
## 抵御外敌霸气句子,55句:

**1. 犯我中华者,虽远必诛!**

He who dares to offend China, no matter how far, will be punished!

**2. 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全!**

It's better to be a shattered jade than a whole tile!

**3. 外敌入侵,寸土必争!**

In the face of foreign invasion, we will fight for every inch of our land!

**4. 誓死保卫家园,寸步不让!**

We swear to defend our homeland to the death, not giving an inch of ground!

**5. 血战到底,不屈不挠!**

We will fight to the very end, refusing to yield!

**6. 卧薪尝胆,必报此仇!**

We will endure humiliation and hardship, and one day avenge this wrong!

**7. 逆我者亡,顺我者昌!**

Those who oppose me will perish, those who follow me will prosper!

**8. 不怕强敌,只怕懦夫!**

We are not afraid of strong enemies, only cowards!

**9. 狭路相逢勇者胜!**

The brave prevail when they meet on a narrow path!

**10. 宁死不屈,誓死抗敌!**

We would rather die than surrender, we swear to fight the enemy to the death!

**11. 犯我疆域者,虽远必诛!**

He who violates our territory, no matter how far, will be punished!

**12. 侵略者必将遭到惩罚!**

The aggressors will be punished!

**13. 我辈男儿,誓死卫国!**

We, the men of this land, swear to defend our country to the death!

**14. 国破山河在,城春草木深!**

Though our country is in ruins, the mountains and rivers remain, and spring returns to the city, bringing forth deep green foliage!

**15. 只要信念不灭,民族就不会灭亡!**

As long as our faith remains, our nation will not perish!

**16. 前赴后继,英勇无畏!**

We will charge forward, one after another, fearless and courageous!

**17. 舍生忘死,保卫家园!**

We will sacrifice ourselves without fear of death, to defend our homeland!

**18. 宁做战死沙场之鬼,不做苟活于世之贼!**

It's better to be a ghost who died on the battlefield than a thief who lives a cowardly life!

**19. 卧薪尝胆,必雪前耻!**

We will endure hardship and humiliation, and one day wash away the shame of the past!

**20. 不怕牺牲,只怕不胜!**

We are not afraid of sacrifice, only of defeat!

**21. 愿为祖国献身,粉身碎骨也无悔!**

We are willing to sacrifice ourselves for our country, even if it means being crushed into dust and bone!

**22. 黄沙百战穿金甲,不破楼兰终不还!**

Through a hundred battles in the yellow sand, wearing golden armor, I will not return until Loulan is defeated!

**23. 犯我强汉者,虽远必诛!**

He who dares to offend the mighty Han Dynasty, no matter how far, will be punished!

**24. 天下兴亡,匹夫有责!**

The fate of the world is the responsibility of every man!

**25. 壮志凌云,誓死报国!**

With lofty ambitions, we swear to die for our country!

**26. 誓与国家共存亡!**

We swear to stand or fall with our country!

**27. 爱国情怀,不可磨灭!**

Our love for our country is unyielding!

**28. 宁可战死,不可苟活!**

We would rather die fighting than live in shame!

**29. 誓死保卫家园,寸步不让!**

We swear to defend our homeland to the death, not giving an inch of ground!

**30. 血战到底,不屈不挠!**

We will fight to the very end, refusing to yield!

**31. 逆我者亡,顺我者昌!**

Those who oppose me will perish, those who follow me will prosper!

**32. 不怕强敌,只怕懦夫!**

We are not afraid of strong enemies, only cowards!

**33. 狭路相逢勇者胜!**

The brave prevail when they meet on a narrow path!

**34. 宁死不屈,誓死抗敌!**

We would rather die than surrender, we swear to fight the enemy to the death!

**35. 犯我疆域者,虽远必诛!**

He who violates our territory, no matter how far, will be punished!

**36. 侵略者必将遭到惩罚!**

The aggressors will be punished!

**37. 我辈男儿,誓死卫国!**

We, the men of this land, swear to defend our country to the death!

**38. 国破山河在,城春草木深!**

Though our country is in ruins, the mountains and rivers remain, and spring returns to the city, bringing forth deep green foliage!

**39. 只要信念不灭,民族就不会灭亡!**

As long as our faith remains, our nation will not perish!

**40. 前赴后继,英勇无畏!**

We will charge forward, one after another, fearless and courageous!

**41. 舍生忘死,保卫家园!**

We will sacrifice ourselves without fear of death, to defend our homeland!

**42. 宁做战死沙场之鬼,不做苟活于世之贼!**

It's better to be a ghost who died on the battlefield than a thief who lives a cowardly life!

**43. 卧薪尝胆,必雪前耻!**

We will endure hardship and humiliation, and one day wash away the shame of the past!

**44. 不怕牺牲,只怕不胜!**

We are not afraid of sacrifice, only of defeat!

**45. 愿为祖国献身,粉身碎骨也无悔!**

We are willing to sacrifice ourselves for our country, even if it means being crushed into dust and bone!

**46. 黄沙百战穿金甲,不破楼兰终不还!**

Through a hundred battles in the yellow sand, wearing golden armor, I will not return until Loulan is defeated!

**47. 犯我强汉者,虽远必诛!**

He who dares to offend the mighty Han Dynasty, no matter how far, will be punished!

**48. 天下兴亡,匹夫有责!**

The fate of the world is the responsibility of every man!

**49. 壮志凌云,誓死报国!**

With lofty ambitions, we swear to die for our country!

**50. 誓与国家共存亡!**

We swear to stand or fall with our country!

**51. 爱国情怀,不可磨灭!**

Our love for our country is unyielding!

**52. 宁可战死,不可苟活!**

We would rather die fighting than live in shame!

**53. 誓死保卫家园,寸步不让!**

We swear to defend our homeland to the death, not giving an inch of ground!

**54. 血战到底,不屈不挠!**

We will fight to the very end, refusing to yield!

**55. 逆我者亡,顺我者昌!**

Those who oppose me will perish, those who follow me will prosper!

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