
## 善有善报的名言句子,56句

1. 善有善报,恶有恶报;不是不报,时候未到。 - Chinese proverb

2. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 - Chinese proverb

3. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 - Chinese proverb

4. 善人自有善报,恶人自有恶报。 - Chinese proverb

5. 多行不义必自毙。 - Chinese proverb

6. 因果循环,报应不爽。 - Chinese proverb

7. 积善之家,必有余庆;积不善之家,必有余殃。 - Chinese proverb

8. 善恶到头终有报,只争来早与来迟。 - Chinese proverb

9. 善心如春风,恶念如寒冰。 - Chinese proverb

10. 心存善念,则所行皆善;心存恶念,则所行皆恶。 - Chinese proverb

11. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。 - Chinese proverb

12. 行善积德,福报无穷。 - Chinese proverb

13. 为善者,天必佑之。 - Chinese proverb

14. 善不积不足以成名,恶不积不足以灭身。 - Chinese proverb

15. 善者不夸,恶者不悔。 - Chinese proverb

16. 善人贵其所知,恶人贵其所不知。 - Chinese proverb

17. 善言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒。 - Chinese proverb

18. 善恶分明,天地不容。 - Chinese proverb

19. 善人无过,恶人无功。 - Chinese proverb

20. 善人乐善,恶人乐恶。 - Chinese proverb

21. 善恶报应,如影随形。 - Chinese proverb

22. 善恶之报,不在来世,而在今生。 - Chinese proverb

23. 人之初,性本善;性相近,习相远。 - Chinese proverb

24. 己所不欲,勿施于人。 - Chinese proverb

25. 助人为乐,乐在其中。 - Chinese proverb

26. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。 - Chinese proverb

27. 善念如春雨,滋润万物。 - Chinese proverb

28. 恶念如毒蛇,吞噬人心。 - Chinese proverb

29. 善行如光明,照亮世界。 - Chinese proverb

30. 恶行如黑暗,吞噬希望。 - Chinese proverb

31. 善心如甘露,滋养生命。 - Chinese proverb

32. 恶心如毒药,毁灭人生。 - Chinese proverb

33. 善言如暖阳,温暖人心。 - Chinese proverb

34. 恶语如利刃,伤人至深。 - Chinese proverb

35. 善举如清泉,滋润心田。 - Chinese proverb

36. 恶行如污泥,污染心灵。 - Chinese proverb

37. 善行如花香,芬芳世界。 - Chinese proverb

38. 恶行如臭气,令人厌恶。 - Chinese proverb

39. 善行如美酒,令人陶醉。 - Chinese proverb

40. 恶行如毒酒,令人中毒。 - Chinese proverb

41. 善行如良药,治疗疾病。 - Chinese proverb

42. 恶行如毒药,致命伤人。 - Chinese proverb

43. 善行如春风,拂面而来。 - Chinese proverb

44. 恶行如寒风,刺骨而来。 - Chinese proverb

45. 善行如阳光,照亮人生。 - Chinese proverb

46. 恶行如阴影,笼罩人生。 - Chinese proverb

47. 善行如星光,指引方向。 - Chinese proverb

48. 恶行如迷雾,令人迷失。 - Chinese proverb

49. 善行如甘泉,滋润心灵。 - Chinese proverb

50. 恶行如毒素,腐蚀心灵。 - Chinese proverb

51. 善行如美玉,价值连城。 - Chinese proverb

52. 恶行如瓦砾,一文不值。 - Chinese proverb

53. 善行如鲜花,美丽动人。 - Chinese proverb

54. 恶行如毒草,令人作呕。 - Chinese proverb

55. 善行如明月,照耀四方。 - Chinese proverb

56. 恶行如黑暗,吞噬光明。 - Chinese proverb

## English translations:

1. Good deeds will be rewarded, and evil deeds will be punished; if it doesn't happen now, it's not because it won't happen, but because the time hasn't come yet. - Chinese proverb

2. You reap what you sow. - Chinese proverb

3. Heaven's net is vast, though its meshes are wide, it lets nothing escape. - Chinese proverb

4. Good people will be rewarded for their goodness, and evil people will be punished for their evil. - Chinese proverb

5. He who commits many injustices will surely be destroyed. - Chinese proverb

6. Karma comes around, retribution never fails. - Chinese proverb

7. A family that accumulates goodness will surely be blessed, while a family that accumulates evil will surely be cursed. - Chinese proverb

8. Good and evil will eventually be rewarded, it's only a matter of time. - Chinese proverb

9. Kindness is like a spring breeze, while evil thoughts are like ice. - Chinese proverb

10. If your heart is filled with good intentions, then your actions will be good; if your heart is filled with evil intentions, then your actions will be evil. - Chinese proverb

11. Do not think that good deeds are too small to be done, and do not think that evil deeds are too small to be done. - Chinese proverb

12. Doing good and accumulating virtue will bring endless blessings. - Chinese proverb

13. Those who do good will be protected by Heaven. - Chinese proverb

14. Goodness cannot be achieved without accumulation, and evil cannot be destroyed without accumulation. - Chinese proverb

15. The good do not boast, the evil do not repent. - Chinese proverb

16. Good people value what they know, evil people value what they don't know. - Chinese proverb

17. A kind word warms you in winter, while harsh words can hurt you in summer. - Chinese proverb

18. Good and evil are distinct, Heaven and Earth cannot tolerate them. - Chinese proverb

19. The good have no faults, the evil have no merits. - Chinese proverb

20. Good people enjoy doing good, evil people enjoy doing evil. - Chinese proverb

21. The retribution for good and evil follows you like a shadow. - Chinese proverb

22. The retribution for good and evil is not in the afterlife, but in this life. - Chinese proverb

23. At birth, human nature is inherently good; our natures are similar, but our habits make us different. - Chinese proverb

24. Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you. - Chinese proverb

25. Helping others brings joy, joy is found in it. - Chinese proverb

26. Do not think that good deeds are too small to be done, and do not think that evil deeds are too small to be done. - Chinese proverb

27. Kind thoughts are like spring rain, nourishing all things. - Chinese proverb

28. Evil thoughts are like poisonous snakes, devouring people's hearts. - Chinese proverb

29. Good actions are like light, illuminating the world. - Chinese proverb

30. Evil actions are like darkness, consuming hope. - Chinese proverb

31. Kindness is like nectar, nourishing life. - Chinese proverb

32. Evil is like poison, destroying life. - Chinese proverb

33. Kind words are like the warm sun, warming people's hearts. - Chinese proverb

34. Harsh words are like sharp blades, deeply hurting people. - Chinese proverb

35. Good deeds are like clear springs, nourishing people's hearts. - Chinese proverb

36. Evil actions are like mud, polluting the soul. - Chinese proverb

37. Good actions are like flowers, fragrant the world. - Chinese proverb

38. Evil actions are like stench, making people disgusted. - Chinese proverb

39. Good actions are like fine wine, making people intoxicated. - Chinese proverb

40. Evil actions are like poison, making people poisoned. - Chinese proverb

41. Good actions are like good medicine, curing diseases. - Chinese proverb

42. Evil actions are like poison, fatally harming people. - Chinese proverb

43. Good actions are like spring breeze, blowing gently. - Chinese proverb

44. Evil actions are like cold winds, piercing to the bone. - Chinese proverb

45. Good actions are like sunshine, illuminating life. - Chinese proverb

46. Evil actions are like shadows, casting a shadow over life. - Chinese proverb

47. Good actions are like stars, guiding the way. - Chinese proverb

48. Evil actions are like fog, making people lose their way. - Chinese proverb

49. Good actions are like sweet springs, nourishing the soul. - Chinese proverb

50. Evil actions are like toxins, corroding the soul. - Chinese proverb

51. Good actions are like jade, priceless. - Chinese proverb

52. Evil actions are like rubble, worthless. - Chinese proverb

53. Good actions are like flowers, beautiful and moving. - Chinese proverb

54. Evil actions are like poisonous weeds, making people sick. - Chinese proverb

55. Good actions are like the moon, shining on all sides. - Chinese proverb

56. Evil actions are like darkness, devouring the light. - Chinese proverb

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