
## 75句志敬英雄句子及英文翻译

**P1:** 他们为我们牺牲,我们铭记他们的英勇。They sacrificed for us, and we remember their bravery.
**P2:** 他们的精神永存,他们的功绩世代流传。Their spirit will live on, and their achievements will be passed down through generations.
**P3:** 英雄,是照亮黑暗的灯塔,是引领希望的旗帜。Heroes are lighthouses that illuminate the darkness, and flags that lead the way to hope.
**P4:** 他们用生命谱写了壮丽的诗篇,用鲜血染红了胜利的旗帜。They wrote magnificent poems with their lives, and stained the flag of victory with their blood.
**P5:** 他们的名字,将永远刻在历史的丰碑上。Their names will forever be etched in the annals of history.
**P6:** 向英雄致敬,他们是我们学习的榜样,是永恒的楷模。We pay tribute to heroes, they are our role models and eternal examples.
**P7:** 他们的奉献,值得我们永远铭记。Their dedication deserves to be remembered forever.
**P8:** 他们的牺牲,让我们懂得生命的宝贵。Their sacrifices teach us the preciousness of life.
**P9:** 他们用行动告诉我们,爱与希望永远不会消失。They tell us with their actions that love and hope will never disappear.
**P10:** 他们为我们创造了美好的未来,我们不会忘记他们的付出。They created a bright future for us, and we will never forget their contributions.

**P11:** 英雄,是时代精神的体现,是民族精神的脊梁。Heroes are the embodiment of the spirit of the times and the backbone of national spirit.
**P12:** 他们不畏艰险,勇往直前,为我们开创了新的时代。They fearlessly went forward and opened up a new era for us.
**P13:** 他们的勇气,鼓舞着我们战胜一切困难。Their courage inspires us to overcome any difficulty.
**P14:** 他们的坚韧,激励着我们不断追求梦想。Their resilience encourages us to constantly pursue our dreams.
**P15:** 他们的智慧,指引着我们前进的方向。Their wisdom guides us in the direction we are heading.
**P16:** 他们用自己的生命,为我们创造了更加美好的世界。They created a better world for us with their lives.
**P17:** 我们是站在巨人的肩膀上,才能看到更远更广阔的未来。We are standing on the shoulders of giants, and only then can we see a farther and broader future.
**P18:** 他们的精神,将永远激励着我们前进。Their spirit will forever inspire us to move forward.
**P19:** 英雄,是我们心中永远的灯塔,指引着我们前进的方向。Heroes are the eternal lighthouses in our hearts, guiding us forward.
**P20:** 他们用行动告诉我们,什么是真正的勇敢,什么是真正的无私。They tell us with their actions what real bravery is and what real selflessness is.

**P21:** 向英雄致敬,他们的故事将永远流传。We pay tribute to heroes, their stories will be passed down forever.
**P22:** 他们的英勇事迹,将永远铭刻在我们的心中。Their heroic deeds will forever be etched in our hearts.
**P23:** 我们永远不会忘记他们的牺牲,他们的奉献。We will never forget their sacrifices and their dedication.
**P24:** 他们为我们创造了一个和平的时代,我们应该珍惜他们的付出。They created a peaceful era for us, and we should cherish their contributions.
**P25:** 他们用自己的生命,换来了我们今天的幸福生活。They exchanged their lives for our happy life today.
**P26:** 他们为我们树立了榜样,我们应该学习他们的精神。They set an example for us, and we should learn their spirit.
**P27:** 他们的名字,将永远被后人铭记,他们的功绩,将永远被后人歌颂。Their names will forever be remembered by future generations, and their achievements will forever be sung by future generations.
**P28:** 他们的精神,将永远激励着我们前进,他们的功绩,将永远激励着我们创造更加美好的未来。Their spirit will forever inspire us to move forward, and their achievements will forever inspire us to create a better future.
**P29:** 让我们记住他们的名字,记住他们的故事,记住他们的精神。Let us remember their names, remember their stories, and remember their spirit.
**P30:** 向英雄致敬,向英雄学习,向英雄致敬。We pay tribute to heroes, learn from heroes, and pay tribute to heroes.

**P31:** 他们的英勇事迹,是中华民族精神的象征。Their heroic deeds are a symbol of the spirit of the Chinese nation.
**P32:** 他们为我们创造了幸福生活,我们应该永远铭记他们的功绩。They created a happy life for us, and we should forever remember their achievements.
**P33:** 他们的精神,是中华民族精神的源泉,他们的功绩,是中华民族精神的象征。Their spirit is the source of the spirit of the Chinese nation, and their achievements are a symbol of the spirit of the Chinese nation.
**P34:** 让我们永远铭记他们的名字,记住他们的故事,记住他们的精神。Let us forever remember their names, remember their stories, and remember their spirit.
**P35:** 他们的名字,将永远刻在历史的丰碑上,他们的精神,将永远激励着我们前进。Their names will forever be etched in the annals of history, and their spirit will forever inspire us to move forward.
**P36:** 向英雄致敬,他们的精神将永远激励着我们,他们的功绩将永远被后人歌颂。We pay tribute to heroes, their spirit will forever inspire us, and their achievements will forever be sung by future generations.
**P37:** 他们的故事,是中华民族精神的最好体现。Their stories are the best embodiment of the spirit of the Chinese nation.
**P38:** 他们的精神,是我们中华民族的宝贵财富。Their spirit is a valuable treasure of our Chinese nation.
**P39:** 让我们永远记住他们,记住他们的精神,记住他们的功绩。Let us forever remember them, remember their spirit, and remember their achievements.
**P40:** 他们是我们永远的榜样,他们的精神将永远激励着我们创造更加美好的未来。They are our eternal role models, and their spirit will forever inspire us to create a better future.

**P41:** 他们为我们创造了一个和平的时代,让我们永远铭记他们的牺牲。They created a peaceful era for us, and let us forever remember their sacrifices.
**P42:** 他们的精神,是中华民族精神的脊梁,他们的功绩,是中华民族精神的象征。Their spirit is the backbone of the spirit of the Chinese nation, and their achievements are a symbol of the spirit of the Chinese nation.
**P43:** 他们的英勇事迹,是我们中华民族精神的最好体现。Their heroic deeds are the best embodiment of the spirit of the Chinese nation.
**P44:** 他们的名字,将永远刻在我们的心中,他们的精神,将永远激励着我们前进。Their names will forever be etched in our hearts, and their spirit will forever inspire us to move forward.
**P45:** 他们为我们创造了美好生活,我们应该永远铭记他们的奉献。They created a good life for us, and we should forever remember their dedication.
**P46:** 他们的故事,是中华民族精神的最好诠释,他们的精神,是我们中华民族精神的源泉。Their stories are the best interpretation of the spirit of the Chinese nation, and their spirit is the source of the spirit of the Chinese nation.
**P47:** 他们用自己的生命,为我们创造了更加美好的未来,我们应该永远铭记他们的牺牲。They created a better future for us with their lives, and we should forever remember their sacrifices.
**P48:** 他们是我们中华民族的骄傲,他们的精神将永远激励着我们前进。They are the pride of our Chinese nation, and their spirit will forever inspire us to move forward.
**P49:** 他们的名字,将永远刻在历史的丰碑上,他们的故事,将永远流传后世。Their names will forever be etched in the annals of history, and their stories will forever be passed down through generations.
**P50:** 他们用自己的生命,为我们创造了更加美好的世界,我们应该永远铭记他们的奉献。They created a better world for us with their lives, and we should forever remember their dedication.

**P51:** 他们为我们树立了榜样,他们的精神将永远激励着我们。They set an example for us, and their spirit will forever inspire us.
**P52:** 他们的精神,是中华民族精神的精华,他们的功绩,是中华民族精神的体现。Their spirit is the essence of the spirit of the Chinese nation, and their achievements are the embodiment of the spirit of the Chinese nation.
**P53:** 他们用自己的生命,换来了我们今天的幸福生活,我们应该永远铭记他们的付出。They exchanged their lives for our happy life today, and we should forever remember their contributions.
**P54:** 他们的故事,是中华民族精神的最好传承,他们的精神,是我们中华民族精神的源泉。Their stories are the best inheritance of the spirit of the Chinese nation, and their spirit is the source of the spirit of the Chinese nation.
**P55:** 他们的名字,将永远被后人铭记,他们的精神,将永远激励着我们前进,他们的功绩,将永远被后人歌颂。Their names will forever be remembered by future generations, and their spirit will forever inspire us to move forward, and their achievements will forever be sung by future generations.
**P56:** 他们用自己的行动,告诉我们什么是真正的勇敢,什么是真正的无私。They tell us with their actions what real bravery is and what real selflessness is.
**P57:** 他们的精神,是中华民族精神的灯塔,他们的功绩,是中华民族精神的脊梁。Their spirit is the lighthouse of the spirit of the Chinese nation, and their achievements are the backbone of the spirit of the Chinese nation.
**P58:** 他们的英勇事迹,是中华民族精神的最好证明。Their heroic deeds are the best proof of the spirit of the Chinese nation.
**P59:** 他们为我们创造了更加美好的明天,我们应该永远铭记他们的奉献。They created a brighter tomorrow for us, and we should forever remember their dedication.
**P60:** 他们用自己的生命,为我们创造了更加美好的未来,我们应该永远铭记他们的牺牲。They created a better future for us with their lives, and we should forever remember their sacrifices.

**P61:** 他们的名字,将永远刻在历史的丰碑上,他们的精神,将永远激励着我们,他们的功绩,将永远被后人歌颂。Their names will forever be etched in the annals of history, and their spirit will forever inspire us, and their achievements will forever be sung by future generations.
**P62:** 他们的故事,是中华民族精神的最好体现,他们的精神,是我们中华民族精神的源泉,他们的功绩,是中华民族精神的象征。Their stories are the best embodiment of the spirit of the Chinese nation, and their spirit is the source of the spirit of the Chinese nation, and their achievements are a symbol of the spirit of the Chinese nation.
**P63:** 让我们永远记住他们,记住他们的名字,记住他们的故事,记住他们的精神,记住他们的功绩。Let us forever remember them, remember their names, remember their stories, remember their spirit, and remember their achievements.
**P64:** 他们是我们永远的榜样,他们的精神将永远激励着我们,他们的功绩将永远被后人歌颂。They are our eternal role models, and their spirit will forever inspire us, and their achievements will forever be sung by future generations.
**P65:** 他们的精神,是中华民族精神的灯塔,他们的功绩,是中华民族精神的脊梁,他们的英勇事迹,是中华民族精神的最好证明。Their spirit is the lighthouse of the spirit of the Chinese nation, and their achievements are the backbone of the spirit of the Chinese nation, and their heroic deeds are the best proof of the spirit of the Chinese nation.
**P66:** 他们为我们创造了一个和平的时代,让我们永远铭记他们的牺牲,让我们永远铭记他们的奉献。They created a peaceful era for us, and let us forever remember their sacrifices, and let us forever remember their dedication.
**P67:** 他们的故事,是中华民族精神的最好传承,他们的精神,是我们中华民族精神的源泉,他们的功绩,是中华民族精神的体现。Their stories are the best inheritance of the spirit of the Chinese nation, and their spirit is the source of the spirit of the Chinese nation, and their achievements are the embodiment of the spirit of the Chinese nation.
**P68:** 他们的名字,将永远被后人铭记,他们的精神,将永远激励着我们前进,他们的功绩,将永远被后人歌颂,他们的英勇事迹,将永远铭刻在我们的心中。Their names will forever be remembered by future generations, and their spirit will forever inspire us to move forward, and their achievements will forever be sung by future generations, and their heroic deeds will forever be etched in our hearts.
**P69:** 他们用自己的生命,换来了我们今天的幸福生活,我们应该永远铭记他们的付出,我们应该永远铭记他们的奉献。They exchanged their lives for our happy life today, and we should forever remember their contributions, and we should forever remember their dedication.
**P70:** 他们的精神,是中华民族精神的精华,他们的功绩,是中华民族精神的体现,他们的英勇事迹,是中华民族精神的最好证明。Their spirit is the essence of the spirit of the Chinese nation, and their achievements are the embodiment of the spirit of the Chinese nation, and their heroic deeds are the best proof of the spirit of the Chinese nation.

**P71:** 他们为我们创造了一个和平的时代,让我们永远铭记他们的牺牲,让我们永远铭记他们的奉献,让我们永远铭记他们的故事。They created a peaceful era for us, and let us forever remember their sacrifices, and let us forever remember their dedication, and let us forever remember their stories.
**P72:** 他们的故事,是中华民族精神的最好传承,他们的精神,是我们中华民族精神的源泉,他们的功绩,是中华民族精神的体现,他们的英勇事迹,是中华民族精神的最好证明。Their stories are the best inheritance of the spirit of the Chinese nation, and their spirit is the source of the spirit of the Chinese nation, and their achievements are the embodiment of the spirit of the Chinese nation, and their heroic deeds are the best proof of the spirit of the Chinese nation.
**P73:** 他们的名字,将永远被后人铭记,他们的精神,将永远激励着我们前进,他们的功绩,将永远被后人歌颂,他们的英勇事迹,将永远铭刻在我们的心中,他们的故事,将永远流传后世。Their names will forever be remembered by future generations, and their spirit will forever inspire us to move forward, and their achievements will forever be sung by future generations, and their heroic deeds will forever be etched in our hearts, and their stories will forever be passed down through generations.
**P74:** 他们用自己的生命,换来了我们今天的幸福生活,我们应该永远铭记他们的付出,我们应该永远铭记他们的奉献,我们应该永远铭记他们的故事,我们应该永远铭记他们的精神。They exchanged their lives for our happy life today, and we should forever remember their contributions, and we should forever remember their dedication, and we should forever remember their stories, and we should forever remember their spirit.
**P75:** 他们的精神,是中华民族精神的精华,他们的功绩,是中华民族精神的体现,他们的英勇事迹,是中华民族精神的最好证明,他们的故事,是中华民族精神的最好传承,他们的名字,将永远被后人铭记。Their spirit is the essence of the spirit of the Chinese nation, and their achievements are the embodiment of the spirit of the Chinese nation, and their heroic deeds are the best proof of the spirit of the Chinese nation, and their stories are the best inheritance of the spirit of the Chinese nation, and their names will forever be remembered by future generations.

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