
## 74个类似“和以梦为马”的句子,并附英文翻译:

1. **心之所向,素履以往。** / Where the heart yearns, the footsteps follow.

Where the heart yearns, the footsteps follow.

2. **乘风破浪,直挂云帆济沧海。** / Riding the wind and waves, sailing straight to the boundless sea.

Riding the wind and waves, sailing straight to the boundless sea.

3. **穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。** / Though impoverished, yet even more determined, never giving up the ambition of reaching for the clouds.

Though impoverished, yet even more determined, never giving up the ambition of reaching for the clouds.

4. **海阔天空,任我遨游。** / Vast and boundless skies, let me roam freely.

Vast and boundless skies, let me roam freely.

5. **志存高远,脚踏实地。** / Aim high, but keep your feet firmly on the ground.

Aim high, but keep your feet firmly on the ground.

6. **心怀梦想,永不放弃。** / Hold onto your dreams, never give up.

Hold onto your dreams, never give up.

7. **披荆斩棘,开拓未来。** / Clearing the thorns and brambles, forging a new path for the future.

Clearing the thorns and brambles, forging a new path for the future.

8. **追逐梦想,永不言败。** / Chasing dreams, never giving up.

Chasing dreams, never giving up.

9. **不负韶华,活出精彩。** / Don't waste your youth, live a brilliant life.

Don't waste your youth, live a brilliant life.

10. **生命不息,奋斗不止。** / As long as there is life, there is struggle.

As long as there is life, there is struggle.

11. **无畏风雨,勇敢前行。** / Fearless of wind and rain, march bravely forward.

Fearless of wind and rain, march bravely forward.

12. **不畏艰险,勇攀高峰。** / Fearless of danger, climb bravely to the summit.

Fearless of danger, climb bravely to the summit.

13. **百折不挠,勇往直前。** / Unwavering, marching forward bravely.

Unwavering, marching forward bravely.

14. **逆流而上,不负韶华。** / Swim against the current, don't waste your youth.

Swim against the current, don't waste your youth.

15. **路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。** / The road ahead is long and arduous, I will search for it from top to bottom.

The road ahead is long and arduous, I will search for it from top to bottom.

16. **心怀希望,永不绝望。** / Hold onto hope, never despair.

Hold onto hope, never despair.

17. **不屈不挠,永不放弃。** / Unyielding, never giving up.

Unyielding, never giving up.

18. **迎难而上,不畏挑战。** / Face difficulties head-on, fear no challenge.

Face difficulties head-on, fear no challenge.

19. **破茧成蝶,展翅高飞。** / Break free from the cocoon, spread your wings and soar.

Break free from the cocoon, spread your wings and soar.

20. **志存高远,脚踏实地。** / Aim high, but keep your feet firmly on the ground.

Aim high, but keep your feet firmly on the ground.

21. **人生如逆旅,我亦是行人。** / Life is a journey against the current, I am also a traveler.

Life is a journey against the current, I am also a traveler.

22. **不负韶华,青春无悔。** / Don't waste your youth, no regrets in your prime.

Don't waste your youth, no regrets in your prime.

23. **心存梦想,勇敢追寻。** / With dreams in your heart, pursue them bravely.

With dreams in your heart, pursue them bravely.

24. **不负韶华,活出精彩。** / Don't waste your youth, live a brilliant life.

Don't waste your youth, live a brilliant life.

25. **一路向阳,迎风前行。** / Facing the sun, marching forward against the wind.

Facing the sun, marching forward against the wind.

26. **风雨兼程,不负初心。** / Through wind and rain, remaining true to your original intention.

Through wind and rain, remaining true to your original intention.

27. **乘风破浪,勇往直前。** / Riding the wind and waves, bravely marching forward.

Riding the wind and waves, bravely marching forward.

28. **不畏艰难,勇攀高峰。** / Fearless of difficulties, bravely climbing to the summit.

Fearless of difficulties, bravely climbing to the summit.

29. **生命不息,奋斗不止。** / As long as there is life, there is struggle.

As long as there is life, there is struggle.

30. **无悔青春,不负韶华。** / No regrets in youth, don't waste your prime.

No regrets in youth, don't waste your prime.

31. **不负梦想,活出精彩。** / Don't betray your dreams, live a brilliant life.

Don't betray your dreams, live a brilliant life.

32. **披荆斩棘,开拓未来。** / Clearing the thorns and brambles, forging a new path for the future.

Clearing the thorns and brambles, forging a new path for the future.

33. **勇攀高峰,不畏艰险。** / Bravely climbing to the summit, fearless of danger.

Bravely climbing to the summit, fearless of danger.

34. **心怀希望,永不绝望。** / Hold onto hope, never despair.

Hold onto hope, never despair.

35. **不屈不挠,永不放弃。** / Unyielding, never giving up.

Unyielding, never giving up.

36. **迎难而上,不畏挑战。** / Face difficulties head-on, fear no challenge.

Face difficulties head-on, fear no challenge.

37. **追逐梦想,永不言败。** / Chasing dreams, never giving up.

Chasing dreams, never giving up.

38. **破茧成蝶,展翅高飞。** / Break free from the cocoon, spread your wings and soar.

Break free from the cocoon, spread your wings and soar.

39. **不负韶华,青春无悔。** / Don't waste your youth, no regrets in your prime.

Don't waste your youth, no regrets in your prime.

40. **心存梦想,勇敢追寻。** / With dreams in your heart, pursue them bravely.

With dreams in your heart, pursue them bravely.

41. **路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。** / The road ahead is long and arduous, I will search for it from top to bottom.

The road ahead is long and arduous, I will search for it from top to bottom.

42. **不负梦想,活出精彩。** / Don't betray your dreams, live a brilliant life.

Don't betray your dreams, live a brilliant life.

43. **不畏风雨,勇敢前行。** / Fearless of wind and rain, march bravely forward.

Fearless of wind and rain, march bravely forward.

44. **逆流而上,不负韶华。** / Swim against the current, don't waste your youth.

Swim against the current, don't waste your youth.

45. **心之所向,素履以往。** / Where the heart yearns, the footsteps follow.

Where the heart yearns, the footsteps follow.

46. **乘风破浪,直挂云帆济沧海。** / Riding the wind and waves, sailing straight to the boundless sea.

Riding the wind and waves, sailing straight to the boundless sea.

47. **穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。** / Though impoverished, yet even more determined, never giving up the ambition of reaching for the clouds.

Though impoverished, yet even more determined, never giving up the ambition of reaching for the clouds.

48. **海阔天空,任我遨游。** / Vast and boundless skies, let me roam freely.

Vast and boundless skies, let me roam freely.

49. **志存高远,脚踏实地。** / Aim high, but keep your feet firmly on the ground.

Aim high, but keep your feet firmly on the ground.

50. **心怀梦想,永不放弃。** / Hold onto your dreams, never give up.

Hold onto your dreams, never give up.

51. **披荆斩棘,开拓未来。** / Clearing the thorns and brambles, forging a new path for the future.

Clearing the thorns and brambles, forging a new path for the future.

52. **追逐梦想,永不言败。** / Chasing dreams, never giving up.

Chasing dreams, never giving up.

53. **不负韶华,活出精彩。** / Don't waste your youth, live a brilliant life.

Don't waste your youth, live a brilliant life.

54. **生命不息,奋斗不止。** / As long as there is life, there is struggle.

As long as there is life, there is struggle.

55. **无畏风雨,勇敢前行。** / Fearless of wind and rain, march bravely forward.

Fearless of wind and rain, march bravely forward.

56. **不畏艰险,勇攀高峰。** / Fearless of danger, climb bravely to the summit.

Fearless of danger, climb bravely to the summit.

57. **百折不挠,勇往直前。** / Unwavering, marching forward bravely.

Unwavering, marching forward bravely.

58. **逆流而上,不负韶华。** / Swim against the current, don't waste your youth.

Swim against the current, don't waste your youth.

59. **路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。** / The road ahead is long and arduous, I will search for it from top to bottom.

The road ahead is long and arduous, I will search for it from top to bottom.

60. **心怀希望,永不绝望。** / Hold onto hope, never despair.

Hold onto hope, never despair.

61. **不屈不挠,永不放弃。** / Unyielding, never giving up.

Unyielding, never giving up.

62. **迎难而上,不畏挑战。** / Face difficulties head-on, fear no challenge.

Face difficulties head-on, fear no challenge.

63. **破茧成蝶,展翅高飞。** / Break free from the cocoon, spread your wings and soar.

Break free from the cocoon, spread your wings and soar.

64. **志存高远,脚踏实地。** / Aim high, but keep your feet firmly on the ground.

Aim high, but keep your feet firmly on the ground.

65. **人生如逆旅,我亦是行人。** / Life is a journey against the current, I am also a traveler.

Life is a journey against the current, I am also a traveler.

66. **不负韶华,青春无悔。** / Don't waste your youth, no regrets in your prime.

Don't waste your youth, no regrets in your prime.

67. **心存梦想,勇敢追寻。** / With dreams in your heart, pursue them bravely.

With dreams in your heart, pursue them bravely.

68. **不负韶华,活出精彩。** / Don't waste your youth, live a brilliant life.

Don't waste your youth, live a brilliant life.

69. **一路向阳,迎风前行。** / Facing the sun, marching forward against the wind.

Facing the sun, marching forward against the wind.

70. **风雨兼程,不负初心。** / Through wind and rain, remaining true to your original intention.

Through wind and rain, remaining true to your original intention.

71. **乘风破浪,勇往直前。** / Riding the wind and waves, bravely marching forward.

Riding the wind and waves, bravely marching forward.

72. **不畏艰难,勇攀高峰。** / Fearless of difficulties, bravely climbing to the summit.

Fearless of difficulties, bravely climbing to the summit.

73. **生命不息,奋斗不止。** / As long as there is life, there is struggle.

As long as there is life, there is struggle.

74. **无悔青春,不负韶华。** / No regrets in youth, don't waste your prime.

No regrets in youth, don't waste your prime.

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