
## 60句要红包长句子及英文翻译:

**1. 红包拿来,祝你新年行大运!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you good luck in the new year!

**2. 新的一年,新的开始,红包拿来,好运连连!**

New year, new beginnings, red envelope, please! Wishing you good luck all year round!

**3. 恭喜发财,红包拿来,祝你财源滚滚!**

Happy New Year and Prosperity! Red envelope, please! Wishing you a prosperous year!

**4. 新年快乐,红包拿来,祝你心想事成!**

Happy New Year! Red envelope, please! Wishing you all your dreams come true!

**5. 红包拿来,祝你事业蒸蒸日上!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you a successful career!

**6. 新年新气象,红包拿来,祝你爱情甜蜜!**

New year, new beginnings! Red envelope, please! Wishing you a sweet love life!

**7. 红包拿来,祝你身体健康!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you good health!

**8. 新年吉祥,红包拿来,祝你万事如意!**

Happy and auspicious New Year! Red envelope, please! Wishing you all the best!

**9. 红包拿来,祝你心想事成,万事顺利!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you all your dreams come true and everything goes smoothly!

**10. 新年新气象,红包拿来,祝你财源广进!**

New year, new beginnings! Red envelope, please! Wishing you abundant wealth!

**11. 红包拿来,祝你步步高升!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you continuous progress and success!

**12. 新年快乐,红包拿来,祝你家庭幸福!**

Happy New Year! Red envelope, please! Wishing you a happy family!

**13. 红包拿来,祝你朋友多多,贵人相助!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you many friends and the support of noble people!

**14. 红包拿来,祝你新年鸿运当头!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you great fortune in the new year!

**15. 新年新气象,红包拿来,祝你学业进步!**

New year, new beginnings! Red envelope, please! Wishing you academic progress!

**16. 红包拿来,祝你新年一切顺利!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you a smooth and successful new year!

**17. 新年快乐,红包拿来,祝你生活美满!**

Happy New Year! Red envelope, please! Wishing you a fulfilling life!

**18. 红包拿来,祝你心想事成,梦想成真!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing your dreams come true!

**19. 新年吉祥,红包拿来,祝你平安喜乐!**

Happy and auspicious New Year! Red envelope, please! Wishing you peace and joy!

**20. 红包拿来,祝你财运亨通,事业顺利!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you good fortune and a successful career!

**21. 新年新气象,红包拿来,祝你幸福美满!**

New year, new beginnings! Red envelope, please! Wishing you happiness and fulfillment!

**22. 红包拿来,祝你新年万事大吉!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you good luck in everything in the new year!

**23. 新年快乐,红包拿来,祝你爱情甜蜜,幸福美满!**

Happy New Year! Red envelope, please! Wishing you a sweet love life and happiness!

**24. 红包拿来,祝你新年心想事成,身体健康!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you all your dreams come true and good health in the new year!

**25. 新年吉祥,红包拿来,祝你财源广进,好运连连!**

Happy and auspicious New Year! Red envelope, please! Wishing you abundant wealth and good luck!

**26. 红包拿来,祝你新年快乐,万事如意!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you a happy and successful new year!

**27. 新年新气象,红包拿来,祝你事业顺利,步步高升!**

New year, new beginnings! Red envelope, please! Wishing you a successful career and continuous progress!

**28. 红包拿来,祝你新年心想事成,爱情甜蜜!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you all your dreams come true and a sweet love life!

**29. 新年快乐,红包拿来,祝你家庭幸福,生活美满!**

Happy New Year! Red envelope, please! Wishing you a happy family and a fulfilling life!

**30. 红包拿来,祝你新年一切顺利,心想事成!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you a smooth and successful new year and all your dreams come true!

**31. 新年吉祥,红包拿来,祝你平安喜乐,万事如意!**

Happy and auspicious New Year! Red envelope, please! Wishing you peace, joy, and success!

**32. 红包拿来,祝你新年财运亨通,事业顺利!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you good fortune and a successful career in the new year!

**33. 新年新气象,红包拿来,祝你幸福美满,爱情甜蜜!**

New year, new beginnings! Red envelope, please! Wishing you happiness, fulfillment, and a sweet love life!

**34. 红包拿来,祝你新年万事大吉,心想事成!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you good luck in everything and all your dreams come true in the new year!

**35. 新年快乐,红包拿来,祝你身体健康,平安快乐!**

Happy New Year! Red envelope, please! Wishing you good health, peace, and happiness!

**36. 红包拿来,祝你新年学业进步,事业顺利!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you academic progress and a successful career in the new year!

**37. 新年吉祥,红包拿来,祝你财源广进,万事如意!**

Happy and auspicious New Year! Red envelope, please! Wishing you abundant wealth and success!

**38. 红包拿来,祝你新年一切顺利,万事亨通!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you a smooth and successful new year and good fortune in everything!

**39. 新年新气象,红包拿来,祝你家庭幸福,朋友多多!**

New year, new beginnings! Red envelope, please! Wishing you a happy family and many friends!

**40. 红包拿来,祝你新年心想事成,梦想成真!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you all your dreams come true in the new year!

**41. 新年快乐,红包拿来,祝你生活美满,幸福快乐!**

Happy New Year! Red envelope, please! Wishing you a fulfilling life and happiness!

**42. 红包拿来,祝你新年平安喜乐,万事顺利!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you peace, joy, and a smooth and successful new year!

**43. 新年吉祥,红包拿来,祝你财运亨通,心想事成!**

Happy and auspicious New Year! Red envelope, please! Wishing you good fortune and all your dreams come true!

**44. 红包拿来,祝你新年步步高升,事业有成!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you continuous progress and success in your career!

**45. 新年新气象,红包拿来,祝你爱情甜蜜,幸福美满!**

New year, new beginnings! Red envelope, please! Wishing you a sweet love life and happiness!

**46. 红包拿来,祝你新年万事大吉,平安健康!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you good luck in everything and good health in the new year!

**47. 新年快乐,红包拿来,祝你学业进步,前途无量!**

Happy New Year! Red envelope, please! Wishing you academic progress and a bright future!

**48. 红包拿来,祝你新年心想事成,身体健康,万事顺利!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you all your dreams come true, good health, and a smooth and successful new year!

**49. 新年吉祥,红包拿来,祝你财源广进,好运连连,万事如意!**

Happy and auspicious New Year! Red envelope, please! Wishing you abundant wealth, good luck, and success in everything!

**50. 红包拿来,祝你新年快乐,万事如意,心想事成!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you a happy and successful new year and all your dreams come true!

**51. 新年新气象,红包拿来,祝你事业顺利,步步高升,爱情甜蜜!**

New year, new beginnings! Red envelope, please! Wishing you a successful career, continuous progress, and a sweet love life!

**52. 红包拿来,祝你新年万事大吉,财源滚滚,心想事成!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you good luck in everything, abundant wealth, and all your dreams come true in the new year!

**53. 新年快乐,红包拿来,祝你身体健康,平安快乐,生活美满!**

Happy New Year! Red envelope, please! Wishing you good health, peace, happiness, and a fulfilling life!

**54. 红包拿来,祝你新年一切顺利,学业进步,事业有成!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you a smooth and successful new year, academic progress, and a successful career!

**55. 新年吉祥,红包拿来,祝你财源广进,好运连连,平安喜乐!**

Happy and auspicious New Year! Red envelope, please! Wishing you abundant wealth, good luck, peace, and joy!

**56. 红包拿来,祝你新年万事大吉,心想事成,梦想成真!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you good luck in everything, all your dreams come true, and your dreams become reality in the new year!

**57. 新年新气象,红包拿来,祝你家庭幸福,朋友多多,爱情甜蜜!**

New year, new beginnings! Red envelope, please! Wishing you a happy family, many friends, and a sweet love life!

**58. 红包拿来,祝你新年心想事成,身体健康,万事顺利,平安快乐!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you all your dreams come true, good health, a smooth and successful new year, peace, and happiness!

**59. 新年快乐,红包拿来,祝你财运亨通,事业有成,学业进步,爱情甜蜜!**

Happy New Year! Red envelope, please! Wishing you good fortune, a successful career, academic progress, and a sweet love life!

**60. 红包拿来,祝你新年一切顺利,心想事成,万事如意,幸福美满!**

Red envelope, please! Wishing you a smooth and successful new year, all your dreams come true, good luck in everything, and happiness and fulfillment!

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