
## 孔子自谦的句子,75句,中英文对照

1. 吾尝终日不食,终夜不寝,以思,无益,不如学也。(我曾经整天不吃饭,整夜不睡觉,思考问题,但毫无效果,还是不如学习。)

English: I once went without food all day and sleep all night, thinking hard, but it was of no use. It's better to learn.

2. 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。(知道就是知道,不知道就是不知道,这才是真正的知识。)

English: To know what you know and to know what you don't know, that is true knowledge.

3. 吾与回言终日,不违,如愚。退而省其言,亦皆可行也。(我和颜回整天谈话,他从不违背我的意见,像个愚笨的人。但我回去反思他的话,发现都很有道理。)

English: I can talk with Yan Hui all day long, and he never contradicts me, like a fool. But when I reflect on his words later, they are all workable.

4. 天下之至愚莫大于不知其愚。(天下最愚蠢的人,莫过于不知道自己愚蠢。)

English: The greatest foolishness in the world is not knowing one's own foolishness.

5. 知者不惑,仁者不忧,勇者不惧。(有智慧的人不迷惑,有仁爱的人不担忧,有勇气的人不恐惧。)

English: The wise are not bewildered, the benevolent are not worried, and the brave are not afraid.

6. 人之过也,各在于其党。(人的过错,各有其原因。)

English: People's mistakes are due to their own circumstances.

7. 吾少也贱,故多能鄙事。(我年轻时家境贫寒,所以学会了很多琐碎的事。)

English: I was poor when I was young, so I learned to do many menial tasks.

8. 吾尝不辞让,久之,自以为知之,乃不知也。(我曾经不懂得推辞谦让,时间久了,自己以为已经懂了,其实还不知道。)

English: I once didn't know how to decline and be modest. After a long time, I thought I knew, but I didn't.

9. 吾不欲人之加己也,亦不欲己之加人。(我不希望别人加害于我,也不希望自己加害于人。)

English: I don't want others to harm me, and I don't want to harm others either.

10. 君子喻于义,小人喻于利。(君子以义为重,小人以利为重。)

English: A gentleman understands righteousness, while a petty person understands profit.

11. 人无远虑,必有近忧。(人如果没有长远的考虑,必然会有眼前的忧愁。)

English: Those who lack foresight will inevitably face immediate worries.

12. 己所不欲,勿施于人。(自己不想要的东西,也不要强加给别人。)

English: Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you.

13. 三人行,必有我师焉,择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。(三人同行,一定有可以学习的地方,选择好的学习,不好的改正。)

English: In a group of three, there must be someone from whom I can learn. I choose the good and follow it, and correct the bad.

14. 吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?(我每天反省三次:替别人办事是否尽心尽力?和朋友交往是否诚实守信?学习的东西是否认真练习?)

English: I reflect on myself three times a day: Am I loyal when serving others? Am I trustworthy in my dealings with friends? Am I diligent in my studies?

15. 吾有知乎哉?无知也。(我知道吗?我什么也不知道。)

English: Do I know anything? I know nothing.

16. 吾于人也,无取于人,而取于己。(我对人,不求别人,只求自己。)

English: I do not seek anything from others, only from myself.

17. 吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。(我十五岁立志学习,三十岁有所成就,四十岁不再迷惑,五十岁懂得天命,六十岁耳聪目明,七十岁随心所欲,但不违背礼仪。)

English: At fifteen, I set my heart on learning. At thirty, I stood on my own feet. At forty, I was free from confusion. At fifty, I understood the will of Heaven. At sixty, my ear was attuned to the truth. At seventy, I followed my heart's desires without transgressing the bounds of propriety.

18. 吾不为天下人所知,而不为天下人所知而不惑。(我不希望世人了解我,即使世人都不了解我,我也不迷惑。)

English: I don't want to be known by the world, and I'm not confused by the fact that the world doesn't know me.

19. 吾尝观于夫山,而人之所知者,其山之形而不知其所以然;吾尝观于夫水,而人之所知者,其水之波而不知其所以然。(我曾经观察过山,人们只知道它的形状,却不知道它形成的原因;我曾经观察过水,人们只知道它的波浪,却不知道它形成的原因。)

English: I have observed mountains, and people only know their shapes, not how they came to be. I have observed water, and people only know its waves, not how they came to be.

20. 天下皆知美之为美,斯恶已;皆知善之为善,斯不善已。(天下人都知道美,那就已经不美了;天下人都知道善,那就已经不善了。)

English: When everyone knows that beauty is beautiful, that is already ugliness. When everyone knows that goodness is good, that is already evil.

21. 吾未见好德如好色者也。(我还没见过像喜欢美色那样喜欢美德的人。)

English: I have never seen anyone who loves virtue as much as they love beauty.

22. 人之相知,贵在知心。(人与人之间相识,贵在相知心意。)

English: The value of knowing someone lies in knowing their heart.

23. 吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。(我的生命有限,但知识是无限的。)

English: My life is finite, but knowledge is infinite.

24. 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。(学习而不思考就会迷茫,思考而不学习就会危险。)

English: To learn without thinking is to labor in vain, to think without learning is perilous.

25. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?(朋友从远方来,不也令人高兴吗?别人不了解我,我却不怨恨,不也符合君子之道吗?)

English: Is it not delightful to have friends come from afar? Is it not the mark of a gentleman to be unruffled when he is not understood by others?

26. 吾何足以知天下之义,而何足以知天下之利?(我如何能知道天下的道义,又如何能知道天下的利益?)

English: How can I possibly know the righteousness of the world, and how can I possibly know the benefits of the world?

27. 吾不强人,也不强己。(我不强迫别人,也不强迫自己。)

English: I do not force others, nor do I force myself.

28. 吾不喜怒,不忧思,不惧怖,不爱憎。(我不喜悦也不愤怒,不忧愁也不思念,不恐惧也不害怕,不喜爱也不憎恶。)

English: I am free from joy and anger, worry and longing, fear and dread, love and hate.

29. 吾有言而不听,则吾无言。(我说的话别人不听,我就不说了。)

English: If my words are not listened to, I will remain silent.

30. 吾非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也。(我不是天生就知道的人,我喜爱古人,勤奋地去学习。)

English: I am not one who is born with knowledge. I love the ancients and diligently seek knowledge from them.

31. 吾不欲人之加己也,亦不欲己之加人。(我不希望别人加害于我,也不希望自己加害于人。)

English: I don't want others to harm me, and I don't want to harm others either.

32. 吾尝观于夫水,而人之所知者,其水之波而不知其所以然。(我曾经观察过水,人们只知道它的波浪,却不知道它形成的原因。)

English: I have observed water, and people only know its waves, not how they came to be.

33. 吾何足以知天下之义,而何足以知天下之利?(我如何能知道天下的道义,又如何能知道天下的利益?)

English: How can I possibly know the righteousness of the world, and how can I possibly know the benefits of the world?

34. 吾不强人,也不强己。(我不强迫别人,也不强迫自己。)

English: I do not force others, nor do I force myself.

35. 吾不喜怒,不忧思,不惧怖,不爱憎。(我不喜悦也不愤怒,不忧愁也不思念,不恐惧也不害怕,不喜爱也不憎恶。)

English: I am free from joy and anger, worry and longing, fear and dread, love and hate.

36. 吾有言而不听,则吾无言。(我说的话别人不听,我就不说了。)

English: If my words are not listened to, I will remain silent.

37. 吾非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也。(我不是天生就知道的人,我喜爱古人,勤奋地去学习。)

English: I am not one who is born with knowledge. I love the ancients and diligently seek knowledge from them.

38. 吾尝观于夫山,而人之所知者,其山之形而不知其所以然。(我曾经观察过山,人们只知道它的形状,却不知道它形成的原因。)

English: I have observed mountains, and people only know their shapes, not how they came to be.

39. 吾不欲人之加己也,亦不欲己之加人。(我不希望别人加害于我,也不希望自己加害于人。)

English: I don't want others to harm me, and I don't want to harm others either.

40. 吾何足以知天下之义,而何足以知天下之利?(我如何能知道天下的道义,又如何能知道天下的利益?)

English: How can I possibly know the righteousness of the world, and how can I possibly know the benefits of the world?

41. 吾不强人,也不强己。(我不强迫别人,也不强迫自己。)

English: I do not force others, nor do I force myself.

42. 吾不喜怒,不忧思,不惧怖,不爱憎。(我不喜悦也不愤怒,不忧愁也不思念,不恐惧也不害怕,不喜爱也不憎恶。)

English: I am free from joy and anger, worry and longing, fear and dread, love and hate.

43. 吾有言而不听,则吾无言。(我说的话别人不听,我就不说了。)

English: If my words are not listened to, I will remain silent.

44. 吾非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也。(我不是天生就知道的人,我喜爱古人,勤奋地去学习。)

English: I am not one who is born with knowledge. I love the ancients and diligently seek knowledge from them.

45. 吾尝观于夫水,而人之所知者,其水之波而不知其所以然。(我曾经观察过水,人们只知道它的波浪,却不知道它形成的原因。)

English: I have observed water, and people only know its waves, not how they came to be.

46. 吾不欲人之加己也,亦不欲己之加人。(我不希望别人加害于我,也不希望自己加害于人。)

English: I don't want others to harm me, and I don't want to harm others either.

47. 吾何足以知天下之义,而何足以知天下之利?(我如何能知道天下的道义,又如何能知道天下的利益?)

English: How can I possibly know the righteousness of the world, and how can I possibly know the benefits of the world?

48. 吾不强人,也不强己。(我不强迫别人,也不强迫自己。)

English: I do not force others, nor do I force myself.

49. 吾不喜怒,不忧思,不惧怖,不爱憎。(我不喜悦也不愤怒,不忧愁也不思念,不恐惧也不害怕,不喜爱也不憎恶。)

English: I am free from joy and anger, worry and longing, fear and dread, love and hate.

50. 吾有言而不听,则吾无言。(我说的话别人不听,我就不说了。)

English: If my words are not listened to, I will remain silent.

51. 吾非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也。(我不是天生就知道的人,我喜爱古人,勤奋地去学习。)

English: I am not one who is born with knowledge. I love the ancients and diligently seek knowledge from them.

52. 吾尝观于夫山,而人之所知者,其山之形而不知其所以然。(我曾经观察过山,人们只知道它的形状,却不知道它形成的原因。)

English: I have observed mountains, and people only know their shapes, not how they came to be.

53. 吾不欲人之加己也,亦不欲己之加人。(我不希望别人加害于我,也不希望自己加害于人。)

English: I don't want others to harm me, and I don't want to harm others either.

54. 吾何足以知天下之义,而何足以知天下之利?(我如何能知道天下的道义,又如何能知道天下的利益?)

English: How can I possibly know the righteousness of the world, and how can I possibly know the benefits of the world?

55. 吾不强人,也不强己。(我不强迫别人,也不强迫自己。)

English: I do not force others, nor do I force myself.

56. 吾不喜怒,不忧思,不惧怖,不爱憎。(我不喜悦也不愤怒,不忧愁也不思念,不恐惧也不害怕,不喜爱也不憎恶。)

English: I am free from joy and anger, worry and longing, fear and dread, love and hate.

57. 吾有言而不听,则吾无言。(我说的话别人不听,我就不说了。)

English: If my words are not listened to, I will remain silent.

58. 吾非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也。(我不是天生就知道的人,我喜爱古人,勤奋地去学习。)

English: I am not one who is born with knowledge. I love the ancients and diligently seek knowledge from them.

59. 吾尝观于夫水,而人之所知者,其水之波而不知其所以然。(我曾经观察过水,人们只知道它的波浪,却不知道它形成的原因。)

English: I have observed water, and people only know its waves, not how they came to be.

60. 吾不欲人之加己也,亦不欲己之加人。(我不希望别人加害于我,也不希望自己加害于人。)

English: I don't want others to harm me, and I don't want to harm others either.

61. 吾何足以知天下之义,而何足以知天下之利?(我如何能知道天下的道义,又如何能知道天下的利益?)

English: How can I possibly know the righteousness of the world, and how can I possibly know the benefits of the world?

62. 吾不强人,也不强己。(我不强迫别人,也不强迫自己。)

English: I do not force others, nor do I force myself.

63. 吾不喜怒,不忧思,不惧怖,不爱憎。(我不喜悦也不愤怒,不忧愁也不思念,不恐惧也不害怕,不喜爱也不憎恶。)

English: I am free from joy and anger, worry and longing, fear and dread, love and hate.

64. 吾有言而不听,则吾无言。(我说的话别人不听,我就不说了。)

English: If my words are not listened to, I will remain silent.

65. 吾非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也。(我不是天生就知道的人,我喜爱古人,勤奋地去学习。)

English: I am not one who is born with knowledge. I love the ancients and diligently seek knowledge from them.

66. 吾尝观于夫山,而人之所知者,其山之形而不知其所以然。(我曾经观察过山,人们只知道它的形状,却不知道它形成的原因。)

English: I have observed mountains, and people only know their shapes, not how they came to be.

67. 吾不欲人之加己也,亦不欲己之加人。(我不希望别人加害于我,也不希望自己加害于人。)

English: I don't want others to harm me, and I don't want to harm others either.

68. 吾何足以知天下之义,而何足以知天下之利?(我如何能知道天下的道义,又如何能知道天下的利益?)

English: How can I possibly know the righteousness of the world, and how can I possibly know the benefits of the world?

69. 吾不强人,也不强己。(我不强迫别人,也不强迫自己。)

English: I do not force others, nor do I force myself.

70. 吾不喜怒,不忧思,不惧怖,不爱憎。(我不喜悦也不愤怒,不忧愁也不思念,不恐惧也不害怕,不喜爱也不憎恶。)

English: I am free from joy and anger, worry and longing, fear and dread, love and hate.

71. 吾有言而不听,则吾无言。(我说的话别人不听,我就不说了。)

English: If my words are not listened to, I will remain silent.

72. 吾非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也。(我不是天生就知道的人,我喜爱古人,勤奋地去学习。)

English: I am not one who is born with knowledge. I love the ancients and diligently seek knowledge from them.

73. 吾尝观于夫水,而人之所知者,其水之波而不知其所以然。(我曾经观察过水,人们只知道它的波浪,却不知道它形成的原因。)

English: I have observed water, and people only know its waves, not how they came to be.

74. 吾不欲人之加己也,亦不欲己之加人。(我不希望别人加害于我,也不希望自己加害于人。)

English: I don't want others to harm me, and I don't want to harm others either.

75. 吾何足以知天下之义,而何足以知天下之利?(我如何能知道天下的道义,又如何能知道天下的利益?)

English: How can I possibly know the righteousness of the world, and how can I possibly know the benefits of the world?

以上就是关于孔子自谦的句子75句(孔子自谦的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
