
## 走得很快的句子 (71句)

1. 他像一阵风似的跑过,快得让人看不清他的脸。

He ran past like a gust of wind, so fast that his face was a blur.

2. 小女孩欢快地蹦蹦跳跳,小脚丫子飞快地迈着。

The little girl skipped merrily, her tiny feet moving quickly.

3. 他步伐稳健,速度极快,转眼间就消失在了人群中。

His strides were steady and his speed was remarkable, he disappeared into the crowd in a blink of an eye.

4. 猎豹的速度快得惊人,眨眼间就能追上猎物。

The cheetah's speed is astonishing, it can catch its prey in a blink of an eye.

5. 他急匆匆地赶路,脚步飞快,仿佛有什么重要的事情在等着他。

He hurried along, his steps quick, as if something important was waiting for him.

6. 她的动作流畅自如,速度快得难以置信,让人叹为观止。

Her movements were smooth and effortless, her speed was incredibly fast, it was breathtaking.

7. 他跑得飞快,像一只离弦的箭一样,瞬间就冲到了终点。

He ran like a speeding arrow, reaching the finish line in an instant.

8. 汽车在高速公路上飞驰,速度快得让人心惊胆战。

The car sped down the highway, its speed was frightening.

9. 他像风一样轻快地奔跑,他的速度无人能及。

He ran as light as the wind, his speed was unmatched.

10. 她的步伐轻盈,速度快得像一阵风,转眼间就消失在了远处。

Her steps were light, her speed was like a gust of wind, she vanished into the distance in a blink of an eye.

11. 他步伐矫健,速度惊人,瞬间就超越了所有的对手。

His stride was vigorous, his speed was astounding, he quickly surpassed all his opponents.

12. 她跑得飞快,像一只敏捷的小鹿,在森林中穿梭自如。

She ran as fast as a nimble deer, moving freely through the forest.

13. 他动作敏捷,速度快得令人难以置信,仿佛他天生就拥有速度的基因。

His movements were agile, his speed was unbelievable, it's as if he was born with the gene of speed.

14. 他跑得飞快,像一只离弦的箭一样,瞬间就消失在了视野中。

He ran as fast as a speeding arrow, disappearing from sight in an instant.

15. 他步伐稳健有力,速度惊人,仿佛有一种无形的动力在推动着他。

His strides were firm and powerful, his speed was astonishing, as if some invisible force was propelling him.

16. 他跑得飞快,像一阵风一样,瞬间就将所有的对手甩在了身后。

He ran as fast as the wind, leaving all his opponents behind in an instant.

17. 她轻盈地跳跃,速度快得让人眼花缭乱,仿佛她能像飞鸟一样自由地飞翔。

She leaped gracefully, her speed was dazzling, as if she could fly freely like a bird.

18. 他跑得飞快,像一只脱缰的野马一样,无法控制自己的速度。

He ran as fast as a wild horse let loose, unable to control his speed.

19. 他的脚步声在空旷的街道上回荡,速度快得让人难以捕捉。

His footsteps echoed in the empty street, his speed was too fast to catch.

20. 她跑得飞快,像一阵闪电一样,瞬间就穿过了人群。

She ran as fast as lightning, instantly passing through the crowd.

21. 他步伐坚定,速度快得惊人,仿佛有一种不可阻挡的力量在他体内奔涌。

His steps were resolute, his speed was astonishing, as if an unstoppable force was surging within him.

22. 她跑得飞快,像一只敏捷的松鼠一样,在树枝之间跳跃穿梭。

She ran as fast as a nimble squirrel, leaping and darting between branches.

23. 他跑得飞快,像一阵狂风一样,瞬间就将所有的障碍物甩在了身后。

He ran as fast as a gale, leaving all obstacles behind in an instant.

24. 她脚步轻盈,速度快得像一阵风,仿佛她能随风而去。

Her steps were light, her speed was like a gust of wind, as if she could fly away with the wind.

25. 他跑得飞快,像一只猎豹一样,在草原上奔跑追逐。

He ran as fast as a cheetah, chasing across the grassland.

26. 她跑得飞快,像一只灵活的兔子一样,在田野里奔跑跳跃。

She ran as fast as a nimble rabbit, leaping and bounding through the fields.

27. 他跑得飞快,像一阵旋风一样,瞬间就将所有的对手甩在了身后。

He ran as fast as a whirlwind, leaving all his opponents behind in an instant.

28. 她跑得飞快,像一只飞翔的鸟儿一样,在天空自由地飞翔。

She ran as fast as a flying bird, soaring freely in the sky.

29. 他跑得飞快,像一只被激怒的野兽一样,无法控制自己的力量。

He ran as fast as an enraged beast, unable to control his strength.

30. 她跑得飞快,像一只敏捷的猫一样,在狭窄的街道上穿梭自如。

She ran as fast as a nimble cat, darting freely through the narrow streets.

31. 他跑得飞快,像一只离弦的箭一样,瞬间就将所有的对手甩在了身后。

He ran as fast as a speeding arrow, leaving all his opponents behind in an instant.

32. 她跑得飞快,像一只飞奔的马匹一样,在广阔的草原上奔跑。

She ran as fast as a galloping horse, running through the vast grassland.

33. 他跑得飞快,像一只敏捷的猴子一样,在树枝之间跳跃穿梭。

He ran as fast as a nimble monkey, leaping and darting between branches.

34. 她跑得飞快,像一只灵巧的狐狸一样,在森林中穿梭自如。

She ran as fast as a cunning fox, moving freely through the forest.

35. 他跑得飞快,像一阵狂风一样,瞬间就将所有的障碍物吹散了。

He ran as fast as a gale, instantly dispersing all obstacles.

36. 她跑得飞快,像一只飞翔的蝴蝶一样,在花丛中翩翩起舞。

She ran as fast as a flying butterfly, fluttering among the flowers.

37. 他跑得飞快,像一只被追捕的猎物一样,奋力地奔跑着。

He ran as fast as a hunted prey, struggling to run.

38. 她跑得飞快,像一只灵动的精灵一样,在森林中穿梭自如。

She ran as fast as a lively sprite, moving freely through the forest.

39. 他跑得飞快,像一只敏捷的猎犬一样,在田野中追逐着猎物。

He ran as fast as a nimble hunting dog, chasing prey through the fields.

40. 她跑得飞快,像一只飞翔的鹰一样,在天空自由地翱翔。

She ran as fast as a flying eagle, soaring freely in the sky.

41. 他跑得飞快,像一只敏捷的豹子一样,在山林中穿梭自如。

He ran as fast as a nimble leopard, moving freely through the mountains and forests.

42. 她跑得飞快,像一只灵巧的松鼠一样,在树枝之间跳跃穿梭。

She ran as fast as a nimble squirrel, leaping and darting between branches.

43. 他跑得飞快,像一只离弦的箭一样,瞬间就将所有的对手甩在了身后。

He ran as fast as a speeding arrow, leaving all his opponents behind in an instant.

44. 她跑得飞快,像一只飞奔的骏马一样,在广阔的草原上奔驰。

She ran as fast as a galloping steed, racing across the vast grassland.

45. 他跑得飞快,像一只敏捷的蜘蛛一样,在墙上攀爬自如。

He ran as fast as a nimble spider, climbing freely on the wall.

46. 她跑得飞快,像一只灵动的鱼儿一样,在水中自由地游动。

She ran as fast as a lively fish, swimming freely in the water.

47. 他跑得飞快,像一只敏捷的兔子一样,在田野里跳跃奔跑。

He ran as fast as a nimble rabbit, leaping and bounding through the fields.

48. 她跑得飞快,像一只飞翔的鸟儿一样,在天空自由地飞翔。

She ran as fast as a flying bird, soaring freely in the sky.

49. 他跑得飞快,像一只被激怒的野兽一样,无法控制自己的力量。

He ran as fast as an enraged beast, unable to control his strength.

50. 她跑得飞快,像一只敏捷的猫一样,在狭窄的街道上穿梭自如。

She ran as fast as a nimble cat, darting freely through the narrow streets.

51. 他跑得飞快,像一阵旋风一样,瞬间就将所有的对手甩在了身后。

He ran as fast as a whirlwind, leaving all his opponents behind in an instant.

52. 她跑得飞快,像一只飞奔的马匹一样,在广阔的草原上奔跑。

She ran as fast as a galloping horse, running through the vast grassland.

53. 他跑得飞快,像一只敏捷的猴子一样,在树枝之间跳跃穿梭。

He ran as fast as a nimble monkey, leaping and darting between branches.

54. 她跑得飞快,像一只灵巧的狐狸一样,在森林中穿梭自如。

She ran as fast as a cunning fox, moving freely through the forest.

55. 他跑得飞快,像一阵狂风一样,瞬间就将所有的障碍物吹散了。

He ran as fast as a gale, instantly dispersing all obstacles.

56. 她跑得飞快,像一只飞翔的蝴蝶一样,在花丛中翩翩起舞。

She ran as fast as a flying butterfly, fluttering among the flowers.

57. 他跑得飞快,像一只被追捕的猎物一样,奋力地奔跑着。

He ran as fast as a hunted prey, struggling to run.

58. 她跑得飞快,像一只灵动的精灵一样,在森林中穿梭自如。

She ran as fast as a lively sprite, moving freely through the forest.

59. 他跑得飞快,像一只敏捷的猎犬一样,在田野中追逐着猎物。

He ran as fast as a nimble hunting dog, chasing prey through the fields.

60. 她跑得飞快,像一只飞翔的鹰一样,在天空自由地翱翔。

She ran as fast as a flying eagle, soaring freely in the sky.

61. 他跑得飞快,像一只敏捷的豹子一样,在山林中穿梭自如。

He ran as fast as a nimble leopard, moving freely through the mountains and forests.

62. 她跑得飞快,像一只灵巧的松鼠一样,在树枝之间跳跃穿梭。

She ran as fast as a nimble squirrel, leaping and darting between branches.

63. 他跑得飞快,像一只离弦的箭一样,瞬间就将所有的对手甩在了身后。

He ran as fast as a speeding arrow, leaving all his opponents behind in an instant.

64. 她跑得飞快,像一只飞奔的骏马一样,在广阔的草原上奔驰。

She ran as fast as a galloping steed, racing across the vast grassland.

65. 他跑得飞快,像一只敏捷的蜘蛛一样,在墙上攀爬自如。

He ran as fast as a nimble spider, climbing freely on the wall.

66. 她跑得飞快,像一只灵动的鱼儿一样,在水中自由地游动。

She ran as fast as a lively fish, swimming freely in the water.

67. 他跑得飞快,像一只敏捷的兔子一样,在田野里跳跃奔跑。

He ran as fast as a nimble rabbit, leaping and bounding through the fields.

68. 她跑得飞快,像一只飞翔的鸟儿一样,在天空自由地飞翔。

She ran as fast as a flying bird, soaring freely in the sky.

69. 他跑得飞快,像一只被激怒的野兽一样,无法控制自己的力量。

He ran as fast as an enraged beast, unable to control his strength.

70. 她跑得飞快,像一只敏捷的猫一样,在狭窄的街道上穿梭自如。

She ran as fast as a nimble cat, darting freely through the narrow streets.

71. 他跑得飞快,像一阵旋风一样,瞬间就将所有的对手甩在了身后。

He ran as fast as a whirlwind, leaving all his opponents behind in an instant.

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