
## 字同意思不同的句子 (69句)

**1. 他很高兴,脸上洋溢着笑容。**

He was very happy, with a smile on his face.

**2. 他很生气,脸涨得通红。**

He was very angry, his face flushed red.

**3. 他很伤心,泪水忍不住流了下来。**

He was very sad, and tears welled up in his eyes.

**4. 他很害怕,浑身发抖。**

He was very scared, and his whole body trembled.

**5. 他很兴奋,手舞足蹈。**

He was very excited, and he danced with joy.

**6. 他很疲惫,眼皮直打架。**

He was very tired, and his eyelids kept drooping.

**7. 他很无聊,漫无目的地东张西望。**

He was very bored, and he looked around aimlessly.

**8. 他很勇敢,面对危险毫不畏惧。**

He was very brave, and he faced danger without fear.

**9. 他很善良,乐于助人。**

He was very kind, and he was always willing to help others.

**10. 他很聪明,思维敏捷。**

He was very intelligent, and his mind was sharp.

**11. 他很勤奋,工作起来废寝忘食。**

He was very diligent, and he worked tirelessly.

**12. 他很诚实,从不说谎。**

He was very honest, and he never lied.

**13. 他很谦虚,从不骄傲自满。**

He was very humble, and he never became arrogant.

**14. 他很自信,相信自己能够成功。**

He was very confident, and he believed in his ability to succeed.

**15. 他很乐观,总是看到事物光明的一面。**

He was very optimistic, and he always saw the bright side of things.

**16. 他很固执,坚持自己的意见。**

He was very stubborn, and he stuck to his own opinion.

**17. 他很谨慎,做事考虑周全。**

He was very cautious, and he thought things through carefully.

**18. 他很粗心,经常犯错误。**

He was very careless, and he often made mistakes.

**19. 他很慷慨,乐于分享。**

He was very generous, and he was willing to share.

**20. 他很吝啬,不愿意付出。**

He was very stingy, and he was unwilling to give.

**21. 他很幽默,总能逗笑别人。**

He was very humorous, and he could always make people laugh.

**22. 他很严肃,很少开玩笑。**

He was very serious, and he rarely joked.

**23. 他很浪漫,喜欢追求美好。**

He was very romantic, and he loved to pursue beauty.

**24. 他很现实,考虑问题的角度很实际。**

He was very realistic, and he looked at things from a practical angle.

**25. 他很热情,对人很友好。**

He was very warm, and he was friendly to people.

**26. 他很冷淡,对人很疏远。**

He was very cold, and he was distant from people.

**27. 他很孤独,没有朋友。**

He was very lonely, and he had no friends.

**28. 他很自由,不受束缚。**

He was very free, and he was not bound by anything.

**29. 他很独立,能够自己照顾自己。**

He was very independent, and he was able to take care of himself.

**30. 他很固执,坚持自己的想法。**

He was very stubborn, and he stuck to his own ideas.

**31. 他很固执,不听劝告。**

He was very stubborn, and he wouldn't listen to advice.

**32. 他很固执,不肯认错。**

He was very stubborn, and he refused to admit his mistake.

**33. 他很胆小,不敢冒险。**

He was very timid, and he wouldn't take risks.

**34. 他很胆小,不敢面对困难。**

He was very timid, and he couldn't face difficulties.

**35. 他很胆小,不敢说出自己的想法。**

He was very timid, and he didn't dare to express his thoughts.

**36. 他很虚伪,表面一套,背后一套。**

He was very hypocritical, and he was one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes.

**37. 他很虚伪,假装善良。**

He was very hypocritical, and he pretended to be kind.

**38. 他很虚伪,装出一副不在乎的样子。**

He was very hypocritical, and he acted like he didn't care.

**39. 他很狡猾,喜欢玩弄手段。**

He was very cunning, and he liked to play tricks.

**40. 他很狡猾,喜欢耍小聪明。**

He was very cunning, and he liked to be clever.

**41. 他很狡猾,喜欢利用别人。**

He was very cunning, and he liked to take advantage of others.

**42. 他很沉默,很少说话。**

He was very silent, and he rarely spoke.

**43. 他很沉默,不善言辞。**

He was very silent, and he wasn't good at speaking.

**44. 他很沉默,不愿表达自己的感受。**

He was very silent, and he didn't want to express his feelings.

**45. 他很害羞,不敢和别人说话。**

He was very shy, and he didn't dare to talk to others.

**46. 他很害羞,不敢在公众场合演讲。**

He was very shy, and he didn't dare to give speeches in public.

**47. 他很害羞,不敢表达自己的爱意。**

He was very shy, and he didn't dare to express his love.

**48. 他很粗鲁,说话不客气。**

He was very rude, and he didn't speak politely.

**49. 他很粗鲁,行为举止粗俗。**

He was very rude, and his behavior was vulgar.

**50. 他很粗鲁,不尊重别人。**

He was very rude, and he didn't respect others.

**51. 他很粗心,经常丢三落四。**

He was very careless, and he often lost things.

**52. 他很粗心,经常出错。**

He was very careless, and he often made mistakes.

**53. 他很粗心,不注意细节。**

He was very careless, and he didn't pay attention to details.

**54. 他很软弱,没有主见。**

He was very weak, and he didn't have his own opinion.

**55. 他很软弱,容易被别人欺负。**

He was very weak, and he was easily bullied by others.

**56. 他很软弱,不敢承担责任。**

He was very weak, and he didn't dare to take responsibility.

**57. 他很强壮,身体健壮。**

He was very strong, and he was physically fit.

**58. 他很强壮,意志坚定。**

He was very strong, and he was determined.

**59. 他很强壮,能够克服困难。**

He was very strong, and he was able to overcome difficulties.

**60. 他很虚弱,身体不好。**

He was very weak, and he wasn't in good health.

**61. 他很虚弱,精神萎靡。**

He was very weak, and he was in low spirits.

**62. 他很虚弱,无法承受压力。**

He was very weak, and he couldn't handle the pressure.

**63. 他很善良,心地纯净。**

He was very kind, and he had a pure heart.

**64. 他很善良,乐于助人。**

He was very kind, and he was always willing to help others.

**65. 他很善良,同情弱者。**

He was very kind, and he sympathized with the weak.

**66. 他很邪恶,心狠手辣。**

He was very evil, and he was cruel and ruthless.

**67. 他很邪恶,阴险狡诈。**

He was very evil, and he was cunning and treacherous.

**68. 他很邪恶,心怀不轨。**

He was very evil, and he had evil intentions.

**69. 他很冷酷,不近人情。**

He was very cold, and he was unfeeling.

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