
## 走动管理句子 (59句)


1. 走出办公室,到现场去观察和倾听。

Managers should get out of their offices, go to the scene to observe and listen.

2. 与员工进行非正式的沟通,了解他们的想法和感受。

Managers should engage in informal communication with employees to understand their thoughts and feelings.

3. 观察员工的工作流程,找出改进的空间。

Managers should observe employee workflows and identify areas for improvement.

4. 鼓励员工积极反馈,并及时解决问题。

Managers should encourage employees to provide feedback and promptly address issues.

5. 了解员工的困难和挫折,提供帮助和支持。

Managers should understand employees' difficulties and setbacks, providing assistance and support.

6. 表彰员工的努力和贡献,增强他们的积极性。

Managers should recognize employees' efforts and contributions to boost their motivation.

7. 营造积极向上、充满活力的工作氛围。

Managers should create a positive and vibrant work environment.

8. 做好榜样,以身作则,激励员工。

Managers should set a good example, lead by example, and motivate employees.

9. 关注员工的个人成长和发展,提供机会和资源。

Managers should pay attention to employees' personal growth and development, providing opportunities and resources.

10. 构建良好的团队合作关系,促进团队成员之间的沟通和协作。

Managers should build positive teamwork relationships and promote communication and collaboration among team members.


11. 可以更深入地了解员工的工作情况。

It can provide a deeper understanding of employees' work.

12. 可以及时发现和解决问题。

It can help to identify and address problems promptly.

13. 可以提高员工的工作效率和满意度。

It can improve employee efficiency and satisfaction.

14. 可以增强团队凝聚力和向心力。

It can strengthen team cohesion and centripetal force.

15. 可以促进企业文化的建设和发展。

It can promote the building and development of corporate culture.

16. 可以使管理者更了解业务需求。

It can enable managers to better understand business needs.

17. 可以培养管理者的领导力。

It can cultivate managers' leadership skills.

18. 可以增强员工的责任感和归属感。

It can enhance employees' sense of responsibility and belonging.

19. 可以提高员工的工作积极性和主动性。

It can enhance employee work enthusiasm and initiative.

20. 可以使管理者更了解员工的潜在能力。

It can enable managers to better understand employees' potential.


21. 制定合理的走动管理计划。

Developing a reasonable management plan.

22. 选择合适的时间和地点进行走动管理。

Choosing the right time and place for management.

23. 保持积极乐观的态度,与员工进行有效沟通。

Maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude and communicating effectively with employees.

24. 注意观察细节,及时发现问题。

Paying attention to details and promptly identifying problems.

25. 认真倾听员工的意见和建议。

Carefully listening to employees' opinions and suggestions.

26. 及时给予员工反馈和指导。

Providing timely feedback and guidance to employees.

27. 鼓励员工积极参与,共同解决问题。

Encouraging employees to actively participate and work together to solve problems.

28. 不要只关注工作,也要关心员工的个人生活。

Not only focusing on work, but also caring about employees' personal lives.

29. 与员工建立良好的关系,增进彼此信任。

Building good relationships with employees and promoting mutual trust.

30. 保持客观公正的态度,避免偏袒。

Maintaining an objective and fair attitude and avoiding bias.


31. 不要随意打断员工的工作。

Don't interrupt employees' work randomly.

32. 不要随意批评员工,要保持尊重。

Don't criticize employees arbitrarily, but maintain respect.

33. 不要只关注负面问题,也要肯定员工的优点。

Don't only focus on negative issues, but also acknowledge employees' strengths.

34. 不要将走动管理当作监督工具,要营造信任和开放的氛围。

Don't use management as a supervision tool, but create an atmosphere of trust and openness.

35. 要根据不同的情况,采用不同的管理方式。

Different management methods should be used according to different situations.

36. 要注重走动管理的效果,及时进行总结和改进。

Focus on the effectiveness of management and promptly summarize and improve.

37. 要将走动管理融入日常管理工作中。

Integrate management into daily management work.

38. 要将走动管理与其他管理方法相结合。

Combine management with other management methods.

39. 要保持耐心和恒心,坚持走动管理。

Be patient and persistent, and maintain management.


40. 管理者在车间巡视,了解生产情况,并与员工进行沟通。

A manager walks around the workshop, understands the production situation, and communicates with employees.

41. 管理者参加员工的例会,倾听他们的汇报和建议。

A manager attends employee meetings, listens to their reports and suggestions.

42. 管理者与员工一起参加午餐,了解他们的工作和生活状况。

A manager joins employees for lunch, understanding their work and life conditions.

43. 管理者与员工进行一对一的沟通,了解他们的困惑和诉求。

A manager engages in one-on-one communication with employees, understanding their confusion and needs.

44. 管理者组织员工进行团队活动,增进彼此之间的交流和了解。

A manager organizes team activities for employees to enhance communication and understanding among them.

45. 管理者利用走动管理,发现员工的潜在能力,并进行培养。

A manager uses management to discover employees' potential and nurture it.

46. 管理者通过走动管理,及时了解市场变化,并进行调整。

A manager uses management to stay informed of market changes and make adjustments promptly.

47. 管理者通过走动管理,发现工作流程的不足,并进行改进。

A manager uses management to identify shortcomings in workflows and make improvements.

48. 管理者通过走动管理,了解员工的意见和建议,并进行改进。

A manager uses management to understand employees' opinions and suggestions, and make improvements.

49. 管理者通过走动管理,增强员工的责任感,提高工作效率。

A manager uses management to enhance employees' sense of responsibility and improve work efficiency.


50. 走动管理是了解员工和业务的最佳方式。

Management is the best way to understand employees and business.

51. 走动管理可以帮助管理者更有效地管理团队。

Management can help managers manage their teams more effectively.

52. 走动管理可以促进企业文化建设,增强团队凝聚力。

Management can promote corporate culture building and strengthen team cohesion.

53. 走动管理需要管理者付出时间和精力,但其带来的益处是巨大的。

Management requires managers to invest time and effort, but the benefits are enormous.

54. 走动管理不是一蹴而就的,需要持之以恒。

Management is not something that can be achieved overnight, but requires perseverance.

55. 走动管理是管理者提升自身能力的重要途径。

Management is an important way for managers to improve their own abilities.

56. 走动管理可以帮助企业更好地应对市场竞争。

Management can help businesses better adapt to market competition.

57. 走动管理是管理者不可或缺的管理技巧。

Management is an indispensable management skill for managers.

58. 走动管理是一种有效的管理方式,值得所有管理者学习和实践。

Management is an effective management method that all managers should learn and practice.

59. 走动管理能够让管理者与员工建立更紧密的联系,增强彼此的信任和理解。

Management can help managers build closer relationships with employees, enhancing trust and understanding between them.

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