
## 善良给错了人的句子 (55句)

**1. 善良给错了人,就像珍珠丢进了猪圈。**

Kindness given to the wrong person is like pearls thrown into a pigsty.

**2. 对错了的人善良,就是对自己的残忍。**

Being kind to the wrong person is being cruel to yourself.

**3. 善良可以用来温暖世界,也可以用来寒心。**

Kindness can be used to warm the world, or it can be used to chill the heart.

**4. 不是每个人都值得你的善良,学会辨别,才能保护自己。**

Not everyone deserves your kindness. Learn to discern, so you can protect yourself.

**5. 把善良留给值得的人,别浪费在不懂珍惜的人身上。**

Reserve kindness for those who deserve it. Don't waste it on those who don't appreciate it.

**6. 善良不是软弱,而是清醒地知道谁配得上你的温柔。**

Kindness is not weakness, but knowing clearly who deserves your tenderness.

**7. 你以为的善良,可能只是他眼中的理所当然。**

The kindness you think you're showing might just be taken for granted in his eyes.

**8. 你对谁都善良,只会显得你没有原则。**

Being kind to everyone only makes you seem unprincipled.

**9. 对错的人善良,只会让他得寸进尺。**

Being kind to the wrong person will only encourage them to take advantage of you.

**10. 善良不能成为你被伤害的理由,学会保护自己。**

Kindness cannot be the reason you are hurt. Learn to protect yourself.

**11. 不是所有人都能理解你的善良,别强求。**

Not everyone can understand your kindness. Don't force it.

**12. 善良是一种选择,但也要选择对的人。**

Kindness is a choice, but you must also choose the right person.

**13. 对待不懂珍惜的人,最好的善良就是保持距离。**

The best kindness for those who don't appreciate you is to keep your distance.

**14. 你可以善良,但不能愚蠢,要学会分辨是非。**

You can be kind, but don't be foolish. Learn to distinguish right from wrong.

**15. 善良需要智慧,别把善良当做软弱。**

Kindness requires wisdom. Don't treat kindness as weakness.

**16. 把善良留给值得的人,你的真心才不会被辜负。**

Reserve your kindness for those who deserve it. Your true heart will not be betrayed.

**17. 对待错的人,最好的善良就是不再给予。**

The best kindness for the wrong person is to stop giving.

**18. 不要把你的善良浪费在不懂珍惜的人身上。**

Don't waste your kindness on those who don't appreciate it.

**19. 别让你的善良成为别人伤害你的武器。**

Don't let your kindness become a weapon for others to hurt you.

**20. 善良是美德,但也要学会保护自己。**

Kindness is a virtue, but you must also learn to protect yourself.

**21. 你可以善良,但也要有底线。**

You can be kind, but you must also have a bottom line.

**22. 对待不值得的人,善良就成了负担。**

For those who don't deserve it, kindness becomes a burden.

**23. 不要因为善良,就让自己变得廉价。**

Don't let your kindness make you cheap.

**24. 对错的人善良,是种愚蠢。**

Being kind to the wrong person is a kind of foolishness.

**25. 善良要有原则,别让善良成为你的弱点。**

Kindness should have principles. Don't let kindness become your weakness.

**26. 你善良,别人不一定领情,别总是自作多情。**

You may be kind, but others may not appreciate it. Don't always assume the best.

**27. 把善良留给值得的人,你的付出才不会白费。**

Reserve your kindness for those who deserve it. Your efforts will not be wasted.

**28. 善良不等于愚蠢,要学会保护自己,才能更好地帮助别人。**

Kindness is not equal to foolishness. You must learn to protect yourself in order to better help others.

**29. 不要让你的善良被利用,要学会分辨是非。**

Don't let your kindness be exploited. Learn to distinguish right from wrong.

**30. 善良需要智慧,才能更好地发挥它的价值。**

Kindness requires wisdom to better realize its value.

**31. 善良不是软弱,而是懂得保护自己,才能更好地帮助别人。**

Kindness is not weakness, but knowing how to protect yourself so you can better help others.

**32. 对待错的人,最好的善良就是转身离开。**

The best kindness for the wrong person is to turn and leave.

**33. 不要让你的善良蒙蔽了你的双眼。**

Don't let your kindness blind you.

**34. 对待错的人,善良只会让他们更加变本加厉。**

Being kind to the wrong person will only make them worse.

**35. 你可以善良,但不能没有原则。**

You can be kind, but you can't be without principles.

**36. 不要把你的善良浪费在不懂感恩的人身上。**

Don't waste your kindness on those who don't know how to be grateful.

**37. 对错的人善良,等于火上浇油。**

Being kind to the wrong person is like pouring oil on fire.

**38. 善良不能成为你被欺骗的理由。**

Kindness cannot be the reason you are deceived.

**39. 善良是你的选择,但也要选择对的人。**

Kindness is your choice, but you must also choose the right person.

**40. 不要让你的善良成为别人伤害你的借口。**

Don't let your kindness become an excuse for others to hurt you.

**41. 善良需要智慧,才能更好地守护自己。**

Kindness requires wisdom to better protect yourself.

**42. 善良不是万能的,也要学会保护自己。**

Kindness is not omnipotent. You must also learn to protect yourself.

**43. 不要让你的善良成为你的负担。**

Don't let your kindness become your burden.

**44. 善良要懂得拒绝,才能更好地发光。**

Kindness must know how to refuse in order to better shine.

**45. 对待错的人,最好的善良就是漠不关心。**

The best kindness for the wrong person is indifference.

**46. 不要让你的善良成为别人肆意妄为的理由。**

Don't let your kindness be the reason for others to act recklessly.

**47. 善良不能成为你被利用的工具。**

Kindness cannot be your tool to be exploited.

**48. 善良要有界限,不要让你的善良泛滥成灾。**

Kindness should have boundaries. Don't let your kindness overflow and become a disaster.

**49. 不要让你的善良成为你痛苦的根源。**

Don't let your kindness be the source of your pain.

**50. 善良是宝贵的,要学会珍惜它,不要浪费在不值得的人身上。**

Kindness is precious. Learn to cherish it, don't waste it on those who don't deserve it.

**51. 善良是一种力量,但也要学会用它来保护自己。**

Kindness is a power, but you must also learn to use it to protect yourself.

**52. 不要让你的善良成为你的弱点。**

Don't let your kindness become your weakness.

**53. 善良是一种选择,但也要选择对的人。**

Kindness is a choice, but you must also choose the right person.

**54. 你可以善良,但也要有底线,否则你的善良只会成为你被伤害的理由。**

You can be kind, but you must also have a bottom line. Otherwise, your kindness will only be the reason you are hurt.

**55. 对待错的人,最好的善良就是保持沉默。**

The best kindness for the wrong person is to remain silent.

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