision of a rat, not understanding the importance of things, and being unscrupulous." It means that people often make decisions based on short-term gains and are willing to use any means necessary to achieve their goals.

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