
## 抵抗侵略句子,70句(含英文翻译)

1. 我们坚决抵抗侵略,捍卫国家主权和领土完整。 We resolutely resist aggression and defend our national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

2. 侵略者必将遭到人民的坚决反抗。 The aggressors will be met with resolute resistance from the people.

3. 侵略是不可容忍的,我们绝不屈服。 Aggression is intolerable, and we will never yield.

4. 我们要团结一致,共同抵抗侵略。 We must unite as one and resist aggression together.

5. 保家卫国,人人有责。 It is everyone's responsibility to defend our home and country.

6. 侵略者必败,正义必胜。 The aggressors will be defeated, and justice will prevail.

7. 我们要铭记历史,警钟长鸣。 We must remember history and keep the alarm bells ringing.

8. 我们要维护世界和平,反对侵略战争。 We must uphold world peace and oppose aggressive wars.

9. 侵略者妄图以武力征服,必将自食其果。 The aggressors who attempt to conquer by force will inevitably reap what they sow.

10. 我们要以坚定的意志和强大的力量,粉碎侵略者的阴谋。 We must shatter the aggressors' schemes with unwavering will and overwhelming strength.

11. 侵略者必将付出沉重的代价。 The aggressors will pay a heavy price.

12. 我们要维护国家尊严,绝不向侵略者低头。 We must uphold our national dignity and never bow to the aggressors.

13. 侵略者妄想染指我们的土地,这是痴心妄想! The aggressors' attempts to seize our land are a pipe dream!

14. 我们要发扬爱国主义精神,誓死保卫家园。 We must uphold the spirit of patriotism and defend our homeland to the death.

15. 侵略者必将受到国际社会的谴责。 The aggressors will be condemned by the international community.

16. 抵抗侵略是每个公民的义务。 Resisting aggression is the duty of every citizen.

17. 我们要以顽强的斗志,打败侵略者。 We must defeat the aggressors with tenacious fighting spirit.

18. 我们要团结一切可以团结的力量,共同抵御侵略。 We must unite all forces that can be united and resist aggression together.

19. 侵略是人类文明的倒退,我们坚决反对。 Aggression is a setback for human civilization, and we resolutely oppose it.

20. 我们要保持高度警惕,时刻准备抗击侵略。 We must maintain a high level of vigilance and be always prepared to fight back against aggression.

21. 侵略者必将被历史所唾弃。 The aggressors will be condemned by history.

22. 我们要以正义之师,击退侵略者。 We must defeat the aggressors with the righteous forces.

23. 侵略者必将受到法律的严惩。 The aggressors will be severely punished by law.

24. 抵抗侵略,维护和平,是人类的共同责任。 Resisting aggression and upholding peace are the shared responsibilities of humanity.

25. 我们要以民族的尊严,捍卫国家利益。 We must defend our national interests with the dignity of our nation.

26. 侵略者必将为他们的罪行付出代价。 The aggressors will pay for their crimes.

27. 我们要以坚不可摧的意志,战胜侵略者。 We must defeat the aggressors with an unbreakable will.

28. 抵抗侵略,是中华民族的优良传统。 Resisting aggression is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation.

29. 我们要以智慧和勇气,应对侵略者的挑战。 We must meet the challenges of the aggressors with wisdom and courage.

30. 侵略者妄想征服世界,这是不可取的。 The aggressors' attempt to conquer the world is unacceptable.

31. 我们要以和平的方式解决争端,反对侵略战争。 We must resolve disputes through peaceful means and oppose aggressive wars.

32. 抵抗侵略,是维护世界和平的基石。 Resisting aggression is the cornerstone of maintaining world peace.

33. 我们要以正义的力量,粉碎侵略者的野心。 We must shatter the aggressors' ambitions with the power of justice.

34. 侵略者必将受到人民的审判。 The aggressors will be judged by the people.

35. 我们要以坚定的步伐,走向胜利。 We must march towards victory with firm steps.

36. 侵略者必将成为历史的罪人。 The aggressors will become the criminals of history.

37. 我们要以民族精神,抵御侵略者。 We must resist the aggressors with the spirit of our nation.

38. 抵抗侵略,是每个民族的责任。 Resisting aggression is the responsibility of every nation.

39. 我们要以坚韧不拔的毅力,战胜侵略者。 We must defeat the aggressors with unwavering determination.

40. 侵略者必将受到世界人民的唾弃。 The aggressors will be condemned by the people of the world.

41. 我们要以爱国情怀,保卫祖国。 We must defend our motherland with patriotic feelings.

42. 侵略者必将为他们的罪行付出惨重的代价。 The aggressors will pay a heavy price for their crimes.

43. 我们要以团结的力量,战胜侵略者。 We must defeat the aggressors with the power of unity.

44. 抵抗侵略,是维护国家安全的重要保障。 Resisting aggression is an important guarantee for national security.

45. 我们要以智慧和力量,战胜侵略者。 We must defeat the aggressors with wisdom and strength.

46. 侵略者必将受到正义的审判。 The aggressors will be judged by justice.

47. 我们要以民族的坚强,战胜侵略者。 We must defeat the aggressors with the strength of our nation.

48. 抵抗侵略,是民族生存的根本。 Resisting aggression is essential for the survival of a nation.

49. 我们要以爱国情怀,战胜侵略者。 We must defeat the aggressors with patriotic feelings.

50. 侵略者必将受到历史的惩罚。 The aggressors will be punished by history.

51. 我们要以民族的自信,战胜侵略者。 We must defeat the aggressors with national confidence.

52. 抵抗侵略,是维护世界和平的责任。 Resisting aggression is a responsibility to uphold world peace.

53. 我们要以坚定的信念,战胜侵略者。 We must defeat the aggressors with unwavering belief.

54. 侵略者必将受到人民的谴责。 The aggressors will be condemned by the people.

55. 我们要以团结一致,战胜侵略者。 We must defeat the aggressors with unity.

56. 抵抗侵略,是民族的义务。 Resisting aggression is the duty of a nation.

57. 我们要以坚强的意志,战胜侵略者。 We must defeat the aggressors with a strong will.

58. 侵略者必将受到正义的审判。 The aggressors will be judged by justice.

59. 我们要以民族的伟大,战胜侵略者。 We must defeat the aggressors with the greatness of our nation.

60. 抵抗侵略,是维护国家利益的责任。 Resisting aggression is a responsibility to protect national interests.

61. 我们要以坚韧不拔的毅力,战胜侵略者。 We must defeat the aggressors with unwavering determination.

62. 侵略者必将受到国际社会的制裁。 The aggressors will be sanctioned by the international community.

63. 我们要以民族的团结,战胜侵略者。 We must defeat the aggressors with national unity.

64. 抵抗侵略,是民族的希望。 Resisting aggression is the hope of a nation.

65. 我们要以坚强的步伐,走向胜利。 We must march towards victory with firm steps.

66. 侵略者必将受到历史的审判。 The aggressors will be judged by history.

67. 我们要以民族的智慧,战胜侵略者。 We must defeat the aggressors with the wisdom of our nation.

68. 抵抗侵略,是维护世界和平的基石。 Resisting aggression is the cornerstone of maintaining world peace.

69. 我们要以坚定的信心,战胜侵略者。 We must defeat the aggressors with unwavering confidence.

70. 侵略者必将受到人民的惩罚。 The aggressors will be punished by the people.

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