
## 66句关于抽芙蓉的句子,带英文翻译

**1. 一支芙蓉,点燃了我的思绪。**

A single hibiscus, igniting my thoughts.

**2. 芙蓉的香气,弥漫在整个房间。**

The scent of hibiscus permeates the entire room.

**3. 深吸一口芙蓉,感受那股清新的气息。**

Take a deep inhale of hibiscus, feeling the fresh air.

**4. 芙蓉的烟雾,在空中飘荡,如梦如幻。**

The smoke from the hibiscus drifts in the air, ethereal and dreamlike.

**5. 芙蓉的味道,是苦涩的,也是甘甜的。**

The taste of hibiscus is bitter, yet sweet.

**6. 芙蓉,是夜晚的宁静,也是心灵的慰藉。**

Hibiscus is the tranquility of the night, as well as the solace of the soul.

**7. 芙蓉的火焰,燃烧着我的热情。**

The flames of the hibiscus ignite my passion.

**8. 芙蓉的余烬,诉说着一段故事。**

The embers of the hibiscus narrate a tale.

**9. 芙蓉,是孤独的陪伴,也是心灵的寄托。**

Hibiscus is the company in solitude, and the refuge for the soul.

**10. 芙蓉的烟雾,模糊了我的双眼,也模糊了我的记忆。**

The smoke of the hibiscus blurs my vision, and my memories.

**11. 芙蓉,是生命的轮回,也是时间流逝的见证。**

Hibiscus is the cycle of life, and a testament to the passage of time.

**12. 芙蓉的香气,总能让我想起过去的美好。**

The scent of hibiscus always reminds me of the past's beauty.

**13. 芙蓉,是心灵的解脱,也是灵魂的归宿。**

Hibiscus is the liberation of the soul, and its ultimate destination.

**14. 芙蓉的火焰,温暖着我的心房。**

The flames of the hibiscus warm my heart.

**15. 芙蓉的余烬,化作了一缕轻烟,消散在空气中。**

The embers of the hibiscus transform into a wisp of smoke, dissipating into the air.

**16. 芙蓉,是夜幕的星辰,也是人生的点缀。**

Hibiscus is the stars of the night sky, and the embellishment of life.

**17. 芙蓉的烟雾,飘散在空气中,仿佛在诉说着什么。**

The smoke of the hibiscus drifts in the air, as if narrating something.

**18. 芙蓉,是心灵的窗户,也是情感的出口。**

Hibiscus is the window to the soul, and the outlet for emotions.

**19. 芙蓉的香气,总是萦绕在我的脑海中。**

The scent of hibiscus always lingers in my mind.

**20. 芙蓉,是生命的旋律,也是灵魂的交响。**

Hibiscus is the melody of life, and the symphony of the soul.

**21. 芙蓉的余烬,化作了灰烬,却留下了深刻的印记。**

The embers of the hibiscus turn to ash, but leave behind a profound mark.

**22. 芙蓉,是沉默的陪伴,也是无声的告白。**

Hibiscus is silent companionship, and a voiceless confession.

**23. 芙蓉的烟雾,缭绕在空中,仿佛在诉说着我的故事。**

The smoke of the hibiscus swirls in the air, as if telling my story.

**24. 芙蓉,是夜色的点缀,也是心灵的寄语。**

Hibiscus is the embellishment of the night, and the message to the soul.

**25. 芙蓉的香气,总能让我感到平静和安宁。**

The scent of hibiscus always brings me a sense of peace and serenity.

**26. 芙蓉,是夜空的星光,也是人生的希望。**

Hibiscus is the starlight of the night sky, and the hope of life.

**27. 芙蓉的火焰,燃烧着我的思绪。**

The flames of the hibiscus ignite my thoughts.

**28. 芙蓉的余烬,化作了一片灰烬,却留下了深刻的印象。**

The embers of the hibiscus turn to ash, but leave behind a deep impression.

**29. 芙蓉,是心灵的港湾,也是灵魂的归宿。**

Hibiscus is the harbor of the soul, and its ultimate destination.

**30. 芙蓉的烟雾,在空中弥漫,仿佛在诉说着我的心声。**

The smoke of the hibiscus permeates the air, as if telling my heart's voice.

**31. 芙蓉,是生命的点滴,也是人生的感悟。**

Hibiscus is the little drops of life, and the understanding of life.

**32. 芙蓉的香气,总能让我感到温暖和舒适。**

The scent of hibiscus always brings me a sense of warmth and comfort.

**33. 芙蓉,是夜色的精灵,也是心灵的守护者。**

Hibiscus is the spirit of the night, and the guardian of the soul.

**34. 芙蓉的火焰,照亮了我的内心。**

The flames of the hibiscus illuminate my soul.

**35. 芙蓉的余烬,化作了一缕青烟,飘散在风中。**

The embers of the hibiscus turn into a wisp of blue smoke, drifting in the wind.

**36. 芙蓉,是生命的画卷,也是人生的诗篇。**

Hibiscus is the canvas of life, and the poem of life.

**37. 芙蓉的烟雾,在空中飘荡,仿佛在诉说着我的梦境。**

The smoke of the hibiscus drifts in the air, as if telling my dreams.

**38. 芙蓉,是心灵的安慰,也是灵魂的寄托。**

Hibiscus is the comfort of the soul, and its refuge.

**39. 芙蓉的香气,总能让我感到放松和愉悦。**

The scent of hibiscus always brings me a sense of relaxation and joy.

**40. 芙蓉,是夜空的繁星,也是人生的点缀。**

Hibiscus is the stars in the night sky, and the embellishment of life.

**41. 芙蓉的火焰,燃烧着我的梦想。**

The flames of the hibiscus ignite my dreams.

**42. 芙蓉的余烬,化作了一片灰烬,却留下了无限的遐想。**

The embers of the hibiscus turn to ash, but leave behind endless reverie.

**43. 芙蓉,是生命的轮回,也是时间流逝的印记。**

Hibiscus is the cycle of life, and the mark of the passage of time.

**44. 芙蓉的烟雾,在空中弥漫,仿佛在诉说着我的心事。**

The smoke of the hibiscus permeates the air, as if telling my heart's worries.

**45. 芙蓉,是生命的意义,也是人生的价值。**

Hibiscus is the meaning of life, and the value of life.

**46. 芙蓉的香气,总能让我感到平静和祥和。**

The scent of hibiscus always brings me a sense of peace and tranquility.

**47. 芙蓉,是夜色的伴侣,也是心灵的知己。**

Hibiscus is the companion of the night, and the confidante of the soul.

**48. 芙蓉的火焰,燃烧着我的希望。**

The flames of the hibiscus ignite my hope.

**49. 芙蓉的余烬,化作了一片灰烬,却留下了永恒的记忆。**

The embers of the hibiscus turn to ash, but leave behind eternal memories.

**50. 芙蓉,是生命的诗歌,也是人生的画卷。**

Hibiscus is the poetry of life, and the painting of life.

**51. 芙蓉的烟雾,在空中飘荡,仿佛在诉说着我的思念。**

The smoke of the hibiscus drifts in the air, as if telling my longing.

**52. 芙蓉,是心灵的慰藉,也是灵魂的归属。**

Hibiscus is the comfort of the soul, and its belonging.

**53. 芙蓉的香气,总能让我感到放松和安宁。**

The scent of hibiscus always brings me a sense of relaxation and tranquility.

**54. 芙蓉,是夜色的点缀,也是人生的色彩。**

Hibiscus is the embellishment of the night, and the color of life.

**55. 芙蓉的火焰,燃烧着我的激情。**

The flames of the hibiscus ignite my passion.

**56. 芙蓉的余烬,化作了一片灰烬,却留下了深刻的烙印。**

The embers of the hibiscus turn to ash, but leave behind a deep imprint.

**57. 芙蓉,是生命的旋律,也是人生的节奏。**

Hibiscus is the melody of life, and the rhythm of life.

**58. 芙蓉的烟雾,在空中弥漫,仿佛在诉说着我的故事。**

The smoke of the hibiscus permeates the air, as if telling my story.

**59. 芙蓉,是心灵的寄托,也是灵魂的归宿。**

Hibiscus is the refuge of the soul, and its ultimate destination.

**60. 芙蓉的香气,总能让我感到舒适和惬意。**

The scent of hibiscus always brings me a sense of comfort and pleasure.

**61. 芙蓉,是夜色的点缀,也是人生的点滴。**

Hibiscus is the embellishment of the night, and the little drops of life.

**62. 芙蓉的火焰,燃烧着我的希望。**

The flames of the hibiscus ignite my hope.

**63. 芙蓉的余烬,化作了一片灰烬,却留下了永恒的记忆。**

The embers of the hibiscus turn to ash, but leave behind eternal memories.

**64. 芙蓉,是生命的画卷,也是人生的诗篇。**

Hibiscus is the canvas of life, and the poem of life.

**65. 芙蓉的烟雾,在空中飘荡,仿佛在诉说着我的思念。**

The smoke of the hibiscus drifts in the air, as if telling my longing.

**66. 芙蓉,是心灵的慰藉,也是灵魂的归属。**

Hibiscus is the comfort of the soul, and its belonging.

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