
## 胜不骄败不馁类似句子 (59句)


1. 胜而不骄,败而不馁。 (Victory without arrogance, defeat without discouragement.)
2. 功成不必在我,功成必定有我。 (Success does not have to be achieved by me, but I will definitely contribute to it.)
3. 胜败乃兵家常事,大局为重。 (Victory and defeat are common in warfare, the overall situation is the most important.)
4. 不以成败论英雄。 (Do not judge a hero by success or failure.)
5. 胜不妄喜,败不气馁。 (Do not be overjoyed with victory, do not be discouraged by defeat.)
6. 胜则举杯相庆,败则总结经验。 (Celebrate victory with a toast, learn from defeat.)
7. 成功不可一世,失败不可气馁。 (Do not be arrogant in success, do not be discouraged in failure.)
8. 胜者不居功,败者不推卸。 (The winner does not take credit, the loser does not shirk responsibility.)
9. 失败是成功之母。 (Failure is the mother of success.)
10. 跌倒了,爬起来再走。 (Fall down, get up and walk again.)
11. 失败乃成功之基石。 (Failure is the foundation of success.)
12. 千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽狂沙始到金。 (Though thousands of washes and siftings are hard, only when the wind blows away the sand can you get gold.)
13. 锲而不舍,金石可镂。 (If you persevere, even stone can be carved.)
14. 失败只是暂时的,只要努力,终会成功。 (Failure is only temporary, as long as you work hard, you will eventually succeed.)
15. 塞翁失马,焉知非福。 (An old man from the border lost his horse, who knows if it's not a blessing.)
16. 逆境是人生的宝贵财富。 (Adversity is a valuable treasure in life.)
17. 不要害怕失败,失败只是证明你正在尝试。 (Don't be afraid of failure, failure just proves you are trying.)


18. 心态决定成败。 (Attitude determines success or failure.)
19. 积极的心态是成功的关键。 (A positive attitude is the key to success.)
20. 不管遇到什么困难,都要保持乐观的心态。 (No matter what difficulties you encounter, maintain an optimistic attitude.)
21. 微笑面对人生,用乐观的心态去战胜困难。 (Smile at life, use an optimistic attitude to overcome difficulties.)
22. 相信自己,相信未来。 (Believe in yourself, believe in the future.)
23. 永远不要放弃希望,希望总是存在的。 (Never give up hope, hope always exists.)
24. 困难是暂时的,成功是永恒的。 (Difficulties are temporary, success is eternal.)
25. 只要坚持,梦想终会实现。 (As long as you persist, your dream will eventually come true.)


26. 坚持就是胜利。 (Persistence is victory.)
27. 锲而不舍,金石可镂。 (If you persevere, even stone can be carved.)
28. 滴水穿石,非一日之功。 (Water drops can wear away a stone, not in a day's work.)
29. 不怕慢,只怕站。 (Don't be afraid of being slow, just be afraid of standing still.)
30. 只要努力,就会有收获。 (As long as you work hard, you will reap rewards.)
31. 坚持梦想,永不放弃。 (Persevere in your dreams, never give up.)
32. 即使失败了,也要站起来继续前进。 (Even if you fail, stand up and keep moving forward.)


33. 学无止境。 (Learning has no end.)
34. 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 (Humility makes people progress, pride makes people fall behind.)
35. 敏而好学,不耻下问。 (Quick to learn and eager to ask, not ashamed to ask those below you.)
36. 博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,笃行之。 (Seek knowledge widely, question carefully, think cautiously, discern clearly, and practice diligently.)
37. 与人为善,乐于助人。 (Be kind to others, be willing to help others.)
38. 尊重他人,理解他人。 (Respect others, understand others.)


39. 人生在世,不负韶华。 (Live your life to the fullest.)
40. 人生短暂,要活出精彩。 (Life is short, live it to the fullest.)
41. 人生不如意事十之八九,要学会坦然面对。 (Nine out of ten things in life are unsatisfactory, learn to face them calmly.)
42. 珍惜当下,活在当下。 (Cherish the present, live in the present.)
43. 每个人都有自己的价值,每个人都是独一无二的。 (Everyone has their own value, everyone is unique.)


44. 失败并不可怕,可怕的是放弃。 (Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is giving up.)
45. 任何事情都有两面性,要学会辩证地看待问题。 (Everything has two sides, learn to look at issues dialectically.)
46. 困难是暂时的,只要努力,终会克服。 (Difficulties are temporary, as long as you work hard, you will eventually overcome them.)
47. 不要把希望寄托在别人身上,要靠自己努力去创造。 (Don't pin your hopes on others, create your own destiny with your own efforts.)
48. 不要害怕挑战,挑战是成长的机遇。 (Don't be afraid of challenges, challenges are opportunities for growth.)
49. 不要被眼前的困难所吓倒,要勇敢地去面对。 (Don't be intimidated by the difficulties before you, be brave to face them.)
50. 不要轻言放弃,坚持到底就是胜利。 (Don't give up easily, perseverance is victory.)
51. 没有人天生就是强者,成功都是靠自己努力得来的。 (No one is born strong, success is achieved through your own efforts.)
52. 只有不断地学习和进步,才能不被时代所淘汰。 (Only by constantly learning and improving can you avoid being eliminated by the times.)
53. 永远保持一颗积极向上的心,才能战胜一切困难。 (Always maintain a positive and upward heart, you can overcome all difficulties.)
54. 不要把时间浪费在无意义的事情上,要专注于自己的目标。 (Don't waste time on meaningless things, focus on your goals.)
55. 要学会感恩,感谢生活中的每一个人和每一件事。 (Learn to be grateful, thank everyone and everything in life.)
56. 努力不一定成功,但不努力一定不会成功。 (Working hard doesn't guarantee success, but not working hard definitely won't bring success.)
57. 不要害怕失败,失败只是成功路上的一块垫脚石。 (Don't be afraid of failure, failure is just a stepping stone on the road to success.)
58. 只要你敢于尝试,敢于付出,你就会有所收获。 (As long as you are willing to try and willing to pay, you will reap rewards.)
59. 人生的意义在于不断地追求和探索,在于不断地创造和超越。 (The meaning of life lies in continuous pursuit and exploration, in continuous creation and transcendence.)

## English Translation with p tags

On attitude towards success and failure:

1. Victory without arrogance, defeat without discouragement.

2. Success does not have to be achieved by me, but I will definitely contribute to it.

3. Victory and defeat are common in warfare, the overall situation is the most important.

4. Do not judge a hero by success or failure.

5. Do not be overjoyed with victory, do not be discouraged by defeat.

6. Celebrate victory with a toast, learn from defeat.

7. Do not be arrogant in success, do not be discouraged in failure.

8. The winner does not take credit, the loser does not shirk responsibility.

9. Failure is the mother of success.

10. Fall down, get up and walk again.

11. Failure is the foundation of success.

12. Though thousands of washes and siftings are hard, only when the wind blows away the sand can you get gold.

13. If you persevere, even stone can be carved.

14. Failure is only temporary, as long as you work hard, you will eventually succeed.

15. An old man from the border lost his horse, who knows if it's not a blessing.

16. Adversity is a valuable treasure in life.

17. Don't be afraid of failure, failure just proves you are trying.

On maintaining a positive attitude:

18. Attitude determines success or failure.

19. A positive attitude is the key to success.

20. No matter what difficulties you encounter, maintain an optimistic attitude.

21. Smile at life, use an optimistic attitude to overcome difficulties.

22. Believe in yourself, believe in the future.

23. Never give up hope, hope always exists.

24. Difficulties are temporary, success is eternal.

25. As long as you persist, your dream will eventually come true.

On persistence:

26. Persistence is victory.

27. If you persevere, even stone can be carved.

28. Water drops can wear away a stone, not in a day's work.

29. Don't be afraid of being slow, just be afraid of standing still.

30. As long as you work hard, you will reap rewards.

31. Persevere in your dreams, never give up.

32. Even if you fail, stand up and keep moving forward.

On humility and learning:

33. Learning has no end.

34. Humility makes people progress, pride makes people fall behind.

35. Quick to learn and eager to ask, not ashamed to ask those below you.

36. Seek knowledge widely, question carefully, think cautiously, discern clearly, and practice diligently.

37. Be kind to others, be willing to help others.

38. Respect others, understand others.

On the meaning of life:

39. Live your life to the fullest.

40. Life is short, live it to the fullest.

41. Nine out of ten things in life are unsatisfactory, learn to face them calmly.

42. Cherish the present, live in the present.

43. Everyone has their own value, everyone is unique.

On other topics:

44. Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is giving up.

45. Everything has two sides, learn to look at issues dialectically.

46. Difficulties are temporary, as long as you work hard, you will eventually overcome them.

47. Don't pin your hopes on others, create your own destiny with your own efforts.

48. Don't be afraid of challenges, challenges are opportunities for growth.

49. Don't be intimidated by the difficulties before you, be brave to face them.

50. Don't give up easily, perseverance is victory.

51. No one is born strong, success is achieved through your own efforts.

52. Only by constantly learning and improving can you avoid being eliminated by the times.

53. Always maintain a positive and upward heart, you can overcome all difficulties.

54. Don't waste time on meaningless things, focus on your goals.

55. Learn to be grateful, thank everyone and everything in life.

56. Working hard doesn't guarantee success, but not working hard definitely won't bring success.

57. Don't be afraid of failure, failure is just a stepping stone on the road to success.

58. As long as you are willing to try and willing to pay, you will reap rewards.

59. The meaning of life lies in continuous pursuit and exploration, in continuous creation and transcendence.

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