
## 逢入京侠句子,57句:

1. **侠肝义胆,路见不平一声吼。**
> A heroic heart and righteous spirit, a roar for injustice.

2. **仗剑江湖,行侠仗义,不问功名利禄。**
> Wielding a sword in the world, upholding justice, seeking neither fame nor fortune.

3. **侠之大者,为国为民。**
> The true essence of a hero lies in serving the nation and the people.

4. **路见不平,拔刀相助,侠客之道也。**
> To see injustice and draw your sword to help, this is the way of a hero.

5. **大丈夫当如是,方显英雄本色。**
> A true man should be like this, to reveal his true heroic nature.

6. **侠义之风,吹遍神州。**
> The wind of chivalry blows across the land.

7. **侠之仁义,荡涤江湖。**
> The righteousness of heroes cleanses the world.

8. **侠肝义胆,豪情万丈。**
> Heroic spirit and righteous courage, boundless passion.

9. **侠义无价,情义无价。**
> Chivalry is priceless, loyalty is priceless.

10. **侠之大者,胸怀天下。**
> The true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders.

11. **侠义之举,胜过千言万语。**
> Actions of chivalry speak louder than words.

12. **侠者,不畏强权,不惧生死。**
> A hero is fearless in the face of power, and unafraid of life and death.

13. **侠客行天下,路途漫漫,心怀正义。**
> Heroes travel the world, their journey is long, their heart filled with justice.

14. **侠之大者,心存慈悲。**
> The true hero possesses a compassionate heart.

15. **侠肝义胆,舍己为人。**
> Heroic spirit and righteous courage, putting others before oneself.

16. **侠之大者,无私无畏。**
> The true hero is selfless and fearless.

17. **侠义之风,吹遍神州,侠之大者,心系天下。**
> The wind of chivalry blows across the land, the true hero holds the world in their heart.

18. **侠客行天下,行侠仗义,路途漫漫,心怀正义。**
> Heroes travel the world, upholding justice, their journey is long, their heart filled with justice.

19. **侠之大者,无私奉献。**
> The true hero is selfless and dedicated.

20. **侠义之风,吹遍神州,侠客行天下,行侠仗义。**
> The wind of chivalry blows across the land, heroes travel the world, upholding justice.

21. **侠之大者,心怀天下,侠义之风,吹遍神州。**
> The true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

22. **侠客行天下,路途漫漫,行侠仗义,心怀正义。**
> Heroes travel the world, their journey is long, upholding justice, their heart filled with justice.

23. **侠之大者,舍己为人,侠义之风,吹遍神州。**
> The true hero puts others before oneself, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

24. **侠客行天下,行侠仗义,路见不平,拔刀相助。**
> Heroes travel the world, upholding justice, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help.

25. **侠之大者,心怀天下,侠客行天下,行侠仗义。**
> The true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders, heroes travel the world, upholding justice.

26. **侠义之风,吹遍神州,侠之大者,无私无畏。**
> The wind of chivalry blows across the land, the true hero is selfless and fearless.

27. **侠客行天下,路途漫漫,心怀正义,侠义之举,胜过千言万语。**
> Heroes travel the world, their journey is long, their heart filled with justice, actions of chivalry speak louder than words.

28. **侠之大者,心存慈悲,侠义之风,吹遍神州。**
> The true hero possesses a compassionate heart, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

29. **侠客行天下,行侠仗义,路见不平,拔刀相助,侠义之举,胜过千言万语。**
> Heroes travel the world, upholding justice, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help, actions of chivalry speak louder than words.

30. **侠之大者,无私奉献,侠义之风,吹遍神州。**
> The true hero is selfless and dedicated, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

31. **侠义之举,胜过千言万语,侠之大者,心怀天下。**
> Actions of chivalry speak louder than words, the true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders.

32. **侠客行天下,路途漫漫,侠义之风,吹遍神州。**
> Heroes travel the world, their journey is long, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

33. **侠之大者,无私无畏,侠客行天下,行侠仗义。**
> The true hero is selfless and fearless, heroes travel the world, upholding justice.

34. **侠义之风,吹遍神州,侠客行天下,路见不平,拔刀相助。**
> The wind of chivalry blows across the land, heroes travel the world, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help.

35. **侠之大者,心存慈悲,侠义之风,吹遍神州。**
> The true hero possesses a compassionate heart, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

36. **侠客行天下,行侠仗义,路途漫漫,侠义之风,吹遍神州。**
> Heroes travel the world, upholding justice, their journey is long, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

37. **侠之大者,心怀天下,侠客行天下,路见不平,拔刀相助。**
> The true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders, heroes travel the world, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help.

38. **侠义之风,吹遍神州,侠之大者,无私奉献,侠客行天下,行侠仗义。**
> The wind of chivalry blows across the land, the true hero is selfless and dedicated, heroes travel the world, upholding justice.

39. **侠客行天下,路途漫漫,侠义之风,吹遍神州,侠之大者,心存慈悲。**
> Heroes travel the world, their journey is long, the wind of chivalry blows across the land, the true hero possesses a compassionate heart.

40. **侠义之举,胜过千言万语,侠之大者,无私无畏,侠客行天下,行侠仗义。**
> Actions of chivalry speak louder than words, the true hero is selfless and fearless, heroes travel the world, upholding justice.

41. **侠之大者,心怀天下,侠客行天下,路途漫漫,侠义之风,吹遍神州。**
> The true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders, heroes travel the world, their journey is long, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

42. **侠客行天下,路见不平,拔刀相助,侠义之风,吹遍神州。**
> Heroes travel the world, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

43. **侠义之举,胜过千言万语,侠之大者,心存慈悲,侠客行天下,行侠仗义。**
> Actions of chivalry speak louder than words, the true hero possesses a compassionate heart, heroes travel the world, upholding justice.

44. **侠之大者,无私奉献,侠客行天下,路途漫漫,侠义之风,吹遍神州。**
> The true hero is selfless and dedicated, heroes travel the world, their journey is long, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

45. **侠义之风,吹遍神州,侠之大者,心怀天下,侠客行天下,路见不平,拔刀相助。**
> The wind of chivalry blows across the land, the true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders, heroes travel the world, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help.

46. **侠之大者,无私无畏,侠客行天下,路见不平,拔刀相助,侠义之举,胜过千言万语。**
> The true hero is selfless and fearless, heroes travel the world, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help, actions of chivalry speak louder than words.

47. **侠义之风,吹遍神州,侠之大者,心存慈悲,侠客行天下,路途漫漫,行侠仗义。**
> The wind of chivalry blows across the land, the true hero possesses a compassionate heart, heroes travel the world, their journey is long, upholding justice.

48. **侠之大者,心怀天下,侠客行天下,路途漫漫,侠义之风,吹遍神州。**
> The true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders, heroes travel the world, their journey is long, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

49. **侠客行天下,路见不平,拔刀相助,侠义之举,胜过千言万语。**
> Heroes travel the world, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help, actions of chivalry speak louder than words.

50. **侠之大者,无私奉献,侠义之风,吹遍神州,侠客行天下,路途漫漫,行侠仗义。**
> The true hero is selfless and dedicated, the wind of chivalry blows across the land, heroes travel the world, their journey is long, upholding justice.

51. **侠之大者,心存慈悲,侠客行天下,路见不平,拔刀相助,侠义之风,吹遍神州。**
> The true hero possesses a compassionate heart, heroes travel the world, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

52. **侠义之举,胜过千言万语,侠之大者,心怀天下,侠客行天下,路途漫漫,行侠仗义。**
> Actions of chivalry speak louder than words, the true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders, heroes travel the world, their journey is long, upholding justice.

53. **侠客行天下,路途漫漫,行侠仗义,侠义之风,吹遍神州,侠之大者,无私无畏。**
> Heroes travel the world, their journey is long, upholding justice, the wind of chivalry blows across the land, the true hero is selfless and fearless.

54. **侠之大者,心怀天下,侠客行天下,路途漫漫,侠义之举,胜过千言万语。**
> The true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders, heroes travel the world, their journey is long, actions of chivalry speak louder than words.

55. **侠义之风,吹遍神州,侠之大者,心存慈悲,侠客行天下,路见不平,拔刀相助。**
> The wind of chivalry blows across the land, the true hero possesses a compassionate heart, heroes travel the world, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help.

56. **侠客行天下,路途漫漫,侠义之风,吹遍神州,侠之大者,心怀天下,侠义之举,胜过千言万语。**
> Heroes travel the world, their journey is long, the wind of chivalry blows across the land, the true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders, actions of chivalry speak louder than words.

57. **侠之大者,无私奉献,侠客行天下,路见不平,拔刀相助,侠义之风,吹遍神州。**
> The true hero is selfless and dedicated, heroes travel the world, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

## 英文翻译:

1. A heroic heart and righteous spirit, a roar for injustice.

2. Wielding a sword in the world, upholding justice, seeking neither fame nor fortune.

3. The true essence of a hero lies in serving the nation and the people.

4. To see injustice and draw your sword to help, this is the way of a hero.

5. A true man should be like this, to reveal his true heroic nature.

6. The wind of chivalry blows across the land.

7. The righteousness of heroes cleanses the world.

8. Heroic spirit and righteous courage, boundless passion.

9. Chivalry is priceless, loyalty is priceless.

10. The true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders.

11. Actions of chivalry speak louder than words.

12. A hero is fearless in the face of power, and unafraid of life and death.

13. Heroes travel the world, their journey is long, their heart filled with justice.

14. The true hero possesses a compassionate heart.

15. Heroic spirit and righteous courage, putting others before oneself.

16. The true hero is selfless and fearless.

17. The wind of chivalry blows across the land, the true hero holds the world in their heart.

18. Heroes travel the world, upholding justice, their journey is long, their heart filled with justice.

19. The true hero is selfless and dedicated.

20. The wind of chivalry blows across the land, heroes travel the world, upholding justice.

21. The true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

22. Heroes travel the world, their journey is long, upholding justice, their heart filled with justice.

23. The true hero puts others before oneself, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

24. Heroes travel the world, upholding justice, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help.

25. The true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders, heroes travel the world, upholding justice.

26. The wind of chivalry blows across the land, the true hero is selfless and fearless.

27. Heroes travel the world, their journey is long, their heart filled with justice, actions of chivalry speak louder than words.

28. The true hero possesses a compassionate heart, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

29. Heroes travel the world, upholding justice, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help, actions of chivalry speak louder than words.

30. The true hero is selfless and dedicated, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

31. Actions of chivalry speak louder than words, the true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders.

32. Heroes travel the world, their journey is long, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

33. The true hero is selfless and fearless, heroes travel the world, upholding justice.

34. The wind of chivalry blows across the land, heroes travel the world, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help.

35. The true hero possesses a compassionate heart, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

36. Heroes travel the world, upholding justice, their journey is long, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

37. The true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders, heroes travel the world, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help.

38. The wind of chivalry blows across the land, the true hero is selfless and dedicated, heroes travel the world, upholding justice.

39. Heroes travel the world, their journey is long, the wind of chivalry blows across the land, the true hero possesses a compassionate heart.

40. Actions of chivalry speak louder than words, the true hero is selfless and fearless, heroes travel the world, upholding justice.

41. The true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders, heroes travel the world, their journey is long, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

42. Heroes travel the world, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

43. Actions of chivalry speak louder than words, the true hero possesses a compassionate heart, heroes travel the world, upholding justice.

44. The true hero is selfless and dedicated, heroes travel the world, their journey is long, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

45. The wind of chivalry blows across the land, the true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders, heroes travel the world, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help.

46. The true hero is selfless and fearless, heroes travel the world, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help, actions of chivalry speak louder than words.

47. The wind of chivalry blows across the land, the true hero possesses a compassionate heart, heroes travel the world, their journey is long, upholding justice.

48. The true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders, heroes travel the world, their journey is long, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

49. Heroes travel the world, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help, actions of chivalry speak louder than words.

50. The true hero is selfless and dedicated, the wind of chivalry blows across the land, heroes travel the world, their journey is long, upholding justice.

51. The true hero possesses a compassionate heart, heroes travel the world, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

52. Actions of chivalry speak louder than words, the true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders, heroes travel the world, their journey is long, upholding justice.

53. Heroes travel the world, their journey is long, upholding justice, the wind of chivalry blows across the land, the true hero is selfless and fearless.

54. The true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders, heroes travel the world, their journey is long, actions of chivalry speak louder than words.

55. The wind of chivalry blows across the land, the true hero possesses a compassionate heart, heroes travel the world, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help.

56. Heroes travel the world, their journey is long, the wind of chivalry blows across the land, the true hero carries the weight of the world on their shoulders, actions of chivalry speak louder than words.

57. The true hero is selfless and dedicated, heroes travel the world, seeing injustice, they draw their sword to help, the wind of chivalry blows across the land.

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