
## 70句见面朋友圈文案及英文翻译

**1. 终于见到你啦! 好久不见,感觉还是像昨天一样 **

Finally saw you! Long time no see, it feels like yesterday

**2. 今天跟[朋友姓名]见面,聊了好多,好开心! **

Met up with [friend's name] today, chatted a lot, so happy!

**3. 好久不见,见面还是和以前一样,默契十足! **

Long time no see, still as close as before, great chemistry!

**4. 约了[朋友姓名]吃饭,好久没见了,感觉时间过得好快! **

Had dinner with [friend's name], haven't seen each other in ages, time flies!

**5. 今天跟老朋友见面,回忆满满,感动满满! **

Met up with an old friend today, filled with memories and emotion!

**6. 和[朋友姓名]终于见面啦!一起[活动内容],太开心了! **

Finally met up with [friend's name]! Did [activity] together, so much fun!

**7. 难得一见,相聚的时光总是短暂,下次再约! **

Rarely meet, time spent together is always short, let's meet again next time!

**8. 相识多年,依然像初见时一样,彼此温暖。 **

Known each other for years, still as warm as the first time we met.

**9. 终于见到[朋友姓名]啦!一起[活动内容],真是太棒了! **

Finally saw [friend's name]! Did [activity] together, it was awesome!

**10. 好久没见了,见面后才知道,原来我们都改变了好多。 **

Long time no see, it was only after meeting that I realized we've both changed a lot.

**11. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我充满能量! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always fills me with energy!

**12. 时光飞逝,但友谊长存!今天和[朋友姓名]见面,感慨良多。 **

Time flies, but friendship lasts! Met up with [friend's name] today, many reflections.

**13. 难得的聚会,感谢[朋友姓名]的陪伴,一起度过了一个美好的下午。 **

A rare get-together, thanks for [friend's name] for being with me, we spent a wonderful afternoon together.

**14. 和[朋友姓名]一起[活动内容],真是太开心了!希望下次还能再约! **

Had such a great time [activity] with [friend's name]! Hope we can meet again next time!

**15. 今天见到[朋友姓名],感觉一切都很美好! **

Met [friend's name] today, everything feels so good!

**16. 和[朋友姓名]见面,聊天的内容永远都说不完! **

Met up with [friend's name], we could chat forever!

**17. 和[朋友姓名]一起回忆过去,真是太幸福了! **

Reminiscing with [friend's name] is truly blissful!

**18. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感到放松和快乐! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel relaxed and happy!

**19. 时光荏苒,但友谊依然如故!今天见到[朋友姓名],很开心! **

Time goes by, but friendship remains! Met [friend's name] today, so happy!

**20. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到温暖和力量! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always fills me with warmth and strength!

**21. 和[朋友姓名]一起[活动内容],感受着彼此的陪伴,真好! **

Did [activity] with [friend's name], feeling each other's company, it's so good!

**22. 朋友之间,最好的状态就是,见面依然亲切,相处依然舒服! **

The best thing about friends is that meeting each other feels warm, and being with each other feels comfortable!

**23. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是充满了欢笑和回忆! **

Meeting with [friend's name] is always filled with laughter and memories!

**24. 和[朋友姓名]一起[活动内容],感受着彼此的默契,真好! **

Did [activity] with [friend's name], feeling each other's chemistry, it's so good!

**25. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感到安心和幸福! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel secure and happy!

**26. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到生活的温暖和美好! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the warmth and beauty of life!

**27. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的信任和理解! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the trust and understanding between us!

**28. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的支持和鼓励! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the support and encouragement between us!

**29. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的陪伴和温暖! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the companionship and warmth between us!

**30. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的默契和快乐! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the chemistry and happiness between us!

**31. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的成长和进步! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the growth and progress between us!

**32. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的爱和关怀! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the love and care between us!

**33. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的美好和幸福! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the beauty and happiness between us!

**34. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的真情和友谊! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the sincerity and friendship between us!

**35. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互理解和包容! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual understanding and tolerance between us!

**36. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的共同目标和追求! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the shared goals and aspirations between us!

**37. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的共同回忆和经历! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the shared memories and experiences between us!

**38. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的美好和希望! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the beauty and hope between us!

**39. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互支持和鼓励! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual support and encouragement between us!

**40. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的真诚和善良! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the sincerity and kindness between us!

**41. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互尊重和理解! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual respect and understanding between us!

**42. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互信任和依赖! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual trust and dependence between us!

**43. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互扶持和鼓励! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual support and encouragement between us!

**44. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互欣赏和赞赏! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual admiration and appreciation between us!

**45. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互包容和理解! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual tolerance and understanding between us!

**46. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互关心和照顾! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual care and concern between us!

**47. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互信任和依赖! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual trust and dependence between us!

**48. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互支持和鼓励! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual support and encouragement between us!

**49. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互欣赏和赞赏! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual admiration and appreciation between us!

**50. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互包容和理解! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual tolerance and understanding between us!

**51. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互关心和照顾! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual care and concern between us!

**52. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互信任和依赖! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual trust and dependence between us!

**53. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互支持和鼓励! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual support and encouragement between us!

**54. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互欣赏和赞赏! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual admiration and appreciation between us!

**55. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互包容和理解! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual tolerance and understanding between us!

**56. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互关心和照顾! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual care and concern between us!

**57. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互信任和依赖! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual trust and dependence between us!

**58. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互支持和鼓励! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual support and encouragement between us!

**59. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互欣赏和赞赏! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual admiration and appreciation between us!

**60. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互包容和理解! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual tolerance and understanding between us!

**61. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互关心和照顾! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual care and concern between us!

**62. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互信任和依赖! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual trust and dependence between us!

**63. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互支持和鼓励! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual support and encouragement between us!

**64. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互欣赏和赞赏! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual admiration and appreciation between us!

**65. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互包容和理解! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual tolerance and understanding between us!

**66. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互关心和照顾! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual care and concern between us!

**67. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互信任和依赖! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual trust and dependence between us!

**68. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互支持和鼓励! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual support and encouragement between us!

**69. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互欣赏和赞赏! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual admiration and appreciation between us!

**70. 和[朋友姓名]的见面,总是能让我感受到彼此之间的相互包容和理解! **

Meeting with [friend's name] always makes me feel the mutual tolerance and understanding between us!

以上就是关于见了面发朋友圈的句子70句(见了面发朋友圈的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
