
## 喂鸽子的句子,84句


1. 鸽子,来吃点面包屑吧!

Come, pigeons, have some bread crumbs!

2. 这些小家伙真可爱,快来吃吧!

These little guys are so cute, come and eat!

3. 看,鸽子们都飞过来了,快来吃东西吧!

Look, the pigeons are all flying over, come and eat!

4. 好吃的面包屑,快来吃吧!

Yummy bread crumbs, come and eat!

5. 小鸽子,别怕,这是给你的!

Little pigeon, don't be afraid, this is for you!

6. 它们喜欢吃什么?

What do they like to eat?

7. 它们好像很饿呢!

They seem very hungry!

8. 这些小家伙太可爱了,我忍不住想喂它们。

These little guys are so cute, I can't help but want to feed them.

9. 它们飞来飞去,真有趣!

They fly around, it's so fun!

10. 喂它们吃点东西吧,它们需要补充能量。

Feed them something, they need to replenish their energy.


11. 这些鸽子好漂亮啊!

These pigeons are so beautiful!

12. 我好喜欢这些小家伙!

I love these little guys so much!

13. 它们真可爱,让我忍不住想摸摸它们。

They are so cute, I can't help but want to touch them.

14. 它们的眼睛真亮!

Their eyes are so bright!

15. 它们的羽毛好光滑!

Their feathers are so smooth!

16. 它们真像一个个小天使。

They are like little angels.

17. 它们飞翔的样子真美!

They look so beautiful when they fly!

18. 它们真像会飞的宝石。

They are like flying jewels.

19. 看着它们觅食,真是一种享受。

It's a pleasure to watch them forage.

20. 它们是城市里的精灵。

They are the spirits of the city.


21. 鸽子,你好!

Hello, pigeon!

22. 快来,小家伙!

Come here, little guy!

23. 乖,别怕!

Good, don't be afraid!

24. 让我摸摸你的羽毛。

Let me touch your feathers.

25. 你想吃什么?

What do you want to eat?

26. 你吃饱了吗?

Are you full?

27. 我喜欢你!

I like you!

28. 你真可爱!

You are so cute!

29. 你要飞到哪里去?

Where are you going to fly?

30. 跟我玩一下吧!

Play with me!


31. 它们在啄食面包屑。

They are pecking at bread crumbs.

32. 它们在争抢食物。

They are fighting over food.

33. 它们在互相追逐。

They are chasing each other.

34. 它们在晒太阳。

They are sunbathing.

35. 它们在梳理羽毛。

They are preening their feathers.

36. 它们在互相依偎。

They are cuddling.

37. 它们在喝水。

They are drinking water.

38. 它们在飞翔。

They are flying.

39. 它们在寻找食物。

They are looking for food.

40. 它们在观察周围的环境。

They are observing their surroundings.


41. 哇!这么多鸽子!

Wow! So many pigeons!

42. 它们简直是无处不在!

They are literally everywhere!

43. 这里简直是鸽子的天堂!

This is a pigeon paradise!

44. 这么多鸽子,它们都吃什么?

With so many pigeons, what do they all eat?

45. 这真是壮观的景象!

This is a spectacular sight!

46. 它们的数量真是令人惊叹!

Their number is truly amazing!

47. 它们看起来像一个巨大的鸟群。

They look like a huge flock of birds.

48. 这里真是鸽子的王国!

This is the kingdom of pigeons!

49. 这么多鸽子,真是不可思议!

So many pigeons, it's incredible!

50. 我从来没见过这么多鸽子!

I've never seen so many pigeons!


51. 这些鸽子真吵啊!

These pigeons are so noisy!

52. 它们会弄脏地面。

They will dirty the ground.

53. 它们会传播疾病。

They can spread diseases.

54. 它们会破坏建筑物。

They can damage buildings.

55. 它们会给人们带来困扰。

They can be a nuisance to people.

56. 它们的存在让这个地方看起来很脏。

Their presence makes the place look dirty.

57. 它们会影响周围的环境。

They can affect the environment around them.

58. 它们会让有些人感到害怕。

They can make some people scared.

59. 它们会影响人们的生活。

They can affect people's lives.

60. 它们的存在是一个问题。

Their existence is a problem.


61. 这些鸽子真聪明!

These pigeons are so smart!

62. 它们懂得如何从人类那里获得食物。

They know how to get food from humans.

63. 它们真是狡猾的小家伙。

They are cunning little guys.

64. 它们真的很会适应环境。

They are really good at adapting to the environment.

65. 它们真像是城市里的“居民”。

They are like the"residents" of the city.

66. 它们的存在也体现了城市里的生态平衡。

Their existence also reflects the ecological balance in the city.

67. 它们也需要我们的关爱。

They also need our care.

68. 我们应该尊重这些生命。

We should respect these lives.

69. 它们的存在也是城市的一部分。

Their existence is also part of the city.

70. 它们是城市里的一个不可或缺的一部分。

They are an indispensable part of the city.


71. 我喜欢喂鸽子。

I like feeding pigeons.

72. 看着它们吃东西,让我感到很开心。

Watching them eat makes me happy.

73. 喂鸽子是一件很有趣的事情。

Feeding pigeons is a fun thing to do.

74. 喂鸽子让我感到很放松。

Feeding pigeons makes me feel relaxed.

75. 喂鸽子是我的一种爱好。

Feeding pigeons is one of my hobbies.

76. 我不会喂鸽子,因为它们会传播疾病。

I won't feed pigeons because they can spread diseases.

77. 我认为不应该喂鸽子,因为它们会造成环境污染。

I think people shouldn't feed pigeons because they can cause environmental pollution.

78. 我认为应该控制鸽子的数量,避免它们过度繁殖。

I think we should control the number of pigeons, to avoid them overbreeding.

79. 我觉得喂鸽子是一件很普通的事情,没什么大不了的。

I think feeding pigeons is a very common thing, nothing serious.

80. 我对喂鸽子没有特别的意见。

I have no special opinion about feeding pigeons.


81. 这些鸽子真会找吃的!

These pigeons are really good at finding food!

82. 它们好像一点也不怕人。

They don't seem to be afraid of people at all.

83. 它们真是城市里最常见的鸟类。

They are really the most common birds in the city.

84. 它们是城市里的一个标志。

They are a symbol of the city.

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