
## 抵御妖艳的句子 (78句)

1. 抵御诱惑,才能守住初心。 / Resist temptation and you can hold onto your original intention.
2. 妖艳易逝,真情永存。 / Glamorousness is fleeting, true love lasts forever.
3. 抵挡住诱惑,才能成就更好的自己。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve a better version of yourself.
4. 勿为妖艳所惑,坚守本心。 / Do not be seduced by glamour, stay true to yourself.
5. 拒绝浮华,追求真我。 / Refuse superficiality, pursue your true self.
6. 抵御诱惑,方能成就大器。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve great things.
7. 妖艳易逝,真爱永存。 / Glamorousness is fleeting, true love lasts forever.
8. 抵御诱惑,才能获得真正的幸福。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true happiness.
9. 勿为虚荣所累,追求真善美。 / Do not be burdened by vanity, pursue truth, goodness and beauty.
10. 诱惑是试金石,经得起考验,方能成就人生。 / Temptation is a touchstone, only those who can withstand the test can succeed in life.
11. 抵御妖艳,才能收获真正的快乐。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true joy.
12. 人生如戏,勿为妖艳所迷。 / Life is like a play, do not be fooled by glamour.
13. 抵御诱惑,方能行稳致远。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve long-term stability and success.
14. 勿为外物所扰,坚守初心。 / Do not be disturbed by external things, stay true to yourself.
15. 抵御诱惑,才能成就非凡人生。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve an extraordinary life.
16. 诱惑虽美,却不能长久。 / Temptation may be beautiful, but it cannot last.
17. 抵御诱惑,才能活出精彩人生。 / Resist temptation and you can live a fulfilling life.
18. 勿为眼前利益所迷,追求长远目标。 / Do not be blinded by immediate gains, pursue long-term goals.
19. 抵御诱惑,方能成就无悔人生。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve a life without regrets.
20. 诱惑是人生的考验,经得起考验,方能获得成功。 / Temptation is a test in life, only those who can withstand the test can succeed.
21. 抵御诱惑,才能获得真正的自由。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true freedom.
22. 勿为虚荣所累,追求真情实意。 / Do not be burdened by vanity, pursue true feelings and sincerity.
23. 抵御诱惑,才能收获真正的爱情。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true love.
24. 诱惑如过眼云烟,转瞬即逝。 / Temptation is like a passing cloud, it disappears in a flash.
25. 抵御诱惑,才能获得真正的尊严。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true dignity.
26. 勿为世俗所累,追求自我价值。 / Do not be burdened by worldly affairs, pursue your own value.
27. 抵御诱惑,才能获得真正的幸福。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true happiness.
28. 诱惑如镜花水月,虚无缥缈。 / Temptation is like a mirage, illusory and fleeting.
29. 抵御诱惑,才能成就伟业。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve great things.
30. 勿为利益所驱,追求正义与公道。 / Do not be driven by profit, pursue justice and fairness.
31. 抵御诱惑,才能收获真正的友谊。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true friendship.
32. 诱惑如海市蜃楼,虚幻莫测。 / Temptation is like a mirage, illusory and unpredictable.
33. 抵御诱惑,才能活出真我。 / Resist temptation and you can live as your true self.
34. 勿为名利所累,追求心灵的平静。 / Do not be burdened by fame and fortune, pursue peace of mind.
35. 抵御诱惑,才能获得真正的成功。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true success.
36. 诱惑如毒药,不可贪婪。 / Temptation is like poison, do not be greedy.
37. 抵御诱惑,才能收获真正的幸福。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true happiness.
38. 勿为眼前的利益所迷,追求长远的幸福。 / Do not be blinded by immediate gains, pursue long-term happiness.
39. 抵御诱惑,才能获得真正的成长。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true growth.
40. 诱惑如过眼云烟,转瞬即逝。 / Temptation is like a passing cloud, it disappears in a flash.
41. 抵御诱惑,才能收获真正的友谊。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true friendship.
42. 勿为名利所累,追求真善美。 / Do not be burdened by fame and fortune, pursue truth, goodness and beauty.
43. 抵御诱惑,才能获得真正的自由。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true freedom.
44. 诱惑如海市蜃楼,虚幻莫测。 / Temptation is like a mirage, illusory and unpredictable.
45. 抵御诱惑,才能活出真我。 / Resist temptation and you can live as your true self.
46. 勿为利益所驱,追求心灵的平静。 / Do not be driven by profit, pursue peace of mind.
47. 抵御诱惑,才能获得真正的成功。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true success.
48. 诱惑如毒药,不可贪婪。 / Temptation is like poison, do not be greedy.
49. 抵御诱惑,才能收获真正的幸福。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true happiness.
50. 勿为眼前的利益所迷,追求长远的幸福。 / Do not be blinded by immediate gains, pursue long-term happiness.
51. 抵御诱惑,才能获得真正的成长。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true growth.
52. 诱惑如过眼云烟,转瞬即逝。 / Temptation is like a passing cloud, it disappears in a flash.
53. 抵御诱惑,才能收获真正的友谊。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true friendship.
54. 勿为名利所累,追求真善美。 / Do not be burdened by fame and fortune, pursue truth, goodness and beauty.
55. 抵御诱惑,才能获得真正的自由。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true freedom.
56. 诱惑如海市蜃楼,虚幻莫测。 / Temptation is like a mirage, illusory and unpredictable.
57. 抵御诱惑,才能活出真我。 / Resist temptation and you can live as your true self.
58. 勿为利益所驱,追求心灵的平静。 / Do not be driven by profit, pursue peace of mind.
59. 抵御诱惑,才能获得真正的成功。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true success.
60. 诱惑如毒药,不可贪婪。 / Temptation is like poison, do not be greedy.
61. 抵御诱惑,才能收获真正的幸福。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true happiness.
62. 勿为眼前的利益所迷,追求长远的幸福。 / Do not be blinded by immediate gains, pursue long-term happiness.
63. 抵御诱惑,才能获得真正的成长。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true growth.
64. 诱惑如过眼云烟,转瞬即逝。 / Temptation is like a passing cloud, it disappears in a flash.
65. 抵御诱惑,才能收获真正的友谊。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true friendship.
66. 勿为名利所累,追求真善美。 / Do not be burdened by fame and fortune, pursue truth, goodness and beauty.
67. 抵御诱惑,才能获得真正的自由。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true freedom.
68. 诱惑如海市蜃楼,虚幻莫测。 / Temptation is like a mirage, illusory and unpredictable.
69. 抵御诱惑,才能活出真我。 / Resist temptation and you can live as your true self.
70. 勿为利益所驱,追求心灵的平静。 / Do not be driven by profit, pursue peace of mind.
71. 抵御诱惑,才能获得真正的成功。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true success.
72. 诱惑如毒药,不可贪婪。 / Temptation is like poison, do not be greedy.
73. 抵御诱惑,才能收获真正的幸福。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true happiness.
74. 勿为眼前的利益所迷,追求长远的幸福。 / Do not be blinded by immediate gains, pursue long-term happiness.
75. 抵御诱惑,才能获得真正的成长。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true growth.
76. 诱惑如过眼云烟,转瞬即逝。 / Temptation is like a passing cloud, it disappears in a flash.
77. 抵御诱惑,才能收获真正的友谊。 / Resist temptation and you can achieve true friendship.
78. 勿为名利所累,追求真善美。 / Do not be burdened by fame and fortune, pursue truth, goodness and beauty.

## 英文翻译

1. Resist temptation and you can hold onto your original intention.

2. Glamorousness is fleeting, true love lasts forever.

3. Resist temptation and you can achieve a better version of yourself.

4. Do not be seduced by glamour, stay true to yourself.

5. Refuse superficiality, pursue your true self.

6. Resist temptation and you can achieve great things.

7. Glamorousness is fleeting, true love lasts forever.

8. Resist temptation and you can achieve true happiness.

9. Do not be burdened by vanity, pursue truth, goodness and beauty.

10. Temptation is a touchstone, only those who can withstand the test can succeed in life.

11. Resist temptation and you can achieve true joy.

12. Life is like a play, do not be fooled by glamour.

13. Resist temptation and you can achieve long-term stability and success.

14. Do not be disturbed by external things, stay true to yourself.

15. Resist temptation and you can achieve an extraordinary life.

16. Temptation may be beautiful, but it cannot last.

17. Resist temptation and you can live a fulfilling life.

18. Do not be blinded by immediate gains, pursue long-term goals.

19. Resist temptation and you can achieve a life without regrets.

20. Temptation is a test in life, only those who can withstand the test can succeed.

21. Resist temptation and you can achieve true freedom.

22. Do not be burdened by vanity, pursue true feelings and sincerity.

23. Resist temptation and you can achieve true love.

24. Temptation is like a passing cloud, it disappears in a flash.

25. Resist temptation and you can achieve true dignity.

26. Do not be burdened by worldly affairs, pursue your own value.

27. Resist temptation and you can achieve true happiness.

28. Temptation is like a mirage, illusory and fleeting.

29. Resist temptation and you can achieve great things.

30. Do not be driven by profit, pursue justice and fairness.

31. Resist temptation and you can achieve true friendship.

32. Temptation is like a mirage, illusory and unpredictable.

33. Resist temptation and you can live as your true self.

34. Do not be burdened by fame and fortune, pursue peace of mind.

35. Resist temptation and you can achieve true success.

36. Temptation is like poison, do not be greedy.

37. Resist temptation and you can achieve true happiness.

38. Do not be blinded by immediate gains, pursue long-term happiness.

39. Resist temptation and you can achieve true growth.

40. Temptation is like a passing cloud, it disappears in a flash.

41. Resist temptation and you can achieve true friendship.

42. Do not be burdened by fame and fortune, pursue truth, goodness and beauty.

43. Resist temptation and you can achieve true freedom.

44. Temptation is like a mirage, illusory and unpredictable.

45. Resist temptation and you can live as your true self.

46. Do not be driven by profit, pursue peace of mind.

47. Resist temptation and you can achieve true success.

48. Temptation is like poison, do not be greedy.

49. Resist temptation and you can achieve true happiness.

50. Do not be blinded by immediate gains, pursue long-term happiness.

51. Resist temptation and you can achieve true growth.

52. Temptation is like a passing cloud, it disappears in a flash.

53. Resist temptation and you can achieve true friendship.

54. Do not be burdened by fame and fortune, pursue truth, goodness and beauty.

55. Resist temptation and you can achieve true freedom.

56. Temptation is like a mirage, illusory and unpredictable.

57. Resist temptation and you can live as your true self.

58. Do not be driven by profit, pursue peace of mind.

59. Resist temptation and you can achieve true success.

60. Temptation is like poison, do not be greedy.

61. Resist temptation and you can achieve true happiness.

62. Do not be blinded by immediate gains, pursue long-term happiness.

63. Resist temptation and you can achieve true growth.

64. Temptation is like a passing cloud, it disappears in a flash.

65. Resist temptation and you can achieve true friendship.

66. Do not be burdened by fame and fortune, pursue truth, goodness and beauty.

67. Resist temptation and you can achieve true freedom.

68. Temptation is like a mirage, illusory and unpredictable.

69. Resist temptation and you can live as your true self.

70. Do not be driven by profit, pursue peace of mind.

71. Resist temptation and you can achieve true success.

72. Temptation is like poison, do not be greedy.

73. Resist temptation and you can achieve true happiness.

74. Do not be blinded by immediate gains, pursue long-term happiness.

75. Resist temptation and you can achieve true growth.

76. Temptation is like a passing cloud, it disappears in a flash.

77. Resist temptation and you can achieve true friendship.

78. Do not be burdened by fame and fortune, pursue truth, goodness and beauty.

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