
## 忍一时越想越气的句子,59句

**1. 忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空,可我偏偏就不是那种人!**

To bear with it for a while means peace and quiet, to take a step back means vastness and openness. But I'm not that kind of person!

**2. 你以为我忍气吞声,其实我是在积蓄力量,等着爆发的哪一天!**

You think I'm swallowing my anger, but actually I'm accumulating strength, waiting for the day to explode!

**3. 我可以忍,但我忍不了你一而再再而三的挑战我的底线!**

I can tolerate, but I can't tolerate you repeatedly challenging my bottom line!

**4. 有时候,忍耐不是懦弱,而是为了更好地反击!**

Sometimes, patience is not weakness, but for a better counterattack!

**5. 我忍了这么久,你以为我是在怕你吗?**

I've been putting up with it for so long, you think I'm afraid of you?

**6. 忍一时之气,换来的是无尽的窝囊!**

To hold back your anger for a while, in return, you get endless frustration!

**7. 我宁愿一怒而起,也不愿忍气吞声,活得憋屈!**

I'd rather get angry than hold back my anger and live a miserable life!

**8. 忍无可忍,无需再忍!**

There's no need to endure any longer when you can't bear it anymore!

**9. 你以为我忍了你,就代表我认可你的行为了吗?**

You think I've tolerated you, does it mean I approve of your actions?

**10. 忍气吞声换不来尊重,只会让人更加肆无忌惮!**

Swallowing your anger doesn't bring respect, it just makes people more reckless!

**11. 我可以忍一时之气,但绝不忍一世之辱!**

I can bear with it for a while, but I will never tolerate being humiliated for a lifetime!

**12. 忍让是美德,但一味的忍让只会让人更加得寸进尺!**

Forbearance is a virtue, but constant forbearance will only make people more audacious!

**13. 你越得寸进尺,我就越不想忍了!**

The more you take advantage, the less I want to endure!

**14. 我可以忍,但我的忍耐也是有限度的!**

I can endure, but my endurance also has a limit!

**15. 你以为我脾气好,就肆无忌惮地伤害我吗?**

You think I have a good temper, so you can hurt me with impunity?

**16. 我忍耐的极限,就是你一而再再而三地触碰我的底线!**

The limit of my patience is you repeatedly crossing my bottom line!

**17. 你以为我忍气吞声,就代表我认输了吗?**

You think I'm swallowing my anger, does it mean I've given up?

**18. 我可以忍,但我不会永远忍!**

I can endure, but I won't endure forever!

**19. 我不是圣人,我也会生气,也会有爆发的一天!**

I'm not a saint, I get angry too, and there will be a day when I explode!

**20. 我忍了你这么久,你还不明白我的意思吗?**

I've put up with you for so long, don't you understand what I mean?

**21. 我忍得住你,却忍不住我的怒火!**

I can endure you, but I can't endure my anger!

**22. 我忍,是因为我不想和你一般见识,但并不代表我怕你!**

I endure because I don't want to be on the same level as you, but it doesn't mean I'm afraid of you!

**23. 你以为我忍了你,就代表我认怂了吗?**

You think I've tolerated you, does it mean I've caved in?

**24. 我忍,是因为我不想把事情闹大,但并不代表我无能为力!**

I endure because I don't want to make a big deal out of it, but it doesn't mean I'm helpless!

**25. 你以为我忍,是因为我懦弱吗?**

You think I endure because I'm weak?

**26. 我忍气吞声,不是因为我怕你,而是因为我不想浪费时间!**

I swallow my anger, not because I'm afraid of you, but because I don't want to waste my time!

**27. 你以为你做得天衣无缝,其实你的一举一动都在我的注视之下!**

You think you're doing a perfect job, but your every move is under my observation!

**28. 我忍,是为了更好地保护自己,而不是为了让你更加得寸进尺!**

I endure to better protect myself, not to make you more audacious!

**29. 我可以忍,但我会记得你的所作所为!**

I can endure, but I'll remember what you did!

**30. 你以为我忍了你,就代表我原谅你了吗?**

You think I've tolerated you, does it mean I've forgiven you?

**31. 你越是不识好歹,我就越不想忍!**

The more you don't appreciate it, the less I want to endure!

**32. 你以为我忍气吞声,就是我的软弱吗?**

You think I'm swallowing my anger, does it mean I'm weak?

**33. 我可以忍,但我的忍耐也是有底线的!**

I can endure, but my endurance also has a bottom line!

**34. 你以为我忍了你,就代表我怕你吗?**

You think I've tolerated you, does it mean I'm afraid of you?

**35. 我可以忍一时之气,但绝不忍一世之辱!**

I can bear with it for a while, but I will never tolerate being humiliated for a lifetime!

**36. 你越是不识抬举,我就越不想忍!**

The more you don't appreciate it, the less I want to endure!

**37. 我忍,是为了让你明白,我并不是你想象中那么容易惹!**

I endure to let you know that I'm not as easily provoked as you think!

**38. 我忍,是因为我不想和你计较,但并不代表我认可你的行为!**

I endure because I don't want to argue with you, but it doesn't mean I approve of your actions!

**39. 我可以忍,但我会记得你的所作所为!**

I can endure, but I'll remember what you did!

**40. 你以为我忍气吞声,就是我认输了吗?**

You think I'm swallowing my anger, does it mean I've given up?

**41. 你越是不识好歹,我就越不想忍!**

The more you don't appreciate it, the less I want to endure!

**42. 我忍,是为了更好地反击,而不是为了让你更加肆无忌惮!**

I endure to better counterattack, not to make you more reckless!

**43. 你以为我忍了你,就代表我怕你了吗?**

You think I've tolerated you, does it mean I'm afraid of you?

**44. 我忍,是因为我不想和你一般见识,但并不代表我认可你的行为!**

I endure because I don't want to be on the same level as you, but it doesn't mean I approve of your actions!

**45. 我可以忍,但我的忍耐也是有限度的!**

I can endure, but my endurance also has a limit!

**46. 你越是不识抬举,我就越不想忍!**

The more you don't appreciate it, the less I want to endure!

**47. 我忍气吞声,不是因为我怕你,而是因为我不想浪费时间!**

I swallow my anger, not because I'm afraid of you, but because I don't want to waste my time!

**48. 你以为你做得天衣无缝,其实你的一举一动都在我的注视之下!**

You think you're doing a perfect job, but your every move is under my observation!

**49. 我忍,是为了更好地保护自己,而不是为了让你更加得寸进尺!**

I endure to better protect myself, not to make you more audacious!

**50. 我可以忍,但我会记得你的所作所为!**

I can endure, but I'll remember what you did!

**51. 你以为我忍了你,就代表我原谅你了吗?**

You think I've tolerated you, does it mean I've forgiven you?

**52. 你越是不识好歹,我就越不想忍!**

The more you don't appreciate it, the less I want to endure!

**53. 我忍气吞声,不是因为我怕你,而是因为我不想浪费时间!**

I swallow my anger, not because I'm afraid of you, but because I don't want to waste my time!

**54. 你以为你做得天衣无缝,其实你的一举一动都在我的注视之下!**

You think you're doing a perfect job, but your every move is under my observation!

**55. 我忍,是为了更好地保护自己,而不是为了让你更加得寸进尺!**

I endure to better protect myself, not to make you more audacious!

**56. 我可以忍,但我的忍耐也是有限度的!**

I can endure, but my endurance also has a limit!

**57. 你以为我忍了你,就代表我怕你吗?**

You think I've tolerated you, does it mean I'm afraid of you?

**58. 我忍,是因为我不想和你一般见识,但并不代表我认可你的行为!**

I endure because I don't want to be on the same level as you, but it doesn't mean I approve of your actions!

**59. 我可以忍,但我会记得你的所作所为!**

I can endure, but I'll remember what you did!

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