
## 逢凶化吉的句子 (60句)


1. 塞翁失马,焉知非福。 (A blessing in disguise.)
2. 祸兮福之所倚,福兮祸之所伏。 (Every misfortune has its good fortune; every good fortune has its misfortune.)
3. 逆境是生命的磨练,挫折是人生的考验。 (Adversity is a test of life; setbacks are a test of life.)
4. 阳光总在风雨后,乌云过后是晴空。 (Sunshine always follows the storm; clear skies follow the clouds.)
5. 跌倒了,爬起来,继续前进。 (Fall down, get up, and keep going.)
6. 相信自己,你一定能战胜困难。 (Believe in yourself, you can overcome any difficulties.)
7. 困难像弹簧,你弱它就强,你强它就弱。 (Difficulties are like springs, they become strong when you are weak, and weak when you are strong.)
8. 山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。 (The road ahead seems blocked, but a new path appears beyond the bend.)
9. 坚持就是胜利,不放弃就有希望。 (Persistence leads to victory; don't give up and there will be hope.)
10. 天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。 (Those who are destined for great things must first endure hardship, toil, hunger, emptiness, and chaos in their actions. This is how they cultivate their minds and develop their abilities beyond what they thought possible.)


11. 泰山崩于前而色不变,麋鹿兴于左而目不瞬。 (Remain calm and composed even in the face of disaster.)
12. 遇事不慌,沉着冷静,方能化险为夷。 (Stay calm and composed in the face of danger and you will be able to turn danger into safety.)
13. 心静自然凉,静观其变。 (A calm mind finds peace; observe and wait for changes.)
14. 不以物喜,不以己悲。 (Do not be elated by material possessions and do not grieve over personal misfortune.)
15. 凡事顺其自然,不必强求。 (Let things take their natural course, do not force them.)
16. 退一步海阔天空,忍一时风平浪静。 (Step back and the sky opens up; be patient and the storm will subside.)
17. 心宽一寸,天地宽一丈。 (A generous heart will find a spacious world.)
18. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 (The net of heaven is vast and wide, but it leaves no gaps.)
19. 福祸相依,乐极生悲,否极泰来。 (Good fortune and misfortune are intertwined; joy leads to sorrow, and adversity brings prosperity.)
20. 水到渠成,一切都是最好的安排。 (Things will happen naturally; everything is for the best.)


21. 锲而不舍,金石可镂。 (Persistence can move mountains.)
22. 天生我才必有用,千金散尽还复来。 (I was born for a purpose, and even if I spend all my wealth, it will return.)
23. 宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。 (A sharp sword is forged through tempering; plum blossoms are fragrant because they bloom in the cold.)
24. 雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越。 (The long road ahead may be difficult, but we will start anew and overcome all obstacles.)
25. 不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。 (How can you see a rainbow without going through storms?)
26. 风雨过后,才能见到阳光。 (After the storm, there is sunshine.)
27. 生命不息,奋斗不止。 (Life never stops, and our struggle never ends.)
28. 艰难困苦,玉汝于成。 (Hardships and difficulties will make you stronger.)
29. 成功总是属于那些永不放弃的人。 (Success always belongs to those who never give up.)
30. 不积跬步,无以至千里。 (You cannot reach a thousand miles without taking the first step.)


31. 化险为夷,逢凶化吉。 (Turn danger into safety; turn misfortune into good fortune.)
32. 有惊无险,虚惊一场。 (A close call, a false alarm.)
33. 船到桥头自然直。 (The boat will find its way when it reaches the bridge.)
34. 兵来将挡,水来土掩。 (Meet force with force; meet water with earth.)
35. 凡事预则立,不预则废。 (If you plan ahead, you will succeed; if you don't plan ahead, you will fail.)
36. 未雨绸缪,防患于未然。 (Prepare for the rainy day and prevent problems before they arise.)
37. 居安思危,防患于未然。 (Be prepared for danger even when you are safe; prevent problems before they arise.)
38. 见机行事,随机应变。 (Act according to the situation; adapt to changing circumstances.)
39. 知己知彼,百战不殆。 (Know yourself and your enemy, and you will be victorious in a hundred battles.)
40. 不战而屈人之兵,善之善者也。 (To subdue the enemy without fighting is the best way of all.)


41. 冤家宜解不宜结。 (It is better to resolve a feud than to let it fester.)
42. 得饶人处且饶人。 (Spare the rod and spoil the child.)
43. 宰相肚里能撑船。 (A wise man can endure anything.)
44. 海纳百川,有容乃大。 (The sea can hold a hundred rivers, because it is vast and accommodating.)
45. 退一步海阔天空,忍一时风平浪静。 (Step back and the sky opens up; be patient and the storm will subside.)
46. 宽容是一种美德,也是一种智慧。 (Forgiveness is a virtue and a sign of wisdom.)
47. 君子报仇,十年不晚。 (A gentleman can wait ten years for revenge.)
48. 以德报怨,何以报德。 (To repay evil with kindness, how can we repay kindness?)
49. 放下屠刀,立地成佛。 (Give up violence and become a Buddha.)
50. 善恶到头终有报,人间正道是沧桑。 (Good and evil will eventually be rewarded or punished; the right path is full of ups and downs.)


51. 吉人天相,逢凶化吉。 (Good people are blessed by heaven and will turn misfortune into good fortune.)
52. 平安喜乐,万事如意。 (Peace, joy, and all the best.)
53. 心想事成,一切顺利。 (May your wishes come true, and everything go smoothly.)
54. 福星高照,财源广进。 (May good fortune shine upon you and your wealth increase.)
55. 步步高升,前途无量。 (May you rise higher and higher, with a bright future ahead.)
56. 身体健康,万事顺意。 (May you be healthy and happy.)
57. 心想事成,美梦成真。 (May your wishes come true and your dreams come to life.)
58. 恭喜发财,万事大吉。 (Congratulations on your wealth and good fortune.)
59. 年年有余,岁岁平安。 (May you have abundance every year and peace every year.)
60. 祝你心想事成,万事胜意! (Wishing you all your wishes come true and great success in all you do!)

## 英文翻译

1. Positive and Optimistic

1. A blessing in disguise.

2. Every misfortune has its good fortune; every good fortune has its misfortune.

3. Adversity is a test of life; setbacks are a test of life.

4. Sunshine always follows the storm; clear skies follow the clouds.

5. Fall down, get up, and keep going.

6. Believe in yourself, you can overcome any difficulties.

7. Difficulties are like springs, they become strong when you are weak, and weak when you are strong.

8. The road ahead seems blocked, but a new path appears beyond the bend.

9. Persistence leads to victory; don't give up and there will be hope.

10. Those who are destined for great things must first endure hardship, toil, hunger, emptiness, and chaos in their actions. This is how they cultivate their minds and develop their abilities beyond what they thought possible.

2. Calm and Composed

11. Remain calm and composed even in the face of disaster.

12. Stay calm and composed in the face of danger and you will be able to turn danger into safety.

13. A calm mind finds peace; observe and wait for changes.

14. Do not be elated by material possessions and do not grieve over personal misfortune.

15. Let things take their natural course, do not force them.

16. Step back and the sky opens up; be patient and the storm will subside.

17. A generous heart will find a spacious world.

18. The net of heaven is vast and wide, but it leaves no gaps.

19. Good fortune and misfortune are intertwined; joy leads to sorrow, and adversity brings prosperity.

20. Things will happen naturally; everything is for the best.

3. Active and Progressive

21. Persistence can move mountains.

22. I was born for a purpose, and even if I spend all my wealth, it will return.

23. A sharp sword is forged through tempering; plum blossoms are fragrant because they bloom in the cold.

24. The long road ahead may be difficult, but we will start anew and overcome all obstacles.

25. How can you see a rainbow without going through storms?

26. After the storm, there is sunshine.

27. Life never stops, and our struggle never ends.

28. Hardships and difficulties will make you stronger.

29. Success always belongs to those who never give up.

30. You cannot reach a thousand miles without taking the first step.

4. Resolving Crises

31. Turn danger into safety; turn misfortune into good fortune.

32. A close call, a false alarm.

33. The boat will find its way when it reaches the bridge.

34. Meet force with force; meet water with earth.

35. If you plan ahead, you will succeed; if you don't plan ahead, you will fail.

36. Prepare for the rainy day and prevent problems before they arise.

37. Be prepared for danger even when you are safe; prevent problems before they arise.

38. Act according to the situation; adapt to changing circumstances.

39. Know yourself and your enemy, and you will be victorious in a hundred battles.

40. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the best way of all.

5. Tolerant and Generous

41. It is better to resolve a feud than to let it fester.

42. Spare the rod and spoil the child.

43. A wise man can endure anything.

44. The sea can hold a hundred rivers, because it is vast and accommodating.

45. Step back and the sky opens up; be patient and the storm will subside.

46. Forgiveness is a virtue and a sign of wisdom.

47. A gentleman can wait ten years for revenge.

48. To repay evil with kindness, how can we repay kindness?

49. Give up violence and become a Buddha.

50. Good and evil will eventually be rewarded or punished; the right path is full of ups and downs.

6. Blessings and Prayers

51. Good people are blessed by heaven and will turn misfortune into good fortune.

52. Peace, joy, and all the best.

53. May your wishes come true, and everything go smoothly.

54. May good fortune shine upon you and your wealth increase.

55. May you rise higher and higher, with a bright future ahead.

56. May you be healthy and happy.

57. May your wishes come true and your dreams come to life.

58. Congratulations on your wealth and good fortune.

59. May you have abundance every year and peace every year.

60. Wishing you all your wishes come true and great success in all you do!

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