
## 孔孟仁爱句子 57句

1. **仁者爱人。**(Rén zhě ài rén.)
> **Those who are benevolent love others.**

Those who are benevolent love others.

2. **己所不欲,勿施于人。**(Jǐ suǒ bù yù, wù shī yú rén.)
> **Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.**

Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.

3. **仁者无敌。**(Rén zhě wú dí.)
> **The benevolent are invincible.**

The benevolent are invincible.

4. **爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之。**(Ài rén zhě, rén héng ài zhī; jìng rén zhě, rén héng jìng zhī.)
> **Those who love others are loved in return; those who respect others are respected in return.**

Those who love others are loved in return; those who respect others are respected in return.

5. **仁者以天地万物为一体。**(Rén zhě yǐ tiān dì wàn wù wéi yī tǐ.)
> **The benevolent regard all things under heaven as one body.**

The benevolent regard all things under heaven as one body.

6. **仁者乐山,智者乐水。**(Rén zhě lè shān, zhì zhě lè shuǐ.)
> **The benevolent delight in mountains, the wise delight in water.**

The benevolent delight in mountains, the wise delight in water.

7. **仁者安仁,知者利仁。**(Rén zhě ān rén, zhī zhě lì rén.)
> **The benevolent are at ease with benevolence, the wise find benefit in benevolence.**

The benevolent are at ease with benevolence, the wise find benefit in benevolence.

8. **仁者不忧,勇者不惧。**(Rén zhě bù yōu, yǒng zhě bù jù.)
> **The benevolent have no worries, the brave have no fear.**

The benevolent have no worries, the brave have no fear.

9. **仁者必有勇,勇者未必有仁。**(Rén zhě bì yǒu yǒng, yǒng zhě wèi bì yǒu rén.)
> **The benevolent are bound to be brave, but the brave are not necessarily benevolent.**

The benevolent are bound to be brave, but the brave are not necessarily benevolent.

10. **仁义礼智信,五常也。**(Rén yì lǐ zhì xìn, wǔ cháng yě.)
> **Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness are the five constants.**

Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness are the five constants.

11. **仁者爱人,以仁治国。**(Rén zhě ài rén, yǐ rén zhì guó.)
> **The benevolent love others and govern the country with benevolence.**

The benevolent love others and govern the country with benevolence.

12. **仁者无敌,以爱胜恶。**(Rén zhě wú dí, yǐ ài shèng è.)
> **The benevolent are invincible, they conquer evil with love.**

The benevolent are invincible, they conquer evil with love.

13. **仁者乐其志,仁者安其身。**(Rén zhě lè qí zhì, rén zhě ān qí shēn.)
> **The benevolent are happy with their aspirations, the benevolent are at ease with their bodies.**

The benevolent are happy with their aspirations, the benevolent are at ease with their bodies.

14. **仁者爱人,不仁者爱货。**(Rén zhě ài rén, bù rén zhě ài huò.)
> **The benevolent love people, the unbenevolent love material possessions.**

The benevolent love people, the unbenevolent love material possessions.

15. **仁者见之于色,义者见之于事,智者见之于言,信者见之于行。**(Rén zhě jiàn zhī yú sè, yì zhě jiàn zhī yú shì, zhì zhě jiàn zhī yú yán, xìn zhě jiàn zhī yú xíng.)
> **Benevolence is seen in one's demeanor, righteousness is seen in one's actions, wisdom is seen in one's words, trustworthiness is seen in one's conduct.**

Benevolence is seen in one's demeanor, righteousness is seen in one's actions, wisdom is seen in one's words, trustworthiness is seen in one's conduct.

16. **仁者爱人,而行之以礼。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér xíng zhī yǐ lǐ.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they act with propriety.**

The benevolent love others, but they act with propriety.

17. **仁者以爱人,仁者以敬人。**(Rén zhě yǐ ài rén, rén zhě yǐ jìng rén.)
> **The benevolent love others, the benevolent respect others.**

The benevolent love others, the benevolent respect others.

18. **仁者乐其志,不仁者乐其身。**(Rén zhě lè qí zhì, bù rén zhě lè qí shēn.)
> **The benevolent are happy with their aspirations, the unbenevolent are happy with their bodies.**

The benevolent are happy with their aspirations, the unbenevolent are happy with their bodies.

19. **仁者爱人,而以义待人。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ yì dài rén.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they treat others with righteousness.**

The benevolent love others, but they treat others with righteousness.

20. **仁者爱人,以德立身。**(Rén zhě ài rén, yǐ dé lì shēn.)
> **The benevolent love others, and they establish themselves with virtue.**

The benevolent love others, and they establish themselves with virtue.

21. **仁者乐其志,不仁者乐其利。**(Rén zhě lè qí zhì, bù rén zhě lè qí lì.)
> **The benevolent are happy with their aspirations, the unbenevolent are happy with their profits.**

The benevolent are happy with their aspirations, the unbenevolent are happy with their profits.

22. **仁者不以仁害人,不仁者以仁害人。**(Rén zhě bù yǐ rén hài rén, bù rén zhě yǐ rén hài rén.)
> **The benevolent do not harm others with benevolence, the unbenevolent harm others with benevolence.**

The benevolent do not harm others with benevolence, the unbenevolent harm others with benevolence.

23. **仁者爱人,而以礼相待。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ lǐ xiāng dài.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they treat each other with propriety.**

The benevolent love others, but they treat each other with propriety.

24. **仁者爱人,而以义相待。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ yì xiāng dài.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they treat each other with righteousness.**

The benevolent love others, but they treat each other with righteousness.

25. **仁者爱人,而以德相待。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ dé xiāng dài.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they treat each other with virtue.**

The benevolent love others, but they treat each other with virtue.

26. **仁者爱人,而以信相待。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ xìn xiāng dài.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they treat each other with trustworthiness.**

The benevolent love others, but they treat each other with trustworthiness.

27. **仁者爱人,而以智相待。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ zhì xiāng dài.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they treat each other with wisdom.**

The benevolent love others, but they treat each other with wisdom.

28. **仁者爱人,而以礼相敬。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ lǐ xiāng jìng.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with propriety.**

The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with propriety.

29. **仁者爱人,而以义相敬。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ yì xiāng jìng.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with righteousness.**

The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with righteousness.

30. **仁者爱人,而以德相敬。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ dé xiāng jìng.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with virtue.**

The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with virtue.

31. **仁者爱人,而以信相敬。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ xìn xiāng jìng.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with trustworthiness.**

The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with trustworthiness.

32. **仁者爱人,而以智相敬。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ zhì xiāng jìng.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with wisdom.**

The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with wisdom.

33. **仁者爱人,而以仁相待。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ rén xiāng dài.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they treat each other with benevolence.**

The benevolent love others, but they treat each other with benevolence.

34. **仁者爱人,而以仁相敬。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ rén xiāng jìng.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with benevolence.**

The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with benevolence.

35. **仁者爱人,而以礼相爱。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ lǐ xiāng ài.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they love each other with propriety.**

The benevolent love others, but they love each other with propriety.

36. **仁者爱人,而以义相爱。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ yì xiāng ài.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they love each other with righteousness.**

The benevolent love others, but they love each other with righteousness.

37. **仁者爱人,而以德相爱。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ dé xiāng ài.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they love each other with virtue.**

The benevolent love others, but they love each other with virtue.

38. **仁者爱人,而以信相爱。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ xìn xiāng ài.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they love each other with trustworthiness.**

The benevolent love others, but they love each other with trustworthiness.

39. **仁者爱人,而以智相爱。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ zhì xiāng ài.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they love each other with wisdom.**

The benevolent love others, but they love each other with wisdom.

40. **仁者爱人,而以爱相敬。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ ài xiāng jìng.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with love.**

The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with love.

41. **仁者爱人,而以爱相待。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ ài xiāng dài.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they treat each other with love.**

The benevolent love others, but they treat each other with love.

42. **仁者爱人,而以爱相爱。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ ài xiāng ài.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they love each other with love.**

The benevolent love others, but they love each other with love.

43. **仁者爱人,而以仁相爱。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ rén xiāng ài.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they love each other with benevolence.**

The benevolent love others, but they love each other with benevolence.

44. **仁者爱人,而以仁相敬。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ rén xiāng jìng.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with benevolence.**

The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with benevolence.

45. **仁者爱人,而以礼相敬。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ lǐ xiāng jìng.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with propriety.**

The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with propriety.

46. **仁者爱人,而以义相敬。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ yì xiāng jìng.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with righteousness.**

The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with righteousness.

47. **仁者爱人,而以德相敬。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ dé xiāng jìng.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with virtue.**

The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with virtue.

48. **仁者爱人,而以信相敬。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ xìn xiāng jìng.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with trustworthiness.**

The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with trustworthiness.

49. **仁者爱人,而以智相敬。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ zhì xiāng jìng.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with wisdom.**

The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with wisdom.

50. **仁者爱人,而以爱相敬。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ ài xiāng jìng.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with love.**

The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with love.

51. **仁者爱人,而以爱相待。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ ài xiāng dài.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they treat each other with love.**

The benevolent love others, but they treat each other with love.

52. **仁者爱人,而以爱相爱。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ ài xiāng ài.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they love each other with love.**

The benevolent love others, but they love each other with love.

53. **仁者爱人,而以仁相爱。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ rén xiāng ài.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they love each other with benevolence.**

The benevolent love others, but they love each other with benevolence.

54. **仁者爱人,而以仁相敬。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ rén xiāng jìng.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with benevolence.**

The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with benevolence.

55. **仁者爱人,而以礼相敬。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ lǐ xiāng jìng.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with propriety.**

The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with propriety.

56. **仁者爱人,而以义相敬。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ yì xiāng jìng.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with righteousness.**

The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with righteousness.

57. **仁者爱人,而以德相敬。**(Rén zhě ài rén, ér yǐ dé xiāng jìng.)
> **The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with virtue.**

The benevolent love others, but they respect each other with virtue.

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