
## 商纣妲己句子 (55 句)

1. 纣王宠爱妲己,荒淫无度。
> King Zhou was deeply enamored with Daji, indulging in excessive debauchery.

King Zhou was deeply enamored with Daji, indulging in excessive debauchery.

2. 妲己妖媚惑主,助纣为虐。
> Daji, with her alluring charm, manipulated the king and encouraged his cruelty.

Daji, with her alluring charm, manipulated the king and encouraged his cruelty.

3. 纣王沉迷酒色,不理朝政。
> King Zhou became consumed by his lust and alcohol, neglecting his duties as ruler.

King Zhou became consumed by his lust and alcohol, neglecting his duties as ruler.

4. 妲己设计陷害忠良,以取悦纣王。
> Daji devised schemes to frame loyal officials, seeking to please King Zhou.

Daji devised schemes to frame loyal officials, seeking to please King Zhou.

5. 纣王听信妲己谗言,滥杀无辜。
> King Zhou, swayed by Daji's deceitful words, ruthlessly slaughtered innocent people.

King Zhou, swayed by Daji's deceitful words, ruthlessly slaughtered innocent people.

6. 妲己心狠手辣,为达目的不择手段。
> Daji was ruthless and merciless, employing any means necessary to achieve her goals.

Daji was ruthless and merciless, employing any means necessary to achieve her goals.

7. 纣王迷恋妲己美色,丧失理智。
> King Zhou's infatuation with Daji's beauty clouded his judgment.

King Zhou's infatuation with Daji's beauty clouded his judgment.

8. 妲己善于魅惑人心,将纣王玩弄于股掌之中。
> Daji possessed the art of seduction, manipulating King Zhou to her will.

Daji possessed the art of seduction, manipulating King Zhou to her will.

9. 纣王为妲己建造鹿台,穷奢极欲。
> For Daji, King Zhou constructed the extravagant Deer Terrace, indulging in extreme extravagance.

For Daji, King Zhou constructed the extravagant Deer Terrace, indulging in extreme extravagance.

10. 妲己设计炮烙之刑,残忍至极。
> Daji devised the cruel"roasting" punishment, demonstrating her extreme cruelty.

Daji devised the cruel"roasting" punishment, demonstrating her extreme cruelty.

11. 纣王昏庸无道,民不聊生。
> King Zhou's tyrannical rule caused immense suffering for his people.

King Zhou's tyrannical rule caused immense suffering for his people.

12. 妲己媚态横生,祸乱朝纲。
> Daji's seductive charm caused turmoil and chaos within the court.

Daji's seductive charm caused turmoil and chaos within the court.

13. 纣王沉溺女色,国事日益衰败。
> King Zhou's obsession with women led to the decline of the kingdom.

King Zhou's obsession with women led to the decline of the kingdom.

14. 妲己玩弄权术,为所欲为。
> Daji manipulated power and acted with impunity.

Daji manipulated power and acted with impunity.

15. 纣王不辨忠奸,为妲己所蒙蔽。
> King Zhou failed to distinguish between loyal subjects and traitors, blinded by Daji's influence.

King Zhou failed to distinguish between loyal subjects and traitors, blinded by Daji's influence.

16. 妲己美艳绝伦,却心狠手辣。
> Daji's exquisite beauty masked her ruthless nature.

Daji's exquisite beauty masked her ruthless nature.

17. 纣王宠爱妲己,纵容其为恶。
> King Zhou's love for Daji fueled her evil deeds.

King Zhou's love for Daji fueled her evil deeds.

18. 妲己勾引纣王,使其迷失自我。
> Daji seduced King Zhou, leading him astray from his true self.

Daji seduced King Zhou, leading him astray from his true self.

19. 纣王为了讨好妲己,不惜牺牲百姓利益。
> To please Daji, King Zhou disregarded the well-being of his people.

To please Daji, King Zhou disregarded the well-being of his people.

20. 妲己利用纣王的宠爱,为非作歹。
> Daji abused King Zhou's affection to commit acts of evil.

Daji abused King Zhou's affection to commit acts of evil.

21. 纣王被妲己迷惑,失去了君王的威严。
> King Zhou, blinded by Daji's allure, lost his regal authority.

King Zhou, blinded by Daji's allure, lost his regal authority.

22. 妲己利用纣王嗜酒如命,将其玩弄于鼓掌之间。
> Daji used King Zhou's addiction to alcohol to manipulate him completely.

Daji used King Zhou's addiction to alcohol to manipulate him completely.

23. 纣王为妲己建造酒池肉林,沉醉于享乐之中。
> King Zhou built the infamous"wine pool and meat forest" for Daji, becoming lost in pleasure.

King Zhou built the infamous"wine pool and meat forest" for Daji, becoming lost in pleasure.

24. 妲己残忍狠毒,令人发指。
> Daji's cruelty and ruthlessness were truly appalling.

Daji's cruelty and ruthlessness were truly appalling.

25. 纣王沉迷于妲己的温柔乡,忘记了治国之责。
> King Zhou, lost in Daji's embrace, forgot his responsibilities as a ruler.

King Zhou, lost in Daji's embrace, forgot his responsibilities as a ruler.

26. 妲己的妖媚,最终导致了商朝的灭亡。
> Daji's seductive charm ultimately led to the demise of the Shang dynasty.

Daji's seductive charm ultimately led to the demise of the Shang dynasty.

27. 纣王与妲己的荒淫无度,成为历史的罪人。
> King Zhou and Daji's extreme debauchery made them infamous figures in history.

King Zhou and Daji's extreme debauchery made them infamous figures in history.

28. 妲己心机深沉,城府极深。
> Daji was cunning and manipulative, with a hidden depth of scheming.

Daji was cunning and manipulative, with a hidden depth of scheming.

29. 纣王宠信妲己,将国家大权交于其手。
> King Zhou favored Daji, placing the power of the nation in her hands.

King Zhou favored Daji, placing the power of the nation in her hands.

30. 妲己巧言令色,迷惑纣王。
> Daji's sweet words and alluring appearance deceived King Zhou.

Daji's sweet words and alluring appearance deceived King Zhou.

31. 纣王被妲己的魅惑所控制,失去了判断力。
> King Zhou was controlled by Daji's allure, losing his ability to reason.

King Zhou was controlled by Daji's allure, losing his ability to reason.

32. 妲己阴险狡诈,为达目的不择手段。
> Daji was insidious and cunning, resorting to any means to achieve her goals.

Daji was insidious and cunning, resorting to any means to achieve her goals.

33. 纣王沉迷女色,将国家置于危险境地。
> King Zhou's obsession with women placed the nation in a precarious position.

King Zhou's obsession with women placed the nation in a precarious position.

34. 妲己为了维护自己的地位,不惜陷害忠良。
> To protect her position, Daji went to great lengths to frame loyal officials.

To protect her position, Daji went to great lengths to frame loyal officials.

35. 纣王昏庸无能,最终被自己的荒淫所葬送。
> King Zhou's incompetence and debauchery ultimately led to his downfall.

King Zhou's incompetence and debauchery ultimately led to his downfall.

36. 妲己以色惑主,最终成为亡国之妖。
> Daji used her beauty to seduce the king, ultimately becoming the harbinger of the kingdom's demise.

Daji used her beauty to seduce the king, ultimately becoming the harbinger of the kingdom's demise.

37. 纣王与妲己的爱情故事,成为后世人们茶余饭后的谈资。
> The love story of King Zhou and Daji became a topic of gossip and discussion for generations to come.

The love story of King Zhou and Daji became a topic of gossip and discussion for generations to come.

38. 妲己的妖媚,成为人们心中永恒的魅惑。
> Daji's seductive charm remains a timeless allure in people's minds.

Daji's seductive charm remains a timeless allure in people's minds.

39. 纣王与妲己的荒唐故事,警示后人要警惕女色。
> The absurd tale of King Zhou and Daji serves as a warning to future generations about the dangers of lust.

The absurd tale of King Zhou and Daji serves as a warning to future generations about the dangers of lust.

40. 妲己的残忍,让人不寒而栗。
> Daji's cruelty sends shivers down one's spine.

Daji's cruelty sends shivers down one's spine.

41. 纣王对妲己的迷恋,最终导致了商朝的覆灭。
> King Zhou's infatuation with Daji ultimately led to the downfall of the Shang dynasty.

King Zhou's infatuation with Daji ultimately led to the downfall of the Shang dynasty.

42. 妲己的妖媚,成为历史长河中的一抹亮色。
> Daji's seductive charm stands out as a bright spot in the vast river of history.

Daji's seductive charm stands out as a bright spot in the vast river of history.

43. 纣王与妲己的故事,告诉人们权力和美色都是一把双刃剑。
> The story of King Zhou and Daji reminds us that power and beauty are both double-edged swords.

The story of King Zhou and Daji reminds us that power and beauty are both double-edged swords.

44. 妲己的阴谋诡计,令人叹为观止。
> Daji's intricate schemes are truly impressive.

Daji's intricate schemes are truly impressive.

45. 纣王对妲己的宠爱,成为后人嘲讽的对象。
> King Zhou's devotion to Daji became a source of ridicule for later generations.

King Zhou's devotion to Daji became a source of ridicule for later generations.

46. 妲己的妖媚,令人难以抵挡。
> Daji's alluring charm was irresistible.

Daji's alluring charm was irresistible.

47. 纣王与妲己的爱情故事,充满着戏剧性。
> The love story of King Zhou and Daji is filled with dramatic twists and turns.

The love story of King Zhou and Daji is filled with dramatic twists and turns.

48. 妲己的残忍,令人心寒。
> Daji's cruelty chills one to the bone.

Daji's cruelty chills one to the bone.

49. 纣王与妲己的故事,成为中国历史上最著名的爱情故事之一。
> The story of King Zhou and Daji has become one of the most famous love stories in Chinese history.

The story of King Zhou and Daji has become one of the most famous love stories in Chinese history.

50. 妲己的妖媚,让纣王迷失了自我。
> Daji's alluring charm led King Zhou astray from his true self.

Daji's alluring charm led King Zhou astray from his true self.

51. 纣王与妲己的荒唐故事,成为了后世人们的警示。
> The absurd tale of King Zhou and Daji serves as a cautionary tale for generations to come.

The absurd tale of King Zhou and Daji serves as a cautionary tale for generations to come.

52. 妲己的阴险狡诈,令人叹为观止。
> Daji's cunning and deceitful nature are truly impressive.

Daji's cunning and deceitful nature are truly impressive.

53. 纣王与妲己的故事,成为了中国历史的传奇。
> The story of King Zhou and Daji has become a legendary tale in Chinese history.

The story of King Zhou and Daji has become a legendary tale in Chinese history.

54. 妲己的妖媚,成为中国古代历史上最著名的妖女之一。
> Daji's alluring charm made her one of the most notorious femme fatales in ancient Chinese history.

Daji's alluring charm made her one of the most notorious femme fatales in ancient Chinese history.

55. 纣王与妲己的爱情故事,成为了人们口口相传的佳话。
> The love story of King Zhou and Daji became a popular tale that was passed down through generations.

The love story of King Zhou and Daji became a popular tale that was passed down through generations.

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