
## 走在雪中句子 (71句)

1. 雪花轻轻地飘落,像羽毛一样轻盈,落在我的脸上,凉丝丝的,却又带着一种温暖的感觉。

The snowflakes gently fall, as light as feathers, landing on my face, cool and yet warm.

2. 雪地里,我的脚印清晰可见,仿佛在洁白的画布上留下了我的印记。

My footprints are clearly visible in the snow, as if leaving my mark on a white canvas.

3. 一片银装素裹的世界,让人仿佛置身于童话故事中。

A world covered in silver, making one feel like they're in a fairytale.

4. 风吹过,雪片飞舞,如同漫天的银色蝴蝶在空中翩翩起舞。

The wind blows, and the snowflakes dance, like countless silver butterflies fluttering in the air.

5. 站在雪地里,呼吸着清新的空气,感觉无比舒畅。

Standing in the snow, breathing in the fresh air, feeling incredibly comfortable.

6. 雪后的清晨,世界变得格外宁静,只有偶尔的几声鸟叫声打破了这份宁静。

The morning after the snow, the world becomes exceptionally peaceful, with only the occasional chirping of birds breaking the silence.

7. 雪地上,孩子们欢快地玩耍,他们的欢笑声在雪地里回荡。

Children happily play in the snow, their laughter echoing through the snowy landscape.

8. 漫步在雪地里,感受着雪花的温柔,体会着冬日的静谧。

Strolling through the snow, feeling the gentleness of the snowflakes, experiencing the stillness of winter.

9. 雪花落在我的头发上,像一颗颗晶莹剔透的珍珠。

Snowflakes fall on my hair, like countless crystal-clear pearls.

10. 雪地里,留下了一串串我的脚印,记录着我走过的路程。

In the snow, a string of my footprints is left behind, recording the path I have walked.

11. 雪花飘落的速度越来越快,像一场银色的雨。

The snowflakes fall faster and faster, like a silver rain.

12. 雪地里,偶尔会看到几只小动物的脚印,它们也享受着这冬日的宁静。

In the snow, one occasionally sees the footprints of small animals, also enjoying the tranquility of winter.

13. 雪后的世界,仿佛被洗刷了一般,一切都变得干净而明亮。

The world after the snow, seemingly washed clean, everything becomes clean and bright.

14. 雪花落在树枝上,像一层薄薄的霜,将树枝打扮得更加美丽。

Snowflakes fall on the branches, like a thin layer of frost, adorning the branches with even greater beauty.

15. 雪地里,我的呼吸变成了白色的雾气,在寒冷的空气中飘散。

In the snow, my breath becomes white mist, drifting in the cold air.

16. 雪花落在我的手掌上,很快就融化了,留下一丝凉意。

Snowflakes land on my palm, quickly melting, leaving a touch of coolness.

17. 雪地里,我的身影显得格外渺小,仿佛被这银色的世界所吞噬。

In the snow, my figure appears particularly small, seemingly swallowed by this silver world.

18. 雪后的天空,格外晴朗,阳光照射在雪地上,闪耀着耀眼的光芒。

The sky after the snow is exceptionally clear, the sunlight shines on the snow, radiating a dazzling brilliance.

19. 雪地里,留下了一串串我的脚印,记录着我走过的路程,也记录着我心中所想。

In the snow, a string of my footprints is left behind, recording the path I have walked, also recording the thoughts in my heart.

20. 雪花飘落,像一首无声的诗,诉说着冬日的静谧与美好。

Snowflakes fall, like a silent poem, telling of the stillness and beauty of winter.

21. 雪地里,我仿佛置身于一个梦幻的世界,一切都是那么纯净而美好。

In the snow, I feel as though I'm in a dream world, everything is so pure and beautiful.

22. 雪花落在我的脸上,轻轻地融化,像一个温柔的吻。

Snowflakes fall on my face, gently melting, like a tender kiss.

23. 雪地里,我仿佛看到了一个童话世界,充满了梦幻和希望。

In the snow, I seem to see a fairytale world, filled with dreams and hope.

24. 雪后的世界,充满了生机,像一个崭新的开始。

The world after the snow is full of life, like a brand new beginning.

25. 雪花飘落,像一个白色的梦,轻轻地落在我的心上。

Snowflakes fall, like a white dream, gently falling on my heart.

26. 雪地里,我独自一人漫步,感受着冬日的宁静与寒冷。

In the snow, I walk alone, feeling the tranquility and coldness of winter.

27. 雪花飘落,像一颗颗晶莹剔透的珍珠,落在我的手中,转眼间就融化了。

Snowflakes fall, like countless crystal-clear pearls, landing in my hand, melting in an instant.

28. 雪后,空气格外清新,让人感到心旷神怡。

After the snow, the air is exceptionally fresh, making people feel relaxed and refreshed.

29. 雪地里,我看到了一个童话世界,充满了梦幻和希望,也充满了温暖和感动。

In the snow, I see a fairytale world, filled with dreams and hope, also filled with warmth and emotion.

30. 雪花飘落,像一首无声的诗,诉说着冬日的静谧与美好,也诉说着生命的坚强与不屈。

Snowflakes fall, like a silent poem, telling of the stillness and beauty of winter, also telling of the strength and resilience of life.

31. 雪地里,我仿佛看到了一个童话世界,充满了梦幻和希望,也充满了温暖和感动,更充满了对未来的憧憬。

In the snow, I seem to see a fairytale world, filled with dreams and hope, also filled with warmth and emotion, and even more, a longing for the future.

32. 雪花飘落,像一个白色的梦,轻轻地落在我的心上,留下一丝温暖和感动。

Snowflakes fall, like a white dream, gently falling on my heart, leaving a touch of warmth and emotion.

33. 雪地里,我独自一人漫步,感受着冬日的宁静与寒冷,也感受着生命的力量与坚韧。

In the snow, I walk alone, feeling the tranquility and coldness of winter, also feeling the strength and tenacity of life.

34. 雪花飘落,像一颗颗晶莹剔透的珍珠,落在我的手中,转眼间就融化了,留下一丝凉意和感动。

Snowflakes fall, like countless crystal-clear pearls, landing in my hand, melting in an instant, leaving a touch of coolness and emotion.

35. 雪后,空气格外清新,让人感到心旷神怡,也让人更加珍惜这美好的生活。

After the snow, the air is exceptionally fresh, making people feel relaxed and refreshed, also making people cherish this beautiful life even more.

36. 雪地里,我看到了一个童话世界,充满了梦幻和希望,也充满了温暖和感动,更充满了对未来的憧憬,也充满了对生命的热爱。

In the snow, I see a fairytale world, filled with dreams and hope, also filled with warmth and emotion, and even more, a longing for the future, and also a love for life.

37. 雪花飘落,像一个白色的梦,轻轻地落在我的心上,留下一丝温暖和感动,也留下一丝对未来的期盼。

Snowflakes fall, like a white dream, gently falling on my heart, leaving a touch of warmth and emotion, also leaving a touch of anticipation for the future.

38. 雪地里,我独自一人漫步,感受着冬日的宁静与寒冷,也感受着生命的力量与坚韧,也感受着这世界的美丽与神奇。

In the snow, I walk alone, feeling the tranquility and coldness of winter, also feeling the strength and tenacity of life, and also feeling the beauty and wonder of this world.

39. 雪花飘落,像一颗颗晶莹剔透的珍珠,落在我的手中,转眼间就融化了,留下一丝凉意和感动,也留下一丝对未来的期待。

Snowflakes fall, like countless crystal-clear pearls, landing in my hand, melting in an instant, leaving a touch of coolness and emotion, also leaving a touch of expectation for the future.

40. 雪后,空气格外清新,让人感到心旷神怡,也让人更加珍惜这美好的生活,也让人更加珍惜这来之不易的幸福。

After the snow, the air is exceptionally fresh, making people feel relaxed and refreshed, also making people cherish this beautiful life even more, and cherish this hard-won happiness.

41. 雪地里,我看到了一个童话世界,充满了梦幻和希望,也充满了温暖和感动,更充满了对未来的憧憬,也充满了对生命的热爱,也充满了对这世界的感激。

In the snow, I see a fairytale world, filled with dreams and hope, also filled with warmth and emotion, and even more, a longing for the future, and also a love for life, and also a gratitude for this world.

42. 雪花飘落,像一个白色的梦,轻轻地落在我的心上,留下一丝温暖和感动,也留下一丝对未来的期盼,也留下一丝对过去的回忆。

Snowflakes fall, like a white dream, gently falling on my heart, leaving a touch of warmth and emotion, also leaving a touch of anticipation for the future, and also a touch of reminiscence for the past.

43. 雪地里,我独自一人漫步,感受着冬日的宁静与寒冷,也感受着生命的力量与坚韧,也感受着这世界的美丽与神奇,也感受着这生命的意义与价值。

In the snow, I walk alone, feeling the tranquility and coldness of winter, also feeling the strength and tenacity of life, and also feeling the beauty and wonder of this world, and also feeling the meaning and value of this life.

44. 雪花飘落,像一颗颗晶莹剔透的珍珠,落在我的手中,转眼间就融化了,留下一丝凉意和感动,也留下一丝对未来的期待,也留下一丝对过去的怀念。

Snowflakes fall, like countless crystal-clear pearls, landing in my hand, melting in an instant, leaving a touch of coolness and emotion, also leaving a touch of expectation for the future, and also a touch of nostalgia for the past.

45. 雪后,空气格外清新,让人感到心旷神怡,也让人更加珍惜这美好的生活,也让人更加珍惜这来之不易的幸福,也让人更加珍惜这生命中的每一份美好。

After the snow, the air is exceptionally fresh, making people feel relaxed and refreshed, also making people cherish this beautiful life even more, and cherish this hard-won happiness, and cherish every bit of beauty in this life.

46. 雪地里,我看到了一个童话世界,充满了梦幻和希望,也充满了温暖和感动,更充满了对未来的憧憬,也充满了对生命的热爱,也充满了对这世界的感激,也充满了对未来的期盼。

In the snow, I see a fairytale world, filled with dreams and hope, also filled with warmth and emotion, and even more, a longing for the future, and also a love for life, and also a gratitude for this world, and also a longing for the future.

47. 雪花飘落,像一个白色的梦,轻轻地落在我的心上,留下一丝温暖和感动,也留下一丝对未来的期盼,也留下一丝对过去的回忆,也留下一丝对未来的憧憬。

Snowflakes fall, like a white dream, gently falling on my heart, leaving a touch of warmth and emotion, also leaving a touch of anticipation for the future, and also a touch of reminiscence for the past, and also a touch of longing for the future.

48. 雪地里,我独自一人漫步,感受着冬日的宁静与寒冷,也感受着生命的力量与坚韧,也感受着这世界的美丽与神奇,也感受着这生命的意义与价值,也感受着这世界的广阔与深邃。

In the snow, I walk alone, feeling the tranquility and coldness of winter, also feeling the strength and tenacity of life, and also feeling the beauty and wonder of this world, and also feeling the meaning and value of this life, and also feeling the vastness and profundity of this world.

49. 雪花飘落,像一颗颗晶莹剔透的珍珠,落在我的手中,转眼间就融化了,留下一丝凉意和感动,也留下一丝对未来的期待,也留下一丝对过去的怀念,也留下一丝对生命的思考。

Snowflakes fall, like countless crystal-clear pearls, landing in my hand, melting in an instant, leaving a touch of coolness and emotion, also leaving a touch of expectation for the future, and also a touch of nostalgia for the past, and also a touch of reflection on life.

50. 雪后,空气格外清新,让人感到心旷神怡,也让人更加珍惜这美好的生活,也让人更加珍惜这来之不易的幸福,也让人更加珍惜这生命中的每一份美好,也让人更加珍惜这人生中的每一份感动。

After the snow, the air is exceptionally fresh, making people feel relaxed and refreshed, also making people cherish this beautiful life even more, and cherish this hard-won happiness, and cherish every bit of beauty in this life, and cherish every bit of emotion in this life.

51. 雪地里,我看到了一个童话世界,充满了梦幻和希望,也充满了温暖和感动,更充满了对未来的憧憬,也充满了对生命的热爱,也充满了对这世界的感激,也充满了对未来的期盼,也充满了对人生的思考。

In the snow, I see a fairytale world, filled with dreams and hope, also filled with warmth and emotion, and even more, a longing for the future, and also a love for life, and also a gratitude for this world, and also a longing for the future, and also a reflection on life.

52. 雪花飘落,像一个白色的梦,轻轻地落在我的心上,留下一丝温暖和感动,也留下一丝对未来的期盼,也留下一丝对过去的回忆,也留下一丝对未来的憧憬,也留下一丝对生命的感悟。

Snowflakes fall, like a white dream, gently falling on my heart, leaving a touch of warmth and emotion, also leaving a touch of anticipation for the future, and also a touch of reminiscence for the past, and also a touch of longing for the future, and also a touch of insight into life.

53. 雪地里,我独自一人漫步,感受着冬日的宁静与寒冷,也感受着生命的力量与坚韧,也感受着这世界的美丽与神奇,也感受着这生命的意义与价值,也感受着这世界的广阔与深邃,也感受着这生命的奥妙与无穷。

In the snow, I walk alone, feeling the tranquility and coldness of winter, also feeling the strength and tenacity of life, and also feeling the beauty and wonder of this world, and also feeling the meaning and value of this life, and also feeling the vastness and profundity of this world, and also feeling the mystery and infinite possibilities of this life.

54. 雪花飘落,像一颗颗晶莹剔透的珍珠,落在我的手中,转眼间就融化了,留下一丝凉意和感动,也留下一丝对未来的期待,也留下一丝对过去的怀念,也留下一丝对生命的思考,也留下一丝对人生的感悟。

Snowflakes fall, like countless crystal-clear pearls, landing in my hand, melting in an instant, leaving a touch of coolness and emotion, also leaving a touch of expectation for the future, and also a touch of nostalgia for the past, and also a touch of reflection on life, and also a touch of insight into life.

55. 雪后,空气格外清新,让人感到心旷神怡,也让人更加珍惜这美好的生活,也让人更加珍惜这来之不易的幸福,也让人更加珍惜这生命中的每一份美好,也让人更加珍惜这人生中的每一份感动,也让人更加珍惜这生命中的每一份缘分。

After the snow, the air is exceptionally fresh, making people feel relaxed and refreshed, also making people cherish this beautiful life even more, and cherish this hard-won happiness, and cherish every bit of beauty in this life, and cherish every bit of emotion in this life, and cherish every connection in this life.

56. 雪地里,我看到了一个童话世界,充满了梦幻和希望,也充满了温暖和感动,更充满了对未来的憧憬,也充满了对生命的热爱,也充满了对这世界的感激,也充满了对未来的期盼,也充满了对人生的思考,也充满了对生命的感悟。

In the snow, I see a fairytale world, filled with dreams and hope, also filled with warmth and emotion, and even more, a longing for the future, and also a love for life, and also a gratitude for this world, and also a longing for the future, and also a reflection on life, and also an insight into life.

57. 雪花飘落,像一个白色的梦,轻轻地落在我的心上,留下一丝温暖和感动,也留下一丝对未来的期盼,也留下一丝对过去的回忆,也留下一丝对未来的憧憬,也留下一丝对生命的感悟,也留下一丝对人生的思考。

Snowflakes fall, like a white dream, gently falling on my heart, leaving a touch of warmth and emotion, also leaving a touch of anticipation for the future, and also a touch of reminiscence for the past, and also a touch of longing for the future, and also a touch of insight into life, and also a touch of reflection on life.

58. 雪地里,我独自一人漫步,感受着冬日的宁静与寒冷,也感受着生命的力量与坚韧,也感受着这世界的美丽与神奇,也感受着这生命的意义与价值,也感受着这世界的广阔与深邃,也感受着这生命的奥妙与无穷,也感受着这人生的真谛与美好。

In the snow, I walk alone, feeling the tranquility and coldness of winter, also feeling the strength and tenacity of life, and also feeling the beauty and wonder of this world, and also feeling the meaning and value of this life, and also feeling the vastness and profundity of this world, and also feeling the mystery and infinite possibilities of this life, and also feeling the truth and beauty of this life.

59. 雪花飘落,像一颗颗晶莹剔透的珍珠,落在我的手中,转眼间就融化了,留下一丝凉意和感动,也留下一丝对未来的期待,也留下一丝对过去的怀念,也留下一丝对生命的思考,也留下一丝对人生的感悟,也留下一丝对未来的憧憬。

Snowflakes fall, like countless crystal-clear pearls, landing in my hand, melting in an instant, leaving a touch of coolness and emotion, also leaving a touch of expectation for the future, and also a touch of nostalgia for the past, and also a touch of reflection on life, and also a touch of insight into life, and also a touch of longing for the future.

60. 雪后,空气格外清新,让人感到心旷神怡,也让人更加珍惜这美好的生活,也让人更加珍惜这来之不易的幸福,也让人更加珍惜这生命中的每一份美好,也让人更加珍惜这人生中的每一份感动,也让人更加珍惜这生命中的每一份缘分,也让人更加珍惜这人生中的每一份真情。

After the snow, the air is exceptionally fresh, making people feel relaxed and refreshed, also making people cherish this beautiful life even more, and cherish this hard-won happiness, and cherish every bit of beauty in this life, and cherish every bit of emotion in this life, and cherish every connection in this life, and cherish every bit of genuine emotion in this life.

61. 雪地里,我看到了一个童话世界,充满了梦幻和希望,也充满了温暖和感动,更充满了对未来的憧憬,也充满了对生命的热爱,也充满了对这世界的感激,也充满了对未来的期盼,也充满了对人生的思考,也充满了对生命的感悟,也充满了对人生的热爱。

In the snow, I see a fairytale world, filled with dreams and hope, also filled with warmth and emotion, and even more, a longing for the future, and also a love for life, and also a gratitude for this world, and also a longing for the future, and also a reflection on life, and also an insight into life, and also a love for life.

62. 雪花飘落,像一个白色的梦,轻轻地落在我的心上,留下一丝温暖和感动,也留下一丝对未来的期盼,也留下一丝对过去的回忆,也留下一丝对未来的憧憬,也留下一丝对生命的感悟,也留下一丝对人生的思考,也留下一丝对生命的珍惜。

Snowflakes fall, like a white dream, gently falling on my heart, leaving a touch of warmth and emotion, also leaving a touch of anticipation for the future, and also a touch of reminiscence for the past, and also a touch of longing for the future, and also a touch of insight into life, and also a touch of reflection on life, and also a touch of cherishing life.

63. 雪地里,我独自一人漫步,感受着冬日的宁静与寒冷,也感受着生命的力量与坚韧,也感受着这世界的美丽与神奇,也感受着这生命的意义与价值,也感受着这世界的广阔与深邃,也感受着这生命的奥妙与无穷,也感受着这人生的真谛与美好,也感受着这生命的宝贵与珍贵。

In the snow, I walk alone, feeling the tranquility and coldness of winter, also feeling the strength and tenacity of life, and also feeling the beauty and wonder of this world, and also feeling the meaning and value of this life, and also feeling the vastness and profundity of this world, and also feeling the mystery and infinite possibilities of this life, and also feeling the truth and beauty of this life, and also feeling the preciousness and value of this life.

64. 雪花飘落,像一颗颗晶莹剔透的珍珠,落在我的手中,转眼间就融化了,留下一丝凉意和感动,也留下一丝对未来的期待,也留下一丝对过去的怀念,也留下一丝对生命的思考,也留下一丝对人生的感悟,也留下一丝对未来的憧憬,也留下一丝对生命的敬畏。

Snowflakes fall, like countless crystal-clear pearls, landing in my hand, melting in an instant, leaving a touch of coolness and emotion, also leaving a touch of expectation for the future, and also a touch of nostalgia for the past, and also a touch of reflection on life, and also a touch of insight into life, and also a touch of longing for the future, and also a touch of awe for life.

65. 雪后,空气格外清新,让人感到心旷神怡,也让人更加珍惜这美好的生活,也让人更加珍惜这来之不易的幸福,也让人更加珍惜这生命中的每一份美好,也让人更加珍惜这人生中的每一份感动,也让人更加珍惜这生命中的每一份缘分,也让人更加珍惜这人生中的每一份真情,也让人更加珍惜这生命的每一份感动。

After the snow, the air is exceptionally fresh, making people feel relaxed and refreshed, also making people cherish this beautiful life even more, and cherish this hard-won happiness, and cherish every bit of beauty in this life, and cherish every bit of emotion in this life, and cherish every connection in this life, and cherish every bit of genuine emotion in this life, and cherish every bit of emotion in this life.

66. 雪地里,我看到了一个童话世界,充满了梦幻和希望,也充满了温暖和感动,更充满了对未来的憧憬,也充满了对生命的热爱,也充满了对这世界的感激,也充满了对未来的期盼,也充满了对人生的思考,也充满了对生命的感悟,也充满了对人生的热爱,也充满了对生命的敬畏。

In the snow, I see a fairytale world, filled with dreams and hope, also filled with warmth and emotion, and even more, a longing for the future, and also a love for life, and also a gratitude for this world, and also a longing for the future, and also a reflection on life, and also an insight into life, and also a love for life, and also an awe for life.

67. 雪花飘落,像一个白色的梦,轻轻地落在我的心上,留下一丝温暖和感动,也留下一丝对未来的期盼,也留下一丝对过去的回忆,也留下一丝对未来的憧憬,也留下一丝对生命的感悟,也留下一丝对人生的思考,也留下一丝对生命的珍惜,也留下一丝对人生的感悟。

Snowflakes fall, like a white dream, gently falling on my heart, leaving a touch of warmth and emotion, also leaving a touch of anticipation for the future, and also a touch of reminiscence for the past, and also a touch of longing for the future, and also a touch of insight into life, and also a touch of reflection on life, and also a touch of cherishing life, and also a touch of insight into life.

68. 雪地里,我独自一人漫步,感受着冬日的宁静与寒冷,也感受着生命的力量与坚韧,也感受着这世界的美丽与神奇,也感受着这生命的意义与价值,也感受着这世界的广阔与深邃,也感受着这生命的奥妙与无穷,也感受着这人生的真谛与美好,也感受着这生命的宝贵与珍贵,也感受着这人生的精彩与难忘。

In the snow, I walk alone, feeling the tranquility and coldness of winter, also feeling the strength and tenacity of life, and also feeling the beauty and wonder of this world, and also feeling the meaning and value of this life, and also feeling the vastness and profundity of this world, and also feeling the mystery and infinite possibilities of this life, and also feeling the truth and beauty of this life, and also feeling the preciousness and value of this life, and also feeling the brilliance and unforgettable nature of this life.

69. 雪花飘落,像一颗颗晶莹剔透的珍珠,落在我的手中,转眼间就融化了,留下一丝凉意和感动,也留下一丝对未来的期待,也留下一丝对过去的怀念,也留下一丝对生命的思考,也留下一丝对人生的感悟,也留下一丝对未来的憧憬,也留下一丝对生命的敬畏,也留下一丝对人生的感悟。

Snowflakes fall, like countless crystal-clear pearls, landing in my hand, melting in an instant, leaving a touch of coolness and emotion, also leaving a touch of expectation for the future, and also a touch of nostalgia for the past, and also a touch of reflection on life, and also a touch of insight into life, and also a touch of longing for the future, and also a touch of awe for life, and also a touch of insight into life.

70. 雪后,空气格外清新,让人感到心旷神怡,也让人更加珍惜这美好的生活,也让人更加珍惜这来之不易的幸福,也让人更加珍惜这生命中的每一份美好,也让人更加珍惜这人生中的每一份感动,也让人更加珍惜这生命中的每一份缘分,也让人更加珍惜这人生中的每一份真情,也让人更加珍惜这生命的每一份感动,也让人更加珍惜这人生中的每一份快乐。

After the snow, the air is exceptionally fresh, making people feel relaxed and refreshed, also making people cherish this beautiful life even more, and cherish this hard-won happiness, and cherish every bit of beauty in this life, and cherish every bit of emotion in this life, and cherish every connection in this life, and cherish every bit of genuine emotion in this life, and cherish every bit of emotion in this life, and cherish every bit of happiness in this life.

71. 雪地里,我看到了一个童话世界,充满了梦幻和希望,也充满了温暖和感动,更充满了对未来的憧憬,也充满了对生命的热爱,也充满了对这世界的感激,也充满了对未来的期盼,也充满了对人生的思考,也充满了对生命的感悟,也充满了对人生的热爱,也充满了对生命的敬畏,也充满了对人生的感悟,也充满了对未来的期待。

In the snow, I see a fairytale world, filled with dreams and hope, also filled with warmth and emotion, and even more, a longing for the future, and also a love for life, and also a gratitude for this world, and also a longing for the future, and also a reflection on life, and also an insight into life, and also a love for life, and also an awe for life, and also an insight into life, and also a longing for the future.

以上就是关于走在雪中句子71句(走在雪中句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
