
## 忍受了别人不能忍受的忍受句子 (63句)

1. 我忍了,你却变本加厉。

I endured, but you became worse.

2. 忍无可忍,无须再忍。

There is no need to endure any longer when you have reached the limit of your tolerance.

3. 忍气吞声,换来的是得寸进尺。

To swallow your anger and grievances only leads to others taking advantage of you.

4. 有些事,忍一忍就过去了,有些人,忍一忍就离开了。

Some things pass with patience, some people leave with patience.

5. 忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。

To endure for a moment brings peace, to retreat a step brings vastness.

6. 忍无可忍,便无需再忍。

When you have reached your limit, you need not endure any longer.

7. 忍一时之气,免百日之忧。

To endure a moment of anger saves you from a hundred days of worry.

8. 忍辱负重,方能成就大事。

Only by enduring humiliation and bearing heavy burdens can one achieve great things.

9. 忍耐是苦,但结果是甜。

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

10. 忍住泪水,才能继续前行。

Hold back your tears so you can continue on your journey.

11. 我忍了,并不代表我认可。

Just because I endured, doesn't mean I accept it.

12. 忍耐是通往成功的桥梁。

Patience is the bridge to success.

13. 忍耐是最好的报复。

Patience is the best revenge.

14. 忍耐是美德,但不是懦弱。

Patience is a virtue, but not weakness.

15. 忍耐是金,但不要被别人当傻瓜。

Patience is golden, but don't let others take you for a fool.

16. 忍无可忍,无需再忍,但不要冲动。

When you've reached your limit, there's no need to endure any longer, but don't be impulsive.

17. 忍耐是一种力量,一种智慧。

Patience is a strength, a wisdom.

18. 忍耐是最好的解药。

Patience is the best antidote.

19. 忍耐是成功的关键。

Patience is the key to success.

20. 忍耐是生命的灯塔。

Patience is the lighthouse of life.

21. 忍耐是人生的财富。

Patience is the wealth of life.

22. 忍耐是战胜一切困难的法宝。

Patience is the magic weapon to overcome all difficulties.

23. 忍耐是通往幸福的道路。

Patience is the path to happiness.

24. 忍耐是生活的润滑剂。

Patience is the lubricant of life.

25. 忍耐是人生的良药。

Patience is the medicine of life.

26. 忍耐是爱情的催化剂。

Patience is the catalyst of love.

27. 忍耐是友谊的纽带。

Patience is the bond of friendship.

28. 忍耐是家庭的基石。

Patience is the cornerstone of a family.

29. 忍耐是社会的和谐剂。

Patience is the harmonizer of society.

30. 忍耐是世界的和平使者。

Patience is the peacemaker of the world.

31. 忍耐是战胜一切的武器。

Patience is the weapon to conquer all.

32. 忍耐是生命的真谛。

Patience is the essence of life.

33. 忍耐是通往自由的钥匙。

Patience is the key to freedom.

34. 忍耐是灵魂的净土。

Patience is the pure land of the soul.

35. 忍耐是心灵的港湾。

Patience is the harbor of the heart.

36. 忍耐是人生的智慧。

Patience is the wisdom of life.

37. 忍耐是通往成功的阶梯。

Patience is the ladder to success.

38. 忍耐是人生的磨砺。

Patience is the tempering of life.

39. 忍耐是人生的考验。

Patience is the test of life.

40. 忍耐是人生的宝藏。

Patience is the treasure of life.

41. 忍耐是人生的财富。

Patience is the wealth of life.

42. 忍耐是人生的礼物。

Patience is the gift of life.

43. 忍耐是人生的奇迹。

Patience is the miracle of life.

44. 忍耐是人生的艺术。

Patience is the art of life.

45. 忍耐是人生的境界。

Patience is the realm of life.

46. 忍耐是人生的真谛。

Patience is the essence of life.

47. 忍耐是人生的哲学。

Patience is the philosophy of life.

48. 忍耐是人生的追求。

Patience is the pursuit of life.

49. 忍耐是人生的价值。

Patience is the value of life.

50. 忍耐是人生的意义。

Patience is the meaning of life.

51. 忍耐是人生的幸福。

Patience is the happiness of life.

52. 忍耐是人生的希望。

Patience is the hope of life.

53. 忍耐是人生的梦想。

Patience is the dream of life.

54. 忍耐是人生的未来。

Patience is the future of life.

55. 忍耐是人生的永恒。

Patience is the eternity of life.

56. 我忍了,但是我不会忘记。

I endured, but I won't forget.

57. 忍耐不是软弱,而是为了更好的反击。

Patience is not weakness, but a preparation for a better counterattack.

58. 忍耐是一种力量,一种智慧,一种美德。

Patience is a strength, a wisdom, a virtue.

59. 我忍了,但我希望你记住我的忍耐。

I endured, but I hope you remember my patience.

60. 忍耐是最好的武器,可以战胜一切困难。

Patience is the best weapon, capable of overcoming all difficulties.

61. 忍耐是一种选择,一种境界,一种生活方式。

Patience is a choice, a realm, a way of life.

62. 忍耐是生命的礼物,让我们更强大,更智慧,更幸福。

Patience is a gift of life, making us stronger, wiser, and happier.

63. 忍耐不是屈服,而是为了更美好的未来。

Patience is not surrender, but a pursuit of a brighter future.

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