
## 担心被人嫌弃的句子 (68句)


1. 我总是担心自己不够好,怕别人会嫌弃我。
2. 感觉自己像个透明人,总是被忽视,怕别人不喜欢我。
3. 我很努力地想融入大家,但总是找不到自己的位置,怕被排斥。
4. 我总是害怕别人会嘲笑我的缺点,所以很少表达自己。
5. 我总是担心自己会说错话,做错事,然后被别人厌恶。
6. 我不敢尝试新的事物,害怕失败,害怕被别人嘲笑。
7. 我总是在人群中默默地观察,不敢靠近,怕别人不喜欢我。
8. 我总是很在意别人的眼光,怕他们会不喜欢我。
9. 我总是害怕被别人拒绝,所以很少主动去交朋友。
10. 我总是担心自己没有魅力,没有吸引力,怕别人会嫌弃我。
11. 我总是害怕被别人比较,怕自己比不过别人。
12. 我总是担心自己不够优秀,怕别人会看不起我。
13. 我总是害怕别人会发现我的秘密,怕他们会嘲笑我。
14. 我总是担心自己会犯错,怕别人会指责我。
15. 我总是害怕自己会被人讨厌,所以总是小心翼翼地说话做事。
16. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很奇怪,所以总是尽量隐藏自己的真实性格。
17. 我总是害怕别人会发现我的弱点,所以总是装出一副很强大的样子。
18. 我总是担心别人会不喜欢我的兴趣爱好,所以总是默默地隐藏自己的喜好。
19. 我总是害怕别人会不喜欢我的家庭背景,所以总是尽量回避谈论这个话题。
20. 我总是担心自己没有钱,没有地位,怕别人会瞧不起我。
21. 我总是害怕自己不够漂亮,不够帅气,怕别人会嫌弃我。
22. 我总是担心自己没有才华,没有能力,怕别人会看不起我。
23. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很无聊,所以总是尽量表现得很有趣。
24. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很笨,所以总是努力装出一副很聪明的样子。
25. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很懦弱,所以总是努力表现得很坚强。
26. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很孤独,所以总是尽量装出一副很受欢迎的样子。
27. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很失败,所以总是尽量掩盖自己的失败。
28. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很自私,所以总是尽量表现得很大方。
29. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很虚伪,所以总是尽量表现得很真诚。
30. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很冷酷,所以总是尽量表现得很温暖。
31. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很傲慢,所以总是尽量表现得很谦虚。
32. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很愚蠢,所以总是尽量表现得很聪明。
33. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很无能,所以总是尽量表现得很强大。
34. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很无趣,所以总是尽量表现得很有趣。
35. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很懒惰,所以总是尽量表现得很勤奋。
36. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很粗俗,所以总是尽量表现得很优雅。
37. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很自卑,所以总是尽量表现得很自信。
38. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很胆小,所以总是尽量表现得很勇敢。
39. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很冷漠,所以总是尽量表现得很热情。
40. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很贪婪,所以总是尽量表现得很慷慨。
41. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很愚蠢,所以总是尽量表现得很聪明。
42. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很糟糕,所以总是尽量表现得很优秀。
43. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很不可靠,所以总是尽量表现得很可靠。
44. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很无用,所以总是尽量表现得很有用。
45. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很丑陋,所以总是尽量表现得很美丽。
46. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很普通,所以总是尽量表现得很特别。
47. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很乏味,所以总是尽量表现得很有趣。
48. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很无情,所以总是尽量表现得很善良。
49. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很自私,所以总是尽量表现得很无私。
50. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很软弱,所以总是尽量表现得很坚强。
51. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很消极,所以总是尽量表现得很乐观。
52. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很负面,所以总是尽量表现得很正面。
53. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很无助,所以总是尽量表现得很独立。
54. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很失败,所以总是尽量表现得很成功。
55. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很不值得信任,所以总是尽量表现得很值得信任。
56. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很没有价值,所以总是尽量表现得很值钱。
57. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很没有能力,所以总是尽量表现得很强大。
58. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很没有魅力,所以总是尽量表现得很迷人。
59. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很糟糕,所以总是尽量表现得完美。
60. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很不可爱,所以总是尽量表现得很可爱。
61. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很无聊,所以总是尽量表现得很有趣。
62. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很麻烦,所以总是尽量表现得很简单。
63. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很无理,所以总是尽量表现得很讲理。
64. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很无知,所以总是尽量表现得很博学。
65. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很冷酷,所以总是尽量表现得很温暖。
66. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很孤僻,所以总是尽量表现得很合群。
67. 我总是担心别人会觉得我很无能为力,所以总是尽量表现得很能干。
68. 我总是害怕别人会觉得我很失败,所以总是尽量表现得很成功。


1. I always worry that I'm not good enough and that people will reject me.

2. I feel like an invisible person, always overlooked. I'm afraid people don't like me.

3. I try really hard to fit in, but I can't find my place. I'm afraid of being excluded.

4. I'm always afraid that people will laugh at my flaws, so I rarely express myself.

5. I'm always worried that I'll say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, and people will dislike me.

6. I'm afraid to try new things, afraid of failure, afraid of being ridiculed.

7. I always observe silently in the crowd, afraid to get close, afraid that people won't like me.

8. I'm always very conscious of what others think, afraid that they won't like me.

9. I'm always afraid of being rejected, so I rarely take the initiative to make friends.

10. I'm always worried that I'm not charming, not attractive, and that people will reject me.

11. I'm always afraid of being compared to others, afraid of losing to them.

12. I'm always worried that I'm not good enough, afraid that people will look down on me.

13. I'm always afraid that people will discover my secrets and laugh at me.

14. I'm always worried that I'll make mistakes and people will blame me.

15. I'm always afraid of being disliked, so I always speak and act cautiously.

16. I'm always worried that people will think I'm strange, so I always try to hide my true personality.

17. I'm always afraid that people will discover my weaknesses, so I always pretend to be very strong.

18. I'm always worried that people won't like my hobbies, so I always hide them silently.

19. I'm always afraid that people won't like my family background, so I always try to avoid talking about it.

20. I'm always worried that I don't have money, status, and that people will look down on me.

21. I'm always afraid that I'm not beautiful enough, not handsome enough, and that people will reject me.

22. I'm always worried that I don't have talent, not ability, and that people will look down on me.

23. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm boring, so I always try to appear interesting.

24. I'm always worried that people will think I'm stupid, so I always try to appear smart.

25. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm weak, so I always try to appear strong.

26. I'm always worried that people will think I'm lonely, so I always try to appear popular.

27. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm a failure, so I always try to conceal my failures.

28. I'm always worried that people will think I'm selfish, so I always try to appear generous.

29. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm hypocritical, so I always try to appear sincere.

30. I'm always worried that people will think I'm cold, so I always try to appear warm.

31. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm arrogant, so I always try to appear humble.

32. I'm always worried that people will think I'm stupid, so I always try to appear smart.

33. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm incompetent, so I always try to appear powerful.

34. I'm always worried that people will think I'm boring, so I always try to appear interesting.

35. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm lazy, so I always try to appear diligent.

36. I'm always worried that people will think I'm vulgar, so I always try to appear elegant.

37. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm inferior, so I always try to appear confident.

38. I'm always worried that people will think I'm cowardly, so I always try to appear brave.

39. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm indifferent, so I always try to appear enthusiastic.

40. I'm always worried that people will think I'm greedy, so I always try to appear generous.

41. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm stupid, so I always try to appear smart.

42. I'm always worried that people will think I'm awful, so I always try to appear excellent.

43. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm unreliable, so I always try to appear reliable.

44. I'm always worried that people will think I'm useless, so I always try to appear useful.

45. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm ugly, so I always try to appear beautiful.

46. I'm always worried that people will think I'm ordinary, so I always try to appear special.

47. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm boring, so I always try to appear interesting.

48. I'm always worried that people will think I'm heartless, so I always try to appear kind.

49. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm selfish, so I always try to appear selfless.

50. I'm always worried that people will think I'm weak, so I always try to appear strong.

51. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm negative, so I always try to appear optimistic.

52. I'm always worried that people will think I'm negative, so I always try to appear positive.

53. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm helpless, so I always try to appear independent.

54. I'm always worried that people will think I'm a failure, so I always try to appear successful.

55. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm untrustworthy, so I always try to appear trustworthy.

56. I'm always worried that people will think I'm worthless, so I always try to appear valuable.

57. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm incompetent, so I always try to appear powerful.

58. I'm always worried that people will think I'm unattractive, so I always try to appear charming.

59. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm awful, so I always try to appear perfect.

60. I'm always worried that people will think I'm unlovable, so I always try to appear cute.

61. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm boring, so I always try to appear interesting.

62. I'm always worried that people will think I'm a nuisance, so I always try to appear simple.

63. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm unreasonable, so I always try to appear reasonable.

64. I'm always worried that people will think I'm ignorant, so I always try to appear knowledgeable.

65. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm cold, so I always try to appear warm.

66. I'm always worried that people will think I'm withdrawn, so I always try to appear sociable.

67. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm powerless, so I always try to appear competent.

68. I'm always afraid that people will think I'm a failure, so I always try to appear successful.

以上就是关于担心被人嫌弃句子68句(担心被人嫌弃句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
