
## 命已休矣句子 (86句)

**1. 命已休矣,再无生机。**

Life is gone, no more life.

**2. 命悬一线,只待最后一刻。**

Life hangs by a thread, waiting for the final moment.

**3. 燃尽生命之火,化作灰烬。**

The flame of life burns out, leaving only ashes.

**4. 尘归尘,土归土,一切归于虚无。**

Dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth, all returns to nothingness.

**5. 天命难违,命运注定。**

Fate cannot be defied, destiny is predetermined.

**6. 生死有命,富贵在天。**

Life and death are fated, wealth and honor are from heaven.

**7. 无常无定,生命如白驹过隙。**

Life is fleeting and uncertain, like a white horse flashing past.

**8. 逝者已矣,生者尚存。**

The departed are gone, the living remain.

**9. 生命如花,盛开凋谢。**

Life is like a flower, it blooms and withers.

**10. 缘起缘灭,一切皆是空。**

All things are empty, arising and ceasing from causes and conditions.

**11. 悲欢离合,人生如梦。**

Life is like a dream, full of joys and sorrows, separations and reunions.

**12. 命运之轮,不停转动。**

The wheel of fate keeps turning.

**13. 枯木逢春,却已无力回天。**

The withered tree meets spring, but it's too late to revive.

**14. 逝去的光阴,无法挽回。**

The passing time cannot be retrieved.

**15. 生命的尽头,就是死亡的开始。**

The end of life is the beginning of death.

**16. 繁华落尽,空留残骸。**

After the glamour fades, only ruins remain.

**17. 命运的安排,无法改变。**

Fate's arrangement cannot be changed.

**18. 生命的旅程,终将结束。**

Life's journey will eventually end.

**19. 无情的岁月,带走了所有。**

Merciless time has taken everything away.

**20. 逝去的一切,化作记忆。**

Everything that has passed becomes a memory.

**21. 生命的意义,在于活得精彩。**

The meaning of life is to live it fully.

**22. 死亡不是结束,而是生命的另一种开始。**

Death is not an end, but another beginning of life.

**23. 珍惜眼前,勿待失去方悔。**

Cherish what you have, don't regret it until it's gone.

**24. 生命的价值,在于贡献。**

The value of life lies in contribution.

**25. 死亡是必然,但生命是珍贵。**

Death is inevitable, but life is precious.

**26. 生命的旅程,充满坎坷。**

Life's journey is full of ups and downs.

**27. 命运的安排,往往出人意料。**

Fate's arrangement often surprises us.

**28. 生命的意义,在于追求。**

The meaning of life lies in pursuit.

**29. 生命的价值,在于创造。**

The value of life lies in creation.

**30. 死亡只是生命的另一种形式。**

Death is just another form of life.

**31. 生命的长度,在于质量。**

The length of life lies in its quality.

**32. 死亡的意义,在于重生。**

The meaning of death lies in rebirth.

**33. 生命的旅程,充满了挑战。**

Life's journey is full of challenges.

**34. 死亡只是生命的暂停。**

Death is only a pause in life.

**35. 生命的价值,在于爱。**

The value of life lies in love.

**36. 死亡只是生命的另一种旅程。**

Death is just another journey of life.

**37. 生命的意义,在于奉献。**

The meaning of life lies in dedication.

**38. 死亡只是生命的终结,而非生命的结束。**

Death is only the end of life, not the end of life itself.

**39. 生命的价值,在于勇敢。**

The value of life lies in courage.

**40. 死亡只是生命的自然现象。**

Death is just a natural phenomenon of life.

**41. 生命的意义,在于经历。**

The meaning of life lies in experience.

**42. 死亡只是生命的转化。**

Death is only a transformation of life.

**43. 生命的价值,在于坚持。**

The value of life lies in persistence.

**44. 死亡只是生命的另一种形态。**

Death is only another form of life.

**45. 生命的意义,在于追求真理。**

The meaning of life lies in the pursuit of truth.

**46. 死亡只是生命的结束,但不是生命的终结。**

Death is only the end of life, but not the end of life itself.

**47. 生命的价值,在于善良。**

The value of life lies in kindness.

**48. 死亡只是生命的另一种表达方式。**

Death is only another way of expressing life.

**49. 生命的意义,在于感受。**

The meaning of life lies in feeling.

**50. 死亡只是生命的回归。**

Death is only a return to life.

**51. 生命的价值,在于奉献自己。**

The value of life lies in devoting oneself.

**52. 死亡只是生命的轮回。**

Death is only the cycle of life.

**53. 生命的意义,在于创造奇迹。**

The meaning of life lies in creating miracles.

**54. 死亡只是生命的休止符。**

Death is only a pause in life.

**55. 生命的价值,在于梦想。**

The value of life lies in dreams.

**56. 死亡只是生命的另一种形式,一种更深层的体验。**

Death is only another form of life, a deeper experience.

**57. 生命的意义,在于追求幸福。**

The meaning of life lies in the pursuit of happiness.

**58. 死亡只是生命的休息。**

Death is only a rest for life.

**59. 生命的价值,在于活得充实。**

The value of life lies in living it fully.

**60. 死亡只是生命的转折点。**

Death is only a turning point in life.

**61. 生命的意义,在于爱与被爱。**

The meaning of life lies in loving and being loved.

**62. 死亡只是生命的另一种开始,一个新的旅程。**

Death is only another beginning of life, a new journey.

**63. 生命的价值,在于帮助他人。**

The value of life lies in helping others.

**64. 死亡只是生命的过渡。**

Death is only a transition in life.

**65. 生命的意义,在于探索未知。**

The meaning of life lies in exploring the unknown.

**66. 死亡只是生命的另一个阶段。**

Death is only another stage of life.

**67. 生命的价值,在于珍惜当下。**

The value of life lies in cherishing the present moment.

**68. 死亡只是生命的另一种形式,一种更深层的理解。**

Death is only another form of life, a deeper understanding.

**69. 生命的意义,在于追求梦想。**

The meaning of life lies in pursuing dreams.

**70. 死亡只是生命的另一种形态,一种更自由的体验。**

Death is only another form of life, a freer experience.

**71. 生命的价值,在于留下足迹。**

The value of life lies in leaving a footprint.

**72. 死亡只是生命的终结,但不是生命的结束。**

Death is only the end of life, but not the end of life itself.

**73. 生命的意义,在于活出自我。**

The meaning of life lies in living authentically.

**74. 死亡只是生命的暂停,等待着重新开始。**

Death is only a pause in life, waiting to begin anew.

**75. 生命的价值,在于创造美。**

The value of life lies in creating beauty.

**76. 死亡只是生命的结束,但不是生命的消亡。**

Death is only the end of life, but not the extinction of life.

**77. 生命的意义,在于感受生命的喜悦。**

The meaning of life lies in experiencing the joy of life.

**78. 死亡只是生命的另一种形式,一种更广阔的视野。**

Death is only another form of life, a broader perspective.

**79. 生命的价值,在于活得快乐。**

The value of life lies in living happily.

**80. 死亡只是生命的结束,但不是生命的终点。**

Death is only the end of life, but not the endpoint of life.

**81. 生命的意义,在于活得有意义。**

The meaning of life lies in living meaningfully.

**82. 死亡只是生命的另一种形式,一种更深层的体验。**

Death is only another form of life, a deeper experience.

**83. 生命的价值,在于活得精彩。**

The value of life lies in living it fully.

**84. 死亡只是生命的结束,但不是生命的消亡。**

Death is only the end of life, but not the extinction of life.

**85. 生命的意义,在于活得快乐。**

The meaning of life lies in living happily.

**86. 死亡只是生命的另一种形式,一种更深层的理解。**

Death is only another form of life, a deeper understanding.

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