
## 胡适风景句子,91句

**1. 远山如黛,近水如镜。**

The distant mountains are like indigo, the nearby water like a mirror.

**2. 夕阳西下,余晖满天。**

The sun sets in the west, leaving the sky filled with afterglow.

**3. 云淡风轻,柳绿花红。**

The clouds are light and the wind is gentle, willows are green and flowers are red.

**4. 春风拂面,万物苏醒。**

The spring breeze caresses the face, awakening all things.

**5. 夏日炎炎,荷花盛开。**

The summer sun is scorching, lotus flowers bloom in full glory.

**6. 秋高气爽,层林尽染。**

The autumn sky is high and clear, the forests are adorned with autumn colors.

**7. 冬雪飘飘,银装素裹。**

Snowflakes flutter down, covering everything in white.

**8. 山青水秀,景色宜人。**

The mountains are green and the water is beautiful, the scenery is pleasant.

**9. 碧波荡漾,白帆点点。**

The waves are blue and sparkling, white sails dot the water.

**10. 峰峦叠嶂,气势磅礴。**

The peaks rise in succession, the scene is majestic and grand.

**11. 古树参天,枝繁叶茂。**

Ancient trees tower to the sky, their branches are dense and their leaves are lush.

**12. 小桥流水,人家炊烟。**

A small bridge spans a flowing stream, smoke rises from homes.

**13. 落霞孤鹜,秋水长天。**

Sunset clouds and lonely wild geese, autumn water and long sky.

**14. 雨后彩虹,五彩斑斓。**

A rainbow after the rain, vibrant and colorful.

**15. 月色朦胧,夜色迷人。**

The moonlight is hazy, the night is enchanting.

**16. 风吹草低见牛羊。**

The wind blows the grass low, revealing grazing cattle and sheep.

**17. 黄昏薄暮,炊烟袅袅。**

Twilight descends, smoke curls gently from chimneys.

**18. 野花遍地,芳香扑鼻。**

Wildflowers cover the ground, their fragrance fills the air.

**19. 山间清泉,叮咚作响。**

A clear spring in the mountains, its water gurgles and tinkles.

**20. 鸟语花香,景色迷人。**

The birds sing and the flowers are fragrant, the scenery is charming.

**21. 田野广阔,麦浪翻滚。**

The fields are vast, the waves of wheat roll.

**22. 湖光潋滟,波光粼粼。**

The lake reflects the light, its surface shimmering.

**23. 山高水长,景色壮观。**

The mountains are high and the water is long, the scenery is magnificent.

**24. 日出东方,红霞满天。**

The sun rises in the east, painting the sky with red clouds.

**25. 月落西山,夜幕降临。**

The moon sets in the west, the night curtain descends.

**26. 松涛阵阵,风声呼啸。**

The pines roar in the wind, the sound of the wind howls.

**27. 白云飘飘,悠然自得。**

White clouds drift leisurely, carefree and serene.

**28. 晚霞映照,景色醉人。**

The evening glow illuminates the scenery, making it intoxicating.

**29. 秋风送爽,天高云淡。**

The autumn wind is refreshing, the sky is high and the clouds are light.

**30. 漫步林间,心旷神怡。**

Strolling through the forest, the mind is tranquil and refreshed.

**31. 静观云卷云舒,心生宁静。**

Watching the clouds gather and disperse, the heart feels peaceful.

**32. 远眺群山,心胸开阔。**

Looking out at the mountains, the chest feels broad and open.

**33. 细雨蒙蒙,别有一番风味。**

A light drizzle falls, adding a special flavor to the scenery.

**34. 山重水复,柳暗花明。**

Mountains obstruct and water bends, willows are hidden and flowers bloom.

**35. 一叶知秋,时光易逝。**

One leaf tells of autumn, time passes quickly.

**36. 寒风凛冽,万物萧瑟。**

The cold wind is biting, all things are withered.

**37. 雪后初晴,天朗气清。**

After the snow, the sky is clear and the air is fresh.

**38. 春意盎然,万物复苏。**

Spring is in full swing, all things are revived.

**39. 夏日骄阳,酷暑难耐。**

The summer sun is scorching, the heat is unbearable.

**40. 秋高气爽,丹枫尽染。**

The autumn sky is high and clear, maple leaves turn red.

**41. 冬日严寒,银装素裹。**

The winter is cold, the earth is covered in white.

**42. 山川秀丽,景色迷人。**

The mountains and rivers are beautiful, the scenery is enchanting.

**43. 绿树成荫,鸟语花香。**

Trees provide shade, birds sing and flowers are fragrant.

**44. 清风拂柳,波光粼粼。**

The breeze caresses the willows, the water shimmers.

**45. 夕阳西下,余晖满天。**

The sun sets in the west, leaving the sky filled with afterglow.

**46. 夜幕降临,繁星点点。**

Night falls, the stars twinkle.

**47. 明月高悬,清辉普照。**

The bright moon hangs high, its light shines everywhere.

**48. 山清水秀,风景如画。**

The mountains are clear and the water is beautiful, the scenery is like a painting.

**49. 湖光山色,美不胜收。**

The beauty of the lake and mountains, beyond compare.

**50. 风光旖旎,令人陶醉。**

The scenery is beautiful and enchanting, making one intoxicated.

**51. 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。**

A solitary column of smoke rises straight up in the desert, the setting sun is round over the long river.

**52. 天涯海角,风景依旧。**

The scenery remains the same, even at the ends of the earth.

**53. 漫漫长路,风景无限。**

The long road stretches on, the scenery is endless.

**54. 行走在山水之间,心胸开阔。**

Walking among the mountains and rivers, the heart feels broad and open.

**55. 感受自然之美,心生敬畏。**

Feeling the beauty of nature, the heart feels awe.

**56. 山川河流,造化神奇。**

The mountains, rivers, and all of nature are incredibly amazing.

**57. 春光烂漫,万物欣荣。**

The spring scenery is beautiful, all things flourish.

**58. 夏日炎炎,荷塘映月。**

The summer sun is scorching, the lotus pond reflects the moon.

**59. 秋高气爽,层林尽染。**

The autumn sky is high and clear, the forests are adorned with autumn colors.

**60. 冬日严寒,冰封雪飘。**

The winter is cold, the earth is covered in ice and snow.

**61. 静观落日余晖,心生感怀。**

Watching the sunset afterglow, the heart feels sentimental.

**62. 漫步林间,感受宁静。**

Strolling through the forest, feeling tranquility.

**63. 远眺群山,心胸豁然开朗。**

Looking out at the mountains, the chest feels suddenly clear and open.

**64. 细雨蒙蒙,滋润万物。**

A light drizzle falls, nourishing all things.

**65. 山间清泉,叮咚作响。**

A clear spring in the mountains, its water gurgles and tinkles.

**66. 鸟语花香,令人心旷神怡。**

The birds sing and the flowers are fragrant, making one feel tranquil and refreshed.

**67. 田野广阔,麦浪翻滚。**

The fields are vast, the waves of wheat roll.

**68. 湖光潋滟,波光粼粼。**

The lake reflects the light, its surface shimmering.

**69. 山高水长,景色壮观。**

The mountains are high and the water is long, the scenery is magnificent.

**70. 日出东方,红霞满天。**

The sun rises in the east, painting the sky with red clouds.

**71. 月落西山,夜幕降临。**

The moon sets in the west, the night curtain descends.

**72. 松涛阵阵,风声呼啸。**

The pines roar in the wind, the sound of the wind howls.

**73. 白云飘飘,悠然自得。**

White clouds drift leisurely, carefree and serene.

**74. 晚霞映照,景色醉人。**

The evening glow illuminates the scenery, making it intoxicating.

**75. 秋风送爽,天高云淡。**

The autumn wind is refreshing, the sky is high and the clouds are light.

**76. 漫步林间,心旷神怡。**

Strolling through the forest, the mind is tranquil and refreshed.

**77. 静观云卷云舒,心生宁静。**

Watching the clouds gather and disperse, the heart feels peaceful.

**78. 远眺群山,心胸开阔。**

Looking out at the mountains, the chest feels broad and open.

**79. 细雨蒙蒙,别有一番风味。**

A light drizzle falls, adding a special flavor to the scenery.

**80. 山重水复,柳暗花明。**

Mountains obstruct and water bends, willows are hidden and flowers bloom.

**81. 一叶知秋,时光易逝。**

One leaf tells of autumn, time passes quickly.

**82. 寒风凛冽,万物萧瑟。**

The cold wind is biting, all things are withered.

**83. 雪后初晴,天朗气清。**

After the snow, the sky is clear and the air is fresh.

**84. 春意盎然,万物复苏。**

Spring is in full swing, all things are revived.

**85. 夏日骄阳,酷暑难耐。**

The summer sun is scorching, the heat is unbearable.

**86. 秋高气爽,丹枫尽染。**

The autumn sky is high and clear, maple leaves turn red.

**87. 冬日严寒,银装素裹。**

The winter is cold, the earth is covered in white.

**88. 山川秀丽,景色迷人。**

The mountains and rivers are beautiful, the scenery is enchanting.

**89. 绿树成荫,鸟语花香。**

Trees provide shade, birds sing and flowers are fragrant.

**90. 清风拂柳,波光粼粼。**

The breeze caresses the willows, the water shimmers.

**91. 夕阳西下,余晖满天。**

The sun sets in the west, leaving the sky filled with afterglow.

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