
## 要饭的经典句子 (58句)

**1. 施舍点钱吧,我真没钱吃饭了。**

Give me some money, please. I'm really hungry.

**2. 穷困潦倒,实在没办法,求求您行行好,施舍点钱吧。**

I'm down on my luck and have nowhere else to turn. Please, give me some money.

**3. 我家孩子生病了,需要医药费,求求您帮帮忙吧。**

My child is sick and needs medical attention. Please, help me.

**4. 实在走投无路了,求求您施舍点钱,让我能吃上一顿饱饭。**

I'm at my wit's end. Please, give me some money so I can eat.

**5. 命运弄人,家破人亡,现在只能靠乞讨为生。**

Fate has been cruel and I've lost everything. I'm now reduced to begging for a living.

**6. 您行行好,给点钱吧,我保证不会乱花。**

Please, give me some money. I promise I won't spend it foolishly.

**7. 我已经好几天没吃饭了,肚子饿得咕咕叫。**

I haven't eaten in days. My stomach is rumbling.

**8. 人在世,谁都有难处,求您伸出援手吧。**

Everyone has their struggles in life. Please, lend me a helping hand.

**9. 我身无分文,求您救救我吧。**

I have no money. Please, save me.

**10. 您只要给个一两块钱,我就感恩戴德了。**

Even a dollar or two would be greatly appreciated.

**11. 我虽然穷,但心存善念,希望您能帮助我。**

I may be poor, but I have a good heart. I hope you can help me.

**12. 命运不济,但我相信好人有好报。**

I've had bad luck, but I believe in karma.

**13. 我只想活下去,求您给个机会吧。**

I just want to survive. Please, give me a chance.

**14. 我没有家,也没有亲人,只有您能帮助我。**

I have no home and no family. You are my only hope.

**15. 我知道我的情况很糟糕,但请您相信,我一定会努力改变现状。**

I know my situation is dire, but please believe me when I say I'll work hard to change it.

**16. 命运多舛,但我不愿放弃希望。**

Life has thrown me curveballs, but I refuse to give up hope.

**17. 我相信世间还有真情,求您不要拒绝我。**

I believe there is still kindness in the world. Please, don't turn me away.

**18. 我希望您能给我一个机会,让我证明我可以改变自己。**

I hope you will give me a chance to prove I can change myself.

**19. 我不想再过这种生活,求您帮帮我。**

I don't want to live this way anymore. Please, help me.

**20. 我知道我的请求很过分,但请您体谅我的处境吧。**

I know my request is audacious, but please understand my situation.

**21. 我知道乞讨不是长久之计,但我真的走投无路了。**

I know begging isn't a sustainable solution, but I'm truly desperate.

**22. 您的帮助,对我来说,是雪中送炭。**

Your help would be a godsend for me.

**23. 您的一点施舍,可以帮助我度过难关。**

Your small act of charity can help me get through this difficult time.

**24. 我知道我的请求很唐突,但请您不要拒绝我。**

I know my request is abrupt, but please don't turn me away.

**25. 我相信好人有好报,您的帮助,我会永远铭记于心。**

I believe in karma. I will never forget your kindness.

**26. 命运也许不公,但人性的光辉依然闪耀。**

Fate may be cruel, but the human spirit shines brightly.

**27. 我希望您能伸出援助之手,让我重新振作起来。**

I hope you will lend me a helping hand and allow me to regain my strength.

**28. 我深知乞讨是一种无奈的选择,但请您理解我的苦衷。**

I understand that begging is a desperate act, but please understand my plight.

**29. 我不想再过这种食不果腹的生活,求您给我一点希望。**

I don't want to live this life of hunger any longer. Please, give me a glimmer of hope.

**30. 您的善心,可以照亮我前进的道路。**

Your kindness can light my path forward.

**31. 我相信命运不会永远眷顾我,但您的帮助可以让我看到未来的曙光。**

I believe fate won't always smile upon me, but your help can show me the light of the future.

**32. 我不想再流浪街头,求您给我一个安身立命的机会。**

I don't want to wander the streets anymore. Please, give me a chance to find a place to call home.

**33. 我相信世界上还有善良的人,求您不要放弃我。**

I believe there are still good people in the world. Please, don't give up on me.

**34. 我知道我的命运掌握在自己手中,但我需要您的帮助才能改变现状。**

I know my fate is in my own hands, but I need your help to change my situation.

**35. 我不想再靠乞讨为生,求您给我一个机会,让我重拾尊严。**

I don't want to rely on begging to survive anymore. Please, give me a chance to regain my dignity.

**36. 您的帮助,可以帮助我重新站立起来。**

Your help can help me stand up again.

**37. 命运虽然不公,但我依然相信生活的美好。**

Fate may be unfair, but I still believe in the beauty of life.

**38. 我希望您的善举,能给我带来希望和温暖。**

I hope your good deed will bring me hope and warmth.

**39. 我知道我的命运掌握在自己手中,但我需要您的帮助才能实现梦想。**

I know my fate is in my own hands, but I need your help to achieve my dreams.

**40. 我相信人性的光辉,求您不要冷漠待我。**

I believe in the human spirit. Please, don't be cold to me.

**41. 我希望您能给我一个机会,让我证明我可以改变自己的人生。**

I hope you will give me a chance to prove I can change my life.

**42. 您的帮助,可以改变我的命运。**

Your help can change my destiny.

**43. 我不想再过这种无助的生活,求您给我一个机会。**

I don't want to live this helpless life anymore. Please, give me a chance.

**44. 我相信您的善心,可以帮助我找到生活的方向。**

I believe your kindness can help me find my way in life.

**45. 我知道我的请求很过分,但我真的需要您的帮助。**

I know my request is audacious, but I truly need your help.

**46. 您的帮助,可以让我重新振作起来,重新开始生活。**

Your help can allow me to regain my strength and start my life anew.

**47. 我希望您的善心,能给我带来希望和勇气。**

I hope your kindness will bring me hope and courage.

**48. 我相信命运不会永远眷顾我,但我依然相信生活的美好。**

I believe fate won't always smile upon me, but I still believe in the beauty of life.

**49. 您的帮助,可以让我感受到人性的温暖。**

Your help can make me feel the warmth of humanity.

**50. 我不想再过这种无助的生活,求您给我一个希望。**

I don't want to live this helpless life anymore. Please, give me hope.

**51. 我知道我的命运掌握在自己手中,但我需要您的帮助才能实现梦想。**

I know my fate is in my own hands, but I need your help to achieve my dreams.

**52. 我相信您的善心,可以帮助我找到生活的方向。**

I believe your kindness can help me find my way in life.

**53. 我知道我的请求很过分,但我真的需要您的帮助。**

I know my request is audacious, but I truly need your help.

**54. 您的帮助,可以让我重新振作起来,重新开始生活。**

Your help can allow me to regain my strength and start my life anew.

**55. 我希望您的善心,能给我带来希望和勇气。**

I hope your kindness will bring me hope and courage.

**56. 我相信命运不会永远眷顾我,但我依然相信生活的美好。**

I believe fate won't always smile upon me, but I still believe in the beauty of life.

**57. 您的帮助,可以让我感受到人性的温暖。**

Your help can make me feel the warmth of humanity.

**58. 我不想再过这种无助的生活,求您给我一个希望。**

I don't want to live this helpless life anymore. Please, give me hope.

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