
## 忍别人所不能忍的句子,93句:


1. 忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。
> To bear with it for a while will bring peace and quiet, to take a step back will open up a vast expanse of sky.

2. 忍得一时之气,免得百日之忧。
> To bear with a moment of anger will save you from a hundred days of worry.

3. 忍耐是苦,但苦尽甘来。
> Patience is bitter, but the end is sweet.

4. 忍辱负重,方能成就大事。
> Only by bearing humiliation and hardship can one achieve great things.

5. 忍耐是通往成功的桥梁。
> Patience is the bridge to success.

6. 忍耐是战胜一切的武器。
> Patience is the weapon to conquer all.

7. 忍耐是通往幸福的阶梯。
> Patience is the ladder to happiness.

8. 忍耐是人生的良药。
> Patience is the medicine of life.

9. 忍耐是成功的秘诀。
> Patience is the secret of success.

10. 忍耐是人生的智慧。
> Patience is the wisdom of life.


11. 海纳百川,有容乃大。
> The sea embraces all rivers, great because of its tolerance.

12. 宰相肚里能撑船。
> A prime minister has a stomach large enough to hold a boat.

13. 退一步海阔天空。
> Taking a step back opens up a vast expanse of sky.

14. 宰相肚里能撑船,将军额头能跑马。
> A prime minister has a stomach large enough to hold a boat, and a general has a forehead wide enough for a horse to run on.

15. 宽容是一种美德。
> Tolerance is a virtue.

16. 宽容是人生的宝贵财富。
> Tolerance is a precious treasure in life.

17. 宽容是人际交往的润滑剂。
> Tolerance is the lubricant of interpersonal relationships.

18. 宽容是解决矛盾的良方。
> Tolerance is the good medicine for solving contradictions.

19. 宽容是和谐社会的基础。
> Tolerance is the foundation of a harmonious society.

20. 宽容是幸福生活的源泉。
> Tolerance is the source of a happy life.


21. 人生的路途,不可能一帆风顺。
> The path of life is not always smooth sailing.

22. 逆境是人生的考验。
> Adversity is a test of life.

23. 逆境是成长的机会。
> Adversity is an opportunity for growth.

24. 逆境是磨练意志的熔炉。
> Adversity is the crucible for tempering willpower.

25. 逆境是通往成功的阶梯。
> Adversity is the ladder to success.

26. 逆境是人生的财富。
> Adversity is the wealth of life.

27. 逆境是人生的老师。
> Adversity is the teacher of life.

28. 逆境是人生的机遇。
> Adversity is an opportunity in life.

29. 逆境是人生的磨砺。
> Adversity is the tempering of life.

30. 逆境是人生的考验,也是人生的机遇。
> Adversity is a test of life, but it is also an opportunity in life.


31. 不计得失,方能成就大事。
> Only by not calculating gains and losses can one achieve great things.

32. 功成名就,皆是浮云。
> Fame and fortune are all ephemeral.

33. 得失成败,皆是人生常态。
> Gains and losses, success and failure, are all the norm of life.

34. 功名利禄,不过过眼云烟。
> Fame, fortune, and wealth are merely fleeting like clouds.

35. 放下执念,才能心生自由。
> Only by letting go of obsessions can one find freedom in the heart.

36. 不计得失,才能心安理得。
> Only by not calculating gains and losses can one have a clear conscience.

37. 不计得失,才能无愧于心。
> Only by not calculating gains and losses can one be guiltless in one's heart.

38. 不计得失,才能活得轻松。
> Only by not calculating gains and losses can one live a lighter life.

39. 不计得失,才能活得洒脱。
> Only by not calculating gains and losses can one live a carefree life.

40. 不计得失,才能活得自在。
> Only by not calculating gains and losses can one live a life of ease.


41. 不争不抢,才是人生真谛。
> Not fighting or grabbing is the true meaning of life.

42. 争名夺利,只会徒劳无功。
> Striving for fame and fortune will only be in vain.

43. 争强好胜,只会让自己身心疲惫。
> Being competitive and ambitious will only make you physically and mentally exhausted.

44. 凡事顺其自然,才能心平气和。
> Everything should go with the flow, so that you can be calm and composed.

45. 不争不抢,才能活得坦荡。
> Not fighting or grabbing allows you to live an honest and upright life.

46. 不争不抢,才能活得自在。
> Not fighting or grabbing allows you to live a life of ease.

47. 不争不抢,才能活得快乐。
> Not fighting or grabbing allows you to live a happy life.

48. 不争不抢,才能活得长久。
> Not fighting or grabbing allows you to live a long life.

49. 不争不抢,才是人生的智慧。
> Not fighting or grabbing is the wisdom of life.

50. 不争不抢,才是人生的真谛。
> Not fighting or grabbing is the true meaning of life.


51. 功名利禄,不过过眼云烟。
> Fame, fortune, and wealth are merely fleeting like clouds.

52. 淡泊名利,才能心静如水。
> Being indifferent to fame and fortune allows your heart to be as still as water.

53. 淡泊名利,才能活得自在。
> Being indifferent to fame and fortune allows you to live a life of ease.

54. 淡泊名利,才能活得快乐。
> Being indifferent to fame and fortune allows you to live a happy life.

55. 淡泊名利,才是人生的真谛。
> Being indifferent to fame and fortune is the true meaning of life.

56. 淡泊名利,才能心无旁骛。
> Being indifferent to fame and fortune allows you to focus without distraction.

57. 淡泊名利,才能心怀天下。
> Being indifferent to fame and fortune allows you to have a heart for the world.

58. 淡泊名利,才能活得长久。
> Being indifferent to fame and fortune allows you to live a long life.

59. 淡泊名利,才能活得有意义。
> Being indifferent to fame and fortune allows you to live a meaningful life.

60. 淡泊名利,才能活得幸福。
> Being indifferent to fame and fortune allows you to live a happy life.


61. 知足者常乐。
> He who is content is always happy.

62. 知足者不贫。
> He who is content is not poor.

63. 知足者不忧。
> He who is content is not worried.

64. 知足者不愁。
> He who is content is not troubled.

65. 知足者不怨。
> He who is content is not resentful.

66. 知足者不贪。
> He who is content is not greedy.

67. 知足者不求。
> He who is content is not demanding.

68. 知足者不争。
> He who is content is not competitive.

69. 知足者不抢。
> He who is content is not grabbing.

70. 知足者不妄求。
> He who is content is not making unreasonable demands.


71. 静心宁神,方能成就大事。
> Only by calming your mind and spirit can you achieve great things.

72. 宁静致远,淡泊明志。
> Tranquility leads to far-reaching goals, indifference enlightens the mind.

73. 心静如水,方能看清人生。
> Only with a heart as calm as water can you see life clearly.

74. 心静自然凉,烦躁自消亡。
> When the heart is calm, it cools naturally, and when you are calm, worries disappear.

75. 心静则气顺,气顺则体健。
> When the heart is calm, the energy flows smoothly, and when the energy flows smoothly, the body is healthy.

76. 心静则神明,神明则智慧。
> When the heart is calm, the spirit is bright, and when the spirit is bright, there is wisdom.

77. 心静则万事皆空,心动则万事皆有。
> When the heart is calm, everything is empty, when the heart is moved, everything exists.

78. 心静则万物皆可,心动则万物皆难。
> When the heart is calm, everything is possible, when the heart is moved, everything is difficult.

79. 心静则万物皆美,心动则万物皆丑。
> When the heart is calm, everything is beautiful, when the heart is moved, everything is ugly.

80. 心静则万物皆乐,心动则万物皆苦。
> When the heart is calm, everything is joyful, when the heart is moved, everything is painful.


81. 随遇而安,才能活得自在。
> Adapting to circumstances allows you to live a life of ease.

82. 随遇而安,才能活得快乐。
> Adapting to circumstances allows you to live a happy life.

83. 随遇而安,才能活得洒脱。
> Adapting to circumstances allows you to live a carefree life.

84. 随遇而安,才能活得长久。
> Adapting to circumstances allows you to live a long life.

85. 随遇而安,才是人生的智慧。
> Adapting to circumstances is the wisdom of life.

86. 随遇而安,才能心安理得。
> Adapting to circumstances allows you to have a clear conscience.

87. 随遇而安,才能无愧于心。
> Adapting to circumstances allows you to be guiltless in your heart.

88. 随遇而安,才能活得坦荡。
> Adapting to circumstances allows you to live an honest and upright life.

89. 随遇而安,才能活得有意义。
> Adapting to circumstances allows you to live a meaningful life.

90. 随遇而安,才能活得幸福。
> Adapting to circumstances allows you to live a happy life.


91. 不求回报,才能心安理得。
> Only by not expecting anything in return can you have a clear conscience.

92. 不求回报,才能无愧于心。
> Only by not expecting anything in return can you be guiltless in your heart.

93. 不求回报,才能活得轻松。
> Only by not expecting anything in return can you live a lighter life.

To bear with it for a while will bring peace and quiet, to take a step back will open up a vast expanse of sky.

To bear with a moment of anger will save you from a hundred days of worry.

Patience is bitter, but the end is sweet.

Only by bearing humiliation and hardship can one achieve great things.

Patience is the bridge to success.

Patience is the weapon to conquer all.

Patience is the ladder to happiness.

Patience is the medicine of life.

Patience is the secret of success.

Patience is the wisdom of life.

The sea embraces all rivers, great because of its tolerance.

A prime minister has a stomach large enough to hold a boat.

Taking a step back opens up a vast expanse of sky.

A prime minister has a stomach large enough to hold a boat, and a general has a forehead wide enough for a horse to run on.

Tolerance is a virtue.

Tolerance is a precious treasure in life.

Tolerance is the lubricant of interpersonal relationships.

Tolerance is the good medicine for solving contradictions.

Tolerance is the foundation of a harmonious society.

Tolerance is the source of a happy life.

The path of life is not always smooth sailing.

Adversity is a test of life.

Adversity is an opportunity for growth.

Adversity is the crucible for tempering willpower.

Adversity is the ladder to success.

Adversity is the wealth of life.

Adversity is the teacher of life.

Adversity is an opportunity in life.

Adversity is the tempering of life.

Adversity is a test of life, but it is also an opportunity in life.

Only by not calculating gains and losses can one achieve great things.

Fame and fortune are all ephemeral.

Gains and losses, success and failure, are all the norm of life.

Fame, fortune, and wealth are merely fleeting like clouds.

Only by letting go of obsessions can one find freedom in the heart.

Only by not calculating gains and losses can one have a clear conscience.

Only by not calculating gains and losses can one be guiltless in one's heart.

Only by not calculating gains and losses can one live a lighter life.

Only by not calculating gains and losses can one live a carefree life.

Only by not calculating gains and losses can one live a life of ease.

Not fighting or grabbing is the true meaning of life.

Striving for fame and fortune will only be in vain.

Being competitive and ambitious will only make you physically and mentally exhausted.

Everything should go with the flow, so that you can be calm and composed.

Not fighting or grabbing allows you to live an honest and upright life.

Not fighting or grabbing allows you to live a life of ease.

Not fighting or grabbing allows you to live a happy life.

Not fighting or grabbing allows you to live a long life.

Not fighting or grabbing is the wisdom of life.

Not fighting or grabbing is the true meaning of life.

Fame, fortune, and wealth are merely fleeting like clouds.

Being indifferent to fame and fortune allows your heart to be as still as water.

Being indifferent to fame and fortune allows you to live a life of ease.

Being indifferent to fame and fortune allows you to live a happy life.

Being indifferent to fame and fortune is the true meaning of life.

Being indifferent to fame and fortune allows you to focus without distraction.

Being indifferent to fame and fortune allows you to have a heart for the world.

Being indifferent to fame and fortune allows you to live a long life.

Being indifferent to fame and fortune allows you to live a meaningful life.

Being indifferent to fame and fortune allows you to live a happy life.

He who is content is always happy.

He who is content is not poor.

He who is content is not worried.

He who is content is not troubled.

He who is content is not resentful.

He who is content is not greedy.

He who is content is not demanding.

He who is content is not competitive.

He who is content is not grabbing.

He who is content is not making unreasonable demands.

Only by calming your mind and spirit can you achieve great things.

Tranquility leads to far-reaching goals, indifference enlightens the mind.

Only with a heart as calm as water can you see life clearly.

When the heart is calm, it cools naturally, and when you are calm, worries disappear.

When the heart is calm, the energy flows smoothly, and when the energy flows smoothly, the body is healthy.

When the heart is calm, the spirit is bright, and when the spirit is bright, there is wisdom.

When the heart is calm, everything is empty, when the heart is moved, everything exists.

When the heart is calm, everything is possible, when the heart is moved, everything is difficult.

When the heart is calm, everything is beautiful, when the heart is moved, everything is ugly.

When the heart is calm, everything is joyful, when the heart is moved, everything is painful.

Adapting to circumstances allows you to live a life of ease.

Adapting to circumstances allows you to live a happy life.

Adapting to circumstances allows you to live a carefree life.

Adapting to circumstances allows you to live a long life.

Adapting to circumstances is the wisdom of life.

Adapting to circumstances allows you to have a clear conscience.

Adapting to circumstances allows you to be guiltless in your heart.

Adapting to circumstances allows you to live an honest and upright life.

Adapting to circumstances allows you to live a meaningful life.

Adapting to circumstances allows you to live a happy life.

Only by not expecting anything in return can you have a clear conscience.

Only by not expecting anything in return can you be guiltless in your heart.

Only by not expecting anything in return can you live a lighter life.

以上就是关于忍别人所不能忍下句子93句(忍别人所不能忍下句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
