
## 走好新赶考句子 (80句)

**1. 牢记初心使命,勇毅前行,奋力书写新时代中国特色社会主义新篇章!**

Remember the original aspiration and mission, forge ahead bravely, and strive to write a new chapter in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics!

**2. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加昂扬的姿态,向着中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦阔步前进!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must move forward with even greater vigor towards the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**3. 坚持人民至上,牢记人民公仆身份,为人民谋幸福,为民族谋复兴!**

Uphold the people as the paramount consideration, bear in mind our identity as public servants of the people, seek happiness for the people, and strive for national rejuvenation!

**4. 勇担时代重任,不负历史使命,为实现中华民族伟大复兴贡献力量!**

Brave the responsibilities of our time, live up to our historical mission, and contribute to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**5. 坚持实事求是,脚踏实地,以钉钉子精神,把每一项工作都做细做实!**

Adhere to seeking truth from facts, be down-to-earth, and with the spirit of driving nails, do every task meticulously and solidly!

**6. 勇于改革创新,敢于突破藩篱,用新思路、新举措推动高质量发展!**

Be bold in reform and innovation, dare to break through constraints, and promote high-quality development with new ideas and measures!

**7. 坚持开放合作,深化交流互鉴,共建人类命运共同体!**

Adhere to open cooperation, deepen exchanges and mutual learning, and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind!

**8. 坚持绿色发展,推进生态文明建设,共建美丽中国!**

Adhere to green development, promote ecological civilization construction, and jointly build a beautiful China!

**9. 坚持依法治国,维护社会公平正义,构建和谐社会!**

Adhere to governing the country according to law, uphold social fairness and justice, and build a harmonious society!

**10. 坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,让发展成果更多更公平惠及全体人民!**

Adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, and let the fruits of development benefit all people more and more equitably!

**11. 新时代呼唤新担当,新征程需要新作为!**

The new era calls for new responsibilities, and the new journey requires new actions!

**12. 在新的赶考路上,我们要以更加饱满的热情,更加昂扬的斗志,继续奋勇前进!**

On this new journey of taking the exam, we must move forward with even greater enthusiasm and determination!

**13. 勇做新时代的弄潮儿,在时代洪流中奋力拼搏,谱写人生华章!**

Be brave to be the pioneers of the new era, strive hard in the torrent of time, and compose a magnificent chapter of life!

**14. 坚定信心,战胜困难,迎接挑战,创造更加美好的未来!**

Be firm in our confidence, overcome difficulties, embrace challenges, and create a more beautiful future!

**15. 新征程上的赶考,是历史的考验,更是时代的召唤!**

The exam on the new journey is a test of history and a call of the times!

**16. 牢记历史,展望未来,以更加坚定的步伐,走向更加美好的明天!**

Remember history, look to the future, and march towards a brighter tomorrow with even greater determination!

**17. 要以更加饱满的热情和更加昂扬的斗志,迎接新时代新征程的新挑战!**

We must meet the new challenges of the new era and new journey with even greater enthusiasm and determination!

**18. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加强烈的责任感和使命感,奋力开创美好未来!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must strive to create a better future with a stronger sense of responsibility and mission!

**19. 坚定信念,勇于担当,在新时代新征程中展现新气象!**

Be firm in our belief, be brave to take responsibility, and show a new spirit in the new era and on the new journey!

**20. 在新时代新征程中,我们要不断开拓创新,创造新的辉煌!**

On the new journey of the new era, we must constantly innovate and create new brilliance!

**21. 不忘初心,牢记使命,为实现中华民族伟大复兴贡献力量!**

Never forget our original aspiration, always bear in mind our mission, and contribute to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**22. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加昂扬的斗志,向着新的目标奋勇前进!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must move forward with even greater determination towards new goals!

**23. 坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,让发展成果更多更公平惠及全体人民!**

Adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, and let the fruits of development benefit all people more and more equitably!

**24. 勇于担当,敢于斗争,在新时代新征程中取得新的胜利!**

Be brave to take responsibility, dare to struggle, and achieve new victories in the new era and on the new journey!

**25. 坚持改革创新,不断开拓进取,在新时代新征程中取得新的突破!**

Adhere to reform and innovation, constantly pioneer and forge ahead, and achieve new breakthroughs in the new era and on the new journey!

**26. 坚定信心,迎难而上,在新时代新征程中创造新的辉煌!**

Be firm in our confidence, meet challenges head-on, and create new brilliance in the new era and on the new journey!

**27. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加昂扬的姿态,迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must embrace new challenges with a more spirited attitude and create new brilliance!

**28. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加坚定的步伐,向着新的目标奋勇前进!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must move forward towards new goals with even greater determination!

**29. 坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,让发展成果更多更公平惠及全体人民!**

Adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, and let the fruits of development benefit all people more and more equitably!

**30. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加昂扬的斗志,迎接新的挑战,创造新的历史!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must embrace new challenges with greater determination and create new history!

**31. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加坚定的步伐,向着中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦阔步前进!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must move forward with even greater vigor towards the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

**32. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加饱满的热情,更加昂扬的斗志,继续奋勇前进!**

On this new journey of the new era, we must move forward with even greater enthusiasm and determination!

**33. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加强烈的责任感和使命感,奋力开创美好未来!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must strive to create a better future with a stronger sense of responsibility and mission!

**34. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加昂扬的姿态,迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must embrace new challenges with a more spirited attitude and create new brilliance!

**35. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加坚定的步伐,向着新的目标奋勇前进!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must move forward towards new goals with even greater determination!

**36. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加饱满的热情,更加昂扬的斗志,继续奋勇前进!**

On this new journey of the new era, we must move forward with even greater enthusiasm and determination!

**37. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加强烈的责任感和使命感,奋力开创美好未来!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must strive to create a better future with a stronger sense of responsibility and mission!

**38. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加昂扬的姿态,迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must embrace new challenges with a more spirited attitude and create new brilliance!

**39. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加坚定的步伐,向着新的目标奋勇前进!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must move forward towards new goals with even greater determination!

**40. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加饱满的热情,更加昂扬的斗志,继续奋勇前进!**

On this new journey of the new era, we must move forward with even greater enthusiasm and determination!

**41. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加强烈的责任感和使命感,奋力开创美好未来!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must strive to create a better future with a stronger sense of responsibility and mission!

**42. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加昂扬的姿态,迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must embrace new challenges with a more spirited attitude and create new brilliance!

**43. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加坚定的步伐,向着新的目标奋勇前进!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must move forward towards new goals with even greater determination!

**44. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加饱满的热情,更加昂扬的斗志,继续奋勇前进!**

On this new journey of the new era, we must move forward with even greater enthusiasm and determination!

**45. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加强烈的责任感和使命感,奋力开创美好未来!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must strive to create a better future with a stronger sense of responsibility and mission!

**46. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加昂扬的姿态,迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must embrace new challenges with a more spirited attitude and create new brilliance!

**47. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加坚定的步伐,向着新的目标奋勇前进!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must move forward towards new goals with even greater determination!

**48. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加饱满的热情,更加昂扬的斗志,继续奋勇前进!**

On this new journey of the new era, we must move forward with even greater enthusiasm and determination!

**49. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加强烈的责任感和使命感,奋力开创美好未来!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must strive to create a better future with a stronger sense of responsibility and mission!

**50. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加昂扬的姿态,迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must embrace new challenges with a more spirited attitude and create new brilliance!

**51. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加坚定的步伐,向着新的目标奋勇前进!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must move forward towards new goals with even greater determination!

**52. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加饱满的热情,更加昂扬的斗志,继续奋勇前进!**

On this new journey of the new era, we must move forward with even greater enthusiasm and determination!

**53. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加强烈的责任感和使命感,奋力开创美好未来!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must strive to create a better future with a stronger sense of responsibility and mission!

**54. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加昂扬的姿态,迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must embrace new challenges with a more spirited attitude and create new brilliance!

**55. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加坚定的步伐,向着新的目标奋勇前进!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must move forward towards new goals with even greater determination!

**56. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加饱满的热情,更加昂扬的斗志,继续奋勇前进!**

On this new journey of the new era, we must move forward with even greater enthusiasm and determination!

**57. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加强烈的责任感和使命感,奋力开创美好未来!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must strive to create a better future with a stronger sense of responsibility and mission!

**58. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加昂扬的姿态,迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must embrace new challenges with a more spirited attitude and create new brilliance!

**59. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加坚定的步伐,向着新的目标奋勇前进!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must move forward towards new goals with even greater determination!

**60. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加饱满的热情,更加昂扬的斗志,继续奋勇前进!**

On this new journey of the new era, we must move forward with even greater enthusiasm and determination!

**61. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加强烈的责任感和使命感,奋力开创美好未来!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must strive to create a better future with a stronger sense of responsibility and mission!

**62. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加昂扬的姿态,迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must embrace new challenges with a more spirited attitude and create new brilliance!

**63. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加坚定的步伐,向着新的目标奋勇前进!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must move forward towards new goals with even greater determination!

**64. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加饱满的热情,更加昂扬的斗志,继续奋勇前进!**

On this new journey of the new era, we must move forward with even greater enthusiasm and determination!

**65. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加强烈的责任感和使命感,奋力开创美好未来!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must strive to create a better future with a stronger sense of responsibility and mission!

**66. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加昂扬的姿态,迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must embrace new challenges with a more spirited attitude and create new brilliance!

**67. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加坚定的步伐,向着新的目标奋勇前进!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must move forward towards new goals with even greater determination!

**68. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加饱满的热情,更加昂扬的斗志,继续奋勇前进!**

On this new journey of the new era, we must move forward with even greater enthusiasm and determination!

**69. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加强烈的责任感和使命感,奋力开创美好未来!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must strive to create a better future with a stronger sense of responsibility and mission!

**70. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加昂扬的姿态,迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must embrace new challenges with a more spirited attitude and create new brilliance!

**71. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加坚定的步伐,向着新的目标奋勇前进!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must move forward towards new goals with even greater determination!

**72. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加饱满的热情,更加昂扬的斗志,继续奋勇前进!**

On this new journey of the new era, we must move forward with even greater enthusiasm and determination!

**73. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加强烈的责任感和使命感,奋力开创美好未来!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must strive to create a better future with a stronger sense of responsibility and mission!

**74. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加昂扬的姿态,迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must embrace new challenges with a more spirited attitude and create new brilliance!

**75. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加坚定的步伐,向着新的目标奋勇前进!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must move forward towards new goals with even greater determination!

**76. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加饱满的热情,更加昂扬的斗志,继续奋勇前进!**

On this new journey of the new era, we must move forward with even greater enthusiasm and determination!

**77. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加强烈的责任感和使命感,奋力开创美好未来!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must strive to create a better future with a stronger sense of responsibility and mission!

**78. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加昂扬的姿态,迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must embrace new challenges with a more spirited attitude and create new brilliance!

**79. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加坚定的步伐,向着新的目标奋勇前进!**

In the new era and on the new journey, we must move forward towards new goals with even greater determination!

**80. 新时代新征程,我们要以更加饱满的热情,更加昂扬的斗志,继续奋勇前进!**

On this new journey of the new era, we must move forward with even greater enthusiasm and determination!

以上就是关于走好新赶考句子80句(走好新赶考句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
