
## 商贩外貌句子,56句:

1. 老板娘笑起来的时候,眼角的皱纹像盛开的菊花,充满了生活的喜悦。

The proprietress's smile, with wrinkles like blooming chrysanthemums at the corners of her eyes, was filled with the joy of life.

2. 他穿着褪色的蓝色工作服,上面沾满了油污,像是战场上的老兵,充满了岁月的痕迹。

He wore faded blue work clothes, stained with oil, like an old soldier on the battlefield, filled with the marks of time.

3. 卖鱼的阿婆,皮肤黝黑,布满老人斑,却有着一双明亮的眸子,像是在诉说着岁月的沧桑。

The old woman selling fish had dark skin, covered with age spots, but she had bright eyes that seemed to tell stories of the passage of time.

4. 小贩戴着草帽,遮住了大半张脸,只有那双狡黠的眼睛在帽檐下闪着光芒。

The peddler wore a straw hat, covering most of his face, only his cunning eyes shone from under the brim.

5. 他的头发稀疏,头顶上光秃秃的,像是一片荒凉的土地,却透着一股坚韧的生命力。

His hair was sparse, his head bald, like a barren land, yet it exuded a tenacious vitality.

6. 卖水果的小伙子,皮肤晒得黝黑,但眉目清秀,嘴角挂着淡淡的微笑,透着一股阳光般的热情。

The young man selling fruit had sun-darkened skin, but his features were refined, with a faint smile on his lips, radiating a sunny enthusiasm.

7. 他的胡须修剪得整整齐齐,像是精心雕刻的艺术品,增添了几分成熟稳重的气质。

His beard was neatly trimmed, like a carefully sculpted work of art, adding a touch of maturity and composure.

8. 卖豆腐的老爷爷,个子矮小,身材瘦弱,却背着一个沉甸甸的担子,步履蹒跚,却依然坚韧不拔。

The old man selling tofu was short and thin, but he carried a heavy load on his back, his steps unsteady, but he remained steadfast.

9. 她穿着鲜艳的红衣,像是火红的火焰,在人群中格外显眼,热情奔放的性格,也感染着周围的人。

She wore a bright red dress, like a red flame, particularly noticeable in the crowd, her passionate and outgoing personality also infected those around her.

10. 他戴着一副厚厚的眼镜,镜片反着光,看不清他的眼神,但却能感受到他内心的沉静和睿智。

He wore thick glasses, the lenses reflecting light, his eyes were obscured, but one could feel his inner calmness and wisdom.

11. 她的脸上布满了雀斑,像是繁星点点,却掩盖不住她青春的活力。

Her face was covered with freckles, like stars, but they couldn't hide her youthful vitality.

12. 他的手掌粗糙,布满了老茧,像是经历过无数次磨砺,但依然充满着力量。

His palms were rough, covered with calluses, as if they had experienced countless trials, but they were still full of strength.

13. 他身材魁梧,肌肉发达,像是从画里走出来的力士,散发着强健的男性魅力。

He was tall and strong, with well-developed muscles, like a Hercules who stepped out of a painting, exuding a powerful masculine charm.

14. 她的眼睛如星辰般闪耀,充满了灵动和智慧,像是能洞察人心。

Her eyes shone like stars, full of agility and wisdom, as if they could see through people's hearts.

15. 他的鼻子高挺,鼻梁上架着一副金丝眼镜,增添了几分儒雅的气质。

His nose was high and straight, with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his bridge, adding a touch of elegance.

16. 她的嘴唇薄薄的,带着淡淡的粉色,像是成熟的樱桃,散发着诱人的香气。

Her lips were thin, with a light pink color, like ripe cherries, exuding an alluring aroma.

17. 他留着长长的胡须,像是老练的艺术家,透着一股神秘的气息。

He had a long beard, like a seasoned artist, exuding an air of mystery.

18. 她的脸颊红润,像是被阳光亲吻过,充满了健康的光彩。

Her cheeks were rosy, as if kissed by the sun, full of healthy glow.

19. 他的牙齿洁白整齐,像是珍珠一样闪耀,让人忍不住想要靠近。

His teeth were white and even, shining like pearls, making one want to get closer.

20. 她的声音甜美动听,像是一首美妙的歌曲,令人沉醉其中。

Her voice was sweet and melodious, like a beautiful song, intoxicating one.

21. 他的眼神锐利,像是猎鹰一样,注视着远方,充满了坚定和自信。

His eyes were sharp, like those of a falcon, fixed on the distance, full of determination and confidence.

22. 她的身材纤细,像是柳枝一样柔软,散发着优雅的气质。

Her figure was slender, like a willow branch, soft and graceful.

23. 他个子矮小,但身体却很结实,像是矮壮的橡树,充满着力量。

He was short, but his body was strong, like a sturdy oak tree, full of strength.

24. 她的头发乌黑亮丽,像是瀑布一样倾泻下来,散发着迷人的光泽。

Her hair was black and glossy, cascading down like a waterfall, exuding a captivating shine.

25. 他穿着一件破旧的棉衣,像是经历过风吹雨打,但依然坚守岗位,默默地守护着他的摊位。

He wore a worn cotton coat, as if he had weathered wind and rain, but he remained at his post, silently guarding his stall.

26. 她的脸上总是带着笑容,像是阳光般温暖,驱散了周围的寒冷和阴霾。

She always had a smile on her face, warm like the sun, dispelling the surrounding coldness and gloom.

27. 他的皮肤黝黑,像是被太阳晒成了古铜色,充满了健康的气息。

His skin was dark, sun-tanned like bronze, exuding a healthy aura.

28. 她的眼睛里充满了热情,像是燃烧的火焰,充满着对生活的渴望。

Her eyes were filled with passion, like burning flames, full of a longing for life.

29. 他的手指灵巧,像是艺术家的双手,在摊位上忙碌着,展现着精湛的技艺。

His fingers were nimble, like those of an artist, busy at his stall, showcasing his exquisite skills.

30. 她的声音沙哑,像是被岁月磨砺过,却依然充满了力量和坚强。

Her voice was hoarse, as if it had been worn down by time, but it was still full of strength and resilience.

31. 他留着一头乱蓬蓬的头发,像是被狂风吹乱的野草,却透着一股不羁的个性。

He had a head of tousled hair, like wild grass blown by a gale, but it revealed a rebellious personality.

32. 她的嘴角上扬,像是嘴角带着一颗珍珠,充满了自信和魅力。

The corners of her mouth were upturned, as if she had a pearl at the corner of her lips, full of confidence and charm.

33. 他的眼睛里充满了沧桑,像是经历过岁月的洗礼,却依然保持着善良和真诚。

His eyes were filled with vicissitudes, as if he had experienced the baptism of time, but he still maintained kindness and sincerity.

34. 她的脸颊上留着几颗青春痘,像是调皮的孩子,却掩盖不住她青春的活力。

There were a few pimples on her cheeks, like mischievous children, but they couldn't hide her youthful vitality.

35. 他的嘴巴很小,嘴唇薄薄的,像是紧闭的玫瑰花蕾,透着一股神秘的气息。

His mouth was small, his lips thin, like a tightly closed rosebud, exuding an air of mystery.

36. 她的鼻梁高挺,鼻尖微微上翘,像是骄傲的女王,散发着高贵的气质。

Her nose bridge was high, her nose tip slightly upturned, like a proud queen, radiating a noble aura.

37. 他留着浓密的络腮胡,像是丛林中的猎豹,充满着野性和魅力。

He had a thick beard, like a leopard in the jungle, full of wildness and charm.

38. 她的眼睛圆圆的,像是两颗黑宝石,充满了灵动和活力。

Her eyes were round, like two black gemstones, full of agility and vitality.

39. 他的身材瘦弱,但动作却很灵活,像是轻盈的飞燕,在人群中穿梭。

He was thin, but his movements were agile, like a light swallow, darting through the crowd.

40. 她的声音温柔,像是春日里的细雨,轻轻地滋润着人们的心田。

Her voice was gentle, like spring rain, softly nourishing people's hearts.

41. 他的脸上布满了皱纹,像是岁月的年轮,诉说着他的人生故事。

His face was covered with wrinkles, like the rings of time, telling the story of his life.

42. 她的皮肤白皙,像是白雪一样纯净,散发着青春的光彩。

Her skin was fair, as pure as white snow, radiating youthful glow.

43. 他的头发灰白,像是银色的瀑布,却掩盖不住他精神矍铄的光彩。

His hair was gray, like a silver waterfall, but it couldn't hide his radiant vitality.

44. 她的嘴唇微微张开,像是含着一颗珍珠,透着一股诱人的魅力。

Her lips were slightly parted, as if holding a pearl, exuding an alluring charm.

45. 他的眼睛深邃,像是浩瀚的宇宙,充满着神秘和智慧。

His eyes were deep, like the vast universe, full of mystery and wisdom.

46. 她的嘴角微微上扬,像是含着一丝微笑,透着一股善意和亲切。

The corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, as if holding a faint smile, exuding a sense of kindness and friendliness.

47. 他的头发浓密,像是黑色的森林,散发着蓬勃的生命力。

His hair was thick, like a black forest, exuding a vibrant vitality.

48. 她的眼睛闪烁着光芒,像是天上的星星,充满了希望和梦想。

Her eyes sparkled with light, like stars in the sky, full of hope and dreams.

49. 他的脸庞饱经风霜,像是被岁月雕刻的艺术品,充满了沧桑和智慧。

His face was weather-beaten, like a work of art sculpted by time, full of vicissitudes and wisdom.

50. 她的身材高挑,像是优雅的模特,散发着迷人的魅力。

She was tall and slender, like a graceful model, exuding an enchanting charm.

51. 他的鼻子坚挺,鼻翼两侧微微隆起,像是雄鹰的翅膀,充满了力量和自信。

His nose was strong, with slightly raised wings on either side, like an eagle's wings, full of strength and confidence.

52. 她的脸颊上有一颗小小的酒窝,像是可爱的小酒窝,充满了青春的气息。

There was a small dimple on her cheek, like a cute little dimple, full of youthful charm.

53. 他的牙齿略微有些稀疏,但依然洁白整齐,像是老练的绅士,透着一股沉稳和儒雅的气质。

His teeth were slightly sparse, but still white and even, like a seasoned gentleman, exuding an air of composure and elegance.

54. 她的皮肤略微有些黝黑,像是被阳光晒成了小麦色,充满了健康和活力。

Her skin was slightly tanned, like wheat, full of health and vitality.

55. 他的眼睛炯炯有神,像是两颗闪亮的星星,充满了智慧和活力。

His eyes were bright and piercing, like two shining stars, full of wisdom and vitality.

56. 她的身材丰满,像是成熟的果实,散发着成熟的魅力。

She was full-bodied, like a ripe fruit, exuding a mature charm.

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