
## 命运掌握自己手中 93句

1. 命运掌握在自己手中,未来由自己创造。

2. 不论命运如何,我们都拥有改变它的力量。

3. 命运的航船,掌舵者是自己。

4. 命运不是偶然,而是选择。

5. 命运并非注定,而是不断雕琢的雕塑。

6. 人生的剧本,由我们自己执笔。

7. 我们都是自己命运的建筑师。

8. 不要把命运交给别人,要自己掌握主动权。

9. 命运的河流,我们都是自己的摆渡人。

10. 人生的道路,由我们自己选择方向。

11. 命运的舞台,我们都是主角。

12. 不要抱怨命运的不公,要努力创造属于自己的幸福。

13. 命运掌握在自己手中,成功就在不远处。

14. 每个人都有改变命运的机会,只要敢于尝试。

15. 不要被命运束缚,要勇敢地去追逐梦想。

16. 命运的转折点,往往出现在我们最需要勇气的时候。

17. 命运就像一面镜子,反映出我们的选择和努力。

18. 不要让命运左右我们,要让我们的行动左右命运。

19. 命运是不可预测的,但我们可以掌控自己的未来。

20. 人生的意义在于不断突破命运的枷锁,创造属于自己的精彩。

21. 命运掌握在自己手中,行动才是最好的证明。

22. 不要害怕失败,失败是通往成功的阶梯。

23. 命运的齿轮在转动,我们握紧方向盘,驶向成功的彼岸。

24. 每个人都有自己的命运轨迹,但我们可以通过努力改变它。

25. 命运不是一个预设的程序,而是一段需要我们不断书写的旅程。

26. 不要把命运寄托于他人,要靠自己的努力去创造奇迹。

27. 命运的道路充满荆棘,但只要我们坚持不懈,就能到达成功的彼岸。

28. 命运是公平的,它会给每一个努力的人以回报。

29. 不要为过去的失败而懊恼,要从失败中吸取教训,继续前行。

30. 命运的河流奔腾不息,我们都是河流中的弄潮儿。

31. 命运掌握在自己手中,人生的剧本由我们自己执笔。

32. 不要让命运左右你的心情,要保持积极乐观的心态。

33. 命运是一条漫长的道路,我们都要勇敢地走下去。

34. 人生的意义在于不断超越自我,战胜命运的挑战。

35. 命运的转折点,往往出现在我们最需要勇气的时候。

36. 命运掌握在自己手中,行动才是最好的证明。

37. 人生的道路充满了未知,但我们拥有改变命运的力量。

38. 不要把命运交给别人,要自己掌控自己的方向。

39. 命运的齿轮在转动,我们握紧方向盘,驶向成功的彼岸。

40. 每个人都有自己的命运轨迹,但我们可以通过努力改变它。

41. 命运不是一个预设的程序,而是一段需要我们不断书写的旅程。

42. 不要把命运寄托于他人,要靠自己的努力去创造奇迹。

43. 命运的道路充满了荆棘,但只要我们坚持不懈,就能到达成功的彼岸。

44. 命运是公平的,它会给每一个努力的人以回报。

45. 不要为过去的失败而懊恼,要从失败中吸取教训,继续前行。

46. 命运的河流奔腾不息,我们都是河流中的弄潮儿。

47. 命运掌握在自己手中,人生的剧本由我们自己执笔。

48. 不要让命运左右你的心情,要保持积极乐观的心态。

49. 命运是一条漫长的道路,我们都要勇敢地走下去。

50. 人生的意义在于不断超越自我,战胜命运的挑战。

51. 命运的转折点,往往出现在我们最需要勇气的时候。

52. 命运掌握在自己手中,行动才是最好的证明。

53. 人生的道路充满了未知,但我们拥有改变命运的力量。

54. 不要把命运交给别人,要自己掌控自己的方向。

55. 命运的齿轮在转动,我们握紧方向盘,驶向成功的彼岸。

56. 每个人都有自己的命运轨迹,但我们可以通过努力改变它。

57. 命运不是一个预设的程序,而是一段需要我们不断书写的旅程。

58. 不要把命运寄托于他人,要靠自己的努力去创造奇迹。

59. 命运的道路充满了荆棘,但只要我们坚持不懈,就能到达成功的彼岸。

60. 命运是公平的,它会给每一个努力的人以回报。

61. 不要为过去的失败而懊恼,要从失败中吸取教训,继续前行。

62. 命运的河流奔腾不息,我们都是河流中的弄潮儿。

63. 命运掌握在自己手中,人生的剧本由我们自己执笔。

64. 不要让命运左右你的心情,要保持积极乐观的心态。

65. 命运是一条漫长的道路,我们都要勇敢地走下去。

66. 人生的意义在于不断超越自我,战胜命运的挑战。

67. 命运的转折点,往往出现在我们最需要勇气的时候。

68. 命运掌握在自己手中,行动才是最好的证明。

69. 人生的道路充满了未知,但我们拥有改变命运的力量。

70. 不要把命运交给别人,要自己掌控自己的方向。

71. 命运的齿轮在转动,我们握紧方向盘,驶向成功的彼岸。

72. 每个人都有自己的命运轨迹,但我们可以通过努力改变它。

73. 命运不是一个预设的程序,而是一段需要我们不断书写的旅程。

74. 不要把命运寄托于他人,要靠自己的努力去创造奇迹。

75. 命运的道路充满了荆棘,但只要我们坚持不懈,就能到达成功的彼岸。

76. 命运是公平的,它会给每一个努力的人以回报。

77. 不要为过去的失败而懊恼,要从失败中吸取教训,继续前行。

78. 命运的河流奔腾不息,我们都是河流中的弄潮儿。

79. 命运掌握在自己手中,人生的剧本由我们自己执笔。

80. 不要让命运左右你的心情,要保持积极乐观的心态。

81. 命运是一条漫长的道路,我们都要勇敢地走下去。

82. 人生的意义在于不断超越自我,战胜命运的挑战。

83. 命运的转折点,往往出现在我们最需要勇气的时候。

84. 命运掌握在自己手中,行动才是最好的证明。

85. 人生的道路充满了未知,但我们拥有改变命运的力量。

86. 不要把命运交给别人,要自己掌控自己的方向。

87. 命运的齿轮在转动,我们握紧方向盘,驶向成功的彼岸。

88. 每个人都有自己的命运轨迹,但我们可以通过努力改变它。

89. 命运不是一个预设的程序,而是一段需要我们不断书写的旅程。

90. 不要把命运寄托于他人,要靠自己的努力去创造奇迹。

91. 命运的道路充满了荆棘,但只要我们坚持不懈,就能到达成功的彼岸。

92. 命运是公平的,它会给每一个努力的人以回报。

93. 不要为过去的失败而懊恼,要从失败中吸取教训,继续前行。

## 英文翻译

1. Fate is in your own hands, and the future is created by you.

2. No matter what fate brings, we have the power to change it.

3. The ship of fate, the helmsman is yourself.

4. Fate is not accidental, but a choice.

5. Fate is not predestined, but a sculpture that is constantly being sculpted.

6. The script of life is written by us.

7. We are all architects of our own destiny.

8. Don't leave your fate to others, take the initiative yourself.

9. The river of fate, we are all our own ferrymen.

10. The path of life, we choose our own direction.

11. The stage of fate, we are all the protagonists.

12. Don't complain about the injustice of fate, work hard to create your own happiness.

13. Fate is in your own hands, success is not far away.

14. Everyone has the opportunity to change their fate, as long as they are willing to try.

15. Don't be bound by fate, be brave to pursue your dreams.

16. The turning point of fate often appears when we need courage the most.

17. Fate is like a mirror, reflecting our choices and efforts.

18. Don't let fate control us, let our actions control fate.

19. Fate is unpredictable, but we can control our future.

20. The meaning of life lies in constantly breaking the shackles of fate and creating our own brilliance.

21. Fate is in your own hands, action is the best proof.

22. Don't be afraid of failure, failure is a stepping stone to success.

23. The gears of fate are turning, we grip the steering wheel and sail towards the shore of success.

24. Everyone has their own destiny, but we can change it through effort.

25. Fate is not a preset program, but a journey that we need to keep writing.

26. Don't rely on others for fate, rely on your own efforts to create miracles.

27. The path of fate is full of thorns, but as long as we persevere, we will reach the shore of success.

28. Fate is fair, it will reward everyone who works hard.

29. Don't be upset about past failures, learn from your mistakes and move on.

30. The river of fate flows ceaselessly, we are all the tide-riders in the river.

31. Fate is in your own hands, the script of life is written by us.

32. Don't let fate control your mood, maintain a positive and optimistic attitude.

33. Fate is a long road, we must all walk bravely.

34. The meaning of life lies in constantly surpassing ourselves and overcoming the challenges of fate.

35. The turning point of fate often appears when we need courage the most.

36. Fate is in your own hands, action is the best proof.

37. The path of life is full of unknowns, but we have the power to change fate.

38. Don't leave your fate to others, take control of your own direction.

39. The gears of fate are turning, we grip the steering wheel and sail towards the shore of success.

40. Everyone has their own destiny, but we can change it through effort.

41. Fate is not a preset program, but a journey that we need to keep writing.

42. Don't rely on others for fate, rely on your own efforts to create miracles.

43. The path of fate is full of thorns, but as long as we persevere, we will reach the shore of success.

44. Fate is fair, it will reward everyone who works hard.

45. Don't be upset about past failures, learn from your mistakes and move on.

46. The river of fate flows ceaselessly, we are all the tide-riders in the river.

47. Fate is in your own hands, the script of life is written by us.

48. Don't let fate control your mood, maintain a positive and optimistic attitude.

49. Fate is a long road, we must all walk bravely.

50. The meaning of life lies in constantly surpassing ourselves and overcoming the challenges of fate.

51. The turning point of fate often appears when we need courage the most.

52. Fate is in your own hands, action is the best proof.

53. The path of life is full of unknowns, but we have the power to change fate.

54. Don't leave your fate to others, take control of your own direction.

55. The gears of fate are turning, we grip the steering wheel and sail towards the shore of success.

56. Everyone has their own destiny, but we can change it through effort.

57. Fate is not a preset program, but a journey that we need to keep writing.

58. Don't rely on others for fate, rely on your own efforts to create miracles.

59. The path of fate is full of thorns, but as long as we persevere, we will reach the shore of success.

60. Fate is fair, it will reward everyone who works hard.

61. Don't be upset about past failures, learn from your mistakes and move on.

62. The river of fate flows ceaselessly, we are all the tide-riders in the river.

63. Fate is in your own hands, the script of life is written by us.

64. Don't let fate control your mood, maintain a positive and optimistic attitude.

65. Fate is a long road, we must all walk bravely.

66. The meaning of life lies in constantly surpassing ourselves and overcoming the challenges of fate.

67. The turning point of fate often appears when we need courage the most.

68. Fate is in your own hands, action is the best proof.

69. The path of life is full of unknowns, but we have the power to change fate.

70. Don't leave your fate to others, take control of your own direction.

71. The gears of fate are turning, we grip the steering wheel and sail towards the shore of success.

72. Everyone has their own destiny, but we can change it through effort.

73. Fate is not a preset program, but a journey that we need to keep writing.

74. Don't rely on others for fate, rely on your own efforts to create miracles.

75. The path of fate is full of thorns, but as long as we persevere, we will reach the shore of success.

76. Fate is fair, it will reward everyone who works hard.

77. Don't be upset about past failures, learn from your mistakes and move on.

78. The river of fate flows ceaselessly, we are all the tide-riders in the river.

79. Fate is in your own hands, the script of life is written by us.

80. Don't let fate control your mood, maintain a positive and optimistic attitude.

81. Fate is a long road, we must all walk bravely.

82. The meaning of life lies in constantly surpassing ourselves and overcoming the challenges of fate.

83. The turning point of fate often appears when we need courage the most.

84. Fate is in your own hands, action is the best proof.

85. The path of life is full of unknowns, but we have the power to change fate.

86. Don't leave your fate to others, take control of your own direction.

87. The gears of fate are turning, we grip the steering wheel and sail towards the shore of success.

88. Everyone has their own destiny, but we can change it through effort.

89. Fate is not a preset program, but a journey that we need to keep writing.

90. Don't rely on others for fate, rely on your own efforts to create miracles.

91. The path of fate is full of thorns, but as long as we persevere, we will reach the shore of success.

92. Fate is fair, it will reward everyone who works hard.

93. Don't be upset about past failures, learn from your mistakes and move on.

以上就是关于命运掌握自己手中句子93句(命运掌握自己手中句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
