
## 背道而驰的句子 (51句)

1. 他们明明是朝相反的方向前进,却偏要说是并肩作战。

They were walking in opposite directions, yet they insisted they were fighting side by side.

2. 他明明知道自己错了,却还强词夺理,背道而驰。

He knew he was wrong, yet he still argued his point, going against the grain.

3. 她的梦想和现实背道而驰,让她感到迷茫和痛苦。

Her dreams and reality were poles apart, leaving her feeling lost and pained.

4. 他们明明是朋友,却因为意见不合而背道而驰。

They were friends, yet they went their separate ways due to their differences in opinion.

5. 这条道路与我们的目标背道而驰,我们必须另寻他路。

This path goes against our goals, we must seek another way.

6. 他明明知道自己的行为会带来负面影响,却依然我行我素,背道而驰。

He knew his actions would have negative consequences, yet he persisted in his own way, going against the tide.

7. 他们的想法背道而驰,无法达成一致。

Their thoughts were diametrically opposed, making it impossible to reach a consensus.

8. 这两个方案背道而驰,不可能同时实施。

These two plans are incompatible and cannot be implemented simultaneously.

9. 他试图通过逃避现实来解决问题,但这只会使问题更加严重,背道而驰。

He tried to solve the problem by escaping reality, but it only made things worse, going against the solution.

10. 这件事与我们之前的承诺背道而驰,我们必须做出解释。

This matter contradicts our previous promises, we must offer an explanation.

11. 他的行为与他所说的话背道而驰,令人无法信任。

His actions contradicted his words, making him untrustworthy.

12. 他们的努力方向背道而驰,注定无法成功。

Their efforts were moving in opposite directions, making success impossible.

13. 他明明知道正确的做法,却偏要背道而驰,最终自食其果。

He knew the right way, yet he chose to go against it, ultimately reaping the consequences.

14. 他们的目标背道而驰,注定无法走到一起。

Their goals were incompatible, making it impossible for them to come together.

15. 他明明知道自己错了,却还强词夺理,背道而驰。

He knew he was wrong, yet he still argued his point, going against the truth.

16. 他的做法与我们之前的计划背道而驰,让我们措手不及。

His actions went against our previous plans, catching us off guard.

17. 他们的观点背道而驰,无法进行有效的沟通。

Their perspectives were diametrically opposed, hindering effective communication.

18. 他明明知道自己能力有限,却还妄图挑战权威,背道而驰。

He knew his limitations, yet he still dared to challenge authority, going against the grain.

19. 他们的想法背道而驰,无法达成共识。

Their thoughts were diametrically opposed, making it impossible to reach a consensus.

20. 他明明知道自己应该努力学习,却还沉迷于玩乐,背道而驰。

He knew he should study hard, yet he was still addicted to playing, going against his goals.

21. 这条路与我们的理念背道而驰,我们绝不能走下去。

This path goes against our principles, we must not go down this road.

22. 他明明知道自己错了,却还固执己见,背道而驰。

He knew he was wrong, yet he remained stubborn, going against reason.

23. 他的行为与他的承诺背道而驰,令人感到失望。

His actions contradicted his promises, leaving people disappointed.

24. 他们明明是家人,却因为一些琐事而背道而驰。

They were family, yet they went their separate ways because of trivial matters.

25. 这件事与我们的原则背道而驰,我们绝不能妥协。

This matter goes against our principles, we must not compromise.

26. 他明明知道自己的错误,却还执迷不悟,背道而驰。

He knew his mistakes, yet he remained blinded, going against reason.

27. 他们的目标背道而驰,注定无法合作。

Their goals were incompatible, making cooperation impossible.

28. 他明明知道自己应该改变,却还固守成规,背道而驰。

He knew he should change, yet he clung to his old ways, going against progress.

29. 这条路与我们的未来背道而驰,我们必须找到新的方向。

This path goes against our future, we must find a new direction.

30. 他的做法与我们的期望背道而驰,让我们感到失望。

His actions went against our expectations, leaving us disappointed.

31. 他们的观点背道而驰,无法进行有效的交流。

Their perspectives were diametrically opposed, hindering effective communication.

32. 他明明知道自己的行为会带来不良后果,却依然我行我素,背道而驰。

He knew his actions would lead to negative consequences, yet he persisted in his own way, going against reason.

33. 这件事与我们的承诺背道而驰,我们必须承担责任。

This matter contradicts our promises, we must take responsibility.

34. 他的行为与他所说的话背道而驰,让人难以相信。

His actions contradicted his words, making it difficult to trust him.

35. 他们的努力方向背道而驰,注定无法取得成功。

Their efforts were moving in opposite directions, making success impossible.

36. 他明明知道自己的错误,却还执迷不悟,背道而驰。

He knew his mistakes, yet he remained blinded, going against reason.

37. 他们的目标背道而驰,注定无法走到一起。

Their goals were incompatible, making it impossible for them to come together.

38. 他明明知道自己的责任,却还推卸责任,背道而驰。

He knew his responsibilities, yet he shirked them, going against his duty.

39. 他们的想法背道而驰,无法进行有效的沟通。

Their thoughts were diametrically opposed, hindering effective communication.

40. 他明明知道自己的行为会带来伤害,却依然我行我素,背道而驰。

He knew his actions would cause harm, yet he persisted in his own way, going against compassion.

41. 这件事与我们的原则背道而驰,我们必须坚持己见。

This matter goes against our principles, we must stand our ground.

42. 他明明知道自己应该努力,却还安于现状,背道而驰。

He knew he should strive for better, yet he was content with the status quo, going against his potential.

43. 他们的观点背道而驰,无法达成共识。

Their perspectives were diametrically opposed, making it impossible to reach a consensus.

44. 他明明知道自己的错误,却还强词夺理,背道而驰。

He knew he was wrong, yet he still argued his point, going against reason.

45. 他们的行为背道而驰,让人感到失望。

Their actions contradicted each other, leaving people disappointed.

46. 这条路与我们的目标背道而驰,我们必须另寻他路。

This path goes against our goals, we must seek another way.

47. 他明明知道自己的行为会带来负面影响,却依然我行我素,背道而驰。

He knew his actions would have negative consequences, yet he persisted in his own way, going against reason.

48. 他们的想法背道而驰,无法达成共识。

Their thoughts were diametrically opposed, making it impossible to reach a consensus.

49. 他明明知道自己的能力有限,却还妄图挑战权威,背道而驰。

He knew his limitations, yet he still dared to challenge authority, going against the grain.

50. 他明明知道自己的错误,却还执迷不悟,背道而驰。

He knew his mistakes, yet he remained blinded, going against reason.

51. 他们的目标背道而驰,注定无法走到一起。

Their goals were incompatible, making it impossible for them to come together.

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