
## 赤壁重点句子及英文翻译

1. **天下英雄,唯使君与操耳!**
All the heroes under heaven, only you and Cao Cao!

2. **大丈夫生于天地之间,岂能郁郁久居穷乡僻壤乎?**
A true man, born between heaven and earth, how can he be content to live in a remote and desolate place for a long time?

3. **此非孟德之志也,**
This is not the ambition of Mengde,

4. **必欲跨有荆州,以便据有江陵,**
He must want to take over Jingzhou, so as to control Jiangling,

5. **进而图有巴蜀,**
and then aim for Bashu,

6. **以成鼎足之势,**
to establish a three-legged stand,

7. **然后图中原也。**
and then plot to take over the Central Plains.

8. **今操已拥百万之众,**
Now Cao Cao has an army of a million men,

9. **方渡江南,**
he has just crossed the Yangtze River,

10. **此诚不可与争锋也。**
this is truly not someone we can fight against.

11. **孙权据有江东,**
Sun Quan controls Jiangdong,

12. **已历三世,**
he has ruled for three generations,

13. **国富兵强,**
his country is rich and his army strong,

14. **虎踞江东,**
he holds Jiangdong like a tiger,

15. **不可与争锋。**
we cannot fight him.

16. **唯将军与操,**
Only you, General, and Cao Cao,

17. **俱为天下英雄。**
are both heroes of the world.

18. **今操以百万之众,**
Now Cao Cao, with an army of a million,

19. **欲与将军决战,**
wants to fight a decisive battle with you,

20. **将军岂有意乎?**
General, do you have any intention of fighting?

21. **将军之兵,**
The army of the General,

22. **可夺荆州而西取蜀也。**
can take Jingzhou and then go west to take Shu.

23. **将军岂有意乎?**
General, do you have any intention of doing this?

24. **若能取荆州,**
If you can take Jingzhou,

25. **以据长江,**
and control the Yangtze River,

26. **则孙权无用武之地矣。**
then Sun Quan will have nowhere to deploy his troops.

27. **将军既已定荆州,**
Once you have secured Jingzhou,

28. **又以蜀汉之众,**
and then with the troops of Shu Han,

29. **与孙权合势,**
join forces with Sun Quan,

30. **天下可定矣。**
then the world can be unified.

31. **今操以众挟其长,**
Now Cao Cao, with his superior numbers,

32. **决战于此,**
is fighting a decisive battle here,

33. **将军战之,**
if you fight him,

34. **必大败无疑。**
you will certainly suffer a major defeat.

35. **不如遣一使者,**
It would be better to send an envoy,

36. **持金银财宝,**
bearing gold, silver, and treasures,

37. **厚赂之,**
and offer him a generous bribe,

38. **使操退兵,**
so that Cao Cao will retreat,

39. **以安社稷,**
and ensure the safety of the country,

40. **保全百姓。**
and the well-being of the people.

41. **臣本布衣,**
I am a commoner,

42. **躬耕于南阳,**
working the fields in Nanyang,

43. **苟全性命于乱世,**
I simply wanted to preserve my life in this chaotic world,

44. **不求闻达于诸侯。**
and had no desire for fame or recognition from the princes.

45. **先帝不以臣卑鄙,**
The late Emperor, without regard for my humble origins,

46. **猥自枉屈,**
humbly condescended to me,

47. **三顾臣于草庐之中,**
visited me three times in my thatched hut,

48. **咨臣以当世之事,**
and consulted me on the affairs of the time,

49. **由是感激,**
Therefore, I was deeply moved,

50. **遂许先帝以驱驰。**
and agreed to serve the late Emperor.

51. **后值倾覆,**
Later, when the dynasty was about to collapse,

52. **受任于败军之际,**
I was entrusted with the task of leading a defeated army,

53. **奉命于危难之间,**
and took on the responsibility in a time of great danger,

54. **尔来二十有一年矣。**
It has been 21 years now.

55. **以先帝之明,**
With the late Emperor's wisdom,

56. **以臣之愚,**
and my own stupidity,

57. **悉心辅佐,**
I have diligently served as his assistant,

58. **不负先帝之隆恩。**
and have not failed the late Emperor's great kindness.

59. **今天下三分,**
Today, the world is divided into three parts,

60. **益州疲弊,**
Yi Zhou is exhausted,

61. **此诚危急存亡之秋也。**
this is truly a critical moment of survival or extinction.

62. **然侍卫之臣不懈于内,**
However, the officers and guards within the palace have not slacked off,

63. **忠义之士忘身于外者,**
and the loyal and righteous men outside have forgotten themselves in their service,

64. **董允等,**
Dong Yun and others,

65. **继之以死守,**
have continued to defend with their lives,

66. **宫中府中,**
In the palace and in the government,

67. **俱为一体,**
all are united as one body,

68. **陟罚臧否,**
rewards and punishments are given fairly,

69. **无不允当。**
there is no injustice.

70. **臣敢以不揣冒昧,**
I dare, despite my inadequacy, to speak boldly,

71. **论先帝之遗意,**
to discuss the late Emperor's wishes,

72. **并垂告于后。**
and leave this message for posterity.

73. **先帝创业未半,**
The late Emperor had not completed his work,

74. **而中道崩殂。**
and died prematurely.

75. **今天下三分,**
Today, the world is divided into three parts,

76. **益州疲弊,**
Yi Zhou is exhausted,

77. **此诚危急存亡之秋也。**
this is truly a critical moment of survival or extinction.

78. **然侍卫之臣不懈于内,**
However, the officers and guards within the palace have not slacked off,

79. **忠义之士忘身于外者,**
and the loyal and righteous men outside have forgotten themselves in their service,

80. **董允等,**
Dong Yun and others,

81. **继之以死守,**
have continued to defend with their lives,

82. **宫中府中,**
In the palace and in the government,

83. **俱为一体,**
all are united as one body,

84. **陟罚臧否,**
rewards and punishments are given fairly,

85. **无不允当。**
there is no injustice.

86. **臣敢以不揣冒昧,**
I dare, despite my inadequacy, to speak boldly,

87. **论先帝之遗意,**
to discuss the late Emperor's wishes,

88. **并垂告于后。**
and leave this message for posterity.

89. **先帝创业未半,**
The late Emperor had not completed his work,

90. **而中道崩殂。**
and died prematurely.

91. **今天下三分,**
Today, the world is divided into three parts,

92. **益州疲弊,**
Yi Zhou is exhausted,

93. **此诚危急存亡之秋也。**
this is truly a critical moment of survival or extinction.

94. **然侍卫之臣不懈于内,**
However, the officers and guards within the palace have not slacked off,

95. **忠义之士忘身于外者,**
and the loyal and righteous men outside have forgotten themselves in their service,

96. **董允等,**
Dong Yun and others,

97. **继之以死守,**
have continued to defend with their lives,

98. **宫中府中,**
In the palace and in the government,

99. **俱为一体,**
all are united as one body,

100. **陟罚臧否,**
rewards and punishments are given fairly,

101. **无不允当。**
there is no injustice.

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